(;CA[UTF-8]FF[4]GM[1]AP[DGS:1.19.8]PC[Dragon Go Server: http://www.dragongoserver.net/]DT[2015-01-16,2015-09-10]GN[sensei-avic-960790-20150910]SO[http://www.dragongoserver.net/game.php?gid=960790]PB[Avic (avic)]PW[The Go Teacher (sensei)]BR[12k]WR[12k]XM[155]GC[Game ID: 960790Game Type: GO (1:1)Rated: NWhite Start Rating: 12k (-33%) - ELO 866Black Start Rating: 9k (-47%) - ELO 1153]OT[30 days with 7 days extra per move]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.5];B[pd]C[Avic (avic): Automatic tags put here to help!? Cool. :)Plan to find some bigger weaknesses I might have now, for my level. With two aims:
  • improve a bit
  • understand why some games with DGS players of (around) the same level were harder than expected, than reasonable];W[dp]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): Hi, have fun!You have to be careful, though :-) If you get too good (7k or better), you may have to wait long for a teacher to show who is allowed to make a move.White starts on 4x4 as well, waiting on you to choose the opening.];B[dc]C[Avic (avic): I would normally choose 4x4 (with "guaranteed balance" thoughts). But I've been questioning different ideas - although without much clear success. 7 kyu is just too optimistic - now I'm ~2 kyu overrated. Feelling like a true DGS 9 or 10 kyu would be fine. :)Now, my main "big strategy" decisions depend on how white plays next move. Lets see...];W[pp]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): White, of course, takes the last open corner and waits (White has 6.5 points komi and and can afford to wait :-)leu,1k.];B[ce]C[Avic (avic): Very few games (if any) I have played were decided by the komi, with stronger and weaker players.I'll secure a corner and wait next op. move to think more about the whole game.];W[nc]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): Yes :-)What I wanted to say is that White has no need to play any extraordinary moves in this early phase of the game. Black decides the opening, then White reacts.leu,1k.];B[qf]C[Avic (avic): Just the "expected" answer. I don't know how to evaluate others now. For example: R13, R6, C10, D10, P17. Wide possibilities, I just try to keep a fair balance for both, expecting a clearer and better chance to push.];W[pb]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): I would have expected a pincer.leu,1k.];B[pc]C[Avic (avic): A pincer with M17? Something to learn. On my games I have not seen one. Also, it isnĀ“t a move I have thought about in situations like this.];W[kc]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): White would want a base. The pincer (say at L17) would still have been better, I think.leu,1k.];B[cn]C[Avic (avic): Choices were: C6, R18, F3, C9 (feels small and calm)];W[fq]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): White answers with a standard sequence.leu,1k.];B[ck]C[Avic (avic): C9 or C10? I thought about playing O3, but let it go. Doesn't feel good, and wC8 seem to make C6 life too hard, if achievable (with C4 and left area, at least).];W[qn]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): It's usual to play B4 in this situation or D10.You are probably afraid of C8, but a) this is too small for now and b) you can still live in the corner.White half-takes the last corner.leu,1k.];B[lp]C[Avic (avic): C8: interesting comment, but C9 made me feel safe with it, for now.My move ideas: white had a huge moyo, and influences on longer parts of all sides. This could naturally evolve to victory. Black is kind of concentrated. M4 instead of M3, two possibilities: full and easy corner life, reducing that territory. Partial life but escape to center (any other group, even future ones) to connect or complete its life. P3 -> maybe it would be pinced, hard to live and to escape; E3 too, could just escape. M3 -> might be locked in, helping white to build a wall to use and build a more central territory, with similar value => implies in a good exchange for white.];W[jq]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): If you are going to play C9, it's normally best to exchange the bB4 wC3 sequence first. Here, if White gets to return to the corner first to play C5, White gets an unreasonably good corner and overconcentrates the Black position. Not that C9 is unplayable, but the corner exchange makes it a locally much better result.As M4 is high, it should be relatively difficult to settle quickly, so White needs to use this opportunity to undercut the position - this "third line knight's move away from a 4th line stone" is a very common way of gaining territory whilst destabilising the opponent's position - likewise, it would have been very large for you to play H3 yourself.There are a few very large points on the board at the moment that White would love to play now. Which points do you feel they are, and are they sente or gote (for either side)(topazg, 1k)];B[hq]C[Avic (avic): The corner comment (1st paragraph) was very useful. This kind of big strategies on the first few dozens of moves seems to be a big weakness I have now. And I'm trying to think about and upgrade in this aspect.M4 was chosen to be a high move because I didn't want to get trapped inside white's moyo. While, at the same time, a big wall and influence would be built toward the center. So I tried a move that could balance both consequences with M4. Without K3 I would not play H3, but J or K3 instead. Not as big, but closer to a safe base (or path to escape) I don't have now.The points white should want to play are:
  • C12 (I don't know if sente or gote); C13 (sente for white, if black wants to keep/make two left lines as territory;
  • a point around K10, in the center (sente for white); G17 or H17 (sente for black, with some care on the move value to choose)
  • around Q10: compresses black upper group, that is already needing some expansionI chose H3 that should result in a long fight. With this fight I should get a long arm (at least, maybe some center territory) from any live groups I have/get and to H3 or M4 (or both, if they live). This decision I usually will make more easily against player of my strength or weaker.];W[ko]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): You are right that a White move at C12/13 is valuable but black does not have to answer it. K10 is not sente, it's not even good. A move in the center at this stage would consider as a pass. The "top rule" is still valid: First the corners, then the sides. A move like J17 or R8 as Black is far more valuable than e.g. an answer to C12/13.I would have played a normal move like O3 instead of M4, too: going into the corner or getting abase, nothing complicated.Starting a fight now is risky (for both sides, of course).leu,1k.];B[kp]C[Avic (avic): My choice on M4 was to avoid a big moyo and future white territory on right/lower board. R8 seems week to me - or I should try and see it more times.Corner take like R3 didn't seem good to black. Maybe in a few moves from now.Starting a fight is risky, but it can be something to learn how to think also strategically. My decision had this idea together with it.This move: keep white separated, in groups of comparable size, so a fair outcome is more probable. In future, stretch to live groups or make life.];W[jp]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): I play this fight as you seemed to want one. I like fights but would not like to win because of a fight as it can come easily to a all or nothing situation which results in early resigns (for both sides, of course :-) I came to prefer strategic or end game wins in the last years.leu,1k.];B[oo]C[Avic (avic): It's not that I want a fight. But I saw no other possibility to even the game possibilities.P3: K3 makes is possible to shorten or even kill a secure base.P5: possible more secure base or extend this group until another live one (existing now or a new one)K5: wished move, but I can't play it now because it won't split white if M4 is not a live group.];W[lo]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): But the moves you play (wanting to destroy "my" area :-) provoke a fightDifficult to choose, as there are so many moves that are appealing.leu,1k.];B[mp]C[Avic (avic): I don't want to destroy your area. Just share it a bit. :)I just stretch a bit. O4 leaves a gap that doesn't feel good to me. P4, even more. Didn't think much about other moves.];W[op]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): White strengthens the corner. There was the option to invade at R3, I think. That would have been a fair exchange, probably. On the other hand White strifes to keep the black group linear.leu,1k.];B[mo]C[Avic (avic): As white, I would have played O4. Would it be bad?Now, one of the moves I planned on the previous move. I must not get locked, and white is getting stronger around me.R3 seemed like it would build safe walls to compensate the territory lost in the corner.];W[hp]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): O4 would have left W with too many scattered stones. The only alternative to W23 would have been W24. You correctly took that point now, which was the only move to consider.This W move serves two purposes: takes control of the single B stone so that it cannot run out and threat the W group on the side; indirectly protects to cut at K5.DrStraw, 1d];B[on]C[Avic (avic): Cut at K5 is something I have thought about in previous moves. And even something I would play to stay as aji in future situations."Scatered stones". This comment reminds me of difficult situations in my games; and also about aspects I try to balance in many moves: influence, size, safety.For this move I have consired a few moves near O6 (Q7, N7, M6, P8, ...); most of them seem to have an important counter move: O6. So I chose what felt safer, although it's more concentrated than desired.];W[pm]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): Your last move seems very heavy. There is no need for W to rush to take advantage of that. I would have played N7 and that is one of the moves you considered. It allows quick escape to the center and also makes the cut more of a threat.DrStraw, 1d];B[ln]C[Avic (avic): Yes, I thought about the cut to the center. The indirect defense against K6 cut (that I have imagined since a few moves ago) is a new idea. The move felt heavy, but I saw big flaws inthe other alternatives, so I did opt for it.This move should be bad. Just P7 or M6, aiming for eyes space.];W[kn]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): This game is hard for me to judge, but I think it's important for white to play another move here to keep black potentially weak. There's big moves kind of ... everywhere, but this feels urgent or black will become pretty close to invincible here.I think black's move is fine. Another option I might have considered as black would be something faster like O8 maybe? I'm unsure what I'd really have played here.- kadoban 2d];B[ml]C[Avic (avic): I thought about O8 (or P8, maybe) for the last move... but I'm unsure about good variations after playing them.I still play around here - without this move, I think black could have its life directly threatened. So, I'm waiting a bit longer for an opportunity to play elsewhere (also thinking about the "follow the enemy" bad pattern).About black becoming "close to invincible there". I would like to hear more about this. I feel my life very thin for the groups around O6. So, the move there would have a high value for white.The board general situation is not too good for black, not that stable. 2.5 corners for white, 1.5 for black. White situation around the board, invasions possible in some places. White influence toward the center horizontal line (with this battle results together) are hard situations to think.];W[qi]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): By the "close to invincible" comment I meant that if black gets to play something like bL6, without white having played in the area, there's no longer a viable attack going on on the black group, IMO. It could conceivably come under attack later in that situation, but ... for the moment it would be fine and so it's kind of tactically uninteresting if that gets to happen.I'm not sure the game here is very bad at all for black. The left is low, but strong, and the top right corner is kind of ... unfinished but not bad either. White's bottom right corner is quite nice, but the left isn't very finished yet even. bC3 is still a possibility, or at least bB4 later.I'm honestly pretty unsure of what white's best move is here. I feel like I'm missing the correct way to judge this. I'm just playing what looks like kind of a big move, and also has some small meaning towards the P6 group.As far as bN8 goes ... I'm not sure. I don't like the shape necessarily, mainly a white move at O7 looks quite awkward for black, but I don't know a perfect move for black there either.- kadoban 2d];B[qb]C[Avic (avic): I must play to keep a fair territory, since white got close to that area.The doubts showed made me think of something I'm trying to get here, but could not imagine ways to do it, and it could be a possible answer to them: a way to get sente, at least for a few moves, instead of the necessary urgent moves that I plaayed.wO7 would indeed be bad to me. Maybe I would answer it with N7 or P7 and P8 (sequence, and would have to find eyes alive groups even far. But this cannot go for too long from now, I this is something I should plan (at least) or do in the next few moves.(...) Before submiting the move I thought about changing it to something around O7, but left it as is, for now. And "corners and sides first" is a famous idea.];W[hc]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): I think bO7 would have been a bit /too/ protective. At this point you kind of have to just hope bN8 was enough ... it's kind of like, if that group needed /two/ moves without white playing there, something is kind of very wrong. It'd be different if there weren't any big points left, or if black was winning handily on the rest of the board and just needed to make the board boring, or probably some other situations I'm not thinking of.So I'm glad you didn't play O7.I think R18 is a good move. It's certainly nice to prevent white playing there. Now that white has R11, there would have been some possibility of black becoming weak in that corner if white gets to play R18.Did you consider bP18 instead? I'm honestly not sure which is better, but it definitely should have been something you considered.It's certainly tempting for white to answer at P18, but I think this is superior. The D17/D15 shimari really likes to have an extension from it, which this blocks. Black capturing Q18 (by playing P18) is a big move, but since both black's top-right-corner and white's top side group and now strong, it's only endgame points and can be ignored for a bigger move, which I think H17 is. It would be a different situation if black was still weak or if capturing it would make white weak. This means white couldn't consider just totally ignoring and playing something on the left, for instance. (that would allow black to play something like H17 in basically sente, which would be ideal for him and disaster for white).- kadoban 2d];B[dh]C[Avic (avic): I have to think more about the previous comment. It still doesn't feel that I understand it completely.The game is getting at a point where I have the bigger doubts on where to play. Most moves have sort of close values, similar exchanges of what happens with each one. So I chose General Bigg Movh (a.k.a. general big move).];W[lm]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): I think that B34 is better at F15, but I really cannot say that the move played is wrong. It just seems that F15 is more solid in the corner and that the move played is a little overconcentrated. The lower left stones are not going to die, so this move is purely territory oriented. I think that, in the long run, more territory can be made with E15 followed by F10.Black has not reinforced the lower group and so it seems natural for W to attack it with the idea that it will live but, in the process, W will get strength to neutralize the left side.DrStraw, 1d];B[mm]C[Avic (avic): Assuming that "B34" is about my previous move, #35 (on SGF, on Eidogo, and on DGS web interface), D12 (or bD12). It was a territorial move, but without it, moves like F15, E15 and F10 feels the need of a more solid base; with this solid territory, long, the move toward the center, competing with (solid base wL17) and (lower white groups, pretty solid too) should be more even.But the attack made now might change this balance I imagined.Moves I thought now, in order of importance: N7, N6. Both seems to have hard future paths... compared eye space options seems better for N7.];W[mn]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): The left I don't feel confident to judge honestly. I see some issues with just about everything I can think of to play in that area.bN7 seems like the superior move, so I'm glad you played that. bN6 has a greater possibility of getting cut from N8 and doesn't really mean much for eyes. Of course N7 doesn't have a perfect connection either, but it'd probably be somewhat unreasonable for white to expect to really cut it as-of now; white will probably focus more on getting some minor strength out of this.I don't see a lot of option except taking at wN6. It seems minorly annoying for black and slightly helps our shape.- kadoban 2d];B[nn]C[Avic (avic): "Minorly annoying". I'm not sure I understand it. Not answering this move could be much valueable. And the fight for life seems tighter.];W[ol]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): You really had no choice but to play the move you did. No need for W to connect immediately. Better to play this move which is the eye-stealing tesuji if W later connects the ko.DrStraw, 1d];B[ll]C[Avic (avic): Your thoughts were new to me. I should have learned to see it. And it's not even that hard.Answering your move would be too obvious. But this still feels like gote... lets see.];W[ln]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): That makes a lot of sense.White cannot cut now because after B40 there is no way to win the ko. Also, if W plays L8 without connecting first then he cannot resist if B takes the ko. So connecting now in sente makes L8 stronger when it is played.DrStraw, 1d];B[nl]C[Avic (avic): I imagined that a ko fight would happen. The intention of my move was indeed to to even the forces, and (eventually) make an exchange.For this move I thought about:
  • O8 -> defends the cut while, at the same time, keeps a wall toward the upper board
  • P7 -> defends the cut and gives the possibility of a future worse shape for white for the right groups; but giving a narrower way out for makes it not as good
  • L8 -> would make a wider wall, but the cut would be probably be the most valuable for white in the next move];W[co]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): Maybe it's a good time to play for this corner now.leu,1k.];B[dn]C[Avic (avic): I feel the need to answer this move.B5 feel like it will give a weak shape in the future, and hard path to influence/grow right from the lower parts of this part. B6... too low, should be bad, and wD6 would be a great move - for white. hehe E6 seem weak, followed by wB6... seems bad.D6 seems a balance for all of those, and maybe it will grow the left territory a bit more on future moves.];W[kl]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): There was no need to answer that move. Black is already strong on the left and this does not add a lot to the position. If White were to play there black would not be affected and could ignore it. Black still does not have eye shape in the middle so white keeps up the pressure. I think K8 would have been a good move for black.DrStraw, 1d];B[ok]C[Avic (avic): Black is strong enough on the left, but without D6, I think it would be easy for white to build one more territory on the area around G7 or H7; black could press it a bit, but not much. Left lower part is big.I would like to discuss at least one variation without D6. Can I send them somehow? With eidogo (although their currently have a possible security breach)?For this move, a threat to get sente and also making some eye space in the center.];W[pk]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): While Bp9 indeed forces white to respond, to me anyway, it seems kinda small at this phase of the game - and it helps white extend up the right side and aide his connection to R11.I believe it's generally not advised to count on eye space in the center, although we all try for it ;-)Yes, an eidigo sequence would be fine - hopefully someone of even higher rank can comment on it compared to what was played....mrand, 7k];B[oj]C[Avic (avic): Before my previous move, I already considered the white border safe. So my move didn't change this so much, although it can help a bit more.For this move I thought about P10, L9 and M10. L9 could be good, but it allows the cut and eye kill at O9. Situation here seems bad.];W[mj]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): You are correct that it is tough to play L9 now. but without the b46, w47 exchange it would be easy to play. B46 did little for you eye shape but B48 or some other protection move (N10?) became necessary. I would have played L9 instead of b46 and then followed it with N10. Notice that N10 is the place that I have played now for white because it helps destroy B's eyeshape. If B cannot make eyes then you must run and that is playing right into W's hands. N10 was the key for both sides in this position.DrStraw, 1d];B[nj]C[Avic (avic): As white, and with bN10 played, I would play both P10 and M9. This could keep black without eye-space there. See a I did now on eidogo (I have it in SGF too).My move: keep connection and some path to run. N9 does not seem better to this, as I see.];W[mi]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): That seems like an okay connection out. Not the best shape, but there doesn't seem to be a good-shape option at the moment.White plays to strengthen one of the attacking stones.- kadoban 2d];B[ph]C[Avic (avic): Trying to get paths to the upper live group. P12 seems bad, Q13 wold cut it. Other moves, like P13, M11, L11 seem just bad now.];W[ee]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): That was the best shape move. For now you have made a tentative connection and so it is not a good idea for W to try to break it. Of course, W could do so by pushing and cutting, but at this stage that would not be productive. B will have to be careful as the outside position changes.Time to start a battle on another front.DrStraw, 1d];B[pi]C[Avic (avic): Assuming now I must think about when to secure the connection of this group, compared to the value of other moves.Last night I would have played F17, making a safer corner while also preventing white to get a wider safe area there; it should imply in some pressure toward left around C12.Now I also thought about playing D14, but not sure it is better.In the end, I decide to do Q11 because the connection of this group was fragile. And the value of it is very high, of course.];W[ec]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): That move is way to slow. If W could have done anything now then it would have been done instead of the last move. You needed to respond to W53. Either of the move you suggested would have been good, depending on whether you wanted to secure the left or stop W from securing the top.W has no need to answer your move and so is free to play at the top left. I thought about C14 but in the end decided in this attachment.DrStraw, 1dDrStraw, 1d];B[df]C[Avic (avic): The previous move intended to be slow. But it seemed to give the best chance of life to my long "invasion", attaching it to the upper groups (when necessary). Without it I thought it could and would be killed without that much efforts.I don't feel this move should be one of the best now because I think about preventing white to build a large area in the empty center/upper board. But without it I could lose a big part of the border.];W[fg]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): Your move is natural and I would consider playing there myself. However, you have to consider the balance of territories. B only ends up with about 40 points on the left. Is this enough to overhaul W?A this point W does not need to stretch to much, just steadily increasing the moyo.DrStraw, 1d];B[me]C[Avic (avic): Yes, I imagined both things: a natural move for me to do; and white strecthing the moyo, and this getting hard for me to avoid.For the counting, could you explicitly tell me which lines or areas you count to say it is ~40 points for black, on the left? Right now I wouldn't count A19xC17 and A7xB1 areas. And growing or making them safer right now seem smaller (aftermath) than, for example, pushing with N15 (my move).A bit of pushing in white's moyo. The safer and bigger moves white could do, as I think, would be around there.];W[ld]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): Well, when I said 40 I was rounding. It may be a little less, but not much. Imagine a line from D19-D12-C9-D6. That is at least 35 points behind it. It W tries to reduce this he will probably affect his own territory and so probably will not try.You move here may be a little of an overstretch. The relationship between it and Q16 is tenuous. That does not mean that W can exploit it right away, but it may remain a thorn in the side. I will not say what I would have played instead as that move is still available.DrStraw, 1d];B[le]C[Avic (avic): Could a hidden comment be made, about the move DrStraw thought, and the reasons for it?I'm surprised to read: "If W tries to reduce this he will probably affect his own territory". I can't imagine a sequence, started with a W move, to reduce B territory and, without escape, changing (reducing) W territory too, even if less. D16 C16 seems bad; wD18 C18 too; so, at least for these two the reduction is bigger for black, and I don't see how W's area would be reduced with these (or a few others).My move: M16 seems an influence that could help white to separate and attack N15. At the same time, the idea of pushing and reducing a possible white center moyo.];W[ke]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): This move is a little unadventurous. I think L14 would be more interesting. There is no need to worry about W cutting through - in that case you would sacrifice b58 can connect L14 to your main group while making a bigger dent on W.This hane by W is natural.DrStraw, 1d (I have hidden a comment about the move I had in mind.)];B[ng]C[Avic (avic): Yes, my move was unadventurous. It meant to be safe, quiet, calm - expecting to be "enough", or ideas near that. L14 would be a bit daring, and fun. But a move that I hardly would make on a real game - and I'm trying to improve for those. :)About white cutting through L14 and a sacrifica, I think that joining this to my left big group could be harder than it was for me with that lower group. With one note:I'm not sure what you meant by "b58". What do you use to play/write? Both EidoGo and DGS make move #58 the white F13; an SGF viewer I use does the same. Should I understand "b58" as black next move, #59 N15 ?My move now: a bit move safe, leaving a few ways to pull when I feel that doing it is good enough - without surprises (assuming this, of course).];W[lg]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): I think that you move is a little too safe. It allows W to connect the stones at L15 and N11 very nicely. I would have been more adventurous and played at M13. Notice that that is the point W plays.Yes, the bug which changes the numbers of the board got me again with the b58 comment.As a general comment, I think your moves are a little too timid. You need to try for a little more each time. Sure, you will make mistakes and overextend. But then we only ever learn my making mistakes - everything else is just memorization.DrStraw, 1d];B[fi]C[Avic (avic): Thank you for the comments about too safe or timid or similar moves. It is true, probably. But usually I don't choose a wider move because I see at least some weakness in it.About M13 for the previous move, I thought about it. But O13 had an exchange: two paths to push toward the center, one I use now. Or I could need to defend a cut somewhere around O13 (which is still possible, but much easier to overcome now). I even thought about writing one of these attacks I would use, as white. Maybe I should learn how to defend them?I really thought about changing F11 to some more bold move. L14, J13, J12, H12, F5 and (bad ones for now) F4 and K5. I can circumvent their imagined benefit - and it's worse than what I can imagine for F11.I have been learning flaws on my "safeties" - which is something that should improve things that happened in many of my latest games.];W[cc]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): I learnt to think that corners are bigger than the center, especially here where white already has some stones awaiting.leu,1k.];B[dd]C[Avic (avic): But I think that the territory that could be built in the center (in a safe way) was bigger than a lost in this corner.Some moves thought before I chose: C16, C18, D16, D18.];W[db]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): C16 and C18 both look like mistakes, though good to consider. D18 /may/ have been possible, but it looks quite complicated to say the least. I think D16 is a fine choice. White's shape is quite bad and black can expect to get something out of this.- kadoban 2d];B[ed]C[Avic (avic): E13 was another move I considered.Some smaller moves for now, although they have some importance - maybe I play around them soon - are: B5, D5; around F8; O3 or L3; P18 (smaller).The move I played now tries to be sente. Compared with E13 that feel like an improvement on my group shape, easier to push white in the center area, reducing its possible territory there, and maybe making some on the lower part.];W[fc]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): Yep, that's a good move. E13 wouldn't have done a lot that I see, so I'm glad you didn't play that.D5 is usually not a good move, it prompts white to respond and totally remove most aji in the corner. Currently there is aji (not really playable moves, but something that could become useful) of black playing E4, C3, or maybe E3. Almost all of that disappears if black plays D5 and white responds C4 (the moves are no longer scary under reasonable circumstances).B5 is kind of a fairly late endgame move usually. It's not tiny, but it's gote and not very exciting.The rest of the moves you mentioned seem like good general areas I think. There's also some stuff on the right middle that could be big eventually.- kadoban 2d];B[fe]C[Avic (avic): The previous comment has some news ideas and/or confirmation that I find important to me. Except that I don't imagine much possibilities for the "right middle" area (should it be the right middle border or something around M7).I'm not sure where to play now. But I'll keep the pushing started there. Better than F17 and E14. Seems like a "light sente", if I can say that.];W[ge]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): I think your move is a little slow as you cannot expect to get in here too far. If you don't answer W now then the move is wasted so what have you achieved? Certainly something but is it as much as you could have got in the lower left quadrant. I think a move in that quadrant is more important.DrStraw, 1d];B[ff]C[Avic (avic): I saw that I cannot get too far with it. But it looks like sente; it makes the center area moyo have more cut points; and reduce it a bit.About the lower left area, would it be B5? Other moves like C3, D3, F5 or E5? They don't seem to have much value, and it was pointed as gote for me before. I would play there with B6, but that's much smaller now, I think.];W[gf]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): You last move is sente, but W's reply secures more points than does your move, so W is happy to comply. After the last W move, however, this exchange is pretty much mandatory so it still come back to whether your previous move as good. Basically, it comes done to aji keshi. It is very possible that later in the came a B stone could end up at H12. If it did then F1 could have been at G15 to much better benefit. The point is that avoiding small moves like this, even is sente, is a could way to play.As for the bottom left, moves you were told to avoid earlier can become good if the position changes. None of the moves you mentions in you comments would have been great, but there is one which would have been better than what you did play.DrStraw, 1d];B[eg]C[Avic (avic): Your previous comment had many new ideas for me. I have read on Senseis page a little about it.I'll have to think a bit more to know which move could be better. I have made a self note, so I won't forget to do this, and without the risk to read the answer before I try.My move now: necessary, to keep the idea. And E13 seems better than E14. F16 leaves the center too light, while not demanding any answer now; so I discard it. B16 and B17 (relatively better, although gote).];W[fd]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): E13 is in general a better idea, the specifics in this shape might change that though. If you had played E14, then this move is no longer sente for white (and then white wouldn't be able to do C16 later in sente). It's not too big of a difference though.- kadoban];B[fh]C[Avic (avic): Sente of wC16 is a problem... maybe a future sacrifice? For now, these four points can be worth the benefit... (maybe)I have been waiting a good oportunity to play F7, building a bigger moyo there - hopefully turning it into territory. If sooner, a weak moyo or just too small to justify its existence.B17 is a move I have thought about too. But now it seem too local, while the board has bigger and more important things to care about.Not a good day. Probably not a too good move.];W[ef]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): Allowing W to capture this is huge. W is happy to take. Had you played E14 yourself W could not have done a lot in the center with F11 already in place.DrStraw, 1d];B[hi]C[Avic (avic): Is it huge? I have to rethink it. By capturing that small group white allows me to make H11 (chosen move) or maybe H12. And this move reduces a big part of the worrying territory for me: something like G17-L17-K9 and something near G9 to close it. Without F11 I felt this area could be attacked (a move around F8, I would try). So, being white, I would use this to, at the same time, reduce/invade black's and make some safe wall closing the central area (the parts near G9 I said above).];W[fn]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): In pure points alone it was about 10 points. But there is also a lot of bad aji for B now which was not there before. That is also worth several points. At this stage of the game 15-20 points is huge. A move around H11 (which is what you played) and the move at F6 (which is what I played) could be thought of as a kind of miai and so your move really is not a big as it looks. I would have played F6 instead of H11. White cannot let you get both so now W plays F6.DrStraw, 1d];B[el]C[Avic (avic): Exactly what I do - not complicated at all.The bad sequences possible for the upper groups are something that I can't imagine good ways to avoid (this is part of the reasons for my option for the center moves).Now I start to think with more importance a move around N3 and O3 (and a bit more lightly in D5 or D5 or something close).];W[de]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): Perhaps with your last move on the board you can see why J11 was not as big as it looks. Had it been at F6 your left side would have been increased by at least much W was decreased at the top combined with the increase at the bottom. Now it is time for W to take advantage of the bad aji left behind by letting W capture at E14.DrStraw, 1d];B[cf]C[Avic (avic): The consequences were not clear enough for me. I imagined the attack to D17 triangle being used, followed by E13 atari. But it seemed possible to defend. But it is not.];W[cd]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): This is why I said it was huge! White gets at least 15 more points in the corner. You could have protected against that, of course, but then the original 8+ points would be in sente.DrStraw, 1d];B[fm]C[Avic (avic): Really big, indeed. A lack of reading and thinking I have been thinking about and trying to improve, nonetheless. The "eidogo don't work" detail, that this game recent achieved help it, in practice.This move: B15 is sente for black, now, so I looked for move in other places. Chosen among H13, K11 and F7. Idea: smaller white moyo.Last thought: O2, O3, M2, ...];W[bo]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): That is a nice move. I think it is better than your H13 alternative. It is hard for W to easily counterattack. It seems like no one will get a lot in the center now. So W's strategy is to try to fix the surrounding shape in sente to see what B does.DrStraw, 1d];B[nq]C[Avic (avic): I almost played B7 or B6, to avoid the monkey jump. But it should be ~10 points, so put it back.A move I probably never played: B7, in a similar situation. Would it be considered sente for black? The points are the same for the sequence, from this move: bB6, A6, B7, A5, B7 to end it in gote for black.Another thought I decided not to try now: E5, a try to split D4 and F6. Some counter invasion is possible: wE6 and then E7 or D5 so the stone is not lost... but maybe that's also close to a miai situation.As white, I would have played now (at least) somewhere around J13 or in O3 itself. I am just saying this because I try to think as my opponents should when I choose my moves; sometimes even to guess about their mistakes or just try some bluff (which work nicely, sometimes). Further, it may show some reading points for my improvement, in a board that has opposite situations to consider than most of my groups have now.];W[or]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): That move is certainly sente but it just defers any decisions regarding the left side.E5 would not have been sente. The followup threat is not big enough at this stage. W would probably answer J13, but the knight's move leaves itself open to later cutting. I think the move you played is a good choice.DrStraw, 1d];B[oq]C[Avic (avic): I'm happy to read that. :)Now I'll try to push around that lower area, for a bit.];W[pq]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): Seems pretty important to answer.- kadoban 2d];B[lr]C[Avic (avic): Yes. This answer was expected, the first thing to think about. So I continue locally.Now I'm thinking about using H3 directly or getting a benefit for it. R5 to cut (probably completed with connected Q6 to last a bit longer) and white may have to fight a bit. Maybe white will lose something in this fight - something I did not see a good opportunity now, as examples: K2, R10, maybe some other.];W[np]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): Of all your ideas R10 looks like the best. There is now quite a bit going on at the bottom and both sides have to be careful with liberties. Both sides should be trying to come out of this with sente. Let's see what happens.DrStraw, 1d];B[no]C[Avic (avic): Cannot be cut here. And this, together with wN3 sequence, should have been something I see easily... :-/];W[mq]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): Your move was wrong, and that is what W as playing on). You CAN be cut, if you live at the bottom. O2, threatening to capture P2 was the correct move. Now W can capture two undeserved stones and also eliminate any aji in the corner.];B[mr]C[Avic (avic): It is a tight space to make two eyes, I preferred not to try. I did not consider it possible, and didn't even try or think about it - now I did, and it doesn't seem hard to get.];W[nr]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): Not sure what you mean by "it is a tight space....". You did the only thing you could.DrStraw, 1d];B[jr]C[Avic (avic): It was a small space to build two eyes, with my lower groups separated. This part of my comment wasn't about the last move, but about the decision to keep the connection (my penultimate move, #93).];W[kq];B[lq]C[Avic (avic): Nothing to comment. wM3 would be a big "lost" to black. Now white should play L2 instead of O3. But then black answer to it... (comment coming after my guess is confirmed or not... hehehehe)];W[kr]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): As you say, not much to comment on at this stage.];B[qj]C[Avic (avic): Now I postpone the end of the lower part to potentially bigger moves. The choice was not after a long thought, though. But is something I have thought before, should be enough.];W[rk]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): Big move. Seems like it needs a response.DrStraw, 1d];B[qk]C[Avic (avic): Is that a fight!? Not much my usual style... but fun when games get full of big fights until the end. :)Just careful with greedyness that can be cruel or ironic, in go (about me, being).];W[ql]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): No, not really a fight. W is trying to find a way to deal with the position on sente. Coming out of this with gote would be bad for W when B was the first to play here.DrStraw, 1d];B[rj]C[Avic (avic): It's not easy for me to think in gote or in sente in situations like this, that are commonly sequences of several moves. I usually just play most of them until closer to the conclusion of the local situation, making moves to avoid medium or even some small consequences, and some more global (if bigger). How could I think about it?I chose my move comparing S10 and S11. S10 gives me some territory in the upper area. S11 would be attacked with wS10, and the needed answer in Q10 would make the upper area be a bit more shared, with subsequent wT11 and/or wS12.];W[al]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): W has got sente. Yes you can play S8 and make some points but it is gote. W plays this move in sente and then can come back to protect S8 is he wishes. The point you should learn is that when there is a big move on the board it is often a good idea to take a slight lose elsewhere instead of answering a "sente" move.DrStraw, 1d];B[bm]C[Avic (avic): Was there a sente move for black, in the last move? I see it's gote now if black attack with S8. But it could be worse, in the moves I considered. I don't see how I would invert this. Q10 x {wS10, R12, S11, S12}. P7 is also gote for the need to play Q10 after wQ8 (without Q8 it would be a good small gain for black).];W[am]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): The reason that W played S9 and not R9 was to ensure that black ended in gote. Black's follow up here is also gote, so it is worth it for W to lose a point or two in order to get sente and take the next big point.DrStraw, 1d];B[bn]C[Avic (avic): Mmmm... I have thought about this, but with the opposite conclusion. :-|There is something here I'm not getting... (still thinking, hoping this move will be answered in A6, or...)];W[an]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): Of course white plays A6.leu,1k.];B[bj]C[Avic (avic): I must continue the (thought before) plan to hold the monkey jump. But I want to understand why my choice here is not the best one.I (intended to force) white to answer my two previous moves, which seems that worked.Now I play B10 instead of B9, or white could force a bigger continuous column in A. If white plays A10 I cannot cut at A9 (and I don't want a ko there also because if I win the ko white would be connecting to the upper groups; B15 area is weak for black, unsafe); after wA10 we're near the end of this local situation, I play A11 which should be answered and I finish (in gote) with C11 or B11. White can still push me up one more, with B8.Sente for black?];W[aj]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): I'm not sure if I'm misunderstanding part of the conversation. I don't think there was a way to end this in sente for black. This should end in gote as you said.- kadoban];B[ai]C[Avic (avic): Maybe it is right. But the (maybe) possible sente end for this monkey jump would need a different first answer than what I chose, B7.a got worth theA few other sequences I have thought. All start in #108, wA8:
  • wA8 B7 A6 A9 A7 -> sente for black? since I don't need to play here for some bigger moves
  • wA8 B6 B7 A7 A9 A6 -> sente for black, more clearly
  • wA8 A9 {bA7 or bB7} -> black cannot cut it this way
  • wA8 A9 B6 A6 A7 -> still, cannot cut, this would be a ko fight, and if lost still gote around B10So I'm chosing between: a gote or a loss of the column A territory, at least. Is this right?];W[ak]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): I ... didn't really quite follow most of those sequences, I'm not sure if there's typos or if I'm just not understanding your notation :-/.But regardless, yeah bA9 would indeed have been a better response to white's monkeyjump at wA8. It's sente for black, because white ends up having to fix or lose it all.I tried to show sequences, but it looks like eidogo is broken or something, heh. Fun.I didn't formally count it out, but ... it looks just better, not much of a tradeoff at all.- kadoban];B[]C[Avic (avic): I'm passing to repeat the previous comment, which has errors I didn't note. Using the same notation, though - which I thought/seen as an easy and natural notation for all users, and maybe even more for teachers. Please give me examples or comments if it is bad in anyway. The notation: "#" means number. #108, #64, and so on. The number is equal on DGS and on the SGF file; capital letters are used aways and only for board coordinates, together with their numbers: B10, D9, P13, ...; small caps only "b" or "w" is used to point stone played as black or white, where this could add some relevant redundancy to show ideas.Error 1: I wrote "#108 A8" instead of "#106 A8".Possible problem: I used and use some DGS "codes and markup" on game comments, did it to make a list (and I'm repeating it, so please use the DGS game comments page to read). It causes some garbage to be inserted in the SGF file that can be understood if we know the markup. It should be understood by most, but it could be much better than that - a very simple thing to be done by the "team", if there were time to do it, and if someone reports the problem.Errors: I counfounded some moves. So I'm sending the full comment again, below, corrected.Add up: I also trimmed the comments from the SGF file to reduce its size, so it can be used in Eidogo. Please send a message to all teachers saying that this is the reason why this game gives a not-clear-at-all error there, that makes it just look as another problem - but it's just an arbitrary size limitation of the "officially chosen service", the error was planned that way; and I'm surprised that this was not noted before with these teaching games, by neither teachers or students.The corrected comment:
    Maybe it is right. But the (maybe) possible sente end for this monkey jump would need a different first answer than what I chose, bB7.I have thought in a few other sequences, before playing B7. All start in #106, wA8, below:
  • wA8 A9 -> black cannot cut it this way
  • wA8 B7 A6 A9 A7 B8 -> gote for black; not playing B8 seems bad; I think I didn't mean this sequence, but couldn't see it now
  • wA8 B6 B7 A6 -> sente for black, more clearly; it could end with bA5 instead of bA6
  • wA8 B6 A6 B7 A7 -> still, cannot cut; accepts the invasion So I am chosing between: a gote; or a loss of territory for columns and B, at least. Is this right?
    ];W[];B[be]C[Avic (avic): B15, B14 or B11: all of them complete the gote move ending the situation, although the first two are a bit risky. They should be safe, though - while, at the same time, make a threat to some white's territory. Lets see...];W[gm]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): While each of the three protect the cut at B11 there is more to think about. I can see pros and cons for each. B11 is solid and leaves no aji in the group around C9. B15 threatens the monkey jump. but B14 threatens a lesser monkey jump and also protects the aji better than B15. I think B14 was the best choice with B15 second.W is not going to try to use the aji right now, but both players need to be aware of it. For now, there are bigger things going on in the center.DrStraw];B[gl]C[Avic (avic): I discarded C11 as an option for the previous move because the threat of wA12. I have thought about the monkey jumps, but comparing B14 and B15 I chose the later because the C14 stone will not give more liberties to a possible white invasion there.F7 future atari does not seem more important now than the center division. Also improves a bit on black's shape there (to avoid a bad aji situation starting with B11).The other moves waiting for black now also don't look as important: P18, S8, B18, L1.];W[gn]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): Seems like a good move.I don't see much choice for white, have to protect.- kadoban];B[ig]C[Avic (avic): Now it should be a big enough move. Also repeating the same ideas seen for sometime in this game: pushing white's moyos to reduce and keep sente.];W[jf]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): Yes, it has become bigger now. W needs to defend to ensure that the stones around N11 are safe.DrStraw];B[hl]C[Avic (avic): I'm unsure what to think or to compare a few moves: L9, K8, H8 and K14 (which just threats a successful cut on white groups).];W[ob]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): That is a big move and probably the move I would have played. But it does not really threaten any serious follow up so it is gote. It is time for W to do somerthing at the top right.DrStraw];B[im]C[Avic (avic): White move itself does not seem to threat anything. R19 is worth 4 points? (the 4 spaces in the NE corner)K9 or J7? Miai? Monkey jump A18, or A17 (the corner may help it) would be "more" gote.Or maybe I should think a bit H12 (or even H13)...];W[ir]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): I don't think there is a lot of territory in the middle. Each move may be worth a few points, but B and W have competing moves to play and they tend to cancel out. So other plays are bigger. This move I just played capture a stone you could have save and also protect the cut at K5 at he same time.Drstraw];B[nd]C[Avic (avic): But the few points, summed, seem important to me. I would have played now around J6 or J14. The gote of the "almost monkey jump" (a smaller mj) or S8 don't seem too good now; T9 look small than other moves. E6 x O16, I chose the last because E6 demands less attention than O16.I did never think that K2 was possible to save. Playing J2 would just make an answer like L1, G3, J3; it should end with a space that cannot hold two eyes, or have just one vital point. So I thought about playing L1, but it seemed smaller than the other moves I did.];W[md]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): bO16 seems like it'd be better if it sente. I don't think black will end with sente unless I'm missing something.Of the moves mentioned ... hmm. I think maybe L1 or T9 are the best, possibly? L1 saves K2 and is annoying for white's shape which is already poor. T9 looks sente and decently large.Other interesting areas I immediately see would be the top left and maybe something near R19 to avoid white playing there, but that one doesn't seem quite as big as others.- kadoban 2d];B[od]C[Avic (avic): Yes, O16 is gote. I missed reading the detail of wO16 making an atari and the next attack or invasion, depending on which answer I would give.I really don't understand why T9 is "decently large". It is 3 points only, for me. And with a subsequent bT8 it should be 5 points. But the jump on the corner is around 8 to 10 points (gote).I thought about playing R19, but since it do not demand an answer, I chose to left it waiting. It may cost me 4 or 5 points, but I have "threats" that would dissolve these points (the central column pushes).];W[rl]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): There are quite a few points which have very similar values. This seems the biggest right now. If B were to play t9 in sente it is worth 5 points (assuming W t10 in sente later). This makes it bigger than the monkey jump, which is gote. Remember sente is worth twice what gote is.DrStraw];B[en]C[Avic (avic): Why would white play T10 in atari (since with bT9 would exist, if I got it right).And I have never seen before the sentence "sente is twice worth what some gote is". Just that sente is obviously desired, as most as possible. Seems a good idea, though - learned. :)My move now it something I wanted to do for quite sometime... white playing F7 and a few more in its sequence would make me feel bad and worried a lot. After this move I would have chosen: B16 (smaller but sente, compared to jump); J6 (small but important); J14 (smaller than J6, but if not answered the impact becomes bigger); R19. Q5 and O3 have been waiting for a long time, and soon they should be played by someone - hopefully me!];W[sj]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): I was talking about T10 being sente NOW, so it is part of the original calculation.Regarding the idea of sente being twice gote, it is based on the idea that if you count the difference in the number of moves played by each player then it is usually two for a gote situation but only one for a sente situation. So, per move, the sente is twice as big. It is not a rule which is exact for every situation, but it is a good rule of thumb.Regarding your move, I think it is a good move because there is bad aji around there when you think about W playing E7 and later trying to cut at B11.DrStraw,1d];B[ri]C[Avic (avic): I have not thought about it. R11 was unimportant in my thoughts... this is something new for my reading. :)Is it common to think in a local situation, as I would for any other moves? For example, if I don't play S11 now, it could imply that I lose, locally, at least 10 more points after wS11 and a possible monkey jump. But, if I had a move worth more than 20 points (not necessarily sente) this move should be played. Right? If the 20 point local situation ends gote, the total is still good for me. When this difference is not too big, probably I wouldn't analyse it deeply and play the S11 gote, as I did now.];W[si]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): Yes you should always try to evaluate what happens if you /don't/ play a certain move or sequence.Yes the rule of thumb is that a 10 point sente move is worth the same (approximately) as a 20 point gote move. So if you have something bigger than that available, it's likely you should play it. Actual reading is the only way to be sure though, the above is just a rule of thumb.Out of curiosity, why not bS11 at bT11?- kadoban];B[sh]C[Avic (avic): I did not play T11 because it was "too much" gote, and usually allows a sequence beginning with bT11 wS11 that may end better for white. But, I did not deeply think about this sequence. Since my stones on this area are weak, I assumed that it should be (at least!) "a smaller gote" to give up one or two points. And now, the 1 stone bigger capture of the T10 attack should not be ignored by white (at some point of the game).Playing with the SGF right now, I couldn't make a successful attack for white, after bT11 option for the previous move. In short: I chose S11 for a lack of reading hability and for assuming a better relative situation (given similar game situations, although this is a loose idea - of course).];W[sk]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): I may know the sequence you speak of (with regard to B playing at T11), where blocking simply results in white jumping over black and sacrificing one stone to capture the black whole group - but with the multiple liberities that you have with the r10 group, I don't think it applied in this case.And indeed, while there are other much bigger sente moves on the board that white could make before needing to save these stones, since the move is gote for black anyway, we'll just secure them now with wT9 so that they aren't a worry later....mrand, 7k];B[rh]C[Avic (avic): Exactly. It is a sequence I eventually see, and after analysing it more it did not directly apply to the situation, as assumed.I decided to choose S12 now, instead of capturing wR11 or S13 that also protects against the double atari because it removes two direct ko threats. In other words, I think S12 increases my chance of winning a ko fight. Makes sense? Is this something good?];W[qa]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): Yep, the solid fix seems better. If there's other considerations, you can sometimes stomach giving a couple of extra ko threats, but here it doesn't look like there's any point to that.This looks big and kinda sente, so might as well play it.- kadoban];B[rb]C[Avic (avic): Yes, that's a move among the ones I thought about playing before.];W[ji]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): Now that all the sente moves around the edge have been played it is time to come back to the center. It was not big enough earlier, but now it is.DrStraw.];B[lk]C[Avic (avic): M9 x K13 x J10 x A18. I chose it because it seems bigger than those, important to guarantee no center territory is easily built.Although not guaranteed, bP17 is a threat that should not be ignored now - but I let it go, nothing really new (I guess), so it waits.];W[jg]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): That is the move I expected. M9 and k13 were kind of miai. W will get a few points here whichever B plays, but not much. Still, it is bigger then anything else. A move in the top corner is still gote, but getting close to being the biggest point.DrStraw.];B[ii]C[Avic (avic): Something to defend J13 stone, and a little more territory gain that its loss could make for white. And bigger gotes waiting for me to play...];W[bd]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): Seems like at least an okay move. I'm having trouble counting the exact value of everything in the center, it's too complicated and endgame isn't my forte. I suspect the upper left is at least as big though (and similarly at least as big as a white response in the center), so I'm going there.- kadoban];B[oc]C[Avic (avic): I usually don't count the exact value of situations, unless they are small enough. The exact count in many situation would involve analysing many possibilities, and as a consequence a bigger depth in these sequences. I'm trying to improve my reading so I can choose which sequences should be chosen for the analysis, so the stronger or bigger moves are not left out. Of course this implies that eventually we will have some surprises - but that's a beauty of the game, for me. :)For my move now. Since white defended a monkey jump, I'm using its usual value as a lower limit for my move. Unless white makes a big enough threat or move, I think that black should have sente for the next move with P17.];W[nb]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): Your move is certainly sente but it will also be sente later because it is highly unlikely that W would play this point in gote to save a single point. So it could have waiting and been used as a potential ko threat. One thing to remember is that it is only a good idea to play a sente move if there is a chance that the opponent will get to prevent it first. If the opponents effort to do so is small and gote that is not likely to happen.So essentially we are now returning to the flow of the game and it is still your move.DrStraw];B[jn]C[Avic (avic): I see. But I have not thought about many other moves here. Small pushes or threats like: K10 (which I would play now, instead of K6); J14; H13 (but not G13); O3; E5; or some closing move like O12.];W[jo]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): That certainly requires a response. This could be the start of a good sequence for black I believe.- kadoban];B[hn]C[Avic (avic): I have thought around this move a bit, before. But found nothing so big that can be easily defended and even neutralized by white, so that a lost does not happen.Between H6 and J5 I think I should choose the first, that is worth the G6 group future threat. But among these two and K8 (or another move around there) I don't know for sure which one is better. And J14 and L1 should be ignorable for now.];W[ho]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): I think I was expecting J5, but that seems fine too.Pretty sure this response is okay. White's shape isn't great, but shouldn't be bad enough to cause issue either I don't think.- kadoban];B[ik]C[Avic (avic): For me, the whole area near J4 and F4 feels like a bunch of miais. I would play F5 now, that initially looks like sente; but wG5 after it would need H7 instead of E4 threat (planned before) because white could follow it with H7 that I should defend with a move protecting J8 (not with J6, that should kill 4 stones; so I'm changing the move now for J9.];W[ae]C[The Go Teacher (sensei): Well, that sounds kinda correct and kinda not. You can play a sente sequence first, like: bF5, wG5, bE4, wE3 and then fix at bJ9 or whatever. If you don't, there's a risk white will be able to fix it before you can.By the way, the sequence where white plays H7 and then cuts does seem to work, but ... it's not necessarily amazing for white either. It looks like a ko that black gets to take first, and white has at least something to lose there as well. It's probably approximately a wash ... it might depend on who actually wins the ko there. Just a side note.Anyway, this should be sente because of B11, so might as well play it now.- kadoban];B[af]C[Avic (avic): Yes. The sequence you showed is something I thought, but I wasn't sure it would work this way. My move at J9 guarantes a few points besides the better shape there.And your move is sente? I can't ignore it with that B11 hole there... but if I capture shouldn't you defend? :)];W[ad];B[bh]C[Avic (avic): wA13 B14 B11... :-/])
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