(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]SO[gokifu.com]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]TM[300]OT[5x30 byo-yomi]PW[Hutoshi4]PB[kghin]WR[8d]BR[8d]DT[2011-06-14]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[kghin [8d]: hiHutoshi4 [8d]: hi]RE[B+Resign];B[pd]BL[291.802];W[dd]WL[291.476];B[pq]BL[289.333];W[dp]WL[280.049];B[qk]BL[286.552];W[mq]WL[274.247];B[kq]BL[272.531];W[pp]WL[264.796];B[qp]BL[268.498];W[qq]WL[257.429];B[oq]BL[259.205];W[qo]WL[253.521];B[rp]BL[257.584];W[op]WL[250.628]C[hockey [1d]: COME HUTOSHI4];B[qr]BL[237.719];W[ro]WL[234.709];B[rq]BL[235.067];W[np]WL[232.806];B[pn]BL[226.231]C[readytogo [3k]: get ur fresh hot popcorn herehiss [-]: is this joseki?];W[po]WL[224.386]C[Bushworm [1d]: w looking goodgrooviest [5k]: this is .... JOSEKIhiss [-]: I like whiss [-]: I mean bgrooviest [5k]: you mean öreadytogo [3k]: i like them bothe toohockey [1d]: JOSEKI?!sc14d [5k]: I'd rather play b over whockey [1d]: THIS IS SPARTA!!!Bushworm [1d]: b corner is dinkyCuda [3k]: No, hockey, no,];B[fq]BL[160.075]C[xevad [-]: weird choice for kghinGoMusThink [2d]: i love WJavitxu [5k]: what is the relationship betwen hutoshi and kghin?xevad [-]: rivalshockey [1d]: cud cud is jealousgrooviest [5k]: slayer and slayeeChris [3d]: difficulthiss [-]: b has corner and w's stone don't seem effectiveCuda [3k]: They are both 8d and play on KGSDL2 [1k]: lovers];W[dn]WL[191.432]C[hiss [-]: stones*xevad [-]: Chenns is the strongest thoughJavitxu [5k]: arent the anything else?Cuda [3k]: hockey <3];B[hp]BL[148.802]C[Javitxu [5k]: co go-researchers or sth?];W[eq]WL[180.464]C[Javitxu [5k]: trainer and trainee?];B[fp]BL[143.895]C[Bushworm [1d]: w stones look pretty effective to mexevad [-]: no xevad [-]: kghin has a pro trainerreadytogo [3k]: o17 Javitxu [5k]: father and son?xevad [-]: noJavitxu [5k]: or mother and doughter?xevad [-]: different nationalitieshiss [-]: r11 xevad [-]: both male];W[ko]WL[148.348]C[kmr [1k]: white name i Darth:)Milano: both teenagerJavitxu [5k]: soviet and accidental?Carl [6k]: kibitz is productive todayJavitxu [5k]: black and white?xevad [-]: inappropriateJavitxu [5k]: sorryBushworm [1d]: b corner encapsulated for huge yose disadvantageJavitxu [5k]: i was just joingJavitxu [5k]: jokingBrilliant [6k]: I hear they are both hardcore rockershiss [-]: l5 seems strangereadytogo [3k]: yesreadytogo [3k]: veryChris [3d]: what's strange about it?];B[nn]BL[93.971]C[sc14d [5k]: what's the purpose of w's previous move?readytogo [3k]: it can be cuthiss [-]: what's its meaningBushworm [1d]: get on topJavitxu [5k]: have they seen each other in any tourney? i mean face to face?];W[jq]WL[125.784]C[xevad [-]: underjosek [6k]: l5 looks like a bot movemartin3141 [3d]: l5 was nicereadytogo [3k]: lol];B[kp]BL[73.535]C[readytogo [3k]: niceGoMusThink [2d]: o6 seam strong];W[jp]WL[117.444];B[jr]BL[64.372]C[xevad [-]: strong.. but good for whiteGoMusThink [2d]: i love B nowkmr [1k]: l5 is hane at the head of 2 stones: its most natural move everreadytogo [3k]: why dont u marry himAkikuru [3d?]: l4 is wierddon [2k]: k4 may look like a bot moveAkikuru [3d?]: this is like, black goes k2 first then l4GoMusThink [2d]: yes i will besc14d [5k]: I would go with w nowhiss [-]: l4 is fighting];W[lo]WL[64.078]C[m19451127 [?]: おもしろい];B[jo]BL[60.761]C[josek [6k]: l5 was not hane it was elephant jump];W[io]WL[56.977];B[jn]BL[58.015];W[ip]WL[54.768]C[hiss [-]: w accepts fightNefeste [4k]: w starts this fight imoChris [3d]: but then it became haneGoMusThink [2d]: w two groupxevad [-]: don't die kghin, it is bad manners to waste your opponents timekmr [1k]: yes but considering tewari it could be sthe position seems naturalsc14d [5k]: y didn't b just simply connect at j3 instead of k5?Javitxu [5k]: answer to b h7?martin3141 [3d]: l4 was crude but might be effectingmartin3141 [3d]: *effective];B[hn]BL[30]OB[5]C[GoUniverse [6k]: woahAmerBeton [5k]: oh godGoUniverse [6k]: that's unexpected :/martin3141 [3d]: l2Razg [1k]: sacrifying the bottom ?hockey [1d]: come on hutoshisc14d [5k]: j2?xevad [-]: tesujireadytogo [3k]: l2?readytogo [3k]: then b connects unter to cornerChris [3d]: I once asked a pro the purpose of a move and he said "to counter black's thickness", and I said "but b has no thickness there", but 10 moves later I had to say "oh, that thickness".AmerBeton [5k]: j6 ?francki [2k]: splendid!AmerBeton [5k]: :)];W[ir]WL[30]OW[5]C[bnw [5d]: what does tesuji mean?];B[kr]BL[30]OB[5]C[sc14d [5k]: yay :)GoMusThink [2d]: prrety cabxevad [-]: tesuji means tesujiZeroWave [4k?]: bnw [5d]: what does tesuji mean? is priceless];W[lr]WL[30]OW[5]C[sc14d [5k]: now he just has to play j6 to get the bottom rite?Razg [1k]: tesuji is the reason why some of us are not 5d :-)Nefeste [4k]: tesuji - usually bad move, noone but highdan sees them, but in actual position the only right move )hiss [-]: tesuji is locally best movexevad [-]: black you are shortreadytogo [3k]: h5 AmerBeton [5k]: and now ?];B[in]BL[30]OB[5]C[GoUniverse [6k]: hmmrobotosan: good influence];W[is]WL[30]OW[5]C[sc14d [5k]: shouldn't w have played j6 instead of m2?readytogo [3k]: h3 Cuda [3k]: Mysterious are the ways of the high danAkikuru [3d?]: white deadddddddzife [-]: bnw tesuji is 手筋hiss [-]: don't like this result for b];B[ln]BL[30]OB[5]C[readytogo [3k]: wowsc14d [5k]: oh so b wants center?hockey [1d]: that is because b is too weak to winmartin3141 [3d]: black dead :Phuyhuy [3d]: j1 so niceksakiguy: mistake?Bushworm [1d]: u dont like influence];W[mo]WL[30]OW[5]C[bnw [5d]: thanks. zifexevad [-]: I thought black was done with this style];B[jd]BL[30]OB[5]C[hockey [1d]: this is not intentional];W[qf]WL[30]OW[5]C[hockey [1d]: obviously b just going for plan bSedate [2k]: can't blakc capture J4?hockey [1d]: since he could not livereadytogo [3k]: no];B[qh]BL[30]OB[5]C[AmerBeton [5k]: oh god];W[qc]WL[30]OW[5]C[GoUniverse [6k]: oh noBushworm [1d]: b cant capture j4 caues w can go at l1xevad [-]: tesuji is tesuji];B[pc]BL[30]OB[5];W[qd]WL[30]OW[5];B[pe]BL[30]OB[5]C[robotosan: q14 josek [6k]: dejavuhiss [-]: wasn't r16 better?AmerBeton [5k]: thats the hell of an influence];W[rf]WL[30]OW[5];B[og]BL[30]OB[5]C[Goprince [3d]: j14Sedate [2k]: thanks bushworm, missed L1 <_<];W[gd]WL[30]OW[5]C[Nickless [-]: tesuji is this thing when its played every kyu goes wowoowowosc14d [5k]: yea I thought b should've played r16 insteadxevad [-]: WHY DON't you guys see the tesuji at the bottomGoMusThink [2d]: N6 big];B[ig]BL[30]OB[5]C[xevad [-]: the 3d saw ithiss [-]: where?ALLMINE [1k]: is n6 really big when b can't exactly fix his shapoe with one mive anyway?];W[mn]WL[30]OW[5]C[sc14d [5k]: y doesn't b save the bottom?martin3141 [3d]: pretty much everyone who didn't ask what was going on saw it -.-hockey [1d]: dave stop drinking so muchGoUniverse [6k]: lol, I can see it but I cant read it all out right nowJavitxu [5k]: L1hiss [-]: capturing stones? it's hardly can be called tesudjixevad [-]: =(];B[ll]BL[30]OB[5]C[xevad [-]: *pours another glass];W[mm]WL[30]OW[5];B[cc]BL[30]OB[5]C[Javitxu [5k]: hehehockey [1d]: w far ahead this gameJavitxu [5k]: what was c17??AmerBeton [5k]: can someone comment the game ?GoUniverse [6k]: xevad, I dont think it worksmartin3141 [3d]: anyway black seems kinda overconcentratedJavitxu [5k]: L1 workshockey [1d]: indeed martin];W[cd]WL[30]OW[5];B[dc]BL[30]OB[5]C[xevad [-]: GoUniverse what do you mean you don't think it works...hockey [1d]: needs less concentration];W[fc]WL[30]OW[5]C[hockey [1d]: and more points];B[fb]BL[30]OB[5]C[xevad [-]: black is deadNefeste [4k]: b stones nicely spreaded )readytogo [3k]: long live bHamVui [3d]: W no need L1Cuda [3k]: Just add waterGoUniverse [6k]: nvm dude, lol, Dont feel like explaining];W[bc]WL[30]OW[4]C[Bushworm [1d]: that makes me feel like u must know what u are talking about];B[bb]BL[30]OB[5];W[bd]WL[30]OW[4];B[ec]BL[30]OB[5]C[xevad [-]: I'm irritated and iradiated and inebriated right now];W[ed]WL[30]OW[4];B[gc]BL[30]OB[5];W[fd]WL[30]OW[4];B[hc]BL[30]OB[5]C[readytogo [3k]: ouchBushworm [1d]: im just irradiatedCuda [3k]: Also a bit irrationalGoUniverse [6k]: Well Bush, it's a Tuesday in summer and my b-day so I'm just lazy at the momentChris [3d]: Have another drink, xevNefeste [4k]: d10?martin3141 [3d]: <-- doesn't unerstand b17readytogo [3k]: nice corner];W[ci]WL[30]OW[4]C[Cuda [3k]: nice wallsc14d [5k]: if this is how it turns out y doesn't w play17 instead of f17?Sedate [2k]: c10>c11 ,_,];B[eh]BL[30]OB[5]C[Bushworm [1d]: i think b17 is pretty huge for pointsreadytogo [3k]: u think b cant get in that wall?xevad [-]: thanks ChrisMoonWalker [1d]: c11 too low?];W[dg]WL[30]OW[4]C[hiss [-]: oh no, it doesn't workRazg [1k]: seems low indeedNefeste [4k]: w wants territory];B[dj]BL[30]OB[5];W[di]WL[30]OW[4];B[ei]BL[30]OB[5];W[ej]WL[30]OW[4];B[dk]BL[30]OB[5]C[AmerBeton [5k]: everybody wants territoryGoMusThink [2d]: B bestter];W[fj]WL[30]OW[4]C[readytogo [3k]: ohhh no he didnt];B[el]BL[30]OB[5];W[gh]WL[30]OW[4]C[eatramen [8k]: GO CUP!!!!!!!!!!!readytogo [3k]: good luck little w fish in b oceanxevad [-]: why you let white break into your center];B[eg]BL[30]OB[5]C[Jye [3k]: moyo, nom nom nommartin3141 [3d]: g14 josek [6k]: i bet w can live easyRazg [1k]: b stones in danger tooreadytogo [3k]: how much?martin3141 [3d]: g13 klklklk: don y yhink so];W[gg]WL[30]OW[4]C[martin3141 [3d]: yayklklklk: thinkNefeste [4k]: big w fish eats e11 near b's oceanJavitxu [5k]: i bet he can even connect all to already alive groups];B[ho]BL[30]OB[5];W[iq]WL[30]OW[4];B[dh]BL[30]OB[5];W[ch]WL[30]OW[4];B[cg]BL[30]OB[5]C[spot [4k]: w b13];W[bg]WL[30]OW[4];B[df]BL[30]OB[5]C[AmerBeton [5k]: kghin kinda crazy];W[bf]WL[30]OW[4];B[fi]BL[30]OB[5]C[readytogo [3k]: ohhh snapNefeste [4k]: stongTulkas [12k]: uiksakiguy: w plans to inade laterf14 first i thought i think];W[gj]WL[30]OW[4];B[gi]BL[30]OB[5];W[hi]WL[30]OW[4];B[hj]BL[30]OB[5];W[gk]WL[30]OW[4]C[Nefeste [4k]: obvious of course.. but not all moves was in my accounting )ksakiguy: oops, two of my comments jumbled sry];B[gl]BL[30]OB[5]C[Ootakamoku [1d]: j10 readytogo [3k]: good luck fishy];W[hk]WL[30]OW[4]C[martin3141 [3d]: g10 ??Razg [1k]: looks impossible for w];B[ij]BL[30]OB[5]C[Bushworm [1d]: its a worm not a fishtr3bl [4k?]: cool];W[ik]WL[30]OW[4]C[xevad [-]: I did not consider G8Chris [3d]: This is where all the b influence from the opening pays off.Nefeste [4k]: now worm grows.. in to dragon )];B[hh]BL[30]OB[5]C[bnw [5d]: w dies.];W[ii]WL[30]OW[4];B[jj]BL[30]OB[5]C[FraTeoX [1k]: j13 works goodGoMusThink [2d]: W dead];W[ji]WL[30]OW[4];B[jk]BL[30]OB[5]C[martin3141 [3d]: probably a nice comeback for black];W[ki]WL[30]OW[4]C[Bushworm [1d]: its just a launchpad into the central areaOotakamoku [1d]: m10 xevad [-]: its okay just 6 stones];B[il]BL[30]OB[5]C[Razg [1k]: not sure the 4 other stones can liveChris [3d]: really 14 stoneslockelaton [4k]: lol];W[if]WL[30]OW[4]C[lockelaton [4k]: so bigChris [3d]: when you consider the b stones that ended up not dying.readytogo [3k]: and a few extra stragglers];B[hr]BL[30]OB[5];W[ks]WL[30]OW[4];B[cq]BL[30]OB[5]C[hiss [-]: w's in trouble];W[cp]WL[30]OW[4]C[GoMusThink [2d]: B stronglockelaton [4k]: alive d14 and capture];B[dr]BL[30]OB[5]C[lockelaton [4k]: how much point???];W[er]WL[30]OW[4];B[hq]BL[30]OB[5];W[js]WL[30]OW[4];B[hs]BL[30]OB[5];W[ls]WL[30]OW[4];B[bp]BL[30]OB[5]C[LinkWind [1k]: it's easier to play with black];W[bo]WL[30]OW[4];B[bq]BL[30]OB[5];W[ap]WL[30]OW[4]C[readytogo [3k]: d1 tr3bl [4k?]: yes, ninjas are hard to see because they dress in blackChris [3d]: b win.tr3bl [4k?]: so easier];B[br]BL[30]OB[5]C[ntml4224 [2k]: maybe xevad [-]: 60 points about I thinkRookwood [2k]: ninjas have "supreme ultimate power" you can Google it];W[jl]WL[30]OW[4]C[ntml4224 [2k]: I like hutoshi's stylexevad [-]: and 35 points for white];B[kk]BL[30]OB[5]C[tr3bl [4k?]: so, 'supOotakamoku [1d]: why did b play j8 and now m10?Ootakamoku [1d]: not*Razg [1k]: w c4 group looks weakJavitxu [5k]: cant that corner be killed?Javitxu [5k]: with maybe c1?xevad [-]: noOotakamoku [1d]: jav, no it cant, because d1 is sentecata [4k]: thanks ootaka i wondered toomartin3141 [3d]: c1 then 1 makes miai of b1 and e1];W[bm]WL[30]OW[3]C[martin3141 [3d]: upsmartin3141 [3d]: nvmreadytogo [3k]: b9 GoMusThink [2d]: K13Javitxu [5k]: i see thx];B[jf]BL[30]OB[5]C[hiss [-]: I think b is leadingxevad [-]: by quite a bitRazg [1k]: resign button is not far];W[hl]WL[30]OW[3]C[Javitxu [5k]: B leading +155'5bnw [5d]: b is not leading, he's winningxevad [-]: lolBushworm [1d]: i hop that hutoshi can make a comebackJavitxu [5k]: ^^readytogo [3k]: g7 ];B[hm]BL[30]OB[5]C[eatramen [8k]: Huto will winCptHook [5k]: f8 wont workbobstep [7k]: pancakes?];W[fl]WL[30]OW[3]C[hiss [-]: there is not spoon];B[gm]BL[30]OB[5]C[sophtpaw [4k]: f8!!!readytogo [3k]: man thas some good readingCuda [3k]: snapGoUniverse [6k]: lol, doesnt workredwalljp [?]: j7 firstxevad [-]: black not going to make any mistakes noweatramen [8k]: CUP STONGxevad [-]: white lost];W[im]WL[30]OW[3]C[csgo [?]: ko?redwalljp [?]: not yet..];B[kl]BL[30]OB[5]C[sophtpaw [4k]: how come every ddk can see f8 doesn't work yet the 8d plays it?eatramen [8k]: xevad, calm down :pGoUniverse [6k]: XDJavitxu [5k]: jojooxevad [-]: no it makes me angry!xevad [-]: how did this happen];W[jg]WL[30]OW[3]C[eatramen [8k]: how did what happen?Javitxu [5k]: aint yet alive?readytogo [3k]: fatexevad [-]: black's victorymartin3141 [3d]: actually why did black not play g7 instead of h7?eatramen [8k]: lol];B[kg]BL[30]OB[5]C[FraTeoX [1k]: l13eatramen [8k]: w hasnt lost yet];W[jh]WL[30]OW[3];B[kf]BL[30]OB[5]C[FraTeoX [1k]: l14];W[ie]WL[30]OW[3]C[Chris [3d]: he really has.redwalljp [?]: Just curious, but was D13 the point when w's game went down hill?readytogo [3k]: e7 ];B[qb]BL[30]OB[5];W[rb]WL[30]OW[3]C[hiss [-]: w could save 3 stones in sente];B[pb]BL[30]OB[5]C[jimh888 [2k]: w has no chance after b L14eatramen [8k]: have to s19?];W[rh]WL[30]OW[3]C[xevad [-]: redwalljp I think it was E10hiss [-]: or maybe not];B[ri]BL[30]OB[5]C[sophtpaw [4k]: what happens when w f7?Chris [3d]: It was m6.xevad [-]: e7CptHook [5k]: e7];W[qg]WL[30]OW[3]C[martin3141 [3d]: there is a lot of aji now because of g18Javitxu [5k]: do they take much effort in worsening SE?Moon9 [2d]: j17?];B[sh]BL[30]OB[5];W[ph]WL[30]OW[3]C[xevad [-]: Javitxu SE makes effort in confusing players];B[rg]BL[30]OB[5];W[qi]WL[30]OW[3];B[pi]BL[30]OB[5]C[Javitxu [5k]: W +70...];W[rh]WL[30]OW[3]C[Javitxu [5k]: id like it to be a bit more accurate];B[bk]BL[30]OB[5]C[eatramen [8k]: this ko is going to get uglyHorsepool [15k]: People put way to much faith in the score estimation tool.readytogo [3k]: death stalks the cornerJavitxu [5k]: but it seems to me like if it was more and more unaccurate everytime i check, it, like once every month...Chris [3d]: score est is perfect.];W[cl]WL[30]OW[3]C[xevad [-]: ..FraTeoX [1k]: e7eatramen [8k]: Horsepool, most ppl do it as a joke];B[bi]BL[30]OB[5]C[Chris [3d]: we just cannot understand it's mysteries.CptHook [5k]: this could be danger for b i guessxevad [-]: this is getting silly nowreadytogo [3k]: nope];W[em]WL[30]OW[3]C[sc14d [5k]: I left, played a game, and came back to see such an interesting turn of eventsreadytogo [3k]: w still deadJavitxu [5k]: he sould];B[fm]BL[30]OB[5]C[sarinja [2k]: e7 for connectingJavitxu [5k]: but maybe B too greedyEusebius [?]: probably your estimation gets better, not SE's worse :)hockey [1d]: come on hutoshi4Javitxu [5k]: e9hockey [1d]: beat this weaklingeatramen [8k]: GO cUP!eatramen [8k]: c];W[dl]WL[30]OW[3]C[Javitxu [5k]: and fight for several step koeatramen [8k]: CUP STONG];B[ek]BL[30]OB[5]C[CptHook [5k]: c10?Javitxu [5k]: pitysophtpaw [4k]: Hands UP];W[eo]WL[30]OW[3]C[sophtpaw [4k]: UP ! ! !];B[qh]BL[30]OB[5]C[Cuda [3k]: I think the weakling is winninghockey [1d]: weakling is luckyhockey [1d]: hutoshi does not feel like going all out];W[gb]WL[30]OW[3]C[QualityDr [?]: I wish I could be half this weak...];B[qj]BL[30]OB[5]C[readytogo [3k]: b seems ok hereksakiguy: ^^];W[hb]WL[30]OW[3]C[Chris [3d]: I am half that weak.];B[ra]BL[30]OB[5]C[xevad [-]: I'm going to need another drink just because of this gameChris [3d]: almost.];W[ic]WL[30]OW[3]C[readytogo [3k]: humm];B[kb]BL[30]OB[5]C[RobinUpton [4d?]: I am twice as weaksophtpaw [4k]: Chris 8 divide by 2 is 4readytogo [3k]: even trade?raymeo [1d]: half of a 8d is 14kxevad [-]: lolFraTeoX [1k]: big trade for braymeo [1d]: or 19kJavitxu [5k]: half of a 30k is a 15dsophtpaw [4k]: woot? lol];W[lh]WL[30]OW[3]C[xevad [-]: 14k must be pretty strongraymeo [1d]: not good at mathBushworm [1d]: haf of 8d is probly 5dntml4224 [2k]: white on right conner can live?JoostvdPol [2d?]: half of 8d is like 6d =Pfeyodora [9k]: please explain the math raymeo];B[mg]BL[30]OB[5]C[csgo [?]: f19?Hutoshi4 [8d]: thankseatramen [8k]: T_Tpurun [4k]: all 9ps is strong 30kkghin [8d]: thanksGoUniverse [6k]: ggfeyodora [9k]: kghin for the winraymeo [1d]: absolute strength is 38 units counting from 30k up to 8 danQualityDr [?]: Can we bet now?hockey [1d]: and robinupton is just troll with fake rank anywayNefeste [4k]: those units not linear )Nefeste [4k]: its rather exponential growth of knowledge..raymeo [1d]: assume it to be since i dunno much about calculasraymeo [1d]: or logarithmQualityDr [?]: So if it's exponential growth, it should be "linear" on some sort of log graph? A graph of what index, I wonder...Nefeste [4k]: road from 30k to 4k not worth a half of nail of 8d )])
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