(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]GN[ ]PW[Hironori Hirata]PB[Baoxiang Bai]WR[8d]BR[7d]DT[2011-06-01]EV[32nd World Amateur Go Championship]RO[Round 8]PC[Shimane, Japan]WT[Japan]BT[China]SO[http://gogameguru.com/]AN[An Younggil 8p]C[Baoxiang Bai vs Hironori Hirata – 32nd World Amateur Go Championship]RE[B+Resign]FG[259:]PM[2];B[pd];W[dc];B[dq];W[qp];B[ce]C[Bai is a 20 year old young guy, and Hirata is 84. Hirata used to be one of the four great amateur players in Japan, and his playing is still very keen even though he's very old now. ];W[dn];B[co];W[dg]LB[dn:A]C[W tries to fight here to use W's A stone. ];B[cg]LB[ee:A][ef:B][cn:C]C[There're several options, and B chose this. ];W[ch];B[dh](;W[cf];B[bg];W[eg]C[Right sequence. ](;B[df]C[Right move. ](;W[di];B[ef];W[bh]C[Right order. ](;B[bf];W[fg]C[Necessary. ];B[fc]C[Up to here, no problem for both. ](;W[bd]C[Questionable. ];B[ff];W[gg];B[eb]C[W's corner is troublesome. ];W[db];B[cd];W[cc];B[bb];W[bc];B[gf]LB[ba:A][hg:B]C[Good move. W can live with A, but B would be happy with hane at B. ];W[hc]LB[ba:B][gd:A]C[Good probing move. If B answers at A, W'd go at B, but that answer'd be better for B than the actual game. ];B[jc];W[jd]C[Attach here to get a rhythm. ];B[id];W[hd];B[ie];W[fd]LB[jd:A]C[Good tesuji from w's 34(A). ](;B[gd]C[Good order for B. ];W[gc];B[ed];W[ec];B[fb];W[ge];B[fe];W[gd];B[ic];W[gb];B[he];W[ga]LB[ia:E][ja:C][ka:D][ib:A][jb:B][lb:F]C[Very good move. It looks easy, but not easy to see when you're playing. If the top area becomes B's territory, W'd get sente endgame A-F. ];B[hg];W[hh];B[ig]C[Up to here, the result is even. ];W[cn]C[Big move. ];B[do];W[en];B[qf](;W[pj]C[This move is a bit ambiguous. ];B[op]C[This approach is good in this case as W's right side isn't that strong or solid. ](;W[pn]LB[pj:A]C[A is not well placed in this case. ];B[qq];W[rq];B[pq];W[lp]LB[pn:C][ro:A][rr:B]C[Proper move. Playing at A or B is more common, but that'd be too soft in this game. This is W's plan from W60 (C) ];B[qo]LB[no:A][ro:B]C[Nice counter attack. If B plays at A instead, W'd be happy with answering at B. ](;W[ro]C[Right choice. ];B[qn];W[po];B[pp];W[rp];B[qm];W[pm];B[ql];W[pl];B[qk];W[qr]C[It's time for W to come back here. ];B[pr];W[rr];B[pk]LB[pj:A]C[Good judgement. B is good enough with the trade from this move. As you can see, W's A was a bit too far. ];W[ok];B[oj];W[nl];B[oi]C[B's top right area is getting bigger. ];W[mp]C[It looks funny, but it seems to be the best. I'm impressed by this move. This sort of move is not easy to see when you are playing. ];B[nk];W[ol];B[mk];W[lm]C[The game becomes a bit better for B. ];B[kq];W[lq];B[ll];W[km];B[jk]C[Good move. ];W[pc]C[W must make it happen here or W'd lose. ];B[qc]C[Right answer as B's outside is solid and strong. ](;W[oc]C[No strategy. This could be losing move as there was no chance for W afterwards. ];B[qb];W[kb]C[Looks nice, but ];B[hb]C[Good response. ];W[ib]C[W has to cut here to take sente. ];B[jb];W[lc];B[ia];W[dd];B[od]C[W can't make room to live. ];W[nd];B[nb]C[Nowhere to live inside. ];W[nc];B[mb]C[The game's practically over. ];W[eq];B[dr]C[Calm. B is already winning, so doesn't need to fight anymore. ];W[er];B[ep];W[fp];B[fq];W[eo];B[dp];W[gq];B[fr];W[gr];B[es];W[ji];B[kh];W[ki];B[lh];W[jl];B[mm]C[Good timing. ](;W[no];B[ik]LB[gh:C][ih:B][gp:A]C[As there're lots of cutting points in W's area, B could extend here. ];W[kk]C[W goes all out, but too late. ];B[kl];W[ml];B[lk];W[kj]C[W was looking for a last chance, but ];B[jm];W[il];B[jn];W[kn]C[Only move, ];B[ko];W[ln];B[gp];W[fo];B[lo];W[mn];B[hp];W[hm];B[kp]C[The game is over here. W can't stand anymore. ];W[lr];B[mo];W[nn];B[kr];W[np];B[mi];W[ih];B[hn];W[in];B[io];W[im];B[jo];W[gn];B[ls];W[ms];B[ks];W[mr];B[rn]LB[oc:A]C[W resigned here. B is winning by a big margin. The game went well up to middle game, and all of sudden, the game was finished after W played at A. After Bai won this game, he swept all 8 of his games and won the tournament. Hirata's score was 6-2 after losing this game, and he was ranked in 5th place. However, it's still amazing as he is 84 years old. I can't imagine how he can play so beautifully at his age.Commented by Younggil AN 8p ])(;W[ml]C[If W cuts, ];B[kk]LB[hk:B][nn:A]C[This is B's plan, and A and B are miai. ]))(;W[qb]C[W must play here. ](;B[oc];W[pb];B[rc]C[If B plays here, ];W[od]C[This cut'd be good. ];B[ob]C[It looks as if there's no good move for W, but ];W[qd];B[pe];W[nc]C[Good tesuji! ];B[nb];W[mb]C[Good tesuji 2. ];B[nd];W[oa];B[mc];W[na];B[oe];W[rd]C[Now, this move is working, and it's successfull for W. The game'd be even. ];B[rb];W[ra];B[sb];W[sd]TR[oa][ra]C[White's marked stones help white win the capturing race.])(;B[pb]C[If B cuts here, ];W[oc];B[rb];W[qd];B[rc];W[ob];B[qa];W[pe]C[This atari'd be good, and];B[od];W[nd];B[oe];W[mc]C[It's not easy for B to capture all W's stones. ])))(;W[po]C[This is wrong in this game because ];B[rp];W[pp];B[rr]C[B could settle easily. ]))(;W[lp]C[This pincer is normal, but ];B[on];W[qn];B[ol];W[pm];B[om];W[ip];B[pl];W[ql];B[qk]LB[qf:A]C[B could fight like this later as there's B's stone at A. It's different from Kobayashi's opening. ]))(;W[pg]LB[pk:A]C[This shoulder hit looks better, or playing at A is also thinkable. ];B[qg];W[pi]LB[pc:A]C[Like this. A is good later. ]))(;B[ed]C[If B hane here first, ];W[ec];B[gd];W[fb];B[fe];W[gb]LB[ic:B][kc:A][lc:C]C[W'd get a better result. W has more options on the top area later. ]))(;W[fd]C[This move should be better. ](;B[ec]C[B could capture W's corner stone, but ];W[ed];B[dd];W[gc];B[db];W[gd]C[W's outside is superior to B's corner territory. ])(;B[gd];W[ed];B[ff]C[Good move for B. ];W[gc];B[gg];W[fi];B[hc];W[gb];B[hd];W[hb];B[ib];W[fb]C[Still even. ])))(;B[fg]C[This atari would be wrong, ];W[eh];B[bf];W[gc]C[Because W could play on the top. ]))(;W[ef]C[This atari is also thinkable, ];B[bf];W[ed];B[di];W[nc]C[Another game. ]))(;B[ci]C[If B atari here, ];W[bf];B[bh];W[de]C[This result is good for W as the corner is pretty big and clean. ])(;B[bf]C[If B atari under, ];W[di]C[There's no good follow up for B. ]))(;W[ci]LB[ec:C][dd:A][ed:B]C[If W plays here, B'd play at A, B or C];B[dd];W[eg];B[ec];W[cf];B[cc];W[cn]C[Big, ];B[do];W[en];B[eo];W[fn];B[op]C[Another game. It's even. ]))
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Hironori Hirata    Baoxiang Bai
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