. Ing's Goe FounddationPoney [1k]: p7 will hurt when b plays itIlanKeshet [6k]: 9p means very weak procoolbabe [5d]: she could be at most 3p now];W[sg]WL[576.469];B[rh]BL[1471.689]C[Cookies [1d]: i'm pretty sure there are more than 3 women pros o.oSBA [13k]: ...Tsujigiri [9k]: u mean 9pdualraum [-]: This is really deep, they're reading extremely far ahead.Clynch7 [4k]: more than 3 wwomen proKhim [1d]: 1 of 3 who are 9p **Clynch7 [4k]: 3 women 9pmint [-]: ohmint [-]: i mean 9pmint [-]: :)Poney [1k]: who's the third ,xgw09 [1k]: only 2? Rui and Fengnewboot [3d]: this game really does showHarmony [-]: Kobyashi Chizu is 9p as well isn't she ?StevenStar [2k]: S19...mint [-]: Rui Naiwei, Feng Yun, and Park JieunPoney [1k]: Rui, Feng Yun and ,mint [-]: no, Chizu is 5pmint [-]: or 6pHarmony [-]: ah okHarmony [-]: rightKoffein [-]: kobayashi chizu is 5pStevenStar [2k]: w feel sadnewboot [3d]: w has brain cancer ?mint [-]: lolwutTetriste [-]: thanks harmonyChachi [2k]: o8mafutrct [1d]: ....Harmony [-]: please avoid such tasteless jokes];W[ra]WL[518.42]C[xgw09 [1k]: newboot u should be bootedmint [-]: i didnt even get the joke.StevenStar [2k]: s19 m12 m11 n13...Tetriste [-]: I wasn't joking harmony when I said thanksfarhan [2k]: living in the cornergryn [2k]: instead focus on pizza.];B[rn]BL[1448.592]C[Chachi [2k]: wow, b takes the lead ?];W[rm]WL[515.939]C[StevenStar [2k]: or just m11 directly?Tetriste [-]: pizza tastes better];B[li]BL[1439.768]C[mint [-]: this pizza meme is getting stale.farhan [2k]: aji keshi by blackgryn [2k]: mint, that's what ziplock bags are for.kingme2 [3k]: these ppl are pretty goodnotbert [10k]: w o18?Tetriste [-]: thankstypeb [1k]: w has three weak groups of stonesbillbell [1d]: how big is white's center about now?StevenStar [2k]: maybe time for w to resign...?Celerity [2d]: w has crumbled it feelsmint [-]: i think w is about to get whamboozledgary168 [7k]: they are reading beyong my comprehensionClynch7 [4k]: m19 later w no?SavagePlay [7k]: well just guessDomgo [5k]: white resign?SavagePlay [7k]: none of us can read anywayAltist [1k]: w has weak groups everywhereTotti [1d?]: w in a diffucult positionSavagePlay [7k]: unless ur 9dVKR [?]: i have really good reading];W[lh]WL[436.749]C[meatini [5k]: w has huge outside =200VKR [?]: and i can barely see what they are going to dosunari [8k?]: w could assimilate you like Smith agentdooku [11k]: its a reading rainbownotbert [10k]: is w o18 tesuji?Poney [1k]: haneclarknogo [3k]: b has much timeClynch7 [4k]: notbert nomint [-]: o18 is not tesuji notbertPoney [1k]: L12MDB15 [16k]: lolSavagePlay [7k]: o18 is nothingfibundle [2k]: w not badMDB15 [16k]: loldualraum [-]: L18 is dead, that's as far as I got. -_-];B[ki]BL[1394.429]C[xz [2k]: l12SavagePlay [7k]: k18 are ur dead];W[nk]WL[433.863]C[Tetriste [-]: o18 o19 cant even connectmeatini [5k]: hahaTotti [1d?]: noWoodward [7k]: why no hane?Mooshiro: white m12 seems very heavynotbert [10k]: blacks left corner group would be cutmeatini [5k]: m12 is for o9CUNEFAJG [-]: IS A TOURNAMENT??Poney [1k]: o7 ?SavagePlay [7k]: yeah];B[oj]BL[1346.62]C[notbert [10k]: ll o19 srysunari [8k?]: w can read your mindsSavagePlay [7k]: wow];W[kh]WL[428.436]C[Clynch7 [4k]: notbert o18 o19 n19 m19 n19 m19];B[ji]BL[1341.349]C[ErikE [4k]: q17 surprised meClynch7 [4k]: b finekingme2 [3k]: j12 would be sadccbrian [20k?]: wow white actually got bkck];W[hh]WL[413.89]C[kingme2 [3k]: icickingme2 [3k]: h12 is ok];B[nm]BL[1329.517]C[xgw09 [1k]: b leads for sure but still a gameCelerity [2d]: this still sadClynch7 [4k]: can someone strong tell me about w m19?oryx [3d?]: not sure it is really a game SavagePlay [7k]: well white broke the balance, and didn't success :(mafutrct [1d]: m19 n19 then?];W[nn]WL[377.719]C[Clynch7 [4k]: h19Clynch7 [4k]: ah j19Clynch7 [4k]: and w cant capmafutrct [1d]: h19 h18Tetriste [-]: h19 h18?ccbrian [20k?]: i feel like white's trying to experiment new moves....Tetriste [-]: yeahmafutrct [1d]: j19 g19];B[mn]BL[1302.607]C[billbell [1d]: what is the most efficient move?VKR [?]: why is w fighting so muchDrH0use [2d]: w is eaten the pisenlit by the racineTetriste [-]: k4Celerity [2d]: w center is becoming black's centerTetriste [-]: lol drh0use];W[ro]WL[346.502]C[Domgo [5k]: because fighting in go is funnewboot [3d]: how is this still a gameRoto [6k]: triple sente.. very efficientClynch7 [4k]: why is w so in troubleDrH0use [2d]: ty my audiencekingme2 [3k]: how come mingjiu is old but still 7p?kingme2 [3k]: I think fengyun is youngerCookies [1d]: can't get ranked downbillbell [1d]: P12Harmony [-]: because he moved to the USA and stopped ranking upkingme2 [3k]: icicxgw09 [1k]: mingjiu is stongStevenStar [2k]: experiences help b ccbrian [20k?]: if white m19 black HAS to respondJOTA [2k]: little center, now...kingme2 [3k]: he is pretty goodDrH0use [2d]: this is the end of the haricots i want to sayBrunoA [2k]: forget about m19BrunoA [2k]: it's nothingClynch7 [4k]: m19 dont workccbrian [20k?]: why don't they go for territory....farhan [2k]: b P6 is just coolccbrian [20k?]: m19 black has to respond];B[rp]BL[1214.269]C[StevenStar [2k]: w needs 7 moves to kill the b groupBrunoA [2k]: m19 is waste ko threatsHarmony [-]: just because black has to respond doesn't make it usefulSchnappala [1k]: time for F4/F3 soon?sunari [8k?]: w can feel the pain and joy of all 400+ viewers simultaeously];W[qn]WL[334.509]C[ccbrian [20k?]: ya so saving for koedlee [2k]: ccbrian, they are going for territory -- just indirectly :)Poney [1k]: o5 ?truman [1d]: well Brian, they're not doing that, so perhaps there's something there you're not seeing :)Woodward [7k]: if white M19, it's ko, right?Harmony [-]: noWoodward [7k]: dohClynch7 [4k]: noccbrian [20k?]: noAkir [4k]: who else hates coments that are obvious? like m19 stuff which is like 20min lateTetriste [-]: yay my pizza is ready I can eat itdualraum [-]: L18 is deadZvi [2d?]: wowWoodward [7k]: sorry, i just got herefarhan [2k]: b P6 still is coolZvi [2d?]: i want pizza ;/ccbrian [20k?]: some of us just joined akirranger09 [5k]: Takagawa was honorary honinbo at 53 years of agedooku [11k]: i want a piecetypeb [1k]: h10 or g13 orJOTA [2k]: if ko, w m19Celerity [2d]: tennuki];B[dg]BL[1156.299]C[Akir [4k]: so copy the game and try yourselfblakorn [4k]: ¬¬Woodward [7k]: i just didtypeb [1k]: motarezemeHarmony [-]: B continually attackingStevenStar [2k]: both groups!farhan [2k]: also cool];W[ff]WL[310.09]C[yagami [6k]: ¬¬typeb [1k]: d14];B[df]BL[1137.608]C[blakorn [4k]: ¬_¬Woodward [7k]: w m19n19 h19 j19 f19 e19 gryn [2k]: i think it's interesting that black pushed white togethermeatini [5k]: w must kill d14];W[de]WL[281.231]C[Clynch7 [4k]: not e19meatini [5k]: c12farhan [2k]: why b D14 instead of E15brod [2k]: h19 h18 m19 n19 j19 is work?dooku [11k]: yes black seems to take the low ground];B[cg]BL[1129.587]C[Schnappala [1k]: both have awesome fighting spirit... they don't go for the whole lower left side, until the fight expand there];W[bf]WL[279.616]C[astadiala [5k]: doesnt workClynch7 [4k]: not e19 b just e18Harmony [-]: H19 !j19Tetriste [-]: no such thing as killind d14farhan [2k]: B E15 still goodBrunoA [2k]: they are 9p];B[dk]BL[1093.819]C[BrunoA [2k]: if they did not played m19BrunoA [2k]: its because it doesnt workblakorn [4k]: ¬_¬Tetriste [-]: why didnt white play d9 when I said it... now b played itBujiebuke [7k]: I would be tempted to play C17 as black when the D13 group settlestypeb [1k]: efficient movetypeb [1k]: b will winkingme2 [3k]: h10NewbieOne [4k]: whats the byo?Chachi [2k]: F15];W[la]WL[180.923]C[Roto [6k]: !Woodward [7k]: here it goes!Harmony [-]: newbieone : Options > RulesKhim [1d]: lol :oTetriste [-]: 5 periods 30 seconds];B[ma]BL[1081.522]C[NewbieOne [4k]: thxVKR [?]: b deadVKR [?]: nope sorry lo9lClynch7 [4k]: m19 protects c17Clynch7 [4k]: i thinClynch7 [4k]: kHarmony [-]: it makes D18 sente for ko at least];W[ha]WL[153.245]C[VKR [?]: uhhTetriste [-]: wowowowoWoodward [7k]: my sequence!Tetriste [-]: whats happenning];B[jb]BL[1071.166]C[Chachi [2k]: squeeze?];W[fd]WL[151.126]C[Violence [?]: uhtruman [1d]: err?Harmony [-]: ah or this wayStevenStar [2k]: !?Clynch7 [4k]: Nicefarhan [2k]: takexgw09 [1k]: w tries to sente connectfarhan [2k]: take 5Getsuga [3k]: f19 ?Harmony [-]: niceJOTA [2k]: big bizzblakorn [4k]: =OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWoodward [7k]: L19fibundle [2k]: hahaWoodward [7k]: has to takeStevenStar [2k]: haven't thought of it];B[fe]BL[1021.314]C[blakorn [4k]: ¬_¬Omniscient [1k]: F15 firstWoodward [7k]: dohfarhan [2k]: or f15Clynch7 [4k]: f15 firstfarhan [2k]: yep !];W[ee]WL[134.851]C[Hu [4k?]: Please don't flood, blakom.Violence [?]: keep em separated.xgw09 [1k]: omniscient strong];B[ed]BL[1009.111]C[StevenStar [2k]: D17?Clynch7 [4k]: ?];W[ec]WL[113.401]C[Tetriste [-]: mingjiu is stronger than me :(blakorn [4k]: ☺☻rmod [8k]: e18tsutsui1 [-]: noStevenStar [2k]: they are experience pro , don't feel sadFlameBlade [-]: hmmmxgw09 [1k]: e18 too aggressivetsutsui1 [-]: who is watching lee chang ho vs kong jieFlameBlade [-]: will black take corner?Clynch7 [4k]: nxgw09 [1k]: where to watch lee vs. kong?Woodward [7k]: c17?Violence [?]: LCH vs KJ is going insane.Clynch7 [4k]: f16JOTA [2k]: notsutsui1 [-]: wbaduk aka cybeoroxgw09 [1k]: where to watch?tsutsui1 [-]: ur watchingxgw09 [1k]: no lee vs. kong?Khim [1d]: it's broadcastfarhan [2k]: id take the 5 nowtsutsui1 [-]: violence are u watchingViolence [?]: of coureViolence [?]: coursemint [-]: you can also watch on Tygemtsutsui1 [-]: its epic];B[eb]BL[894.78]C[tsutsui1 [-]: write somethingrmod [8k]: ha];W[fd]WL[110.007]C[Khim [1d]: there often are broadcast on Wbadultsutsui1 [-]: i am mogiharaWoodward [7k]: lose a huge corner thendualraum [-]: I like E18, making nice use of the ajirmod [8k]: h15];B[sf]BL[882.447]C[farhan [2k]: heading towards koStevenStar [2k]: exciting];W[se]WL[89.574]C[meatini [5k]: w changed the tone of this game];B[ed]BL[879.321];W[dc]WL[79.912]C[tsutsui1 [-]: isnt it epicfarhan [2k]: still id take the 5 whitiesClynch7 [4k]: just me or is b ahead?asdxasd: i think they are goodasdxasd: =)tsutsui1 [-]: harmod [8k]: hmm f18 looks niceasdxasd: XDDrmod [8k]: I mean f19Mitr [5k]: R15 ko?xgw09 [1k]: b is 20 points aheadTheTuss [7k]: isnt b risking too much?radishimo [4k]: no he isntStevenStar [2k]: f16radishimo [4k]: bottom isnt settled at alltypeb [1k]: e14where [11k?]: SE says that B is dead on top and W leads by 20];B[db]BL[791.29]C[Roto [6k]: how many libs does the G18 pillar have?TheTuss [7k]: se is wrongradishimo [4k]: durp durp durpradishimo [4k]: se durpmafutrct [1d]: 3];W[cb]WL[61.421]C[TheTuss [7k]: durp?];B[fd]BL[784.17]C[StevenStar [2k]: wowStevenStar [2k]: he did itShana [3d]: what he dogary168 [7k]: time will be a factor nowStevenStar [2k]: f16Woodward [7k]: saved the stonesTheTuss [7k]: they werent in dangergary168 [7k]: and b is leadingNoyoko [7k]: i don't see itChachi [2k]: black leadsNoyoko [7k]: black wasn't in danger from what i sawxgw09 [1k]: h10TheTuss [7k]: b just managed to bite a bit of cornerShana [3d]: 7ks are so much stronger than 2ksTheTuss [7k]: from my perspectivew00t [2d]: b13 i thinkLEIBNIZ [3k]: b has option to cutmeatini [5k]: d11];W[nl]WL[30]OW[5]C[Noyoko [7k]: is that what makes you a 3d these days? the ability to condescend?gary168 [7k]: w will not have much middle, Shana [3d]: nobody will];B[om]BL[761.199]C[rmod [8k]: odd move for white];W[lk]WL[30]OW[5]C[Woodward [7k]: e14 cut is coolCyphis [2k]: seems pretty desperate];B[ol]BL[743.765]C[meatini [5k]: now u say w will not have middle?];W[jk]WL[30]OW[5]C[Shana [3d]: he wontShana [3d]: she*rmod [8k]: k12 timeBrunoA [2k]: white is taking his chances];B[hi]BL[732.19]C[sunari [8k?]: her!meatini [5k]: w winfarhan [2k]: no, white will be divided and eaten];W[gi]WL[30]OW[5]C[Rakurai [6k]: Feng Yun is a woman.Khim [1d]: no chances, the carrots are cookedBrunoA [2k]: ohMDB15 [16k]: lol];B[ih]BL[716.459]C[BrunoA [2k]: did not knowRakurai [6k]: loldualraum [-]: Let's see a 9dan pro catch up! :-)Cyphis [2k]: wait];W[hj]WL[30]OW[5]C[Cyphis [2k]: isn't woman 9d a different division?];B[ig]BL[709.356]C[MDB15 [16k]: lol];W[ii]WL[30]OW[5]C[TheTuss [7k]: jeez];B[jh]BL[706.741];W[cm]WL[30]OW[5]C[Clynch7 [4k]: nice tradexgw09 [1k]: nice for wrmod [8k]: seemed better for white];B[el]BL[695.528]C[shika12 [-]: how so?kingme2 [3k]: how nice?MDB15 [16k]: just watchTheTuss [7k]: p8 weak k9 strongStevenStar [2k]: do w has confindence to kill b?Clynch7 [4k]: strong outsidejw556 [2d]: c11rmod [8k]: well k12 did the same thing but doesn't stregthen whitexgw09 [1k]: get rid of a burden and something bckshika12 [-]: doubtful that white can kill blackRakurai [6k]: I know women can become a pro through the womens pro exams. FlameBlade [-]: prefer black here];W[di]WL[30]OW[5]C[benjisan [4k]: white all dead!typeb [1k]: b has failedbenjisan [4k]: ^^shika12 [-]: yeashika12 [-]: black has very strong position];B[ci]BL[678.245]C[MDB15 [16k]: ...epic failmeatini [5k]: it time to fight back wHu [4k?]: Epic kibitz fail.tynogo [10k]: all or nothing gzme];W[cj]WL[30]OW[5]C[Woodward [7k]: haha];B[dj]BL[675.779];W[bi]WL[30]OW[5]C[Noyoko [7k]: how did black fail?MDB15 [16k]: lmaoWoodward [7k]: d13 introubleBlockdude [5k]: lolClynch7 [4k]: k4 area huuuuugegegegegNoyoko [7k]: oh i see (was behind on moves)Shana [3d]: both are finekingme2 [3k]: go tojw556 [2d]: E11 was betterkingme2 [3k]: go topshika12 [-]: i prefer b, but not impossible game for wHu [4k?]: W under great time pressure.Noyoko [7k]: black still loooks to be in major lead to mefarhan [2k]: give up this one stone and keep sentekevlar [14k]: 323szxc3a2sw2323223232zxzsawaszswAmerBeton [7k]: especially if w killskevlar [14k]: oopstsutsui1 [-]: hehejw556 [2d]: nvm];B[ch]BL[621.668]C[Shana [3d]: well b got more solid pts but if u were 9p u could change that easilykevlar [14k]: sorryfarhan [2k]: awkwardjw556 [2d]: E11rmod [8k]: ha white isn't under time pressure. White is under position pressureshika12 [-]: feng yun is tired from watching us amateurs play at the New Jersey open is all];W[ck]WL[30]OW[5]C[shika12 [-]: >.>];B[ei]BL[619.341]C[MDB15 [16k]: lolClynch7 [4k]: k4Shana [3d]: so shika its ur fault if she loses?Clynch7 [4k]: gogoMdx [19k]: that's a real position pressureshika12 [-]: >.> shush uMDB15 [16k]: LMFAOOmniscient [1k]: why couldn't W play E11?shika12 [-]: i forgot to ask her to review my gameAmerBeton [7k]: e12shika12 [-]: so it's not my fault :pFemto [3k]: driving tesujiHu [4k?]: W lost a byo-yomi];W[gf]WL[30]OW[4]C[jakontin [4k]: g7applecart [2d]: w+101.5thanglong [3k]: W lose by time :))Mdx [19k]: ouchgary168 [7k]: b has a lot of time leftShana [3d]: sente probablyshika12 [-]: ?];B[fh]BL[600.368]C[Clynch7 [4k]: koShana [3d]: i could be lyingapplecart [2d]: not a koClynch7 [4k]: at f19 ;)?LEIBNIZ [3k]: nice movefarhan [2k]: nice ];W[gh]WL[30]OW[4]C[rmod [8k]: e14 block pleaseClynch7 [4k]: what up with g14?applecart [2d]: f19 would have caught directlyapplecart [2d]: no, it wouldn'tIlanKeshet [6k]: L13 is sente?applecart [2d]: i'm drunkIlanKeshet [6k]: *seki];B[cc]BL[562.979]C[Tetriste [-]: not a ko, f19 l19IlanKeshet [6k]: L13 is seki?dualraum [-]: Not E14, would be bad timingTheTuss [7k]: woah c17?];W[bc]WL[30]OW[4]C[mafutrct [1d]: its a probe];B[ca]BL[560.1]C[shika12 [-]: super probemafutrct [1d]: to see if e14 is sentejeffywhite [1k]: quick look at semafutrct [1d]: or c19Cyphis [2k]: can't be seki IIanIlanKeshet [6k]: yes it can't be..];W[bb]WL[30]OW[4]C[Shana [3d]: quick look at rule set firstTetriste [-]: w winsIlanKeshet [6k]: so isn't ten l13 huge?Tetriste [-]: se says sojeffywhite [1k]: SE says white by 120];B[hl]BL[540.702]C[dualraum [-]: L13 is -1 pointCyphis [2k]: IIan, l13, m13 j15 n13 IlanKeshet [6k]: ooh i have to learn to count libertiesccbrian [20k?]: why does white seem all dead to me?xgw09 [1k]: w g14 strangeccbrian [20k?]: score setimator is so wrongShana [3d]: then this must be a 50 pt move since its white by 70 now];W[en]WL[30]OW[4]C[jeffywhite [1k]: wow what a move, black came back by like 50 pointsccbrian [20k?]: which one?Shana [3d]: ninja'd xDccbrian [20k?]: which move jeffywhite? sorry i was awaymafutrct [1d]: he was jokingccbrian [20k?]: o :/frack: w center is weak!imjdcs [5k]: j9ccbrian [20k?]: who'swinning now btw?farhan [2k]: what about J9 ?think9000 [3k]: bccbrian [20k?]: black right?meatini [5k]: w will eat d13+o7];B[gm]BL[479.623]C[farhan [2k]: bCyphis [2k]: no one knows, ccbrianccbrian [20k?]: ok];W[gk]WL[30]OW[4]C[jeffywhite [1k]: white by like 100dualraum [-]: Is there a bot which uses SE for scoring? Would be fun!farhan [2k]: b j9frack: b e14ccbrian [20k?]: no....score estimator is wrongWoodward [7k]: f10Shana [3d]: if black is winning i dont think it would be over 10 ptsWoodward [7k]: white short on eyesClynch7 [4k]: se never ever wrong];B[gl]BL[456.559]C[Cyphis [2k]: yeah off by a bit at least =PAmerBeton [7k]: se on drugsmafutrct [1d]: there is no programmatic access to SE so noFraser [9k]: e14Domgo [5k]: what does g9?think9000 [3k]: white miai connection];W[jj]WL[30]OW[4]C[Clynch7 [4k]: when se is wrong the players just made the wrong movesWoodward [7k]: oh, i see];B[gp]BL[445.392]C[Rakurai [6k]: SE is bad at knowing what groups are alive and aren't.];W[nq]WL[30]OW[4]C[Woodward [7k]: black wants it all down th ereroid4ef: hehehehChachi [2k]: why o3 so fastChachi [2k]: geezshika12 [-]: because she is proCyphis [2k]: fastCyphis [2k]: because he's in byo yomishika12 [-]: and she can do what ever she wantsHarmony [-]: M3 possible or too passive ?ccbrian [20k?]: white plays very strangely throughoutfarhan [2k]: b O4 seems right 4 meShana [3d]: probes gotta be fast or u cant scare the pants off your opponentHu [4k?]: W using B's time to think.shika12 [-]: lolTsujigiri [9k]: LOL];B[op]BL[398.011]C[Hu [4k?]: Just like B used W's time to think in the early part of the game.farhan [2k]: also goodMeepy [-]: i'm using my time to eat ice cream];W[iq]WL[30]OW[4]C[ccbrian [20k?]: u know black should just play super fastshika12 [-]: i do not believe it's feng yun's wish to get mingjiu's pants offCyphis [2k]: I'd venture to say they are both thinking on others' turn.......Hu [4k?]: Ahem, shika12.ccbrian [20k?]: dont give white time to thinkClynch7 [4k]: noTsujigiri [9k]: LOL~~Clynch7 [4k]: they take naps during opponents turnOphelia [?]: no! it's against the rules. you aren't allowed to think when its not your turn!Turgid [8k?]: so isn't black destroying white?farhan [2k]: B H2 nowbillbell [1d]: attack?shika12 [-]: lol opheliaccbrian [20k?]: completelyClynch7 [4k]: v+150Turgid [8k?]: because a lot of people seem to be saying otherwiseHu [4k?]: Please don't make comments like that in games like this. It is extremely disrespectful of these professional players, shika12.ccbrian [20k?]: white has nothingccbrian [20k?]: the way i see itbillbell [1d]: white has 3 cornewsMDB15 [16k]: look the other way then];B[fq]BL[335.469]C[BobbyOcean [-]: why doesn't w h15?Steve [-]: its disrespectful of the admins to pretend to do their jobs, hu.w00t [2d]: and not respect other watchersfarhan [2k]: thats too greedy];W[eq]WL[30]OW[4]C[shika12 [-]: o.o what did i say wrong?roid4ef: greedy *ahem* "player"Steve [-]: just ignore him shikaMDB15 [16k]: Nobody knows];B[kq]BL[322.811]C[Steve [-]: he just thinks hes an adminHu [4k?]: I'm not. It is good advice to shika12 not to make comments so disrespectful of these pros.michiko123 [8k]: i think e3 very bad];W[kp]WL[30]OW[4]C[farhan [2k]: im talking about the game, sirsMDB15 [16k]: maybe you just took a breath of life and it made him coughTetriste [-]: I'm an admin in disguiseShana [3d]: he might be an admin someday, if java can be an admin then...Sarcasm [?]: shika plz make more comments like thatccbrian [20k?]: white's always sticking to black's stones....sweety [-]: Let's keep the comments about the game!];B[lq]BL[304.821]C[MDB15 [16k]: O.o kkroid4ef: thanks sweetyShana [3d]: omg w is gonna live!roid4ef: lolClynch7 [4k]: i think you missed the not part of shikas sentenceOphelia [?]: sweety, I <3 uSteve [-]: yeah hu, keep it about the gameHu [4k?]: Thanks.Schnappala [1k]: <3 sweety :)Tetriste [-]: is e3 dead?];W[gn]WL[30]OW[4]C[roid4ef: yeah the uh, um, "game"Harmony [-]: ccbrian : that's because W is up against many of them, she's looking for sente movesED00 [1k]: game over long time ago];B[hn]BL[288.151]C[roid4ef: yeah, she's rly taking the "initiative"farhan [2k]: trying to swallaow the kosumi ...shika12 [-]: it's not over yet];W[go]WL[30]OW[4]C[Shana [3d]: we need a system to prevent guests from talking since u cant ban them];B[ho]BL[273.436]C[Pinkitty [2k?]: *gives sweety a flowering ko*roid4ef: yeah...she can't decide on how to swallow gryn [2k]: it's not over till fengyun singsfarhan [2k]: well its not easy to swallow a kosumi !xgw09 [1k]: cut!Tetriste [-]: cantCookies [1d]: just censor? :DBlockdude [5k]: f4holynec [?]: omg!Harmony [-]: last warning roid4ef];W[hp]WL[30]OW[4]C[holynec [?]: this game is craZY!MDB15 [16k]: my godbillbell [1d]: kosumi battleMssrBlanc [3k]: I just showed up. What tournament is this?Tetriste [-]: omgwowshika12 [-]: this isgood for wTheTuss [7k]: agashika12 [-]: b misread];B[fp]BL[238.05]C[fibundle [2k]: big corner.billbell [1d]: no misread];W[eo]WL[30]OW[4]C[Aurain [13k]: f9 for w?Aurain [13k]: to cutshika12 [-]: are you sure you donot misread?Tetriste [-]: I count w+140,5];B[ip]BL[226.414]C[Khim [1d]: lot of empty trianglebillbell [1d]: count againKhim [1d]: who say it's bad shape?];W[hq]WL[30]OW[4]C[shika12 [-]: w win liberty race];B[jq]BL[224.472]C[Omniscient [1k]: B H9Woodward [7k]: how'd you get that comma in there?shika12 [-]: g2kingme2 [3k]: it's very niceDomgo [5k]: k4ED00 [1k]: w center not live yetcoolbabe [5d]: over];W[im]WL[30]OW[4];B[hm]BL[221.333]C[kingme2 [3k]: kill itbadukOD: lots emply triangleBlockdude [5k]: with fireViolence [?]: I think this game is overroid4ef: well, it lasted a couple of minutesbadukOD: mean fierce fight styletufe1966 [4d]: w lost];W[ln]WL[30]OW[4]C[Igomind [1d]: 9p slayer on the houseTheTuss [7k]: empty triangle full of win];B[mo]BL[213.365]C[Turgid [8k?]: empty triangle?Clynch7 [4k]: the shaperoid4ef: full of win!coolbabe [5d]: game overClynch7 [4k]: at c13-12 and e13badukOD: up dude];W[jp]WL[30]OW[4];B[io]BL[210.407]C[sacrify [2d]: -20Clynch7 [4k]: and others are called empty triangleJpLennon [1k]: SE aint making sense :SIgomind [1d]: w pushed to much all over];W[lp]WL[30]OW[4]C[roid4ef: lolHu [4k?]: http://senseis.xmp.net/?EmptyTriangleOmniscient [1k]: G2Violence [?]: n3typohh [12k]: err.. b g7 doesnt have eyes, right?];B[mq]BL[194.424]C[Turgid [8k?]: thanksroid4ef: yeah w rly put too much inShana [3d]: it has eyes under j3TheTuss [7k]: d11 alsoChachi [2k]: i can never tell if this is spray and pray or if white has a planTheTuss [7k]: e10 cpould be one easy tooTurgid [8k?]: lol, spray and prayBlockdude [5k]: does g2 work?Turgid [8k?]: nice sayingfarhan [2k]: B G2 is winning the three whitiesroid4ef: rofl];W[mp]WL[30]OW[3];B[np]BL[190.765]C[Clynch7 [4k]: spray and pray goes for fps games not go XDbadukOD: resign is honteroid4ef: well, as long as there are two players....Mdx [19k]: white's on 2 byoShana [3d]: no matter, she lostIgomind [1d]: after this b goes e14 for the remaining kill];W[da]WL[30]OW[2]C[gary168 [7k]: b w anywayjw556 [2d]: b +17?];B[ka]BL[181.767]C[Igomind [1d]: tenukiTurgid [8k?]: mingjiu looks tired/serious in his pic...shika12 [-]: tenuki badshika12 [-]: ko if tenukiDomgo [5k]: white seeking for timeFlameBlade [-]: mmm...mingjiu not in time trouble...so far...I'm surprised];W[jr]WL[30]OW[2]C[FlameBlade [-]: hope he doesn't lose on time like he did before];B[kr]BL[174.747]C[Rookwood [2k]: that his "I once killed a group in Reno, just to watch it die" lookWoodward [7k]: haha];W[fr]WL[30]OW[2];B[gr]BL[171.743];W[er]WL[30]OW[2]C[Woodward [7k]: who has'nt killed a group in renoxgw09 [1k]: h2Mdx [19k]: reno =?ED00 [1k]: h2sunari [8k?]: whats reno?Woodward [7k]: a citygryn [2k]: in nevadaasdxasd: reno 911Turgid [8k?]: I don't get why they gave only 30 seconds of byo yomi. I mean, if it's an hour main time, why make the byo yomi so short?billbell [1d]: french actor];B[qo]BL[142.421]C[Cyphis [2k]: Reno is the biggest little city];W[sn]WL[30]OW[2];B[sp]BL[138.443];W[so]WL[30]OW[2]C[Domgo [5k]: what do you think of p6jw556 [2d]: why not just l6Shana [3d]: futileED00 [1k]: or m5FlameBlade [-]: looks like "I win endgame"Igomind [1d]: m7Domgo [5k]: ooo nvm];B[bh]BL[117.49]C[kitsune [2k]: yeahPinkitty [2k?]: h2Cyphis [2k]: h2?typohh [12k]: w wins if f4 dies?masaomi [?]: h2 h1 kitsune [2k]: j2 looks goodCookies [1d]: yes but f4 doesn't dieClynch7 [4k]: yeahClynch7 [4k]: butMr12345678 [5d]: ggMDB15 [16k]: owwwwwwwwwwwwaChoai [2d]: wowtynogo [10k]: whoaFlameBlade [-]: good game, bothSchnappala [1k]: nice gamebadukOD: GGgryn [2k]: wheeeClynch7 [4k]: it wont at least not without anything in retirnnightwolf [11k?]: wicked o.oVKR [?]: ggMdx [19k]: gee geebillbell [1d]: Thank you KGS ccbrian [20k?]: i knew it black was pwningmingjiu [7p]: thanksWoolyMaCha [5k]: excellent fightccbrian [20k?]: great gamecynewulf [-]: impressive showingmchoi555 [2k]: unusual game.WoolyMaCha [5k]: Thanks both.JMW64 [11k]: applausecoolbabe [5d]: mingjiu can speak englishgary168 [7k]: thanksccbrian [20k?]: i feel like fengyun was trying to experiment new movesPAUCHOK [-]: wowranger09 [5k]: nice to seetufe1966 [4d]: so is fengyunTetriste [-]: feng left without word :Occbrian [20k?]: he leftccbrian [20k?]: hahaClynch7 [4k]: sheccbrian [20k?]: embarassed? :/Khim [1d]: sometimes it's hard :)Tetriste [-]: well it is a tournament...ccbrian [20k?]: o it's a tournamentKhim [1d]: tournament?w00t [2d]: b held the early leadindianayk [4d]: what kind of tournment?FlameBlade [-]: chunlan qualifiers, presumablyFlameBlade [-]: someone needs to advertise this thing better *coughs*sunari [8k?]: agreeTurgid [8k?]: so why did they decide to play each other on kgs again?Turgid [8k?]: lolTurgid [8k?]: jkTurgid [8k?]: cept not really, I'm just too dumb to read earlier postsbenjisan [4k]: the wic tournamentgary168 [7k]: 陈兰?benjisan [4k]: World inc cupsunari [8k?]: AGA Chunlan Cup qualifierbenjisan [4k]: hq ok^^JPollock [15k]: Its was to be a representative for a tournament cup or something :\JPollock [15k]: yea thatAurain [13k]: can w cut with f9 after saved b11])" class="wgo_block" style="width : 700px" >
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