(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]SO[gokifu.com]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[AGA]SZ[19]KM[7.50]TM[1200]OT[25/900 Canadian]PW[billlin]PB[kbag]DT[2011-06-12]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]RE[B+Resign];B[pd]BL[1198.452]C[kbag [-]: hibilllin [-]: hibilllin [-]: ggkbag [-]: gl];W[dp]WL[1181.077];B[qp]BL[1186.648];W[dc]WL[1172.657];B[fq]BL[1161.436];W[np]WL[1169.318];B[cn]BL[1110.76];W[dn]WL[1161.555];B[dm]BL[1092.171];W[en]WL[1158.371];B[cq]BL[1066.572];W[co]WL[1154.844];B[dq]BL[1064.378];W[cm]WL[1153.101];B[pn]BL[1023.953];W[hq]WL[1146.525];B[gp]BL[979.233];W[kp]WL[1119.325];B[cf]BL[963.225];W[ch]WL[1103.334];B[cc]BL[893.241];W[cd]WL[1095.838];B[dd]BL[891.952];W[bc]WL[1091.058];B[cb]BL[890.325];W[de]WL[1090.014];B[ed]BL[889.391];W[ce]WL[1088.974];B[bb]BL[888.559];W[fe]WL[1083.452];B[ee]BL[870.609];W[ef]WL[1081.451];B[ec]BL[869.138];W[df]WL[1079.137];B[qj]BL[855.644];W[nc]WL[1066.536];B[pf]BL[776.253];W[kd]WL[1042.456];B[gc]BL[639.937];W[oj]WL[936.945];B[fj]BL[529.14];W[qk]WL[799.866];B[qi]BL[450.873];W[hn]WL[706.203];B[ci]BL[405.258];W[di]WL[625.389];B[dj]BL[386.258];W[cj]WL[622.987];B[cl]BL[344.075];W[bn]WL[589.662];B[bi]BL[311.272];W[ck]WL[577.96];B[dh]BL[272.582];W[ei]WL[570.768];B[eh]BL[271.182];W[fi]WL[568.91];B[fh]BL[268.984];W[gi]WL[567.363];B[cg]BL[263.458];W[gh]WL[507.663];B[fg]BL[253.944];W[ff]WL[504.127];B[gg]BL[249.807];W[hd]WL[445.523];B[gd]BL[225.813];W[hf]WL[436.731];B[hg]BL[222.87];W[if]WL[384.549];B[ii]BL[195.876];W[ij]WL[335.962];B[ig]BL[103.866];W[hj]WL[293.486];B[bk]BL[80.254];W[dl]WL[266.23];B[bj]BL[73.805];W[bl]WL[264.328];B[id]BL[59.764]C[Uberdude [4d?]: j16 huuuuugeUberdude [4d?]: this invasion was so good for black];W[jd]WL[32.577];B[hc]BL[37.927];W[he]WL[885.756]OW[24];B[hp]BL[23.252];W[ki]WL[834.692]OW[23];B[kg]BL[896.613]OB[24];W[pb]WL[782.112]OW[22];B[jf]BL[874.25]OB[23];W[ic]WL[774.362]OW[21];B[ib]BL[873.391]OB[22];W[jc]WL[772.854]OW[20]C[fuzydunlop [1k]: q3?];B[qc]BL[848.235]OB[21]C[Uberdude [4d?]: k19 yose tesuji for laterUberdude [4d?]: w probably r3Uberdude [4d?]: q3 unlikely to be enoughfuzydunlop [1k]: yeah, q3 was for b to play...];W[pk]WL[678.243]OW[19]C[gacua [1k]: J3 is huge];B[oq]BL[832.543]OB[20]C[Uberdude [4d?]: yes, or p3 if b wants biggerUberdude [4d?]: he does ^^Shuriken [3k]: ¿Qué torneo es este?gacua [1k]: and safety];W[op]WL[651.752]OW[18]C[Uberdude [4d?]: j3 is painful though to give h4 in senteclair2lune: ni idea Shuriken [3k]: xD gracias clair2lune: de na'];B[pp]BL[795.315]OB[19];W[nq]WL[649.433]OW[17]C[gacua [1k]: So k3 is better than j3];B[or]BL[781.154]OB[18]C[mkeller [6k]: AGA = American Go Association?Uberdude [4d?]: yesmkeller [6k]: is this the only game being played right now?hbjnk: yesmkeller [6k]: ok, cheers];W[om]WL[576.445]OW[16];B[io]BL[757.894]OB[17]C[gacua [1k]: white is not happy I thinkgacua [1k]: Black has steady territory. WHite profit is unclearmkeller [6k]: white seems to have to rely on the center for pointsUberdude [4d?]: black has this game in the bagUberdude [4d?]: with a k on itgacua [1k]: hey uberdude, I recognize with j5, black makes j3 totally sentedrau [5k]: center maybe 20-25 points for w];W[in]WL[428.389]OW[15]C[Uberdude [4d?]: hmm?];B[jo]BL[752.281]OB[16]C[Uberdude [4d?]: w is broken];W[km]WL[412.012]OW[14];B[ko]BL[741.755]OB[15];W[jq]WL[409.586]OW[13]C[Uberdude [4d?]: losing so much to make so little in centremkeller [6k]: black can some make nice profit on the bottom toomkeller [6k]: or notclair2lune: le beurre et l'argent du beurre .... ];B[nr]BL[642.367]OB[14]C[gacua [1k]: what can black do with L5?];W[mr]WL[371.831]OW[12]C[LeoMar [5k]: m3?gacua [1k]: I think N5];B[lo]BL[556.044]OB[13];W[mn]WL[306.389]OW[11]C[Bonchen: can black cut now?Engraze [7k]: N3mkeller [6k]: n3 is gote, no?];B[ji]BL[474.24]OB[12]C[Bonchen: really gote?gacua [1k]: I think black will R18 after this move];W[kj]WL[233.709]OW[10]C[prig [1k]: black, black... any ideas for white?];B[jj]BL[440.463]OB[11];W[jk]WL[231.228]OW[9]C[Bonchen: haha too toughmkeller [6k]: n3 n4 m3 m4 m2 is what I had in mind];B[lc]BL[396.563]OB[10]C[Goprince [3d]: who is black?Bonchen: ah right gote];W[ld]WL[125.127]OW[8];B[je]BL[389]OB[9]C[AndrewTao [6d]: L18];W[ie]WL[120.864]OW[7];B[mc]BL[384.991]OB[8]C[sgjiehui [4d]: calvinGoprince [3d]: w resignmkeller [6k]: k18 would work for b?];W[md]WL[64.514]OW[6];B[nb]BL[381.468]OB[7]C[mkeller [6k]: k18 l18 m18?];W[ob]WL[49.763]OW[5]C[Goprince [3d]: so much painUberdude [4d?]: j14 is pretty useful stoneUberdude [4d?]: we can see this with tewarikcharris12 [1k]: p17 n18Goprince [3d]: n18];B[nd]BL[287.331]OB[6];W[oc]WL[48.147]OW[4];B[kb]BL[280.683]OB[5];W[jb]WL[44.638]OW[3];B[ja]BL[273.143]OB[4];W[kc]WL[41.107]OW[2]C[kcharris12 [1k]: lol w aliveGoprince [3d]: koAndrewTao [6d]: GOODfieldwhy [6k]: is this part of a tourniment?Bonchen: so b is really strong?RobertT [-]: b is around kgs 7dcjheaven [8d]: what is this tournament?Bonchen: thx];B[lb]BL[177.02]OB[3];W[hb]WL[38.033]OW[1]C[Goprince [3d]: oh noGoprince [3d]: w was trickedGoprince [3d]: l19clair2lune: ko ];B[ka]BL[156.27]OB[2]C[prig [1k]: koGoprince [3d]: no koUberdude [4d?]: forgot to throw inGoprince [3d]: yupclair2lune: no ko kcharris12 [1k]: w get one eye];W[od]WL[900]OW[25]C[mkeller [6k]: where should w have had to throw in?Uberdude [4d?]: l19 prig [1k]: bad game for whiteUberdude [4d?]: not h18Goprince [3d]: w dragon died];B[ne]BL[143.419]OB[1]C[mkeller [6k]: ah, thanks];W[oe]WL[897.857]OW[24]C[Ootakamoku [1d]: w dying huge here?cjheaven [8d]: is this redmond cup?];B[nf]BL[900]OB[25]C[RobertT [-]: btw b is also about the same age as kghinBonchen: really dead?];W[of]WL[894.265]OW[23]C[Bonchen: wowfieldwhy [6k]: hmm... cjheaven, no one wants to answer us :DGoprince [3d]: no resign coming?cjheaven [8d]: i think it is];B[ng]BL[839.905]OB[24];W[og]WL[883.443]OW[22]C[Ootakamoku [1d]: buts its only quarter of the board!Uberdude [4d?]: let's play a gamemkeller [6k]: is w going for upper right now?Goprince [3d]: r13prig [1k]: maybe white does not have that option in his clientUberdude [4d?]: i spy with my little eye, something beginning with 'd'Uberdude [4d?]: o15 at p15 ?Uberdude [4d?]: did that kill too?Uberdude [4d?]: i only see one white eye at n15Ootakamoku [1d]: playing something like r13, and w when escaping with dragon would be funnyGoprince [3d]: lolGoprince [3d]: too much greed uberUberdude [4d?]: looks plausibleUberdude [4d?]: is c13 locally alive?Uberdude [4d?]: if so, i think quite probably worksGoprince [3d]: no waymkeller [6k]: a16 would be another eye for w?Ootakamoku [1d]: k12 a half eye?Goprince [3d]: cant workUberdude [4d?]: join dmeoUberdude [4d?]: please live];B[ia]BL[684.795]OB[23]C[Uberdude [4d?]: ahUberdude [4d?]: b15 eye];W[qf]WL[867.853]OW[21]C[mkeller [6k]: so a16 does work?];B[rf]BL[654.817]OB[22]C[lealo [8k?]: its max one eyeUberdude [4d?]: t14 Uberdude [4d?]: obvious movemkeller [6k]: more of a technical question :)Cephei [4k]: j19 'i have an idea: you could resign' movemkeller [6k]: so as it stands, b has to medium-sized corners, and the entire upper left quadrant of the board. what is w hoping for?];W[mg]WL[727.859]OW[20]C[lealo [8k?]: if b beat j18, w could play n19, same resultUberdude [4d?]: that top right b diesmkeller [6k]: would that be enough though?Ootakamoku [1d]: n14 drau [5k]: this game is not over yetOotakamoku [1d]: this game looks very over to me, maybe Im missing something];B[mf]BL[608.351]OB[21];W[bf]WL[715.839]OW[19]C[kcharris12 [1k]: b has around 100 w has around 30prig [1k]: even komi does not help];B[mh]BL[546.363]OB[20]C[drau [5k]: lolprig [1k]: ;)Ootakamoku [1d]: dunno, how much was the komi for this game?];W[bg]WL[708.796]OW[18]C[Uberdude [4d?]: k10 push was not goodDivide [5d]: is this redmond?];B[bh]BL[544.061]OB[19]C[kcharris12 [1k]: 7.5Rougebrik [5k]: ouch, death in gote is hard Ootakamoku [1d]: didnt die in gote];W[nh]WL[656.035]OW[17]C[prig [1k]: if white did not miss l19];B[lg]BL[510.344]OB[18]C[Rougebrik [5k]: Then why play B14 ? ];W[jh]WL[642.116]OW[16]C[mkeller [6k]: this is getting uncomfortable for b];B[kh]BL[486.078]OB[17];W[ih]WL[634.055]OW[15];B[jg]BL[479.972]OB[16]C[yoon [6k]: b is perfectly fine];W[hi]WL[626.568]OW[14]C[kcharris12 [1k]: b16kcharris12 [1k]: :DOotakamoku [1d]: b has sente here I think];B[ni]BL[459.833]OB[15];W[oh]WL[623.501]OW[13]C[Cephei [4k]: m11 better than k13?kcharris12 [1k]: or thisOotakamoku [1d]: l14 and a11 are half eyes, and n13 full eye?];B[li]BL[444.699]OB[14];W[rg]WL[612.056]OW[12]C[kcharris12 [1k]: maiai for two eyes];B[qg]BL[438.216]OB[13];W[qe]WL[609.152]OW[11];B[rh]BL[433.496]OB[12];W[re]WL[606.527]OW[10];B[sg]BL[432.144]OB[11];W[pg]WL[598.765]OW[9]C[Ootakamoku [1d]: so why didnt b save the r17 stones instead of m11?kcharris12 [1k]: he didnt think he couldsimplet [3d]: mieyes for twoai];B[hr]BL[371.747]OB[10]C[lealo [8k?]: s10 w];W[rn]WL[592.988]OW[8]C[kcharris12 [1k]: 50 w 100 b];B[ro]BL[337.973]OB[9]C[Uberdude [4d?]: sure?Uberdude [4d?]: w not as bad as i thought];W[qn]WL[585.285]OW[7]C[kcharris12 [1k]: cause of center <.
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