d3 ko threatibd [5k]: d3 d2 c3 c2 b3 b2 blackman [1d]: 1 point minusBlaubaer [5d]: hm w needs c2?ibd [5k]: not seki?GoatCheese [2k]: he would not play d3 nowGoatCheese [2k]: that is sillyZahlman [1k]: surely the ko threat is not worth more than just taking the point with e5?FraTeoX [1k]: nno*nurc: w win by 4.5];W[ig]WL[40]OW[2]C[ibd [5k]: c2 you mean?];B[mo]BL[40]OB[3];W[mp]WL[40]OW[2]C[Backflash [9k?]: come on, to many!];B[js]BL[40]OB[3];W[kr]WL[40]OW[2]C[realjack [2d]: i think black is better...Zahlman [1k]: a13JoostvdPol [2d]: b+1,5 i thinklockelaton [4k]: i love KO at f15Tree [4k]: I would try c2 as blackmoyoAGA1k [1d]: black needs to start ko in upper rightKamaksi [2d?]: w looks aheadReAtum [3k]: e15];B[ej]BL[40]OB[3]C[ying888 [19k]: b+ 0.5];W[ei]WL[40]OW[2];B[ek]BL[40]OB[3]C[saikosan [7k]: black is utilizing his time hardcore... I like that!blackman [1d]: s19Ojisama [4k?]: we shoule havea betting system in here like tygemmartin3141 [3d]: there is no ko at f15-areajytsao [8k?]: a13 looks big];W[ag]WL[40]OW[2]C[jytsao [8k?]: (and gote, as usual)ibd [5k]: black is da illest];B[af]BL[40]OB[3];W[ah]WL[40]OW[2]C[Backflash [9k?]: nono no betting systemDL2 [1k]: w+1.5?Backflash [9k?]: we would loose kibitzibd [5k]: lose**];B[aj]BL[40]OB[3]C[saikosan [7k]: so many score estimates XD it will be over soon loljytsao [8k?]: B+0.5FraTeoX [1k]: j6Jye [4k]: I think he means s19 ko and that would just be recklessibd [5k]: I lose, you lose, s/he loses, we lose, you lose, they losesaikosan [7k]: what?ibd [5k]: THE GAMEGoatCheese [2k]: s19 is a possible ko for black if he was behindmooooo [-]: w+2.5moyoAGA1k [1d]: white wonplsbkind [12k]: t18?martin3141 [3d]: w s19];W[ee]WL[40]OW[2]C[ying888 [19k]: time.....GoatCheese [2k]: s19 give black a lot of ko potentialsaikosan [7k]: why is it whites turn?GoatCheese [2k]: with the bottom rightGoatCheese [2k]: ewrrlockelaton [4k]: g15];B[ge]BL[40]OB[3]C[jytsao [8k?]: S19 sente no?GoatCheese [2k]: bottom leftsaikosan [7k]: Whats up with the time XDblackman [1d]: s19 for kojytsao [8k?]: but no points i thought];W[fd]WL[40]OW[2]C[saikosan [7k]: eeeek Vincent [2d]: ko for the victory];B[ed]BL[40]OB[3]C[ibd [5k]: triple koGoatCheese [2k]: s19 is worth points];W[ra]WL[40]OW[2]C[ibd [5k]: no result!GoatCheese [2k]: oh wellblackman [1d]: d3 big ko threats];B[sb]BL[40]OB[3]C[jytsao [8k?]: not for w];W[fd]WL[40]OW[2]C[indianayk [4d]: s19 will ensure of win];B[nf]BL[40]OB[3];W[mf]WL[40]OW[2];B[ed]BL[40]OB[3];W[hh]WL[40]OW[2]C[Wiggum [10k?]: I keep counting B ahead];B[gg]BL[40]OB[3];W[fd]WL[40]OW[2];B[cr]BL[40]OB[3]C[ReAtum [3k]: 3 said no ko?!GoatCheese [2k]: black has so mant threats on bottom ];W[cq]WL[40]OW[2];B[ed]BL[40]OB[3]C[Kamaksi [2d?]: b17];W[bc]WL[40]OW[2];B[bb]BL[40]OB[3]C[ReAtum [3k]: 3d];W[fd]WL[40]OW[2]C[Zahlman [1k]: j6, two kos? >_<];B[bo]BL[40]OB[3]C[ibd [5k]: two kos means jigokoticgood [4k]: this ko is for a point and the koZahlman [1k]: no, this one bigger, I'm sillykoticgood [4k]: ...GoatCheese [2k]: well this is worth moreGoatCheese [2k]: than j6martin3141 [3d]: j6-ko is less pointsxevad [-]: why did kghin intentionally discard of a point];W[co]WL[40]OW[2];B[ed]BL[40]OB[3]C[Rakuten [2k]: masochist];W[ac]WL[40]OW[2]C[Blaubaer [5d]: ah bb2 w a3 ];B[ab]BL[40]OB[3]C[Zahlman [1k]: a4 > c5 surely?];W[fd]WL[40]OW[2]C[ReAtum [3k]: d2GoatCheese [2k]: d3GoatCheese [2k]: is better];B[br]BL[40]OB[3]C[indianayk [4d]: b has too many threats in the low left];W[aq]WL[40]OW[2];B[ed]BL[40]OB[3]C[JoostvdPol [2d]: if w wins the ko, b has no point at g17JoostvdPol [2d]: thats why];W[ad]WL[40]OW[2]C[ReAtum [3k]: d3*koticgood [4k]: he realized that.];B[ae]BL[40]OB[3];W[fd]WL[40]OW[2]C[koticgood [4k]: Zahlman [1k]: no, this one bigger, I'm silly];B[bq]BL[40]OB[3]C[JoostvdPol [2d]: ah rightJoostvdPol [2d]: sorryZahlman [1k]: omg, c5 instead of a4 needed because of b2 etc... :O];W[ar]WL[40]OW[2]C[GroovyM [11k]: violent crazyclicisclic [11k]: why w did not answer on A4?ibd [5k]: yes zahlmanGoatCheese [2k]: he reading this out hard];B[ed]BL[40]OB[3]C[ibd [5k]: else it's aji-keshijytsao [8k?]: B17];W[fn]WL[40]OW[2]C[lockelaton [4k]: b17Nefeste [4k]: no a16 )Rakuten [2k]: I think you mean wasabe-tempura];B[gn]BL[40]OB[3];W[fd]WL[40]OW[2]C[xevad [-]: so losing this ko is worse than not starting the ko to begin with..jytsao [8k?]: let's not get into the food debate again >
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