(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]GN[artboy598-redbar-573498-20100613]PW[D. (artboy598)]PB[Paul Barchilon (redbar)]WR[5k]BR[4k]DT[2010-05-27,2010-06-13]GC[Game ID: 573498, rated]PC[Dragon Go Server: http://www.dragongoserver.net/]RE[黑胜白];B[pd];W[dp];B[pp];W[dc];B[pj];W[nc];B[lc];W[qc];B[qd];W[pc];B[od];W[nb];B[me];W[de](;B[cj];W[jc]C[this is rather small for white because the top side is not developable for black. in other words, black would not choose to play in that area. black would want to play in the bottom area because its developable for both players ];B[jp];W[hq](;B[jq]C[slow];W[ch](;B[cm];W[cp](;B[jj];W[qm];B[qo];W[ph](;B[qj];W[mh](;B[qg]C[bad move. eliminates aji and doesnt help black ](;W[mj];B[nk];W[lk](;B[mm];W[qh];B[pg];W[og];B[of];W[ng](;B[nf]C[seems a little slow and inefficient ];W[ri];B[rj];W[rg];B[oc];W[ob];B[rc];W[rb];B[re];W[rf];B[qf];W[ln]C[this invasion is an overplay because white's other group is not completely safe and whites corner is not too thick ];B[lm];W[kn](;B[jm]C[too direct. when attacking, black should be looser to avoid complications ];W[jn](;B[in]C[too direct as well. it leaves too many cutting points ];W[km];B[kl];W[jl];B[im];W[ll];B[kk];W[kj];B[jk];W[nl];B[nm](;W[ml];B[om];W[ol];B[pm];W[pl];B[ql];W[qq]C[white incurs a loss ];B[pq];W[pr](;B[rr];W[ro];B[rn];W[qp];B[qn];W[qr];B[or](;W[rq];B[so];W[sp];B[sr];W[sn];B[sm];W[sq];B[so];W[oq];B[nr](;W[rs];B[ps];W[sn];B[pb](;W[so];B[qb];W[fq]C[game is basically over ];B[hc];C[Result: B+Resign]N[RESULT])(;W[qb];B[so];W[po]C[there are alot more ko threats here..i dont think white can afford to give up the q17 stones ]))(;W[sn]))(;W[rs];B[sr];W[ps](;B[sp];W[rq];B[sq];W[so]C[alive])(;B[ss];W[rq];B[qs];W[sq])))(;B[or];W[rp];B[ro];W[rr];B[ps];W[qs]C[ko]))(;W[ol]C[white needs to try something like this. blacks area is very thin ];B[ml];W[mk];B[om];W[pl];B[oj];W[rl]C[this will require some reading...just a thought though. there are numerous variations. ]))(;B[im];W[in];B[hp]C[this is probably better ]))(;B[hp];W[gp];B[go];W[fp];B[jl]C[lean attack is also possible ]))(;B[rh](;W[ri];B[rg];W[qi](;B[oi])(;B[ni]C[maybe even here later]))(;W[nf];B[ne];W[pf];B[qf];W[oe];B[pe];W[of];B[nd];W[ri];B[sg];W[qi])))(;B[qh]C[black can play here to reinforce his group. this way, black will not have any weak groups to worry about ]))(;W[qh]C[white can come down and separate too. this makes r13 stone useless ]))(;B[og];W[oh]C[if black doesnt want white to get the sente at p14 area, then black can peep ];B[ni];W[nh];B[jd]C[lean attack ]))(;B[oi]C[this might also be possible ]))(;B[qo])(;B[qp]C[this is rather thick. i prefer black to play somewhere here because it secures real territory. since blacks c10 stones may come under attack later on, it is hard to develop the center ]))(;B[cn]C[possible ]))(;B[io])(;B[ho]C[moves for moyo development])(;B[cn]C[also possible ]))(;B[jp])(;B[fq]C[also possible ]))

围棋D. (artboy598)棋谱    围棋Paul Barchilon (redbar)棋谱
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