(;FF[4]CA[UTF-8]GM[1]DT[2020-05-14]PC[OGS: https://online-go.com/game/23940489]GN[pokk97 vs. zakum1]PB[pokk97]PW[zakum1]BR[24k]WR[25k]TM[1200]OT[5x30 byo-yomi]RE[B+16.5]SZ[19]KM[6.5]RU[Japanese]C[zakum1: hi, have a good gamepokk97: hi, have fun]AP[Sabaki:0.51.0];B[pd]C[zakum1: hi, have a good gamepokk97: hi, have fun];W[dp];B[pp];W[dd];B[fq];W[cn];B[dq];W[cq];B[cr];W[eq];B[dr];W[ep];B[er];W[bq]C[Looks finished](;B[cc];W[cd];B[dc];W[ed];B[fb];W[dh];B[fp](;W[nq];B[lq];W[qq]SBKV[64.03];B[pq]SBKV[64.04];W[qp]SBKV[64.27];B[po]SBKV[64.02];W[pr]SBKV[64.07];B[or];W[qr]SBKV[64.37];B[nr]SBKV[64.4];W[qn]SBKV[65.6](;B[om]C[This is fine, but you can try to not play it.This lower side still has a lot of Aji, si I personally wouldn't count it as territory yet.]TR[jq]SBKV[60.6];W[gr]SBKV[64.57];B[fr]SBKV[63.15];W[jq]SBKV[68.5](;B[ip];W[jp]C[This is a bit awkard for black, there's a lot of weakness around for black. Since this will be a lot of stone touching, white will get stronger shape in the area, which will mean blacks indirect weaknesses might cause some problems.]TR[mr][no][oq][pn];B[io];W[lp];B[mq];W[kn]SBKV[62.08]C[Maybe black can tenuki, for something like these areas.Or just play the square to "do something", and see where things go from there. It's hard to really know what to do in these situations.]TR[cm][en][gd]SQ[nc];B[kl]SBKV[50.43]C[This feels a little bit out here. It's becoming a pretty hard to figure out what to do...If black gets multiple stones to build a wall towards X it could be something I suppose, but it's still such a large area. White can still easily run in and remove those points.It's fine, but I think the game is starting to lose structure.]MA[oh]TR[ql];W[ll]SBKV[60.13];B[kk]SBKV[52.58]C[This gives me the sense that you're out for blood. I'm not sure what you're trying to build at this point. If this is what you're doing you should change your mindset... Try to find a way to profit from this. What framework can you build? Can you weaken something else from white somehow through this fight?Of course, you could also just be trying to keep safe and find some kind of enclosure to gain something.];W[ml]SBKV[70.67]C[It's also difficult to know what to do as white... I don't think this was the move though. Connection is still weak, and it's not really making eyes...];B[mn];W[ln]SBKV[77.12]C[There's this cut here... You don't want to let white just get to close that one completely for free. You could play something like A B or C instead, at some point white might have to spend a whole move just to defend the cut.]TR[lm]LB[mp:A][no:B][ok:C];B[mm]SBKV[52.03];W[lm];B[jo];W[ko];B[kq];W[kp];B[nl];W[mp]SBKV[32.32];B[np]SBKV[26.88];W[no]SBKV[34.8];B[op];W[mj]SBKV[11.8]C[So... You're defenitely alive. White is Defenitely out, A and B.I don't think there's much of any reason to continue anything here.These two X stones feel pretty weird, they aren't really doing much... but that also means that white won't get much from capturing them, so they're not really an urgent worry.You could try to reduce black, try to make some points on the top... Or just do the Square move of "this is something at least!" type of move.]TR[dm][en][hd]LB[jm:A][mh:B]MA[kk][kl]SQ[nc];B[nk];W[lj]SBKV[5.69];B[ql]C[This on it's own is maybe completely fine... But I think it portrays an issue you have. Tunnel vision. It's local, you're still just thinking about this local fight instead of looking at the whole board.Like there's probably something interesting around those triangles.]TR[dj][dm];W[qf];B[pi];W[nc];B[nd];W[md]SBKV[6.77];B[ne];W[oc];B[pc];W[jc]SBKV[17.6];B[qe]SBKV[4.68]C[This is fine, you defenitely want the corner here. I think at this point you want to be greedy, and then just try to reduce white.];W[gc];B[gb];W[hc]SBKV[25.61](;B[me]C[This X stone is still not dealt with imo, in the future something could happen... There's also a very slight weakness here that white doesn't have to worry about anymore, though it would probably never have become anything anyway.]TR[mc]MA[qf];W[ld];B[kf];W[im];B[ik];W[lg]SBKV[14.49];B[lf]SBKV[2.43](;W[ng]SBKV[8.67]C[White went the wrong direction, solidifying black.];B[ni];W[mh];B[pg];W[ji];B[hj];W[dk];B[hm];W[gi];B[hi];W[gh]SBKV[30.49];B[ig];W[hf];B[if]SBKV[19.4];W[jm]SBKV[43.66];B[hn];W[mo];B[mi];W[li];B[kh];W[on];B[pn]SBKV[9.28](;W[nm]SBKV[48.61]C[This was pretty terrible for white...];B[qo];W[ro];B[rn];W[rp];B[so];W[sr];B[dn];W[dm];B[ej];W[dj];B[em];W[dl];B[bc];W[bd];B[br];W[lh];B[kd];W[kc];B[hg];W[gg];B[he];W[gf];B[ge];W[ie];B[id];W[je];B[jd];W[fe];B[ke];W[nj];B[oj];W[ol];B[ok];W[pm];B[qm];W[ac];B[ab];W[ad];B[ba];W[pb];B[qb];W[ob];B[co];W[do];B[cp]SBKV[10.41](;W[bo];B[eo];W[bn];B[ic];W[ib];B[ps];W[rs];B[ir];W[qa];B[rb];W[fk];B[gj];W[fj];B[el];W[ek];B[hb];W[gd];B[jf];W[jb];B[jr];W[oh];B[oi];W[ph];B[qh];W[og];B[pf];W[jh];B[kj];W[ki];B[bp];W[ra];B[sb];W[hl];B[il];W[gl];B[ii];W[fn];B[en];W[iq];B[hq];W[gm];B[gn];W[fm];B[pl];W[om];B[fc];W[fd];B[pa];W[oa];B[kg];W[go];B[fo];W[ec];B[eb];W[sp];B[sn];W[hd];B[ie];W[of];B[pe];W[ha];B[ga];W[ia];B[ao];W[an];B[ap];W[jj];B[le];W[lb];B[sa];W[pa];B[oo];W[nn];B[mf];W[qs];B[os];W[in];B[ho];W[jn];B[hp];W[];B[]C[So, basically the problem is tunnel visioning, and trying to kill. When your opponent is weak you should threaten to kill while trying to get something positive out of it... You should not just try to kill outright, only do that if it's a very bad invasion, or if your win condition has boiled down to a kill (but try to avoid this).])(;W[en]C[Yes, this was definitely better...]))(;W[qm]SBKV[10.31];B[rl]SBKV[3.21];W[nm]SBKV[16.59]C[Those stones aren't big enough, I don't think. But this way is at least better for white...]))(;W[ji]C[If white plays here it's starting to become a problem... These triangle stone are forcing white to go this route, and I don't think it's advantagous for black.]MA[ik][kk][kl]TR[kf][lf]))(;B[dm];W[me]SBKV[30.14]C[I think this kind of thing looks scarier than it really is. White is not building very efficiently here. It's increasing some potentialy for points here... But if white actually invests moves there black should be able to accomplish a lot more.If a line goes here, with both of white and black stones, you will get to kill the X stone for sure, and get solid territory on the right side.]LN[mf:mh]TR[ie][ke]MA[qf];B[ji];W[jg];B[dj]SBKV[24.71]))(;B[jo]C[I like this one better.];W[io];B[ip];W[jp];B[iq];W[ir]C[Black isn't going to lose the two cutting stones. I think this would be favorable for black, so white wouldn't want to play this... But a direct fight shouldn't be a worry for black.]SBKV[68.59]))(;B[qf];W[pn]SBKV[65.41]TR[qj]C[There isn't that much for white to develop here. Can play one extension at some point, but there's no further points ater that.];B[jd];W[oq]SBKV[77.16];B[mq]SBKV[75.8];W[oo]SBKV[84.25];B[no]SBKV[81.25];W[qo]SBKV[84.66]C[White gets a lot of solid points, and strong precense down there... But black got to play a lot of extra moves. I think it's still a very even game, so white isn't really in the wrong for taking these stones, but black is also fine with white taking them.I would suggest something like this, it might help you break away from "I'm gonna kill" mentality, and tunnel vision.]))(;W[gr];B[cp];W[bp]LB[fr:A][hq:B]C[I think this is a variation, but I think it's quite difficult, especially if black chooses B variation.]))(;B[fc];W[fd]C[I suppose you worry about this? ];PL[B]AE[dc][ed][ec]C[Are you worried about this?];B[ec];W[ed];B[dc];W[cc];B[gd];W[cd];B[hc]C[This is the supposed joseki]))
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