(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]SO[gokifu.com]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Chinese]SZ[19]HA[4]KM[0.50]TM[0]OT[9x15 byo-yomi]PW[eku]PB[Zen19D]WR[9d]BR[5d]DT[2011-06-09]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[Zen19D [5d]: GTP Engine for Zen19D (black): Zen version 7.7d9]RE[B+Resign];B[dp]BL[15]OB[9];B[pd]BL[15]OB[9];B[dd]BL[15]OB[9];B[pp]BL[15]OB[9];W[qf]WL[15]OW[9]C[HeartlessX [1k]: 9d v botmkeller [6k]: oh boy!];B[nc]BL[15]OB[9]C[nagato [4d]: greatgame];W[qn]WL[15]OW[9];B[nq]BL[15]OB[9]C[velther [3d]: stupid bot];W[pj]WL[15]OW[9]C[nagato [4d]: lolLinkWind [1k]: b has won];B[dj]BL[15]OB[9]C[velther [3d]: bores you with early death then kills you when you stop thinking];W[fq]WL[15]OW[9]C[mkeller [6k]: :)hiss [-]: should be interesting];B[dn]BL[15]OB[9];W[dr]WL[15]OW[9]C[Longshi [-]: nice matchup ^^];B[cq]BL[15]OB[9];W[iq]WL[15]OW[9]C[velther [3d]: second time i lost cause i got bored];B[id]BL[15]OB[9]C[HeartlessX [1k]: lololSheeple [1k]: zen has a good habit of overplay];W[qq]WL[15]OW[9]C[HeartlessX [1k]: pateince is a virtueSheeple [1k]: won't be long :)];B[qp]BL[15]OB[9]C[jubjub [2k]: Bots are very good at broing tasks];W[rp]WL[15]OW[9];B[ro]BL[15]OB[9];W[rq]WL[15]OW[9];B[qo]BL[15]OB[9]C[nagato [4d]: zen can beat 9d?];W[or]WL[15]OW[9]C[kikasare [?]: this is a firstLongshi [-]: also happens in tournaments ^^ must build up some stamina];B[oq]BL[15]OB[9];W[nr]WL[15]OW[9];B[ql]BL[15]OB[9];W[rn]WL[15]OW[9];B[ol]BL[15]OB[9];W[on]WL[15]OW[9]C[CBlue [1d?]: can the bot actually handle handicap?];B[nn]BL[15]OB[9]C[CBlue [1d?]: i think some bots are pretty bad at it^^Longshi [-]: no reason he shouldn't];W[pm]WL[15]OW[9]C[kikasare [?]: not a lot of precedentCBlue [1d?]: i think they might assume that they "are winning"];B[pk]BL[15]OB[9]C[CBlue [1d?]: and start playing nonsense];W[no]WL[15]OW[9]C[Longshi [-]: yeah, true];B[mn]BL[15]OB[9];W[qj]WL[15]OW[9]C[rubicon [1d]: WOWrubicon [1d]: awsome, a 9d];B[oo]BL[15]OB[9]C[rubicon [1d]: vs zenkoi3man: cool!!];W[mo]WL[15]OW[9]C[HeartlessX [1k]: white misread?];B[lo]BL[15]OB[9];W[mp]WL[15]OW[9]C[RobertT [-]: b misreadrubicon [1d]: i doubt it];B[sn]BL[15]OB[9]C[nocturne19 [1k]: "))LinkWind [1k]: nice moyo];W[sm]WL[15]OW[9];B[so]BL[15]OB[9];W[rl]WL[15]OW[9];B[om]BL[15]OB[9];W[mq]WL[15]OW[9]C[nagato [4d]: ?];B[pn]BL[15]OB[9]C[RobertT [-]: so many thank you movesvelther [3d]: W can't connect];W[cc]WL[15]OW[9]C[HeartlessX [1k]: could not have been the result that white wantedCBlue [1d?]: hm couldnt w just protect the atari?nagato [4d]: hum];B[dc]BL[15]OB[9];W[cd]WL[15]OW[9]C[HeartlessX [1k]: no];B[ce]BL[15]OB[9];W[be]WL[15]OW[9]C[HeartlessX [1k]: black throws in and white is short of liberties];B[bf]BL[15]OB[9];W[cf]WL[15]OW[9];B[de]BL[15]OB[9];W[bg]WL[15]OW[9];B[bd]BL[15]OB[9];W[af]WL[15]OW[9]C[nagato [4d]: b win in this fight];B[bc]BL[15]OB[9];W[dl]WL[15]OW[9]C[nhp [4k]: but white feels ok? lots of black stones for not much cash.velther [3d]: ya W fine];B[dg]BL[15]OB[9]C[velther [3d]: W better in bottom right IMO];W[cb]WL[15]OW[9];B[bb]BL[15]OB[9];W[df]WL[15]OW[9]C[rubicon [1d]: nice];B[ef]BL[15]OB[9];W[eg]WL[15]OW[9]C[CBlue [1d?]: hmm];B[cg]BL[15]OB[9];W[bf]WL[15]OW[9]C[rubicon [1d]: c13 is meaningless];B[ci]BL[15]OB[9]C[rubicon [1d]: what...];W[ee]WL[15]OW[9]C[velther [3d]: don't you seeHeartlessX [1k]: ...velther [3d]: this is how the bot plays];B[ff]BL[15]OB[9];W[db]WL[15]OW[9]C[velther [3d]: he will throw away the cornerrubicon [1d]: crazy bot!velther [3d]: to get centerHeartlessX [1k]: bot doesn't know this?];B[ec]BL[15]OB[9];W[eb]WL[15]OW[9]C[velther [3d]: that's it's style from the beginningkikasare [?]: zen loves the center];B[fc]BL[15]OB[9]C[velther [3d]: bot knows and doesn't care];W[ba]WL[15]OW[9]C[nagato [4d]: not sobad for b];B[bh]BL[15]OB[9]C[LinkWind [1k]: yeah];W[fb]WL[15]OW[9]C[HeartlessX [1k]: black does get sealed in pretty good thoughRobertT [-]: ?];B[ad]BL[15]OB[9]C[HeartlessX [1k]: i meanLinkWind [1k]: i prefer b hereHeartlessX [1k]: white];W[gc]WL[15]OW[9];B[ae]BL[15]OB[9]C[KgsZ [4k]: ????rubicon [1d]: wowHeartlessX [1k]: ...RobertT [-]: I prefer the non dead playernagato [4d]: oh];W[ic]WL[15]OW[9]C[kik [4k]: lolmkeller [6k]: what?];B[fm]BL[15]OB[9]C[kik [4k]: killRobertT [-]: after white f17 he sacrificed for outsidemkeller [6k]: this is not going the way i expected it to goKgsZ [4k]: Will eku lose ?? xD];W[fl]WL[15]OW[9]C[kikasare [?]: w not gaining ground fast enoughnagato [4d]: b can win easyLinkWind [1k]: this is an ownageThmayu [3d]: now i really prefer bkik [4k]: Bot strong];B[gl]BL[15]OB[9]C[kikasare [?]: 4 is a lot of stones];W[fk]WL[15]OW[9];B[hj]BL[15]OB[9]C[RobertT [-]: w decided to give up group to have access to centerkik [4k]: Zen is strong as 6.5D];W[gi]WL[15]OW[9]C[RobertT [-]: no, he isnt];B[hi]BL[15]OB[9];W[gh]WL[15]OW[9];B[hd]BL[15]OB[9]C[nay4ok [2k]: it's a sherubicon [1d]: this looks really difficult for wOotakamoku [1d]: topleft joseki choice by zen seems really bad ideanhp [4k]: If he were, his rank graph would show 6.5D];W[gd]WL[15]OW[9]C[kikasare [?]: zen is accurately 5d kgsvelther [3d]: zen is no where neat 6.5Dvelther [3d]: near];B[gf]BL[15]OB[9];W[hh]WL[15]OW[9]C[velther [3d]: zen is just really good at sacrificenay4ok [2k]: zen is a she bot];B[ih]BL[15]OB[9]C[rubicon [1d]: he is 5d in blitzvelther [3d]: which makes sense since it's calculating ability is strong];W[ig]WL[15]OW[9]C[kikasare [?]: yes, blitz];B[hg]BL[15]OB[9];W[em]WL[15]OW[9]C[velther [3d]: W can't win anymoreHeartlessX [1k]: yeah white seems outdoneRobertT [-]: zen is only 5d vs people that dont know how to play vs a bot and weaker playersHeartlessX [1k]: at this pointnagato [4d]: zen too strong];B[fn]BL[15]OB[9]C[kikasare [?]: w could still winvelther [3d]: top left made B strong everywhereHeartlessX [1k]: 4 stones too many];W[en]WL[15]OW[9]C[mkeller [6k]: zen is a she bot, who will soon rule all of mankindLinkWind [1k]: 4 stones is ttoo muchmkeller [6k]: i have no doubts];B[eo]BL[15]OB[9];W[ii]WL[15]OW[9]C[mkeller [6k]: skynet is real];B[jh]BL[15]OB[9]C[velther [3d]: zen is a she bot?velther [3d]: does she come in a pleasure model?];W[hk]WL[15]OW[9]C[nay4ok [2k]: yeah];B[ij]BL[15]OB[9];W[gk]WL[15]OW[9]C[kikasare [?]: bot is bot. "it"nay4ok [2k]: i mean 1st yes. 2nd wtf?];B[hm]BL[15]OB[9];W[ik]WL[15]OW[9];B[jj]BL[15]OB[9]C[LinkWind [1k]: g4];W[jk]WL[15]OW[9];B[jm]BL[15]OB[9];W[lk]WL[15]OW[9];B[kj]BL[15]OB[9];W[kk]WL[15]OW[9]C[Ootakamoku [1d]: zens fighting ability must be somewhat annoying to play against, even for a 9d];B[lj]BL[15]OB[9]C[velther [3d]: no it's not that];W[lm]WL[15]OW[9]C[velther [3d]: zen just too good at calculatingkikasare [?]: yes, zen is making w heavynagato [4d]: zen cant human error];B[ln]BL[15]OB[9];W[km]WL[15]OW[9]C[RobertT [-]: zen makes bot errors];B[jn]BL[15]OB[9]C[nay4ok [2k]: why is there only one zen? who owns her? why not make a copy for everyone so we can all play them and grow?kikasare [?]: read the info];W[ej]WL[15]OW[9]C[velther [3d]: supposedly this is an experimentnay4ok [2k]: oh.. there's info?];B[dk]BL[15]OB[9]C[kikasare [?]: zen runs on a cpu farmChiralSym [7k]: player infoOotakamoku [1d]: ya, but zens mistakes aint that much in fighting, more in strategic choices];W[cl]WL[15]OW[9];B[cm]BL[15]OB[9]C[rubicon [1d]: look, the truth is if you buy a copy of zen, it wont be 5d on your computerThmayu [3d]: well you'd need to have a very heavy computer to run Zen];W[co]WL[15]OW[9]C[velther [3d]: try 8 of them];B[do]BL[15]OB[9]C[rubicon [1d]: Zen19D is run by a cluster of 6 highly powerful computers];W[bm]WL[15]OW[9]C[RobertT [-]: zen on your computer will be around 1dvelther [3d]: with some of the best cpus aroundkikasare [?]: ...or wait 5 years];B[bn]BL[15]OB[9];W[ml]WL[15]OW[9]C[reprisal [2d]: depends a lot on your computer];B[nj]BL[15]OB[9];W[dh]WL[15]OW[9]C[kikasare [?]: 2017 your phone will play this strong];B[ch]BL[15]OB[9]C[RobertT [-]: the playstation 3 version of zen is 2dreprisal [2d]: i suspect on mine it is quite capablenichg [15k]: or give zen 2 minutes per move and take 10 seconds yourself? :)Ootakamoku [1d]: actually the cpus aint all that amazingmkeller [6k]: 2017 you will serve your phone];W[di]WL[15]OW[9]C[RobertT [-]: if you have a fast computer it could be 2d if on a slow computer it would be 2k-1k];B[fg]BL[15]OB[9]C[reprisal [2d]: PS3 is not even a fast computer todayvelther [3d]: i'd rather use];W[cn]WL[15]OW[9]C[LinkWind [1k]: end ?velther [3d]: my super bio based computerRobertT [-]: sorry ment 3d on fast computer];B[dm]BL[15]OB[9]C[velther [3d]: that comes free];W[cj]WL[15]OW[9]C[nagato [4d]: maybe endvelther [3d]: with every birth of meHeartlessX [1k]: alive];B[ei]BL[15]OB[9]C[velther [3d]: hmmHeartlessX [1k]: nvmvelther [3d]: i'll give ekuvelther [3d]: a chance to challenge againLinkWind [1k]: should resign now];W[ek]WL[15]OW[9]C[rubicon [1d]: might be kovelther [3d]: i won't steal his game];B[eh]BL[15]OB[9]C[ChiralSym [7k]: I think it was BOThater who did like a triple ko on Zen19, and got it confused.reprisal [2d]: point is, it'll be 3d on a lot of consumer hardware, and that is FAR stronger than average go playerHeartlessX [1k]: this is 9 dan squirming thoughChiralSym [7k]: mirror go into tripple koRobertT [-]: w is fine];W[bl]WL[15]OW[8]C[HeartlessX [1k]: i wouldnt be able to put up such a fight for my life :Preprisal [2d]: play a triple ko against me and i'll get confused too];B[bo]BL[15]OB[9]C[Ootakamoku [1d]: well, atleast w made life];W[bj]WL[15]OW[8]C[LinkWind [1k]: resign!];B[hc]BL[15]OB[9];W[hb]WL[15]OW[8];B[ib]BL[15]OB[9];W[jc]WL[15]OW[8]C[Thmayu [3d]: ouch];B[jb]BL[15]OB[9]C[kikasare [?]: w has to have a very strong yoseHeartlessX [1k]: top deadOotakamoku [1d]: zens next "overconfidence" kill];W[he]WL[15]OW[8]C[HeartlessX [1k]: ouch];B[ie]BL[15]OB[9]C[velther [3d]: everyone, lets give eku a chance to rematch!];W[if]WL[15]OW[8]C[velther [3d]: i wanna see it];B[je]BL[15]OB[9];W[kc]WL[15]OW[8]C[rubicon [1d]: yes, nobody else challenge Zen];B[kb]BL[15]OB[9];W[ld]WL[15]OW[8]C[HeartlessX [1k]: resign now i think];B[lb]BL[15]OB[9]C[SaiZzz [1d]: eku lose];W[jg]WL[15]OW[8]C[LinkWind [1k]: yeahHeartlessX [1k]: can't see how he digs out of this one];B[hf]BL[15]OB[9];W[kh]WL[15]OW[8]C[velther [3d]: he cantdsmic [13k?]: Not resign I want to see the handling of w];B[ji]BL[15]OB[9];W[lg]WL[15]OW[8]C[LinkWind [1k]: w hasn't enough points to win];B[kf]BL[15]OB[9];W[kg]WL[15]OW[8]C[velther [3d]: W has no target];B[me]BL[15]OB[9]C[velther [3d]: and no pointsHeartlessX [1k]: going to try to kill B in center?Thmayu [3d]: w has not nearly enough];W[gj]WL[15]OW[8];B[ng]BL[15]OB[9]C[LinkWind [1k]: finishrubicon [1d]: killing b center seems impossibleKgsZ [4k]: resreprisal [2d]: punishmentrubicon [1d]: q5 = 1 eye];W[nh]WL[15]OW[8]C[tuba1992 [6k]: FATALITYHeartlessX [1k]: yeahdonerubicon [1d]: j11 = another];B[mh]BL[15]OB[9];W[mg]WL[15]OW[8];B[oh]BL[15]OB[9];W[nf]WL[15]OW[8]C[LinkWind [1k]: give 4 stones to Zen, it's just suicideRobertT [-]: j11 not connected though];B[og]BL[15]OB[9]C[velther [3d]: zen lives in center in sente];W[le]WL[15]OW[8];B[ge]BL[15]OB[9]C[RobertT [-]: w can cut easily];W[nd]WL[15]OW[8]C[rubicon [1d]: painfu;];B[mk]BL[15]OB[9]C[Loen [7k]: pls resign ekurubicon [1d]: now b connected];W[oc]WL[15]OW[8]C[LinkWind [1k]: dead];B[nb]BL[15]OB[9];W[od]WL[15]OW[8];B[md]BL[15]OB[9]C[nay4ok [2k]: I was wondering... what if you run zen on a supercomputer?];W[mf]WL[15]OW[8]C[kikasare [?]: upper left loss is the issue];B[pf]BL[15]OB[9]C[LinkWind [1k]: no mercy for humanrubicon [1d]: this IS zen on a supercomputervelther [3d]: yarubicon [1d]: what do you think its running on?HeartlessX [1k]: 6 supercomputers, to be exact];W[ob]WL[15]OW[8]C[nay4ok [2k]: a super duper computer then];B[mc]BL[15]OB[9]C[jubjub [2k]: nah just a decent clusterreprisal [2d]: well six decent machines];W[of]WL[15]OW[8]C[jubjub [2k]: not really a super computermissmouse [4d]: oh really computer 5d?reprisal [2d]: i wouldnt call it supercomputer];B[pe]BL[15]OB[9]C[kikasare [?]: it's unclear it would be much better];W[pg]WL[15]OW[8]C[reprisal [2d]: but i suspect it doesnt scale up much morejubjub [2k]: actually pretty small for a clusternagato [4d]: strong5d ];B[ph]BL[15]OB[9];W[qg]WL[15]OW[8]C[RobertT [-]: weak 5d];B[qh]BL[15]OB[9]C[kikasare [?]: it would possibly be fasternagato [4d]: lolrubicon [1d]: WOWLoen [7k]: lolLinkWind [1k]: srongrubicon [1d]: rematch!Loen [7k]: eku resignedmkeller [6k]: again!koi3man: one more gameLinkWind [1k]: strong botRobertT [-]: eku, you have failed human kindnay4ok [2k]: lolLoen [7k]: ekuLinkWind [1k]: LOLLoen [7k]: droped from 9d to 8dhiss [-]: eku now 8djubjub [2k]: is goneKgsZ [4k]: eku lostlowly [2k?]: 8d nowKgsZ [4k]: in 5 years, i bet proswill lose vs zennay4ok [2k]: i'll give it 2])
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