(;CA[UTF-8]CA[gb2312]AP[MultiGo:4.4.3]SZ[19]C[Commentary: Wang Lei 8p,Source: Sports Weekly,Edited and translated by GoGameWorld.com.]EV[Korea 55th Guksu quarter final]DT[2011-07-27]PB[Jo HanSeung]BR[9p]PW[Lee Sedol]WR[9p]KM[6.5]RE[B+R]SO[http://weiqi.sports.tom.com]MULTIGOGM[1];B[qd];W[pp];B[dc];W[dp];B[cn];W[fq];B[de]C[B7, defending the corner with simple jump, is fresh.];W[od];B[ld];W[pg];B[oe];W[ne];B[of];W[qc];B[qf];W[pd];B[qe];W[nf];B[og];W[pb]LB[rc:a]C[W20: It is a little surprising that Lee Sedol simply hangs with W20, he generally likes to play complicated variations, for example, to descend at 'a'.];B[ql];W[co]C[W22: Black makes a big extension with B21, Lee Sedol even doesn't try to punish, his play is not like before.];B[dn];W[ci]LB[ck:a]C[W24 allows Black to make two-space extension comfortably at 'a', Lee Sedol is very generous.];B[ck];W[ei];B[ek];W[bn]C[W28 prevents Black from striking at 3-3 in the corner.];B[bm];W[be];B[cf]LB[ch:a]C[B31 is a careless move, to attach at 'a' is tesuji.];W[bf];B[bg];W[cg];B[ch];W[dg];B[bi];W[dd]C[The wedge of W38 is classic tesuji.];B[cd]LB[ed:a]C[B39: For Black to play atari at 'a' and take influence is better.];W[ed];B[ee];W[dh];B[bh];W[cc];B[bc];W[cb];B[fd];W[ec];B[ce];W[bd];B[eb];W[fc];B[db];W[fe];B[fb]C[Although Black captures with the corner with two tesuji of B51 and B55, Black plays too many stones on the second line with low efficiency.];W[gc];B[bb];W[gd]C[Through W58, Black can't be satisfied.];B[ng];W[qn];B[ol];W[oq]LB[lf:a]C[W60 and W62, defending the corner, are surprising. Now the main battle field is at top, to jump at 'a' is correct move.];B[he];W[lf]C[W64: When White peeps with B63, Lee Sedol unexpectedly takes tenuki, he is very bold.];B[ff]LB[gf:a]C[After Black separates White with B65, White can't take care both sides, to incur loss is inevitable. With W64 for White to hang at 'a' is the proper move. ];W[ef];B[ca];W[gf];B[fg];W[ge];B[gh];W[ic];B[mg];W[gi]C[W74: White again escapes lonely stones, this contradicts with the early plan of taking territory at top, here Lee Sedol's tempo is chaotic.];B[hi];W[gj];B[ih];W[hj];B[ij];W[ik];B[jj];W[jk];B[kk];W[cj];B[bj];W[kl];B[hk]C[The hane of B83 and the cut of B87 are all powerful moves.];W[kj];B[lk];W[im];B[gk];W[jh]C[Lee Sedol uses the clever tesuji of W92 to make life, but...];B[ki];W[fh];B[gg];W[ig];B[lj];W[ej];B[gm]C[..., but B97 and B99 are all vital points, White pays huge price for living.];W[eg];B[hh];W[fj];B[gp]C[When Black makes the shoulder-hit of B103, Black establishes superiority.];W[fp];B[go];W[hr];B[jp]LB[mf:a]C[B107 is not simple and clear enough. If Black pushes at 'a' and destroys White's territory, it is very big, this way Black would be easy to control.];W[mf]C[W108: White's situation consciousness is sharp, White first takes territory then try to dodge lonely stones at bottom.];B[np]C[B109: Black starts to attack.];W[pm];B[pl];W[nn];B[nq];W[lo]C[The two knight's moves of W112 and W114 are beautiful, White is not easy to be attacked.];B[kq];W[or];B[po];W[oo]LB[qo:a][op:b][qq:c][on:d][jo:e]C[W118: White makes compromise. For White to block at 'a' is the most relentless move. If B 'b', then W 'c' and B 'd', Black separates White, but White has the attachment at 'e' to fix shape, Black is not easy to kill White.];B[qo];W[rn];B[pn];W[om];B[qm];W[qp];B[ro];W[rp];B[sn]C[From B119 to B127, Black gains big profit. The situation is close but slightly to Black's advantage.];W[jo];B[op];W[nr];B[lp];W[ko];B[ip];W[ll];B[cq];W[dq];B[bo];W[bp];B[an];W[nl];B[nk];W[bq];B[hb];W[ib];B[kg];W[kf];B[mr];W[hg];B[rr];W[qr];B[sp];W[sq]LB[rm:a][rq:b]C[W152 is the losing move, since B 'a' is related to the well-being of the big white dragon in the center, White can only tolerate at 'b'.];B[rq];W[so];B[rm];W[sp];B[in];W[kp];B[jr];W[jn];B[il]C[B157 and B161 are accurate killing moves, Lee Sedol's big dragon gets killed.];W[iq];B[jq];W[mm];B[on];W[jl];B[hl];W[no];B[mq];W[mo];B[jm];W[km];B[ln])
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Lee Sedol    Jo HanSeung
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