(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Chinese]SZ[19]HA[7]KM[0.50]TM[2700]PW[BarcelonaX]PB[Zen19]BR[2d]DT[2010-07-20]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[Zen19 [2d]: GTP Engine for Zen19 (black): Zen version 5.5]RE[W+Resign];B[dp]BL[2699.557];B[pd]BL[2699.319];B[dd]BL[2699.045];B[pp]BL[2698.808];B[jj]BL[2698.507];B[dj]BL[2698.224];B[pj]BL[2697.99];W[nq]WL[2692.944];B[qn]BL[2674.966];W[fq]WL[2690.247];B[cn]BL[2648.255];W[nc]WL[2687.342]C[kiberen [7k]: Hi];B[qf]BL[2626.329];W[fc]WL[2685.107];B[md]BL[2604.507];W[nd]WL[2682.081];B[ne]BL[2583.201];W[me]WL[2678.003]C[goIngo [?]: hello all.];B[le]BL[2571.975];W[mf]WL[2675.54]C[goIngo [?]: Is Zen playing with some adaptive komi?];B[mc]BL[2552.668];W[mb]WL[2667.187]C[RankLower [1d]: BarcelonaX 9 d ?voldie [-]: From the announced schedule white should be Chun-Hsun Chou 9p];B[lb]BL[2530.816];W[ob]WL[2662.633]C[RankLower [1d]: ok];B[pb]BL[2518.913]C[WorldCop [2k]: bots rock. already trying to show the pro who's boss];W[lc]WL[2597.439]C[dvhjvdfb: White=9P];B[ld]BL[2497.267];W[kc]WL[2595.71];B[jd]BL[2484.319]C[craig [4k]: Vulcan Go?craig [4k]: Live low and prosper];W[pc]WL[2565.288]C[WorldCop [2k]: heh];B[qc]BL[2468.661];W[oe]WL[2563.594];B[nf]BL[2447.096];W[pe]WL[2561.357];B[qd]BL[2430.914];W[od]WL[2559.313]C[scent [4k]: how to watch this game?];B[df]BL[2402.171]C[seodongcan [2k]: you're watching now];W[qe]WL[2555.927]C[seodongcan [2k]: lolzhou901108 [1d]: nice this computer plays my favorite josekiWorldCop [2k]: step 1. open eyes step 2. watchscent [4k]: lolscent [4k]: i tried that];B[re]BL[2380.585];W[rf]WL[2554.305];B[rg]BL[2358.895];W[ng]WL[2549.057];B[kg]BL[2347.351]C[unatari [2d]: Im surprized bot is using more time than the proscent [4k]: is zen19 a pro?unatari [2d]: lolWorldCop [2k]: yes, professional programgoIngo [?]: except for ManyFaces, all bots used more time than there human opponents.kiberen [7k]: what are the ressource for zen19 ?];W[jc]WL[2499.073];B[hd]BL[2325.037];W[kd]WL[2495.266];B[je]BL[2307.767];W[ke]WL[2493.232]C[WorldCop [2k]: mhh already b starts to fall apart? :)];B[lf]BL[2289.245];W[of]WL[2491.522];B[ic]BL[2264.434];W[kf]WL[2489.341];B[ig]BL[2251.874];W[lg]WL[2484.613]C[WorldCop [2k]: gah];B[db]BL[2238.003];W[ch]WL[2477.796];B[mq]BL[2214.246];W[mp]WL[2473.392]C[unatari [2d]: n3.....];B[np]BL[2203.716];W[op]WL[2468.266]C[jubjub [3k]: yea kind of odd moveunatari [2d]: have never seen a bot play that sort of move];B[no]BL[2183.029];W[oq]WL[2465.754]C[WorldCop [2k]: it has a panic routine built inunatari [2d]: lol];B[lp]BL[2172.475]C[Cassis0 [5d]: b won't win... ];W[po]WL[2463.163];B[qo]BL[2146.884];W[qp]WL[2460.849]C[WorldCop [2k]: he'll get stronger later with less possibilities i guess. once it's too late :)];B[rp]BL[2120.028];W[pq]WL[2457.922]C[KoriG [13k]: white is evil :)];B[hq]BL[2103.811];W[eh]WL[2447.218]C[Ras [11k]: are they both bots?Ras [11k]: or just 1];B[fi]BL[2082.25];W[fh]WL[2441.155]C[unatari [2d]: zen = bot barcelona = 9pdvhjvdfb: white = 9p human];B[ff]BL[2071.854]C[Ras [11k]: thats what i thought, k thanks];W[cc]WL[2436.255]C[goIngo [?]: barcaX = 9 proWorldCop [2k]: pretends to be human. with 9ps i'm not sure.];B[cd]BL[2061.399];W[dc]WL[2433.653];B[bc]BL[2050.856]C[Ras [11k]: i hope to see a circuit breaking play todayRankLower [1d]: black win^^ :)];W[gi]WL[2413.555];B[gj]BL[2040.183];W[ei]WL[2410.394];B[ej]BL[2020.633];W[fj]WL[2408.074];B[fk]BL[2006.891];W[cb]WL[2390.572];B[bb]BL[1996.523];W[eb]WL[2370.531]C[kiberen [7k]: magari : play at 100.000 $];B[gb]BL[1985.93];W[fe]WL[2368.378];B[ge]BL[1975.322];W[cj]WL[2329.8];B[ck]BL[1964.681];W[gk]WL[2319.906];B[hj]BL[1954.029];W[ek]WL[2317.567];B[fi]BL[1943.404];W[be]WL[2316.04];B[bf]BL[1932.685];W[fj]WL[2314.577];B[fl]BL[1921.855];W[dk]WL[2313.158];B[di]BL[1911.234];W[dh]WL[2256.689]C[nsysu [3d]: w lost];B[fi]BL[1900.803];W[gf]WL[2253.318]C[WorldCop [2k]: hardly over yet];B[ci]BL[1889.898];W[gd]WL[2250.535];B[he]BL[1879.169]C[nsysu [3d]: w can't counter attack];W[ef]WL[2248.552]C[nsysu [3d]: no hope for w];B[ed]BL[1868.283];W[fd]WL[2247.003]C[WorldCop [2k]: it's 6 stones. there's hope.];B[ee]BL[1857.632];W[fg]WL[2245.471];B[ec]BL[1847.258];W[fb]WL[2243.607]C[jubjub [3k]: 7Cassis0 [5d]: b doing pretty good here];B[ca]BL[1830.48];W[ih]WL[2242.428]C[WorldCop [2k]: tough to outread this thing :)];B[jh]BL[1810.505];W[ii]WL[2236.633]C[WorldCop [2k]: i wonder if he prepared some kind of tricks];B[jg]BL[1796.781];W[ij]WL[2229.317];B[fj]BL[1772.769];W[ik]WL[2227.52];B[jk]BL[1762.365];W[il]WL[2224.604];B[km]BL[1744.565];W[in]WL[2221.992];B[ho]BL[1719.235];W[ji]WL[2219.092]C[WorldCop [2k]: the way these bots play, ignoring all theory... i'd be so annoyed at losing :)];B[ki]BL[1699.106];W[kj]WL[2218.356];B[lj]BL[1686.249]C[freemind [1d]: when you ovee look smethibng tacticall it doesnt matter];W[kk]WL[2216.066];B[li]BL[1673.033];W[jl]WL[2214.505]C[freemind [1d]: overlook something tactical*Dugar [1k]: I always wonder how seriously pro players take bot games];B[ml]BL[1663.017];W[dq]WL[2209.688];B[cq]BL[1653.388];W[cr]WL[2208.964];B[dr]BL[1643.627];W[eq]WL[2206.615]C[unatari [2d]: they dont obviously....anything over 2 stones is basically a teaching gamejubjub [3k]: who wants to be the pro that made a bot famous by losing to it];B[br]BL[1633.96];W[cp]WL[2205.469]C[WorldCop [2k]: wouldn't be the first timeunatari [2d]: pros have lost to bots before...never even];B[cs]BL[1608.523]C[freemind [1d]: on 9x9];W[bq]WL[2203.521]C[freemind [1d]: they havensysu [3d]: pro won't play like thatunatari [2d]: yes 9x9 but not 19x19];B[cr]BL[1593.855];W[do]WL[2201.651];B[bp]BL[1584.446];W[ep]WL[2200.356]C[freemind [1d]: it is inevitable];B[fo]BL[1575.038];W[bo]WL[2198.346]C[freemind [1d]: just not alot of money in the developementfreemind [1d]: so it will take awhileDangoMango [2k]: who's the bot herefreemind [1d]: decade more maybe];B[aq]BL[1550.12];W[cl]WL[2197.445]C[freemind [1d]: at the mostunatari [2d]: freemind...the touneys in asian countries are worth millions of dollars...there is money in go];B[dn]BL[1526.056]C[WorldCop [2k]: but not in computer gofreemind [1d]: i meant cmputer developmentfreemind [1d]: not gounatari [2d]: I highly doubt thatfreemind [1d]: geezeWorldCop [2k]: anyway, for 19x19 decade still seems optimistic];W[gp]WL[2184.533]C[freemind [1d]: it would take an ibmfreemind [1d]: putting millions into itunatari [2d]: doubt that there isnt money in deveolping a program to beat a profreemind [1d]: like deep blue];B[hi]BL[1499.345];W[hh]WL[2181.219]C[freemind [1d]: and decadesfreemind [1d]: like ibm didjubjub [3k]: not so much like deep bluefreemind [1d]: yes];B[gh]BL[1489.957]C[freemind [1d]: that took decades];W[hg]WL[2178.366]C[freemind [1d]: two matchesjubjub [3k]: but that was brute forcefreemind [1d]: and millions];B[bh]BL[1480.577]C[jubjub [3k]: Go takes new strategiesWorldCop [2k]: lol];W[hp]WL[2171.601]C[jubjub [3k]: could be overnight or take a whilefreemind [1d]: in developmentWorldCop [2k]: this bot is brute forcefreemind [1d]: millions in developpment a team of worldclass gmsfreemind [1d]: the best programersWorldCop [2k]: any competitive bot nowadays is brute forcing random game trees.freemind [1d]: i dont think you realize what went ionto that];B[io]BL[1453.929];W[ip]WL[2169.512]C[jubjub [3k]: Go is stronger now cause of monte carlo stragegies etc which were not used beforefreemind [1d]: i magine several former mejins];B[jp]BL[1428.888]C[freemind [1d]: woring with the best programs];W[go]WL[2164.96]C[freemind [1d]: having millionsfreemind [1d]: programers*freemind [1d]: that is what ibm did];B[gn]BL[1403.087];W[en]WL[2158.495];B[em]BL[1393.924]C[jubjub [3k]: what break through in programming techniques made Deep Blue possible?WorldCop [2k]: more like hardware techniquesfreemind [1d]: they had a panel of world class pros working with them go computer development seems to be more independant];W[fn]WL[2115.89]C[freemind [1d]: and algorythemsfreemind [1d]: or however its spelledWorldCop [2k]: argorithm];B[qr]BL[1371.926]C[freemind [1d]: they had some breakthroughs there];W[pn]WL[2112.83]C[jubjub [3k]: algorithmsfreemind [1d]: okfreemind [1d]: ]thx];B[fm]BL[1355.205]C[craig [4k]: al gore was involved?freemind [1d]: but the gmsCassis0 [5d]: this bot only wants to kill ];W[eo]WL[2107.599]C[freemind [1d]: helped alotjubjub [3k]: He probably thinks socraig [4k]: the inventor of the internet?WorldCop [2k]: al gore?];B[mr]BL[1329.457];W[qm]WL[2104.149]C[freemind [1d]: of course deep blue was dsigned specifically to beat kaspy];B[rm]BL[1320.561]C[WorldCop [2k]: ok, i'm starting to believe the b+ hype];W[rq]WL[2098.554];B[ql]BL[1311.757];W[ro]WL[2097.005]C[Julian [?]: Sorry, who is W?dvhjvdfb: white=9p];B[pm]BL[1287.217]C[unatari [2d]: read zen19 info];W[rd]WL[2089.967];B[os]BL[1273.244];W[ps]WL[2086.973]C[kiberen [7k]: quote "this bot only wants to kill " is there a different way to win ?];B[rn]BL[1261.097];W[sp]WL[2081.895]C[assailent [2k]: by not killing and just getting territoryunatari [2d]: you win with points..];B[sf]BL[1252.384]C[unatari [2d]: not kills];W[rc]WL[2070.984]C[freemind [1d]: i no a former side effect of the monet carlo logic was the bot trynig to win as close a s possible];B[qb]BL[1243.756];W[rb]WL[2069.043]C[freemind [1d]: did that get fixed ?freemind [1d]: know*Dugar [1k]: points are the spaces where dead stones use to be];B[pr]BL[1223.094]C[Xodd [19k]: whats the difference of 6d1 and 6d2?freemind [1d]: monte*];W[ns]WL[2066.349]C[WorldCop [2k]: the bot still maximizes chance, not score.Julian [?]: Q2 point loss.freemind [1d]: like they would give points away at the end];B[or]BL[1204.783];W[nr]WL[2064.589]C[WorldCop [2k]: and it's starting to play stupidfreemind [1d]: trying to win as close to .5 win as they couldfreemind [1d]: zen used to do that];B[rr]BL[1184.826];W[sr]WL[2062.21]C[WorldCop [2k]: they didn't try to make it close, they tried to make it certainJulian [?]: "trying" implies intent. ;)jhow: boring];B[oo]BL[1176.272]C[freemind [1d]: well it was a side effectfreemind [1d]: i said thatWorldCop [2k]: yesWorldCop [2k]: oh];W[bn]WL[2050.946]C[freemind [1d]: of the logic i thinkalanis [2k]: zen19 program is it has sell in trade?];B[cm]BL[1151.681];W[bm]WL[2048.857]C[freemind [1d]: not sure if its iopen source or not];B[ra]BL[1140.389]C[WorldCop [2k]: i think w caught up to about 10 points already];W[bk]WL[2045.444]C[WorldCop [2k]: more now];B[bj]BL[1116.077];W[oc]WL[2041.785];B[sd]BL[1104.386];W[sb]WL[2038.048];B[gc]BL[1081.273]C[unatari [2d]: h6 ];W[dg]WL[2029.511]C[nsysu [3d]: J3 is bigDugar [1k]: does it always do worse towards the end?];B[gq]BL[1057.582]C[freemind [1d]: it used to];W[iq]WL[2025.904]C[nsysu [3d]: lolfreemind [1d]: im not sure nowunatari [2d]: g3.....freemind [1d]: if it wasahead that isJulian [?]: The bot's tendency to trend toward 0.5 win is very dangerous if W surprises it just before yose. ;)freemind [1d]: yes];B[ir]BL[1034.912];W[jq]WL[2024.636]C[freemind [1d]: exactlyfreemind [1d]: that side effect causes it to lose alot];B[jr]BL[1012.641];W[kq]WL[2020.963]C[freemind [1d]: when i played it previouslyWorldCop [2k]: wowihatelag [10k]: good job!RankLower [1d]: :)Julian [?]: Whee.WorldCop [2k]: i thought still closemiki81 [12k]: good job ^^jhow: boring gameRankLower [1d]: ^^dvhjvdfb: Congratulations to the human player, and to zen for being a top programjubjub [3k]: top left looked a little interesting for a whilealanis [2k]: 9P very strong Julian [?]: Not sure why bot resigned. :)Julian [?]: I believe white is winning, but I doubt bot can tell that from here with reasonable certainty.mof [5d?]: bot resigns for to not humiliate humanmof [5d?]: ;)peterma [3k]: who is barcelonaX?])
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