(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]PW[James]PB[Ben];B[qd];W[dc];B[dp];W[pp];B[de]C[I guess I don't like this move. I should approach low for my style. After approaching low, I like Shusaku no Kosumi (E16) for white, not sure why...];W[ce]C[This move is so elementary, and yet I like it so much for white! Now I am ofrced into a non-territorial stance.];B[cf];W[cd];B[df];W[fc];B[dj];W[fq];B[dn];W[dr]C[To me, this right side is a piece of crap :) It's just personal style. I hate having this weakness-filled, not-so-big territory, especially when white has moves to live inside like B12.];B[cq]C[This is probably a bit early.];W[iq];B[qn];W[pn];B[pm];W[qo];B[on];W[po];B[om];W[qm];B[ql];W[rn];B[rm]C[I also hate this Joseki for black... James has learned well of how to make me uncomfortable.];W[od];B[oe];W[qc];B[rc];W[pc];B[re];W[ne];B[of](;W[pd]C[Not joseki. See variation, where white plays R 14...];B[pe];W[jd];B[nd];W[nc];B[md];W[mc];B[ld];W[lc];B[mf]C[I wonder if this cut was too early. It expands and reduces at the same time and is big, but... So easy to reduce my right area... I shouldn't have been afraid of white O 14 expansion, because that move does not solve his cut problem, which would make him awkward.];W[np]C[Very big, probably black's better move.];B[dd];W[cc];B[ge]C[I believe White is leading now. This move was meant to expand, reduce and defend against an invasion at B12. See variations for B12 details...](;W[kd];B[lf]C[This move leaves white with O 13 peep, but it allows me to close the center later with J 14.];W[ng];B[nf];W[qf];B[qe];W[mk];B[lm];W[kk];B[ik];W[jl];B[hm];W[mn];B[mm];W[jn];B[hp];W[hq];B[lj];W[lk]C[The problem with black's result is probably that white's stones have given a lot of defense to the bottom. Probably impossible top invade now without sacrificing the left Moyo.];B[qn]C[Too slow. Maybe even Q9 instead. I think This R6 and also G 15 were two of my weaker moves in this game, giving me a disadvantage.];W[hf];B[he];W[jf];B[ie];W[ji];B[hi];W[if];B[gf];W[oj];B[qi];W[qm];B[pk];W[hc]C[Now white is ahead Komi or more, Black must make some change...];B[kp];W[lo];B[ip];W[hn];B[gn];W[gm];B[im];W[go];B[fn];W[in];B[gp];W[fp];B[gq];W[gr];B[hr];W[fr];B[ir];W[kr];B[jq];W[fo];B[eo];W[fm];B[en];W[hk]C[Black is happy now. I played E15 to take a liberty, but if I could read deeper, I might have been able to play the clean move at F7.];B[gk];W[hj];B[ij];W[gj];B[il];W[ii];B[gl];W[gi]C[Locally great for white, but black has Sente...];B[ho]C[White is killed.];W[cr];B[bq];W[br];B[eq];W[er];B[ar]C[After Komi, white somehow still has almost as much as Black. That seems sad...];W[cj];B[ci];W[bi];B[ck];W[bj];B[ch];W[dk];B[bk]C[Horrible. Losing move. Should just C8 and sllow white to retreat to the upper left corner.];W[dq];B[ep];W[cp];B[bp];W[cm];B[cn];W[cl];B[ek];W[dl];B[ej];W[el];B[bh];W[ak];B[hl];W[bn];B[bo];W[bm];B[fd];W[gc];B[nr];W[mr];B[mq];W[lq];B[ms]C[Black's despair.];W[lr];B[nq];W[lp];B[qq];W[pq];B[pr];W[rr];B[mp];W[no];B[qr];W[rq];B[mo];W[ln];B[nn];W[rs];B[kn];W[ko];B[km];W[jo];B[jm];W[os]C[White wins by resignation.])(;W[bh]C[Here are *Local* sequences.](;B[bg];W[dh];B[eh];W[ck]C[Starting to live like this.])(;B[ch];W[ci];B[di];W[cg];B[dh];W[bf];B[dg];W[bg];B[cj])))(;W[qf];B[pd];W[nd]C[Next, black would defend the right.]))
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