(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]GN[2010 Prices Information Cup Game 1]PW[Sedol Lee 9p ]PB[Changho Lee 9p]EV[Prices Information Cup]RO[1]SO[http://gogameguru.com]AN[Younggil An]US[http://gogameguru.com]RE[W+Resign]FG[259:]PM[2];B[pd]C[The first game in the best of three during the final of the Prices Information Cup.];W[dp];B[qp];W[dd];B[oq](;W[qf]C[This approach has become popular.](;B[pi]LB[qi:A]C[From this pincer or A, there're so many complecated variations. ];W[md]C[Recently reserched move. ](;B[pf];W[qc](;B[qe]C[So B chooses this one, and it's simpler. ];W[pc];B[fq]LB[qg:A]C[Playing at A is solid, but slow. ];W[cn];B[jp]C[Developing the lower side, but both are even. ];W[fc]LB[md:A]C[Big, and also helps W's A. ];B[fo]C[Nice jump! Enlarging B's framework and reducing W's left side at the same time. ];W[dk];B[be]LB[mf:C][gk:B][oo:A]C[There're several options for B, but this invasion is Changho's style. ];W[ce]C[One of middle game joseki. ];B[bd];W[bf];B[cf];W[cg];B[df];W[bg];B[dg];W[dh];B[eh];W[di];B[dc];W[cc](;B[cb]C[This is a sort of tesuji. ](;W[pp]C[This is a ladder breaker. ](;B[po]C[Right answer. ];W[op];B[pq];W[qo]LB[db:A]C[Interesting move. To keep answering at this cut is too dangerous because of A. ];B[cd];W[oo](;B[rp]C[Right answer. ];W[pn];B[ro]C[Changho's style. Slow but thick. ];W[mp];B[nq];W[ic]C[Very good place, and the game is still even. ];B[np];W[mn]C[Good sense. ];B[mo]C[Right move. ];W[ln];B[no];W[nn];B[ko]LB[np:A]C[The sequence from A is so elegant. ];W[qg]C[Good timing to move. ](;B[pg]C[No other choice. ];W[re];B[qh];W[oh]C[Annoying but sharp - it forces B to answer and the exchange should be profitable for W. This is Sedol's style. ];B[oi];W[eq];B[fr];W[nh];B[ph];W[qm]C[Looks small, but it is right because it's important to settle the group. ];B[rf];W[er];B[rd];W[qd]C[Good sequence. ](;B[se];W[od]LB[pe:A]C[A is sente later. ];B[ep];W[dq];B[om];W[on];B[kl];W[rn]C[It is necessary if W doesn't play here, B would play this, steal W's eye shape and attack them. ];B[do]C[It's really fantastic sequence from this hane. ];W[co];B[dn];W[dm];B[cp]LB[bp:A][es:B]C[Good probing move. If W answers at A, B hanes at B. ];W[cq];B[bp];W[bq];B[cm]C[Good timing too, ];W[cl];B[ld]C[The game is still even, and B tries to reduce W's top area. ];W[me];B[jd];W[id];B[jf];W[ie];B[lf];W[ed]C[Calm and big. ];B[ch];W[ci]LB[db:B][de:A]C[If B takes a stone with A, W's cut at B would be big. ];B[eb]C[B neglets the connection to play a large move in the corner. ];W[le];B[em];W[dl];B[je];W[hg];B[de]C[Now, it's time. B can't save his group otherwise. ];W[jh]C[W starts to attack the top group. Sedol's attacking ability is remarkable. ];B[kh];W[ki];B[lh];W[li];B[mh];W[jm]LB[kl:A]C[Suddenly, stone A becomes lonely. ];B[mi];W[jg]C[Good timing. ](;B[kf];W[qq];B[rq];W[io];B[ip];W[gm]C[Vital point of B's shape. ];B[bh];W[bi];B[ji]C[This is a desparate move. ];W[qr]C[This sort of move is played for thinking time. ];B[rr];W[lk];B[ll];W[mj];B[ii];W[nj];B[if]LB[ni:A]C[Prevents W's connection at A. ];W[hh];B[hf];W[fg];B[ff];W[kb]C[Necessary, otherwise, W would die. ];B[kk];W[ni];B[jj];W[lj];B[ih]LB[ig:A][fi:B]C[Now, W can't connect at A because of B's B. W would be trapped. ];W[pe];B[rg];W[gp];B[fp];W[go];B[fn];W[lo];B[lp];W[gq];B[gr];W[hq];B[gn];W[hn];B[ir];W[ef]LB[eg:B][ig:A]C[Very good tesuji. If B plays at A, W would be happy with connecting at B. ];B[eg];W[ig]LB[gf:B][eg:D][fg:C][fi:A]C[A would not work any more because of the exchange at C and D. ];B[fh];W[gi];B[gk];W[fj];B[nf];W[kn];B[gj];W[fi];B[hi];W[gh];B[ik]C[B is alive, and the game is still extremely close. ];W[jo];B[kp];W[fm];B[ml];W[ok];B[jl];W[hr];B[hs];W[iq];B[jr];W[qk];B[jc];W[jb];B[lc];W[mb];B[lb];W[la];B[mc];W[nc];B[ol];W[nk];B[nl];W[qj];B[hb];W[ib];B[gc]LB[fb:A]C[This was a mistake and seems to be the losing move. If B plays at A, the game would still be very close. ];W[fb]C[The winning move. ];B[gd];W[gb];B[nb];W[ma];B[hc];W[fe];B[ee];W[ge];B[ga];W[fd];B[fa];W[he]C[B lost some points here, and W takes the lead. W is ahead by 1.5~2.5 points.];B[pk];W[pj];B[pl];W[oj];B[rb];W[gf];B[ng];W[rc];B[sc];W[qb];B[sl]C[It's an amazing jump, but nothing very special. :D ];W[en];B[eo];W[hl]C[There was no chance for B afterwards, and B resigned after 60 moves.The game was very exciting and fun. Although it was a lightning game, both players' reading is accurate, and the gameplay was awesome.])(;B[kg]C[If B answers like this, ];W[jc];B[kd];W[lb]C[W can connect with large territory. ]))(;B[pe]C[If B connects here, ];W[rc];B[se];W[nc]LB[rc:A]C[W can utilise that atari at A, and W's top becomes more solid. ]))(;B[re];W[pg];B[of];W[oh]C[This fighting should be good for W because of W's wall in the lower right. ]))(;B[pn]C[This is not working, ];W[qq];B[rp];W[qr]LB[ro:B][nq:A]C[B is in trouble. ]))(;B[pq];W[db]C[Changho is not clumsy enough to let him capture like this. :D ]))(;W[cd]C[If W keeps playing like this, ];B[bc];W[db];B[ec];W[bb]C[W can capture the corner, but];B[ed];W[ca];B[eb];W[ac]C[Necessary. ];B[kc]LB[nc:A]C[Very good place, and also aims at A. ];W[od];B[ke]C[This result is very good for B. ]))(;B[cd]C[This cut is normal. but];W[db];B[de];W[ec];B[gf];W[id]C[This result is good for W as B's group is still floating. ]))(;B[pc]C[If B blocks here, ];W[qd];B[qe];W[re];B[pe];W[rg];B[qg];W[rf]LB[nc:B][md:A]C[The result is slightly better for W as W's A stone is farther than stone B from B's wall. ]))(;B[qe];W[pf];B[oe]C[This is also possible, but so complecated. ]))(;B[nc]C[This answer is also considerable.];W[rd];B[qg]C[Another game. ]))(;W[qj]C[This split is normal, but];B[fc];W[cf];B[qg];W[qm];B[jd]C[Lots of pros prefer B's position. ]))
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Sedol Lee 9p     Changho Lee 9p
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