(;CA[UTF-8]GM[1]FF[4]SZ[19]AP[SmartGo:]CA[gb2312]GN[WAGC]PW[Kamon Santipojana, Thailand]WR[4d]PB[Leszek Soldan, Poland]BR[5d]EV[WAGC 2010]RO[3]DT[20100527 [11:17]]PC[Hangzhou, China]KM[6.5]US[Transcribed by Chris Garlock]TM[3600.0]OT[3x30]SO[www.chinaqiyuan.com]AN[Michael Redmond 9P]MU[1]C[WAGC 2010 Round 3W: Kamon Santipojana 4d, ThailandB: Leszek Soldan 5d, PolandGame Commentary by Michael Redmond 9PTranscribed by Chris Garlock];B[pd];W[dp];B[pp];W[dc];B[de];W[dg];B[fe];W[gc](;B[cc]C[Probably too early for this];W[cb](;B[ec]C[A bit vulgar, actually. If B wants to play forcing moves against the W grp, he shd start with A (see var)]LB[fc:A](;W[eb];B[dd];W[db];B[fc];W[fb];B[dj];W[cl];B[bj]C[B has some choices -- A for example -- but the game move is the most severe]LB[eh:A];W[bc];B[bd];W[nq];B[kp];W[pn];B[np];W[qq]C[This is another relatively modern joseki, and is similar to the joseki we saw in the Round 2 Hsiang-Debarre game, but in this case the pincer is high, so B must play differently. ];B[qp];W[mp]C[One way to counter is to connect at A, which leads to too many complicated variations to explore here]LB[op:A](;B[no];W[pq];B[oq];W[or];B[op];W[mr];B[mo];W[qj]C[So this is a bit slack for B, as W gets to play on both sides, and B's wall is not that effective at the moment. Black should be looking to use the wall to attack W's rightside group, but he doesn't, and that's an important mistake in this game];B[qh]C[This is a good starting move];W[oj]C[Positional judgement question: which is best, A, B or C?]LB[fq:A][mj:B][oc:C];B[eh]C[This move was invisible when I was reviewing the paper record, because it's the last place I was looking for B to move. The marked move is an attacking move and B39 is a territorial move, so there's a significant disharmony, as if another player had made that move.The cap at B is the best move; the kakari at A and the enclosure at C are both large moves but controlling the center is more urgent at the moment in this game. ]TR[bj]LB[mj:B][fq:A][oc:C];W[cd]C[Now it's too late for the cap; in addition to attacking the W group on the right, the cap also has a big influence on the left-hand side of the board as well];B[be];W[nc];B[oc];W[nd];B[qe]C[Suddenly B is playing a territorial game, but it's consistent with the move at 39 that I didn't like]TR[eh];W[lp];B[lo];W[ko];B[jp](;W[jo];B[ip];W[io];B[hp];W[km];B[ml];W[lk](;B[mk];W[lj];B[mj];W[mi];B[ll];W[kl];B[ni];W[nj]C[There's no immediate good move for B so there must have been some miscalculation];B[rq];W[rr];B[ql];W[pl];B[qn];W[qk](;B[rm]C[This move looks very strange to me];W[ro];B[rp];W[pm];B[sr];W[qr];B[lr];W[ls];B[ks];W[ms];B[kq];W[mq];B[rn]C[B is alive but it's a bit painful](;W[ph];B[li];W[mh](;B[lh]LB[kk:A]C[B87 is a bit slack; B should start a fight with the cut at A (see var)];W[jj](;B[ji]C[B89 is heavy and misses the immediate attack at A (see var)]LB[oh:A];W[ii];B[jh];W[ij]C[This is a bit heavy way of playing for B. "A" is still a good move, but less effective now that B has strengthened the W group in the center]LB[oh:A];B[mg];W[nh];B[ng];W[oh];B[ld];W[ob];B[pb];W[od];B[pc];W[lc];B[kc];W[kd]C[W's cut here is a standard technique for making sabaki. ];B[le](;W[jc]C[This move is a natural move but in this case it turns out to be dangerous (see var)](;B[mc];W[kb];B[mb]C[White wound up doing ok here; it's a smaller-scale capture for B and W still has some aji left. B is playing very conservatively and being pushed backwards by W, but has not lost the game. ];W[rl];B[so];W[ed](;B[ee]C[I'm not sure what B was worried about here (see var)];W[gg];B[fg];W[gq];B[ho];W[hm];B[fo];W[dq];B[gm];W[gl];B[fm];W[of];B[og];W[pg];B[pf];W[md];B[nb];W[lf]C[Nice move; B doesn't really have any choices here];B[me];W[mf];B[nf];W[lg];B[oe];W[ke];B[ne](;W[ig];B[cn];W[dn];B[dm](;W[cm];B[do];W[bn];B[co];W[bo];B[cp];W[bq]C[This is just too bad for W; this is where he lost the game. ];B[er]C[Another clever move, threatening to push through at A]LB[cq:A];W[dr];B[fq];W[bk];B[ck];W[bl];B[gf];W[hf];B[he];W[ie];B[gh];W[hg];B[qg]C[Now B seems to have the lead. No further comments. B wins by 3.5];W[aj];B[ai];W[ak];B[bi];W[ln];B[mn];W[nm];B[mm];W[ri];B[hd];W[sg];B[rf];W[fp];B[gr];W[eq];B[fr];W[gp];B[hq];W[dk];B[cj];W[qm];B[eo];W[cq];B[id];W[jd];B[fd];W[hc];B[hn];W[im];B[hk];W[gk];B[hj];W[hi];B[gj];W[hl];B[ik];W[jk];B[ep];W[gi];B[fj];W[fi];B[ei];W[ek];B[ej];W[gd];B[ge];W[fh];B[cf];W[em];B[en];W[el];B[pi];W[oi];B[qi];W[sq];B[sm];W[ss];B[pj];W[pk];B[nl];W[ol];B[nk];W[ok];B[rh];W[sh];B[bp];W[ap];B[lb];W[es];B[fs];W[ds];B[ic];W[ib];B[kc];W[po];B[qo];W[lc];B[ps];W[os];B[kc];W[eg];B[ff];W[lc];B[aq];W[ar];B[kc];W[sf];B[se];W[rj];B[rg];W[si];B[sl];W[sk];B[lm];W[kn];B[lc];W[nn];B[on];W[om];B[oo];W[fl];B[fk];W[dl];B[ka];W[jb];B[ja];W[ia];B[la];W[ad];B[ae];W[ac];B[ce];W[cc];B[go];W[dn];B[il];W[jl];B[dm];W[in];B[dn])(;W[en]TR[dm];B[cm];W[em];B[dl];W[co]C[this is much better; not as good as I'd like it to be, but much better. This would probably be good enough to win. ]))(;W[dm];B[kf]))(;B[fd]C[This is not a very elegant way for W to try to save his stones; seems like B was a bit too cautious here]LB[ef:A]))(;B[kb](;W[lb];B[jd];W[ke];B[jb];W[lf];B[me];W[ic];B[ib](;W[hb];B[id];W[hc];B[kf];W[je];B[ie];W[jf];B[if];W[kg];B[jg];W[kf];B[mf])(;W[hc];B[je];W[kf];B[jf];W[mf];B[ne];W[nf];B[oe];W[of];B[pf];W[og];B[nb];W[mc];B[la];W[ma];B[ka];W[hb];B[na]))(;W[jb];B[lb];W[mc];B[jd];W[ke];B[id];W[kf];B[ic];W[lf];B[me])))(;W[kb];B[jc];W[mb];B[jb];W[of]))(;B[oh];W[mg];B[pg];W[pi];B[og];W[rh];B[lg];W[mf];B[lf]C[This maximized B's potential to attack, while saving the center stones. In case you're wondering, both B and W are alive on the right]))(;B[kk];W[kj];B[jk];W[jj];B[ik];W[ij];B[hk];W[gn];B[fo]C[Complicated fight but it looks dangerous for W. B has the advantage that his group on the lower right won't die easily, so he can fight aggressively.]))(;W[rl];B[so];W[sm];B[sq];W[li]C[This would be good for W, making eye space on the right and then connecting in the center]))(;B[qr];W[pr];B[sr];W[rs];B[qm]LB[pm:A][ro:B]C[Black has A & B as miai to live]))(;B[nj];W[nk];B[mk];W[mj];B[ll]C[even if W gets a ponnuki it's not that helpful and W's stones in the center will be in trouble])(;B[ol]LB[nj:A][ql:B]C[This is safer way to play; with A and B miai]))(;W[kn];B[ml];W[hp]C[This would be the more natural way to play]))(;B[oq];W[no];B[op];W[mo]LB[mr:A]C[In this case, there's no connection at A, because of the high pincer, so this would be no good for B]TR[kp])(;B[op]))(;W[dd];B[ed];W[cd];B[eb];W[ce]C[This trade is playable for W]))(;B[fc](;W[fb];B[ec];W[eb];B[dd];W[db])(;W[cd];B[gd];W[hc];B[ec])))(;B[hd]C[Crawling at A is too submissive; see var]LB[hc:A];W[gd];B[ge];W[he]C[Here there are two major variations; probably A is the better move in this case]LB[jd:A][hc:B](;B[hc];W[hb];B[jd])(;B[jd];W[hf];B[hc];W[gb];B[fg]C[either way, if B can just out here, it shd be playable for B])))
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Kamon Santipojana, Thailand    Leszek Soldan, Poland
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