(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]PW[Yoda Norimoto]PB[Takemiya Masaki]WR[9p]BR[9p]DT[2008-04-17]EV[56th Oza the last preliminary tournament final]RE[W+Resign];B[pd]C[This is the game from the last preliminary tournament of the Japanese Oza cup. Black is Takemiya Masaki, 9-dan. White is Yoda Norimoto, 9-dan];W[dp];B[pp];W[dd];B[pj];W[nc];B[pf];W[nq];B[lq];W[pn]C[A rare idea](;B[np]C[A joseki, but now this answer is too soft -];W[mp](;B[mq]C[Another mild move -];W[qp];B[oq];W[qq]TR[pj]C[The result is classic, but now it's comfortable for White. The marked stone is not working at all!];B[oc](;W[jd]C[A careful move -];B[nd];W[dj]C[White's opening is successful];B[fc]LB[gd:A]C[Black may also think about the high kakari at A];W[nr];B[or];W[no];B[op];W[ec]LB[fe:B][df:A]C[White has a choice. He can play at A or B as well];B[fd];W[df];B[ie]C[The most active way];W[je];B[if];W[hc];B[hd];W[id];B[ge];W[jf];B[ig];W[mc]C[White made the base easily. The game is still promising for him];B[md];W[lc](;B[fp]C[Keima kakari would be more common here -];W[dn];B[dq];W[cq];B[eq];W[cr];B[fn];W[go];B[fo];W[dl]C[A very solid move, typical for Yoda Norimoto, 9-dan];B[jg];W[pl];B[nm]LB[mo:B][lp:A]C[Too far! It's more solid for Black to play at A or B];W[hm];B[fl];W[io]TR[no][mp][nq][nr]C[The marked stones have some adji and they help White to create a flexible shape];B[hq];W[jl];B[ko];W[kn];B[ln];W[jn];B[lm];W[hk]C[It's clear that White's group cannot be killed];B[jp]C[A very slow move. Is it necessary?];W[qj];B[qi];W[qk];B[ri];W[fj]C[Now White has a clear lead];B[cc];W[dc]LB[cd:A]TR[fc][fd][hd][ge][ie][if][ig][jg]C[White may also defend at A, but he wants to put some pressure on the marked group, which is not completely alive](;B[cf]C[The standard tesuji -];W[ce];B[cg];W[be];B[ci];W[cj];B[eh]C[Black's invasion is successful, but he is still behind];W[nb];B[ob];W[oa];B[pa];W[na];B[qb]C[A good timing. White defended his group in sente];W[kg];B[hb];W[ib];B[gc];W[ic];B[kh];W[lg];B[gj]C[Is it necessary?];W[gk];B[fi];W[ii];B[hi];W[hj];B[gi]C[Black ends in gote here];W[pr]C[White is ahead on territory, thick and he keeps sente for starting yose.We can say that the game is already hopeless for Black.It's a rare example of an unsuccessful San-ren-sei opening, played by Takemiya. He was not even able to make the position complicated!];B[os];W[fs];B[jj];W[ij];B[cp];W[bp];B[ld];W[kd];B[sk];W[rl];B[ng];W[hs];B[gr];W[gs];B[bi];W[bj];B[lh];W[ir];B[fk];W[jk];B[ej];W[le];B[kb];W[jb];B[me];W[nj];B[oj];W[ni];B[kc];W[lb];B[lj];W[mk];B[ka];W[ja];B[qm];W[pm];B[rm];W[rk];B[nk];W[nl];B[ok];W[mj];B[lk];W[ll];B[kl];W[ml];B[km];W[kk];B[ji];W[mm];B[nn];W[mn];B[lo];W[jm];B[mo];W[ol])(;B[bd];W[bf];B[ce];W[de];B[cf];W[cg];B[be];W[bg];B[db];W[eb];B[bb];W[da];B[cb]C[Black can live inside the corner, but the plan in the real game is better]))(;B[fq];W[dn];B[dr];W[cq];B[hp]C[This is the classic development]))(;W[nd];B[kd]C[White wants to prevent this attack]))(;B[no];W[mq];B[oq]C[It's more active to attack like this]))(;B[oq];W[np];B[oo]C[Black may try this pattern instead. It's much more active]))
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Yoda Norimoto    Takemiya Masaki
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