(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[WebGoBoard:0.10.11]ST[2]SZ[19]KM[6.5]HA[0]PB[Black]PW[White]AB[pp][pd][nc]AW[dd][dj][dq]AE[qj]C[Star Point Attack - Low approach.];B[qj];LB[rd:A][qd:B][qe:C][qf:D]TR[re]W[re]C[White attacks with △. Black has 4 choices. ](;LB[rd:A]B[rd]C[A -- Black protects the corner. ];W[qe];B[qd];MA[qj]TR[qi]W[qh]C[If there is no black stone at X then, white can play one more to △])(;LB[rd:A][qd:B]B[qd]C[Or B - black protects the corner. ];W[qh]C[White - with O keima and settle. ])(;MA[qe]B[qe]C[Black X is the difficult Joseki. ];W[rd];B[rf];W[qf];LB[qd:A][pc:B]B[rg]C[White has two options. B is lighter and better. More elegant. But A is easy way. ](;W[qd];B[pe];W[pc])(;W[pc];B[qc];W[qd];B[pe];W[qb]))(;MA[qf]B[qf]C[If Black (X) wants to stay out side (Option D) . ];W[rf];B[qg];W[qc];B[qd];W[rd];B[pc];W[qb]))
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