(;FF[4]GM[1]CA[UTF-8]SZ[19]DT[2019-12-06]RU[Japanese]KM[1]GN[KataGo 发阳论 120题]SO[Inoue Dosetsu Inseki]AB[aj][ak][al][am][bd][bf][bm][bp][bs][ce][co][cp][cr][de][dh][di][dn][ek][el][em][ep][fc][fe][fj][fn][fo][fq][hb][il][ko][lb][lc][ld][le][lj][lk][me][mf][mi][mn][ni][nr][ns][oe][of][og][oh][oi][oo][os][pe][ph][pi][pl][pp][pq][pr][ps][qh][ql][qm][qq][ra][rh][rk][rm][sh][sk][sp][sq]AW[ah][ap][ar][bg][bj][bn][cd][cg][cj][cn][df][dg][dk][dl][en][eq][ff][gg][hc][hg][hi][hm][hp][ib][ir][jb][jd][jj][jk][jl][jm][jn][ke][kg][ki][kp][lg][lp][mb][mp][mr][ms][nd][ng][nj][od][oj][ok][on][op][or][pf][pj][qa][qc][qe][qj][qo][qp][rb][re][ri][rl][rn][ro][rq][si][sl][sm][sn][so]AP[Sabaki:0.43.3];B[po]C[KataGo尝试解决发阳论第120题在评论中,我们标注一些KataGo和人类产生分歧的关键点的总结,而和人类相似的变化或者极其复杂的有待研究的变化不做过多的评论。这个网站是一位业余高手对于人类在过去几十年里的研究成果的总结:http://igohatsuyoron120.de/2015/0005.htmKataGo's solution attempt for Igo Hatsuyoron 120.In this file, we provide just a high-level summary of the key points of what seems to be KataGo's preferred line and points of deviation, without much commentary where it agrees with prior human solutions, or on the many, many possible variations that need to be considered.For some coverage of human analysis in the years and decades prior, this external site by a strong amateur player provides a good summary: http://igohatsuyoron120.de/2015/0005.htm];W[rr]TR[sn]C[人类通常的研究结果是黑胜或者和棋,而KataGo认为白棋将会获胜,并且在中国规则下将会以1子的优势获胜。此时全局盘面上一共有71颗白子但是只有70颗黑子,黑棋先下。所以我们通常假设在此时标注的三角形的区域,黑棋曾经被白棋提掉过1子。如果这样假设的话,中国规则的白胜1子将会对应日本规则的白胜1目或2目。KataGo在实战中可能会在不同的时机下一些必然的交换次序,可能和这里的次序并不一样。但是对结果基本没有影响。这里选择了人类比较好理解的次序,并且这也和之前人类的研究更加一致。Unlike human solutions, which often obtained results of a draw or a Black win, KataGo believes that White will be the winner in this problem. KataGo believes White will win by 1 point under Chinese-style scoring. There are 71 white stones but only 70 black stones on this board, with Black first to play. So we will follow the conventional assumption that a black stone was captured at the triangled location, as in much of past human analysis.If this assumption is made, then Chinese W+1 should correspond to Japanese W+1 OR Japanese W+2. KataGo would actually often play various forcing exchanges at a different time or in a different order than actually presented here. However, it also does not strongly object to the ordering presented here, which is chosen for greater human understandability and to be more consistent with past work in the problem.];B[qk]C[右下角的对杀是此题的主线变化The preliminary fight in the lower right establishes what will be the main theme of the problem.];W[ml]C[在最初期的研究中,白棋或黑棋曾尝试过一些其他的招法。甚至完全放弃右下角,事实证明效果并不好。KataGo也认同这里进入主线变化是更好的选择。There are various alternatives that either White or Black may try in these early moves, even entirely abandoning the main theme of the problem and/or playing anywhere else on the board, but KataGo agrees with prior human analysis that nothing appears to be as good for either side as entering into the main line.];B[ll];W[mm];B[lm];W[nn];B[no];W[mo];B[ln];W[pn];B[qn];W[rp];B[nm];W[om];B[ol];W[nl];B[nk]C[这个"扑"是影响极其深远的一手 (曾经有人认为这里黑棋"扑"损了1目棋,但是它在后面对杀的分支中起了很重要的作用)This throw-in is one of those tricky early moves that has implications far, far later in the problem.];W[mk];B[mj];W[nk];B[np];W[rs];B[sr];W[oq]C[至此,右下角4块棋已经形成双活。因为双方基本只剩下“公气”,所以均无法吃掉对方For now, the many groups in the lower right are in seki, unable to capture one another due to sharing most of their liberties.];B[mq];W[lr];B[lq];W[kr]C[因为右下角形成了“扳双活”( 一种极其罕见的“双活”形式,具体参见 https://senseis.xmp.net/?Hanezeki )即使白棋在外围挡住了黑棋的“尾巴”,白棋依然无法吃掉黑棋的“尾巴”,否则右下另外的两块白棋将全死 (杀气白棋慢一气,后面的实战也可以看到) 所以白棋只能无奈地往后退,黑棋可以非常强硬地一直向外冲!Because the lower right is a hanezeki, even if White blocks Black's tail here, White cannot actually capture it without losing the entire lower right. So White is forced to fall back and Black can push this tail very agressively.];B[kq];W[jp];B[jq];W[jr];B[iq];W[hq];B[gr];W[hr];B[ip];W[jo];B[io];W[ho];B[in];W[hn];B[im];W[hl];B[ik];W[hk];B[ij];W[hj];B[ii];W[ih];B[ji];W[kj]C[黑棋实战选择了A的变化,但是如果黑棋下在B,这将是极其复杂的对杀,也是非常值得研究!Black continues with A, but if Black plays B at this point, it will lead to some extremely complex fighting that is also necessary to analyze.]LB[jh:A][kh:B];B[jh];W[kh];B[jg];W[jf];B[ig];W[hh];B[if];W[ie];B[hf];W[he];B[pd]C[KataGo将会在很早就交换掉右上角的变化,但是之前人类的研究是现在交换是更好的时机,甚至会有一些“便宜”。但是这可能也没有太大的影响。KataGo would usually play this and the following forcing exchanges in the upper right much, much earlier, but some prior human solutions play them now, and there seems to be no problem doing so. There are even some technical advantages to playing them now rather than with KataGo's timing, but that turn out not to actually make a difference, probably.];W[pc];B[nb];W[mc];B[ma];W[ob];B[rg]C[非常令人震惊的一手!愚形“空三角”,直到2007年才被发现!非常奇怪的形状,而“KataGo对于人类招法的发现”也来到了尾声。它对于今后官子非常重要,黑棋在这里便宜了很多目。The surprising guzumi move, discovered only in 2007.This odd shape is one of the last "human" moves to have been rediscovered by KataGo, and it makes a critical difference to the endgame shape, gaining Black quite many points.];W[rf];B[pm];W[nm];B[rj];W[qi];B[gf];W[ge];B[fg]LB[hf:A]C[黑棋无畏地打吃在这里(堪称惊天地泣鬼神的一手)全然不顾黑棋A位一长串子的安危。但是白棋意外地不能提掉这20颗黑子,因为右下角是 “扳双活”(之前的评论中介绍过)Black boldly cuts, leaving the entire tail A in atari because White cannot afford to capture (yet) and lose the entire lower right due to the hanezeki.];W[ef];B[fh];W[hs]LB[bi:B][ee:A]C[主线变化是A,但是在早中期的训练中,KataGo认为黑棋可以下在B位吃掉白棋从而大获全胜。如果黑棋下在B,白棋将会在A位冲吃,这也将是极其复杂的变化。最终,KataGo发现这个变化确实是白棋有利,所以黑棋不能下在B,这也证实了人类的研究。在这个过程中KataGo也发现了人类之前研究中的一些微小的错误,但是结论是一样的。The main line continues at A, but during some of the early to middle parts of training, KataGo was suspecting Black could play B to kill White's entire lower left and win big.If Black tries this, White pushes through at A and we obtain many variations of bewildering complexity. Ultimately, KataGo decided that they do indeed work for White and therefore Black cannot play B, agreeing with human analyses. In the process, KataGo also finds what tentatively appear to be some small errors or oversights in prior human work, though not changing the conclusion.];B[ee];W[cm];B[an];W[bo];B[ao];W[aq];B[bi];W[ai];B[bh];W[ag];B[bk]LB[ck:B][dm:A]C[**关键点1这里是KataGo和人类研究第一次产生分歧的地方人类的研究是下在B而KataGo选择了A KEY POINT 1Here is KataGo's first deviation from prior work.Generally human solutions have proceeded with B.KataGo instead chooses the atari at A.];W[dm]LB[bl:B][dj:A][do:C]C[黑棋必须下在A或者B黑棋不能在C接住这颗子,否则白棋简单地扑在B位,做活左边,将大获全胜。(黑棋所有双活的子以及右上大龙将全死)Black must play A or B. Black cannot save the stone in atari by playing C, or else White will throw in at B and live easily on the left, winning big.];B[dj]LB[bl:B]C[KataGo黑棋选择下在这里,但是如果黑棋之前下在B,变化基本没有区别。B可能稍微好一点点,虽然黑棋之后的招法可能会更灵活一点。但是似乎“灵活”也没办法兑现成实质的收益。KataGo has Black play here, but Black could equally well have played B. The variations are very similar.B appears in fact to be potentially better, giving Black bit more flexibility later, although there does not seem to be a way to translate that flexibility into anything concrete.];W[ck];B[bl];W[do]TR[dn][do][en]LB[ck:A][dp:B][eo:C][gb:D][oh:E]C[相较于人类的研究,白棋吃到了黑棋的空里面。如果要保持这个收益的话,在之后的变化中就不能放弃A这一块棋。黑棋此时必须应在B或者C。如果黑棋脱先抢大官子D,那么由于白棋左下有妙手,黑棋将崩溃。不仅如此,黑棋此刻也根本不能脱先,因为左边A这块白棋和右上E这块黑棋隔空4块棋正处于“超级大对杀”的状态!黑棋只快1气!如果脱先,黑棋仅仅只能吃掉右边的A这块白棋,其他的黑棋将全部壮烈牺牲。白棋大获全胜!Relative to earlier human solutions, White eats into Black's territory. To keep these gains, however, White must take care to select later variations where A ultimately survives.Black must respond such as at B or C. If Black plays a big point at D, Black will collapse, due to tactics in the lower left. But aside from that (and relevantly to some other variations) groups A and E are caught in a giant race connected by the hanezeki, and if Black plays away, then Black appears to come up exactly one (!) move short in this race, enough to kill A, but not enough to save enough other stones, causing White to win big.];B[dp];W[fb]LB[gb:A]C[日本职业棋手山田晋次六段数年前发现了这著名的一“托”,相较于A,白棋获得了明显的官子便宜。KataGo也发现了这一步并且认同!This is a famous attachment move suggested by Yamada Shinji (professional 6 dan) many years ago, improving White's endgame here compared to playing the simpler and more obvious move at A. KataGo finds and agrees with the move too.];B[eb]LB[ec:A][gb:B]C[**关键点2这是KataGo和人类研究产生分歧的第二个地方。和人类直接B位退回不同,KataGo选择托后立即十字扭断。KEY POINT 2Here is KataGo's second deviation from prior work. Unlike earlier solutions that have pulled back at B, KataGo follows up the attachment with an immediate crosscut with A.];W[ec]LB[dc:A][gb:B]C[在主线变化中,黑棋选择了A,但是如果黑棋执意下在B,也将是非常复杂的战斗。黑棋左上角的一个细小的缺陷也将显现出来。In the main line, Black continues at A, but there are some highly complicated fights that result if Black resists the crosscut at B, in which subtle weaknesses of Black's upper left corner come into play.];B[dc];W[ea]C[扭断的好处是白棋能够打到这一下,便宜了一点目数。As a result of the crosscut, White gains a little value by being able to force here.];B[db];W[gb];B[da];W[fr];B[er];W[fs];B[es];W[gs];B[gd];W[gq];B[fp];W[gc];B[fd]LB[eg:A][fa:C][mg:B]C[**关键点3虽然白棋也可以选择B或者C,但是KataGo这时却选择了AKEY POINT 3:Although likely White can still choose other moves such as B or C, at this point, KataGo plays A.];W[eg];B[hd];W[id];B[na];W[nc]SQ[en][fm]TR[ei][ej]LB[eg:A][eh:B][fl:C]C[白棋在A位的价值是 如果黑棋为了围住三角形区域而粘在B位,那么白棋可以下在C位,那么可以破掉中间的目数,这也是恰到好处地利用了白棋在很早之前白棋在正方形处提子给黑棋留下的缺陷The value of White's earlier move at A is that if Black blocks at B to attempt to preserve the triangled points, White has a clever move to reduce Black at C, exploiting the squared weakness left by White's earlier capture.];B[fk];W[gj];B[fi]C[这里最后收官有很多变化的分支都是非常相似或者等价的There are many possible permutations of the final cleanup in this problem that are very similar or equivalent.];W[mg];B[eo];W[dn];B[fa];W[cl]C[一些官子和对杀混合在了一起。我们现在开始复杂无比的主线分支。白棋左边的大块和黑棋右上的大块形成了“超级大对杀”。Mixed in with various endgame moves, we start the main race that has been hanging over the heads of both players the entire problem, between White's left side and Black's giant top right group.During this endgame, Black must still however watch the liberty balance of the main race carefully.];B[ak];W[aj];B[bl];W[ao];B[am];W[bk];B[al];W[oa];B[la];W[eh];B[ei];W[af];B[ae];W[cf];B[be];W[qd];B[kc];W[jc];B[ga];W[ha];B[ea];W[kb];B[ka];W[ja];B[br];W[kn];B[bq];W[lo];B[as];W[lf];B[ci];W[mh];B[li];W[sf];B[ch];W[qf];B[bm];W[an];B[al];W[sg];B[bl];W[lh];B[am];W[kd];B[bm];W[ak];B[al]LB[bk:B][nq:A][oh:D][qg:C]C[这时,白棋面临这道题目中大量主线分支中至关重要的抉择。全局来到高潮!双方形成超级大转换,却意外地发现目数依然平衡!如果白棋A位提掉黑棋中央数子,就救活了白棋B这块棋,但是黑棋就将赢得右边的对杀如果白棋继续下在C位,白棋能够吃掉黑棋D这块棋,但是就必须牺牲B这一块。由于黑棋已经在右边已经紧了白棋足够多的气,此时便来到了全局的焦点。白棋左边的大块如果不在A位提掉黑棋,黑棋将会粘在A位吃掉白棋。在KataGo的计算分支里,白棋选择了A,为了捍卫之前吃入黑棋空中所获得的官子便宜。At this point, White must make a criticial choice that features in a large number of the main lines of the problem, culminating in a large but finely balanced trade.If White captures at A, White saves the group B, but Black wins all the fights on the right.If White continues at C, White will kill Black's group D, but have to sacrifice B.The reason why now is the critical moment is that Black has reduced White's left group enough to be able to non-suicidally play A themselves. So White must either take it now, or concede it to Black.In KataGo's line, White chooses A, to preserve the gains on the left from the atari and capture, among other things.];W[nq]C[这个题目之所以复杂是因为在最后转换的过程中有太多的变化分支,同时在很早之前的各种可能变化的分支又会对转换的平衡在各种程度上产生影响。(判断的难度简直逆天!)Part of what makes this problem so complex is the fact that so many variations end in this kind of final large trade, whose balance on each side is subtly affected in different ways by an enormous number of the earlier possible choices.];B[mq];W[oq]C[这步棋很容易被忽视,很多之前经典的答案中都遗漏了这个点。虽然说白棋在局部杀气慢一气,但是这步棋还是有一定的官子价值的。This move is easy to overlook, and was overlooked by some much older classical solution attempts. Although it is not winning the local fight for White, it is still worth some points.];B[qr];W[nq];B[qs];W[ss];B[sq];W[lq];B[sr];W[ne];B[nf];W[qg];B[sp];W[pg];B[pk];W[nh];B[sj];W[oc];B[op];W[mq]TR[sn]C[至少就目前这个变化而言,白棋以2目的优势获胜。(假设白棋在T6位先提过一子)如果KataGo的变化被证实是正确或有很大的改进的话,那么还需要进一步的研究它们给这道题目的研究打开了新视野。希望KataGo能够继续用来证实人类的分析中其他的复杂对杀分支是必要的,从而再一次推翻这个主线变化!At least in this variation of the problem, White wins by two points.(assuming the convention that White earlier captured a stone at T6)Further analysis will be needed to gain confidence in KataGo's variations if they do indeed turn out to be correct and genuine improvements. They provide some fascinating new life to the study of this problem, and hopefully KataGo can also be of use in reconfirming much of the human analysis of some of the immensely complex additional fights off the main branches that are necessary to refute for the main branches to hold up.])
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