(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[GoPanda2.5.2-3]ST[1]SZ[19]HA[0]KM[-5.5]PW[anclro]WR[13k?]PB[Variastar]BR[14k]RE[B+2.5]DT[2018-06-19]PC[IGS-PandaNet]C[anclro: i lost this game at the very beginning and I'm just not sure how. I managed to get him to make a mistake on a ko and come back, but then threw it away by not thinking in the end game];B[pd];W[dd];B[qp];W[dp];B[oq];W[qj]C[anclro: i thought taking away this extension was urgentAkso: I agree, R10 for black would be extremely big. White can play R14 too.];B[ql]C[Akso: Black can also play from the other side (R12). Both moves are good, it's matter of playstyle.];W[qf]C[anclro: making a base and approaching. probably too wideAkso: Both moves are good but R14 can lead to more complicated game.];B[qd]C[Akso: This move is not good in this particular situation. White can still play O17 later.];W[nd]C[anclro: i decide the one space approach in the hopes of being closer to my right side group which i am overextended on, but maybe a low approach would have been better.mortimer_mcmire: This looks a little too close to me, especially since your three-space extension on the right can be invaded. You open yourself up to a splitting attack, or even a counterattack from the left (once black's corner is strong).Otake Hideo sez, "Don't start family feuds". Playing this way lets black split you and threaten your stones on the right. Instead, stay strong and let black have a little territory in the top-right.Akso: Just play Q12, nice, simple and strong. Black is forced to play N17 in gote after this.tuerda: P14 for w looks like the most natural move.];B[oc]C[Akso: Defending corner is small. Black can profit much more by splitting white into 2 groups. Q14 for example or he can even jump in R12];W[oe]C[anclro: connectingmortimer_mcmire: This can be cut eventually - beware. So after these exchanges, black's corner is now solid, and white's shape has serious weaknesses. Furthermore, o16 and p15 are doing absolutely nothing useful. You should now see why the close attack at o16 isn't great.Akso: P14 looks better but white still has a lot of weak points, as you see o16 didn't really help your grouptuerda: At P14 maybe a little cleaner. I think locally we would expect wP14 O17. This is the same as if w had played P14 and b responds at O17 (which is natural), then w gets the exchange of O16 for P17, which is a good exchange for white. Overall this shows us that P17 is a bad move for black.];B[fq];W[cn];B[jp];W[oo]C[anclro: he's trying to make a moyo here so i invade (poorly)mortimer_mcmire: Maybe enclose the top-left corner instead, threaten to make a large moyo.Akso: Too soon, but I have problem with invading early too lol. If white would be better on side this invasion(or maybe rather reduction) would be more reasonable, now you will hurt your group if black decide to something like P8mortimer_mcmire: Way too early for this kind of thing, IMO. And too deep. If black just plays P8 next, black can make excellent thickness toward the top as you try to escape.anclro: Honestly sometimes I Just see a huge moyo like this and think, I'll never be able to win if I don't get in there NOWtuerda: I am not convinced that this is bad, but I would play O17 here: It is a really huge point. The b area cannot be cleaned up in a single move so w can invade later: It is not as big as it looks.];B[pn]C[mortimer_mcmire: Black should play more confidently here.Akso: too passive];W[mp];B[mq];W[np];B[nq];W[po]C[Akso: Doesn't look like it helps white];B[qo];W[qn]C[anclro: just playing without reading. i think i wasted a lot of opportunity down hereAkso: Q7 looks promising(wQ7 P6 R7 P7 Q8 P8 Q9 M6) but it's dangerous for P5 group.];B[rn]C[Akso: Q7 is good too];W[rl];B[qm];W[nm];B[ok];W[oi]C[Akso: White looks more or less fine on side right now but I still feel a lot of bad aji.];B[mk]C[mortimer_mcmire: This is a better direction for black. Now white has to run toward the left with the weak group, and when black finishes with sente, black can launch a huge invasion into the top.];W[lp];B[lq];W[kn];B[in];W[hp]C[anclro: this invasion is ill timed because i don't have the corner? i end up losing the entire bottommortimer_mcmire: Just need to take care of the weak group on the right. It has maybe one eye.Akso: L8/M8 is urgent, white is too weak to leave this group];B[hq];W[iq];B[ip];W[gq];B[hr];W[gp];B[gr];W[jq];B[kq];W[kp]C[Akso: That sequence helped black gain safe territory and white still has problems in center.];B[cf]C[mortimer_mcmire: This seems like a bad time to tenuki - black can still attack the weak white group. Even with a bamboo joint at k6Akso: @mortimer_mcmire Right, maybe black can kill G4 stones during attack on O4 group too];W[ch];B[cc];W[cd];B[dc];W[ec]C[mortimer_mcmire: This is bad for white - Black can clamp later at F17Akso: Mistake, some variations lead to losing all stones but if white answers correctly it wouldn't be complete disaster.];B[bc]C[anclro: i seriously mess up heremortimer_mcmire: Black messed up too - should play bB16 B15 B17 C15 F17 E16 E18Akso: @mortimer_mcmireB17 is correct punishment because ladder favores white bB16 B15 B17 C15 F17 E18 E16 E15 F16 F18 G18 G17 H18 G16 F15 F14 G15tuerda: b answer is correct.];W[bd]C[mortimer_mcmire: Or white can fix the cut here];B[ed];W[fc]C[Akso: Normally it would be game over mistake, black now play D15, he has big corner and white has nothing in return. But on DDK we see a lot of comebacks. I would play like this here: wE15 F16 D14 F17. It still hurts but at least white is not completely dead.];B[de];W[bf];B[be];W[ae];B[ce];W[af];B[ad];W[bg]C[anclro: just terriblemortimer_mcmire: unfortunate :(tuerda: W should of course just tenuki here. The 3 stones at B14 are useless.];B[hc];W[gd];B[kc]C[Akso: Black can press more bH16 G15 H15 G14 J13 G12];W[mc]C[Akso: Here first: wH16 J17];B[ke]C[Akso: Black is trying to be sneaky and see if you forgot about G16 stones];W[dk]C[mortimer_mcmire: N4 can still be attacked...Akso: Well you did :D (I will comment rest of the game later)];B[cq];W[dq];B[dr];W[cp];B[br]C[mortimer_mcmire: This is a weird move. If black played D2 to connect up, black should just continue to connect up.tuerda: This move does connect up. It is the most efficient way to do so and is standard and expected.];W[fp];B[eq];W[ep];B[bp];W[bo];B[jl]C[mortimer_mcmire: This can be cut. Black is in white's area now, so black has to be careful.mortimer_mcmire: What happens if wJ7 K7 K6 H7 J8 H8 J9 H6 ? Maybe too early for white to try thattuerda: wJ7 K7 K6 J5 remember the K3 stones are deadtuerda: wJ5 K5 K6 H5 L5 J5 J7 is a better way to break out.];W[ll];B[lk]C[mortimer_mcmire: At this point, Black should probably save the cutting stones to the left...];W[kl];B[kk];W[jm];B[im];W[gm]C[mortimer_mcmire: Cut! J8. Black is kindly asking you to. If you cut, you'll win the capturing racetuerda: k3 stones are captured.];B[ml];W[jn];B[jo]C[mortimer_mcmire: oh dear.];W[ko];B[lm]C[mortimer_mcmire: oh... oh dear];W[io];B[km];W[eg];B[jr];W[ir];B[kr];W[hf]C[anclro: not really sure if this move is in the right place. i want to attack his stones and expand my moyo but now theres a gaping hole in the middlemortimer_mcmire: I don't think you'll actually get much out of an attack at this point - like this move isn't really sente. So focusing on saving your weak stones is probably best.];B[hj];W[fj];B[hh];W[gg];B[gl];W[fl];B[gk];W[fk];B[ng];W[lg];B[mh];W[jh];B[gn];W[fn];B[hm];W[fm];B[pg];W[qg];B[pi];W[qi];B[pj];W[oh];B[ph]C[anclro: i just hand him like 10-15 points in the middle while putting my right group at riskmortimer_mcmire: Yeah - if you're worried about the right group, M13 was probably a little too aggressive. Notice black can cut at Q14 anytime.];W[og];B[of];W[nf]C[mortimer_mcmire: !!!! this is dangerous. wQ14 O14 Q15 Just connect up and be safe. Your stones in the center are light.];B[pf];W[mg];B[nh];W[li];B[lh]C[mortimer_mcmire: Black let you off the hook, kinda.];W[kh];B[ni];W[lf];B[ki]C[tuerda: bS9 S10 S12 R12 R9 R15 Q15 S16 S17 S15 S13 T16 looks like w can survive if payed carefully.];W[ji];B[kj];W[ig];B[ie];W[he];B[hd];W[qh];B[qk];W[rk];B[re];W[rf];B[dg];W[dh];B[cg];W[bh];B[gi];W[fh];B[fi];W[ei];B[jj];W[ap];B[bq];W[hb];B[ib];W[gb];B[eb];W[fb];B[db];W[fe];B[ha];W[nb];B[ob];W[qe];B[rd];W[pe]C[mortimer_mcmire: Well, you got to connect up in the end anyway :)];B[na];W[ma];B[oa];W[qb]C[mortimer_mcmire: Unreasonable];B[qc]C[mortimer_mcmire: No. Black has no cut to protect.mortimer_mcmire: S18 would be fine];W[rb];B[sc];W[se];B[pb]C[mortimer_mcmire: Uh oh.];W[od];B[qa]C[mortimer_mcmire: Oh black. Honey.];W[ra];B[sb];W[nc];B[sa];W[pa];B[fd];W[pc]C[anclro: did i get too greedy to take the ko already? this is worth like 10-15 points for him and the ko is worth maybe 30, but i probably could have fought it for a bit longer. my connection at f17 probably would have generated another ko threat, and i see myself as having a lot more threats than him right now.mortimer_mcmire: Your group at G18 was actually keeping all of the black stones at the top-center dead. I don't think Black noticed how dead they were, but they're looking pretty unhealthy.So Black's ko threat is actually worth the whole top-center territory, I think.];B[gc];W[id];B[ge]C[anclro: j17 saves my trapped white stones and takes the top middle.mortimer_mcmire: Oh, that's true. So maybe the ko threat wasn't worth as much as I though.Technically black can make a two-stage ko wJ17 G16 K18 K19 J19 S1 T1 J18 Q1 K17 J19 P1 O1 J18 N1 K16 (consider the moves i played in the corners ko threats)(This is the end of my comments :) )tuerda: B could avoid that by playing J17 instead of capturing at G15];W[gf]C[anclro: this is costs me the group on the top middle. terrible];B[gd];W[je];B[ee];W[ff];B[ic];W[jd];B[gh];W[kd];B[lc];W[ld];B[jc];W[lb];B[kb];W[ii];B[ij];W[gj];B[hi];W[hl];B[hk];W[go];B[hn];W[nl];B[nk];W[ln];B[on];W[nn];B[mm];W[ol];B[mn];W[mo];B[aq];W[ao];B[op];W[pp];B[pq];W[no];B[ka];W[la];B[sm];W[sl];B[rm];W[rj];B[is];W[pl];B[ef];W[pk];B[oj];W[ho];B[il];W[jf];B[pm];W[ih]C[anclro: @mortimer_mcmire @Akso thank you so much for taking the time out to comment on my game. I learned a lot with this review and I'll come back to it. It wasn't a particularly well played game by me and I didn't deserve to win, so I will learn from this in the future.])
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