(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]SO[gokifu.com]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]TM[300]OT[5x30 byo-yomi]PW[kghin]PB[zchen]WR[8d]BR[8d]DT[2011-06-12]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[Archron [3k]: awww yeahzchen [8d]: hi]RE[W+Resign];B[pd]BL[288.186]C[kghin [8d]: hi];W[jj]WL[295.108]C[Ootakamoku [1d]: zchen is playing very well lately, and kghin going the other way..xevad [-]: .......];B[cp]BL[279.498]C[Archron [3k]: ORLY...];W[eq]WL[290.667]C[xevad [-]: YA RLY];B[do]BL[277.096]C[sidarta [5k]: they two are kids?];W[eo]WL[282.729]C[Archron [3k]: tengen says i play betterxevad [-]: kghin must be bored];B[en]BL[256.661]C[noobienoob [3k]: what fancy technique does kghin have this time?];W[fo]WL[281.391];B[dq]BL[254.506];W[er]WL[278.376];B[dm]BL[253.343];W[op]WL[274.886]C[atarihuana [2d]: influence strat];B[qp]BL[247.735];W[pm]WL[273.76];B[oq]BL[239.445]C[atarihuana [2d]: how to use the tengen];W[pq]WL[272.076];B[pp]BL[237.338]C[saisueye [3d?]: tengen doesn't say i play better...];W[qq]WL[270.432];B[rq]BL[225.089]C[eatramen [8k]: zchen always played well, as for kghin.......];W[rr]WL[263.67]C[xevad [-]: what is up with kghin and his recent influence strategiesatarihuana [2d]: b should avoid all outside ladder joseki ^^koko [5d]: zchen wouldnt be a kid anymoregobugobu [7d]: This is notoriously bad for BlackCoffeeman [5k]: worthy opponent, time to try new fuseki];B[ro]BL[208.707]C[iminon: i dont know why but i like the game in kghin's picture];W[sq]WL[261.748];B[sp]BL[206.702];W[rp]WL[260.585]C[iminon: :-D];B[oo]BL[201.917]C[xevad [-]: is he trying to stop black from playing for influence at the startnoobienoob [3k]: lol];W[np]WL[257.533];B[rq]BL[200.864]C[Archron [3k]: zchen ko!atarihuana [2d]: crazy];W[po]WL[242.076]C[Ootakamoku [1d]: no threats..];B[pn]BL[194.563]C[Coffeeman [5k]: wow...];W[on]WL[238.142]C[iminon: only kghin find thisxevad [-]: cause giving zchen solid territory is just as bad of an idea];B[qo]BL[189.183]C[iminon: :O!];W[no]WL[236.345];B[pr]BL[183.293]C[Archron [3k]: wall from one side: success];W[qr]WL[226.557]C[noobienoob [3k]: asian vs asiannoobienoob [3k]: who will win?];B[sr]BL[171.931]C[atarihuana [2d]: human];W[or]WL[225.109]C[iminon: one asian];B[nq]BL[170.775]C[Coffeeman [5k]: zchenMongoose11 [9k]: the asian?OuFeRRaT [2d]: i love this game :)Ootakamoku [1d]: and now they play p5 ko nextiminon: w alive in gotesfgss [1d]: very innovative Ootakamoku [1d]: w push + take, then b o6?iminon: ;)];W[lq]WL[191.53]C[iminon: q1iminon: whatiminon: oh what];B[om]BL[162.307]C[iminon: theMongoose11 [9k]: p7, no? he has the ladder];W[po]WL[189.011];B[nr]BL[160.831];W[ps]WL[183.339];B[oo]BL[159.442]C[markjgc [7k]: w looks to be in sort of odd shape];W[nn]WL[181.039];B[pl]BL[158.592]C[iminon: tengen looks funny];W[qm]WL[167.29]C[atarihuana [2d]: w fineiminon: no?Ootakamoku [1d]: w shape looks good I thinkBetterBot [14k?]: Go kghin!noobienoob [3k]: kghin];B[ql]BL[142.696];W[rm]WL[164.772]C[Coffeeman [5k]: w fine but tengen should be top left corner?saisueye [3d?]: zchen is on drugs];B[ol]BL[136.069]C[CBlue [1d?]: zcheeen!markjgc [7k]: lolnoobienoob [3k]: kghin plays a lot with hutoshisaisueye [3d?]: just look at his dpkoko [5d]: the good type?];W[qf]WL[155.926];B[qi]BL[131.407]C[noobienoob [3k]: hutoshi8];W[rj]WL[148.621]C[iminon: kghin and hutoshi are the samemarkjgc [7k]: is s7 just for aji?];B[rl]BL[122.14]C[atarihuana [2d]: i cant wait till last exam the the good type will be flowing :)iminon: xDD];W[md]WL[134.366]C[koko [5d]: oh definitely sinc e1 is japanese and 1 is chinesenoobienoob [3k]: its almost as if hutoshi8 and kghin are brothers :D];B[pf]BL[115.795]C[noobienoob [3k]: chinese winsnoobienoob [3k]: lol];W[pg]WL[120.863];B[of]BL[112.881];W[qe]WL[119.717];B[qd]BL[111.01];W[qh]WL[117.739];B[nc]BL[101.424]C[iminon: chinese fuseki ftw];W[nd]WL[113.898];B[od]BL[97.374];W[mc]WL[112.928];B[nb]BL[95.921]C[noobienoob [3k]: ASIAN POWER!];W[pi]WL[101.205]C[noobienoob [3k]: SUPER SAIYAN 1!!!!!!!!iminon: s10 powersfgss [1d]: nobody cares about the empty cornerTetriste [2d]: me power];B[id]BL[73.22]C[atarihuana [2d]: because its the biggest non urgent point remainingTetriste [2d]: yeah but its not urgentsaisueye [3d?]: corner is for losersCBlue [1d?]: who play D16 first lose];W[fd]WL[81.807]C[markjgc [7k]: lol\Tetriste [2d]: eeeshCBlue [1d?]: w skillfully avoid d16];B[dd]BL[65.124]C[iminon: 6th line is for the winners];W[df]WL[79.462];B[cc]BL[62.324]C[Tetriste [2d]: b lostsfgss [1d]: hamarkjgc [7k]: I was expecting e16, actually];W[ff]WL[71.015];B[le]BL[57.198]C[iminon: m15 looks painfullCBlue [1d?]: L16?];W[nf]WL[47.519]C[iminon: o14atarihuana [2d]: easy way out];B[kq]BL[40.879]C[iminon: oh nooo l3 tsukeiminon: :(iminon: i resignMongoose11 [9k]: m2?markjgc [7k]: n3?];W[mq]WL[14.815]C[Mongoose11 [9k]: niceiminon: 7k powamarkjgc [7k]: :DCBlue [1d?]: K6? ^^Mongoose11 [9k]: shape, connectioniminon: l6 i thinkdavideo [3k]: i like whites play so fardavideo [3k]: his shapes seem cool];B[ho]BL[30]OB[5]C[davideo [3k]: black is a bit berhind?davideo [3k]: behind*atarihuana [2d]: w has just investments so fatatarihuana [2d]: farCBlue [1d?]: mammoth jumpiminon: so fat lol];W[fn]WL[30]OW[5]C[sfgss [1d]: I think b is better nowatarihuana [2d]: its fat investments yes];B[fm]BL[30]OB[5]C[atarihuana [2d]: i ment to spell thatcuckilaoca [8k]: B better, i thinkiminon: hehe];W[gm]WL[30]OW[5]C[gobugobu [7d]: B is playing a little erroneously.];B[gn]BL[30]OB[5]C[davideo [3k]: how is white playing?saisueye [3d?]: is that a word?];W[hq]WL[30]OW[5]C[gobugobu [7d]: W is playing as if his life depends on it];B[iq]BL[30]OB[5]C[davideo [3k]: really?];W[hp]WL[30]OW[5]C[CBlue [1d?]: maybe it doesdavideo [3k]: wow...];B[hm]BL[30]OB[5]C[davideo [3k]: i wouldnt go that far..];W[gl]WL[30]OW[5]C[atarihuana [2d]: more like for the cvrushing win];B[ip]BL[30]OB[5]C[sfgss [1d]: w's moves are fancy but seem not practicalCBlue [1d?]: J2?Mongoose11 [9k]: j5];W[ir]WL[30]OW[5]C[Mongoose11 [9k]: mrr.];B[jr]BL[30]OB[5]C[CBlue [1d?]: :D];W[hr]WL[30]OW[5];B[fl]BL[30]OB[5]C[davideo [3k]: j5 is a must cut or connectatarihuana [2d]: he would not start tengen and try this strat if his life were at stakeiminon: j6iminon: nvm j5atarihuana [2d]: too risky];W[gk]WL[30]OW[5]C[iminon: xD];B[fk]BL[30]OB[5]C[Ootakamoku [1d]: w j6?Mongoose11 [9k]: ah, miscounted. I meant j6markjgc [7k]: is the left getting kind of big?];W[kp]WL[30]OW[5];B[gj]BL[30]OB[5];W[il]WL[30]OW[5];B[ik]BL[30]OB[5];W[hj]WL[30]OW[5]C[iminon: c10 is the next tenukable move ];B[jl]BL[30]OB[5]C[iminon: i hope w plays it];W[im]WL[30]OW[5]C[CBlue [1d?]: just J7?];B[jm]BL[30]OB[5];W[in]WL[30]OW[5]C[CBlue [1d?]: oOdavideo [3k]: if that black group lives, white lostatarihuana [2d]: whats b doing];B[jn]BL[30]OB[5]C[atarihuana [2d]: ah];W[jk]WL[30]OW[5]C[atarihuana [2d]: nvmOotakamoku [1d]: sacrificing a few practically dead stonesOotakamoku [1d]: to reduce w];B[io]BL[30]OB[5]C[saisueye [3d?]: fail sorz];W[ij]WL[30]OW[5];B[hl]BL[30]OB[5];W[hk]WL[30]OW[5];B[hn]BL[30]OB[5]C[CBlue [1d?]: M8? ^^Rayang8888 [2d]: w greedyOotakamoku [1d]: hmm, this doesnt look sentemarkjgc [7k]: k5?gobugobu [7d]: Is B finished?atarihuana [2d]: m7 tempting];W[ik]WL[30]OW[5]C[Emerson [4k]: m8 davideo [3k]: black is regretting playing that move?];B[ll]BL[30]OB[5]C[davideo [3k]: n/mCoffeeman [5k]: extra greedy....];W[fj]WL[30]OW[5];B[mf]BL[30]OB[5];W[ng]WL[30]OW[5]C[davideo [3k]: so at this point white is losing big time ];B[ej]BL[30]OB[5];W[gi]WL[30]OW[5]C[Emerson [4k]: k5 too small?!aaky: g4?iminon: g11 is funatarihuana [2d]: k5 fails];B[ld]BL[30]OB[5];W[mb]WL[30]OW[5]C[Emerson [4k]: oh right];B[ne]BL[30]OB[5]C[Mongoose11 [9k]: w k4?davideo [3k]: i see no hope for white];W[me]WL[30]OW[5];B[oe]BL[30]OB[5];W[kc]WL[30]OW[5];B[lf]BL[30]OB[5];W[jd]WL[30]OW[5]C[atarihuana [2d]: k4 sameatarihuana [2d]: cant cut anything];B[jc]BL[30]OB[5];W[kd]WL[30]OW[5]C[iminon: the game is getting forms nowiminon: :DD];B[og]BL[30]OB[5]C[mkeller [6k]: g5 ruins all the fun...];W[nh]WL[30]OW[5];B[oh]BL[30]OB[5];W[ni]WL[30]OW[5];B[oi]BL[30]OB[5];W[nj]WL[30]OW[5]C[sfgss [1d]: k5 is to help the enemy];B[ri]BL[30]OB[5]C[saisueye [3d?]: r u seriousRayang8888 [2d]: small?davideo [3k]: white resign!atarihuana [2d]: ooooouch w];W[rh]WL[30]OW[5];B[pj]BL[30]OB[5]C[CBlue [1d?]: w e17 ?Bushworm [2k?]: b traded off center for itatarihuana [2d]: cant kill c17];W[rd]WL[30]OW[5]C[iminon: b is crazyRayang8888 [2d]: now continue];B[rc]BL[30]OB[3];W[ec]WL[30]OW[5];B[cf]BL[30]OB[3];W[ce]WL[30]OW[5];B[de]BL[30]OB[3];W[cg]WL[30]OW[5];B[bf]BL[30]OB[3]C[lockelaton [4k]: K5 L5];W[dg]WL[30]OW[5]C[davideo [3k]: n8 works];B[bg]BL[30]OB[3];W[bh]WL[30]OW[5]C[lockelaton [4k]: die];B[be]BL[30]OB[3]C[iminon: the center is all wdavideo [3k]: right?noobienoob [3k]: go kghin!];W[ml]WL[30]OW[5];B[mk]BL[30]OB[3];W[mm]WL[30]OW[5]C[Emerson [4k]: omgiminon: hehedavideo [3k]: lol what a comeback, awesome!Bushworm [2k?]: b lost?davideo [3k]: no way for black to liveEmerson [4k]: i didn't read this connection... i thought it was uncuttable lolBetterBot [14k?]: kghin gonna kghinvegmandu [3d]: O9 and trade?varsan [3d]: o9 m9 m10 l9 m12 then what?Rayang8888 [2d]: o9?Rayang8888 [2d]: m10?];B[nk]BL[30]OB[1];W[lk]WL[30]OW[5];B[lj]BL[30]OB[1];W[kk]WL[30]OW[5];B[lh]BL[30]OB[1]C[sidarta [5k]: is r15 dead?Rayang8888 [2d]: rightAroundOneD [2d]: q12mkeller [6k]: dun dun duuuuuhmarkjgc [7k]: whoopsdavideo [3k]: evenCBlue [1d?]: yes sidarta];W[ie]WL[30]OW[5]C[davideo [3k]: no, black ahead];B[kb]BL[30]OB[1]C[AroundOneD [2d]: ko there];W[lc]WL[30]OW[5];B[ib]BL[30]OB[1];W[kg]WL[30]OW[5]C[OuFeRRaT [2d]: i prefer black i think];B[lg]BL[30]OB[1];W[hc]WL[30]OW[5]C[nanotech [2k]: b is on drugsRayang8888 [2d]: go ahedCBlue [1d?]: K14 maybe?nngs [3d?]: w on right side is a ko];B[ic]BL[30]OB[1];W[hb]WL[30]OW[5];B[hd]BL[30]OB[1];W[gd]WL[30]OW[5];B[je]BL[30]OB[1];W[ke]WL[30]OW[5];B[jf]BL[30]OB[1]C[sfgss [1d]: ???];W[kf]WL[30]OW[5];B[jh]BL[30]OB[1]C[Rayang8888 [2d]: rightmkeller [6k]: huh?Emerson [4k]: is black smoking weed?libertygo [4k?]: lol his pic];W[jg]WL[30]OW[5];B[if]BL[30]OB[1]C[Bushworm [2k?]: its hang overlibertygo [4k?]: he's just real chillEmerson [4k]: i was talking about his play];W[kh]WL[30]OW[5];B[ki]BL[30]OB[1]C[Rayang8888 [2d]: right];W[ih]WL[30]OW[5]C[medical [5k]: w not liking this];B[hf]BL[30]OB[1]C[nubilenose: play seemsnormal, here];W[mj]WL[30]OW[5]C[saisueye [3d?]: hotChipMonk [2k]: spicyvegmandu [3d]: n11iminon: sekimarkjgc [7k]: k19?vegmandu [3d]: ;) forget I said thatthekaiser [1d]: n11davideo [3k]: ? where is zchendavideo [3k]: did he leave?SaiZzz [1d]: sekivegmandu [3d]: net problem];B[ha]BL[30]OB[1]C[vegmandu [3d]: yes sekidavideo [3k]: ohaqua11 [12k]: escape?stoneder [3k]: he's there];W[cr]WL[30]OW[5];B[ci]BL[30]OB[1]C[Emerson [4k]: he's trolling us];W[di]WL[30]OW[5];B[dj]BL[30]OB[1]C[Rayang8888 [2d]: h19 wrong];W[cj]WL[30]OW[5];B[bi]BL[30]OB[1];W[ch]WL[30]OW[5];B[ei]BL[30]OB[1]C[Rayang8888 [2d]: yes];W[ai]WL[30]OW[5];B[bj]BL[30]OB[1]C[BenSenTen [4k]: who'swinning?thekaiser [1d]: crazyAroundOneD [2d]: b9iminon: bluevegmandu [3d]: H19 is fine];W[eh]WL[30]OW[5]C[EntBlitz [3k]: but hes aming to kill d13 ];B[ck]BL[30]OB[1];W[gf]WL[30]OW[5];B[db]BL[30]OB[1];W[bq]WL[30]OW[5];B[ji]BL[30]OB[1]C[Bushworm [2k?]: w seems like lost some points];W[hg]WL[30]OW[5]C[ChipMonk [2k]: alot];B[he]BL[30]OB[1];W[ig]WL[30]OW[5];B[oj]BL[30]OB[1]C[BenSenTen [4k]: w has many points at bottom/];W[kj]WL[30]OW[5];B[li]BL[30]OB[1]C[ChipMonk [2k]: b5];W[se]WL[30]OW[5];B[rf]BL[30]OB[1]C[Rayang8888 [2d]: h15f12aqua11 [12k]: seki right?Bushworm [2k?]: i know c2 was big but the b move of c11 seemed to be more worse for the w];W[na]WL[30]OW[5];B[pb]BL[30]OB[1]C[Emerson [4k]: yes aqua];W[bo]WL[30]OW[5]C[thekaiser [1d]: k11 was weird];B[bp]BL[30]OB[1]C[gobugobu [7d]: q12 s13 r10 s15 - So W needs the exchange t17 s18 first];W[ap]WL[30]OW[5];B[bn]BL[30]OB[1];W[pa]WL[30]OW[5];B[qa]BL[30]OB[1]C[Quman [3d]: live];W[oa]WL[30]OW[5];B[fh]BL[30]OB[1];W[fi]WL[30]OW[5];B[eg]BL[30]OB[1]C[Rayang8888 [2d]: that a boy];W[ef]WL[30]OW[5];B[gh]BL[30]OB[1]C[gobugobu [7d]: actually... q12 s13 r10 r13 t11 s15 works too, because after that W t9 s9 t8 t6patrickn [2k]: AMAZINGBenSenTen [4k]: thats 8d playerEntBlitz [3k]: wowAroundOneD [2d]: nice];W[hh]WL[30]OW[5];B[dh]BL[30]OB[1];W[gg]WL[30]OW[5];B[qb]BL[30]OB[1]C[Rayang8888 [2d]: game overmkeller [6k]: and its sente too!Bushworm [2k?]: its not good to get smushed like thatTetriste [2d]: they sure know how to mess up your groups if there's a weakness in the shape];W[fb]WL[30]OW[5];B[co]BL[30]OB[1]C[Rayang8888 [2d]: r19 bad];W[ja]WL[30]OW[5]C[patrickn [2k]: ,,,SaiZzz [1d]: resEntBlitz [3k]: m19 ?];B[la]BL[30]OB[1];W[ma]WL[30]OW[5];B[ia]BL[30]OB[1]C[RobinUpton [4d?]: ko];W[lb]WL[30]OW[5]C[SaiZzz [1d]: not kokgsjutsu [6k?]: how?coolbabe [5d]: m18vegmandu [3d]: m18 :)RobinUpton [4d?]: no, my mistakeEmerson [4k]: oh no zchenvarsan [3d]: now I can win with wmkeller [6k]: deadsaisueye [3d?]: o!libertygo [4k?]: nooRayang8888 [2d]: r19???AroundOneD [2d]: pityBenSenTen [4k]: resBushworm [2k?]: it was a good game thomarkjgc [7k]: niceTetriste [2d]: ninja d/cilmafioso [3k?]: g18Rayang8888 [2d]: all for nothingsaisueye [3d?]: perfect timingcoolbabe [5d]: b was leading bigsaisueye [3d?]: to disconnectRayang8888 [2d]: d2 is bigger than anyzchen [8d]: thxjoekenfbi [5k]: ??kghin [8d]: thanksjoekenfbi [5k]: G18 an kolibertygo [4k?]: poor zchenBetterBot [14k?]: kid pulled a kghin once againjoekenfbi [5k]: G18 and ko?koko [5d]: mp lpBushworm [2k?]: how can u blame w for what happenedkoko [5d]: no ko*sfgss [1d]: one moremollycat [6k]: g18 g17iminon: g18 not koBushworm [2k?]: its b responsibility to live the gropaqua11 [12k]: if b l19 instead m19 it lives no?libertygo [4k?]: e19joekenfbi [5k]: G18 G 17 F17joekenfbi [5k]: and Kosaisueye [3d?]: flukeiminon: no ko g18 g17 f17 e19libertygo [4k?]: yajoekenfbi [5k]: E19 E18, kokoticgood [4k]: loljoekenfbi [5k]: :Dkoticgood [4k]: makes me said that im same rankF525 [4k]: Why would W play F17?F525 [4k]: I don't get it.iminon: e19 e18 yhen g19iminon: thenlibertygo [4k?]: no koiminon: yah no kodavideo [3k]: crucial game!!!!!Bushworm [2k?]: i would like to view a replayiminon: g18 g17 f17 e18 e18 g19 no kolibertygo [4k?]: w has guts to play middle moveiminon: he is missing one atariiminon: xDiminon: ops sry g18 g17 f19 e19 e18 g19 iminon: bye])
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