(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]SO[gokifu.com]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[0.50]TM[300]OT[3x20 byo-yomi]PW[eku]PB[kghin]WR[9d]BR[8d]DT[2011-06-11]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[eku [9d]: hikghin [8d]: hi]RE[W+23.50];B[qd]BL[290.317];W[dp]WL[298.313];B[pq]BL[288.93];W[dd]WL[295.017];B[oc]BL[287.591];W[po]WL[293.307];B[qo]BL[285.575];W[rd]WL[291.419]C[HotaruMiki [7d]: they play again =)];B[re]BL[276.764];W[qn]WL[280.869];B[qp]BL[274.412];W[qe]WL[279.108];B[pe]BL[270.421];W[qf]WL[277.994];B[rf]BL[269.162];W[qg]WL[276.995];B[rg]BL[267.752];W[qh]WL[275.916];B[qc]BL[266.878];W[pn]WL[274.668];B[nq]BL[265.76];W[qj]WL[273.184];B[cj]BL[263.578];W[cg]WL[265.453];B[cn]BL[257.476];W[cl]WL[261.851];B[en]BL[249.514];W[dk]WL[259.998];B[bp]BL[220.565]C[Tsuchigumo [-]: w does not want the lower sideWarfreak2 [4d]: super ekuTsuchigumo [-]: b says "I insist"];W[gq]WL[224.937];B[eq]BL[216.887]C[HotaruMiki [7d]: lol =))];W[dq]WL[213.062]C[HotaruMiki [7d]: funny funny =)))];B[fq]BL[201.047];W[do]WL[181.708]C[Ojisama [4k?]: anyone knows who eku is (a part from being a human)Ojisama [4k?]: ?];B[dn]BL[171.572]C[Warfreak2 [4d]: eku is human?];W[fp]WL[176.581]C[handshake [2k]: he's not humanHotaruMiki [7d]: no one knows yet];B[gr]BL[169.524];W[gp]WL[170.013]C[Unicornz [1k]: |I heard from an unreliable source that he is japanese pro];B[hr]BL[167.408]C[HotaruMiki [7d]: his identity is stll unsure ojisamaOjisama [4k?]: ok =)];W[gn]WL[163.248];B[gm]BL[145.223]C[Javaness [3d]: I heard eku used to work as the scoree estimator in 2004];W[bq]WL[139.657]C[xevad [-]: lol JavaOjisama [4k?]: i heard he's a borg];B[fn]BL[137.689];W[dr]WL[135.246]C[ataribenji [5k]: Cylonxevad [-]: I think eku is the ghost of Jowab8matt [3k]: it's time for kghin to change his pic];B[hn]BL[101.209];W[iq]WL[131.493];B[hq]BL[95.987]C[bobstep [7k]: yeah, probably has a beard by now];W[hp]WL[120.449];B[jq]BL[94.083]C[xevad [-]: no they showed a picture for the WAGC];W[ir]WL[103.542];B[ip]BL[91.391]C[xevad [-]: still looks very much like this picture];W[jr]WL[101.714]C[xevad [-]: maybe skinnierhandshake [2k]: as far as i can tell, WoonSai is the best player on KGShkkyeen [7d]: b is being too generousmasasehh: tartrate !!F525 [4k]: So you think K3 was bad?AetherSoul [2k]: L3?realjack [2d]: ...when did eku climb to 9d....hkkyeen [7d]: w 1 liberty fasterhandshake [2k]: ehh actually it would be BIBA2011 cause he actually plays on KGS and he's 9p :PUnicornz [1k]: eku was always 9dOotakamoku [1d]: eku gained back his 9d after losing it to zen botrealjack [2d]: oh really....];B[jp]BL[22.058]C[koticgood [4k]: 10d and 11d more than 8d? lol];W[kq]WL[93.316];B[kp]BL[20.342];W[lq]WL[92.073];B[lp]BL[18.321];W[mq]WL[85.732]C[xevad [-]: I like how people think Zen19d is weak..realjack [2d]: i think honiinbo something used to be 11d..Unicornz [1k]: no one thinks thatxevad [-]: dan bot is still a dan botWarfreak2 [4d]: zen must be weak, he's a bot];B[mp]BL[4.459]C[realjack [2d]: and 10d is always a title in japan..koticgood [4k]: just saying, according to his rank graphOjisama [4k?]: it's honnorary];W[nr]WL[70.225]C[handshake [2k]: warfreak, he won't fall for your trick moves :D];B[or]BL[20]OB[3];W[np]WL[65.669];B[oq]BL[20]OB[3];W[mr]WL[63.829]C[Ojisama [4k?]: u get 10dan when you're 9dan and played for like your whole lifexevad [-]: Unicornz everyday there is a new person in the EGR that is unaware of that bot's strength];B[dj]BL[20]OB[3]C[Unicornz [1k]: that's just what they tell 9ds as an incentive];W[ej]WL[62.336]C[realjack [2d]: EGR is watb8matt [3k]: so much focus on 2nd line...this is patheticFeanor [1d]: you get 10d when you win judanF525 [4k]: B's outside thickness seems hard to use to me.xevad [-]: the troll lobby];B[ei]BL[20]OB[3]C[Ojisama [4k?]: tststs you're trolling too much peopleFeanor [1d]: no need to be 9p prior to that :p];W[di]WL[45.118]C[bobstep [7k]: true xevad];B[fj]BL[20]OB[3];W[ek]WL[42.648]C[Sheeple [1k]: so, this cut looks like what i would play];B[dh]BL[20]OB[3];W[ci]WL[41.473];B[ch]BL[20]OB[3];W[bi]WL[40.264];B[bh]BL[20]OB[3];W[bj]WL[39.046]C[Ojisama [4k?]: and btw zenbot is weakAmerBeton [5k]: ??];B[fi]BL[20]OB[3]C[beluga [3k]: sentehandshake [2k]: Ojisama, zen is weak in anybody's standards, human or botsUnicornz [1k]: I think it's secretly afraid of death too];W[gl]WL[7.629]C[Sheeple [1k]: yes, 5d is pathetic];B[fl]BL[20]OB[3]C[AmerBeton [5k]: what is kghin doin ?xevad [-]: Ojisama: Zenbot != Zen19d.. but you already know this];W[fk]WL[20]OW[3];B[gk]BL[20]OB[3];W[gj]WL[20]OW[3]C[handshake [2k]: if you want to play a strong bot, you'd have to play smartrobotFeanor [1d]: zen19d is obviously a trollFeanor [1d]: there is no 19d in goOjisama [4k?]: same thing xevad same thing];B[hl]BL[20]OB[3];W[eh]WL[20]OW[3]C[Sheeple [1k]: smart robot is commercial licenseSheeple [1k]: zen19 is freexevad [-]: Zenbot is actually a human player];B[dg]BL[20]OB[3];W[gi]WL[20]OW[3]C[Ojisama [4k?]: i knowOjisama [4k?]: but it's still the same thing];B[de]BL[20]OB[3]C[handshake [2k]: who programmed smartrobot?Ojisama [4k?]: it's just a name i used ];W[fh]WL[20]OW[3];B[cd]BL[20]OB[3];W[cc]WL[20]OW[3]C[HotaruMiki [7d]: milanmilanHotaruMiki [7d]: =o];B[dc]BL[20]OB[3];W[ed]WL[20]OW[3]C[xevad [-]: ambiguityHotaruMiki [7d]: lol jk jk =p];B[ec]BL[20]OB[3]C[xevad [-]: doesn't workOjisama [4k?]: no doraemon programmed ithandshake [2k]: milanmilan programmed smartrobot? :0SteelyDan [6k]: bigbadwolf];W[ce]WL[20]OW[3];B[bd]BL[20]OB[3]C[xevad [-]: where is bolbi];W[ee]WL[20]OW[3]C[iceworld1 [5k]: i don't like black stylehkkyeen [7d]: w is too good];B[df]BL[20]OB[3];W[cb]WL[20]OW[3]C[hsng: w too strong];B[fc]BL[20]OB[3];W[be]WL[20]OW[3];B[ff]BL[20]OB[3]C[Tsuchigumo [-]: w a class actOjisama [4k?]: white must be using some cheat mode ];W[id]WL[20]OW[3]C[Cassherns [7k]: w is wb8matt [3k]: kghin getting punished];B[kc]BL[20]OB[3]C[xevad [-]: black played better when he took white against eku];W[kd]WL[20]OW[3]C[Feanor [1d]: who is w?];B[jc]BL[20]OB[3];W[ic]WL[20]OW[3]C[Cassherns [7k]: w];B[jd]BL[20]OB[3];W[ie]WL[20]OW[3]C[b8matt [3k]: I'm whiteSaurusDNA [6k]: ekuOjisama [4k?]: a humanOjisama [4k?]: or a borg];B[je]BL[20]OB[3]C[b8matt [3k]: well, caucasian to be prolitically correctAmerBeton [5k]: seems he's giving b a hard time, or am i wrong ?];W[if]WL[20]OW[3];B[fd]BL[20]OB[3];W[bc]WL[20]OW[3];B[fe]BL[20]OB[3]C[HotaruMiki [7d]: black gonna die if he keep doing this];W[ad]WL[20]OW[3];B[cd]BL[20]OB[3]C[HotaruMiki [7d]: g18];W[bg]WL[20]OW[3]C[AmerBeton [5k]: lol ?HotaruMiki [7d]: or this one =)];B[kg]BL[20]OB[3]C[xevad [-]: ...xevad [-]: tenuki!?];W[gb]WL[20]OW[3]C[Feanor [1d]: thanks, all captains obviouscat1969 [1k]: :)];B[hg]BL[20]OB[3];W[jf]WL[20]OW[3]C[HotaruMiki [7d]: blackgonna dieOotakamoku [1d]: b dont have eyespace nowHotaruMiki [7d]: if not careful];B[kf]BL[20]OB[3];W[ih]WL[20]OW[3]C[xevad [-]: why did he tenukiTsuchigumo [-]: Deep folly by b.Ootakamoku [1d]: that starting to look like game overtrantran07 [2k]: B resigns];B[ig]BL[20]OB[3];W[jg]WL[20]OW[3];B[jh]BL[20]OB[3]C[HotaruMiki [7d]: hes not being careful =/AmerBeton [5k]: lol ?Ootakamoku [1d]: w will get nose tesuji];W[hf]WL[20]OW[3]C[handshake [2k]: white doesn't die?HotaruMiki [7d]: white can do f19janover [11k]: might be some lesson gameHotaruMiki [7d]: for life so];B[gg]BL[20]OB[3]C[HotaruMiki [7d]: he is fine];W[fa]WL[20]OW[3]C[xevad [-]: tesujigoren2 [6k]: donehandshake [2k]: ahHotaruMiki [7d]: this makes black dead];B[ql]BL[20]OB[3]C[beluga [3k]: nice connectAmerBeton [5k]: whaouh];W[kh]WL[20]OW[3];B[ji]BL[20]OB[3];W[ii]WL[20]OW[3];B[hb]BL[20]OB[3];W[gc]WL[20]OW[3];B[ea]BL[20]OB[3]C[xevad [-]: that is a really big territory];W[eb]WL[20]OW[3];B[fb]BL[20]OB[3];W[da]WL[20]OW[3]C[Ootakamoku [1d]: g totaly messed upOotakamoku [1d]: bCassherns [7k]: who kill who :p];B[db]BL[20]OB[3]C[HotaruMiki [7d]: white kills black];W[ea]WL[20]OW[3]C[Kekkaishi [6k]: white strongxevad [-]: this is really popular lately];B[ib]BL[20]OB[3];W[hc]WL[20]OW[3]C[AurelienC [2d]: q9 ?AmerBeton [5k]: im not really sure about what is happening];B[pk]BL[20]OB[3]C[xevad [-]: wasting ko threats for more thinking time in blitz];W[pd]WL[20]OW[3]C[hollynobi [5k]: b die];B[rh]BL[20]OB[3];W[oe]WL[20]OW[3];B[od]BL[20]OB[3]C[Lebensraum [13k]: g18 and f 19 are tesuji?];W[ni]WL[20]OW[3];B[nk]BL[20]OB[3]C[Ojisama [4k?]: reverse monkeyChemBoy613 [-]: nopeAmerBeton [5k]: whaouhChemBoy613 [-]: common movespatrickelo [3k]: mby kghin was just making sure j19 is sente];W[lh]WL[20]OW[3];B[jj]BL[20]OB[3]C[Spec: f19 yes, g18 was just an ordinary move to remove eyespace];W[lf]WL[20]OW[3];B[ke]BL[20]OB[3]C[Warfreak2 [4d]: reverse monkey jump = jumpy monkxevad [-]: yes tesuji are ordinary movesFeanor [1d]: f19 is common connection as wellShuyo [-]: ...];W[rl]WL[20]OW[3]C[ChemBoy613 [-]: i thought they were normal >.
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