(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]TM[1800]OT[10x10 byo-yomi]PW[Jiang Weijie]PB[Park Junghwan]DT[2013-05-18]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/];B[pd];W[dd];B[qp];W[dp];B[fq];W[cn](;B[lq]C[Tiny-mini-chinese];W[qj];B[qf];W[qm];B[pn](;W[qn];B[qo]C[this move takes one liberty to white stones. A nobi would be too soft];W[oo]LB[mp:A]C[new move. Normally, white plays at A](;B[pk];W[qk];B[pm];W[pq];B[ql];W[rl];B[pl];W[qh];B[pi];W[qi];B[ro];W[sm];B[sn];W[rm];B[oq];W[pp];B[po];W[op];B[nq];W[mp];B[mq];W[ln];B[ko];W[nm];B[jm];W[nk];B[pj](;W[lo]LB[mo:A]C[right group is alive or not ? If not, it's an even game for both. Why does white played this ugly move ? because he could have pushed and cut later the other side ... because black A would take awy the eye](;B[kp]C[there's "half" eye on the corner and white made one eye here, so white can play elsewhere](;W[fp]C[now the combination with the previous move is quite fine];B[gp];W[gq]C[what does white want from this cutting ? He want to overconcentrate black 3 answers possible for black)](;B[fr]C[this way corner is still open];W[go];B[hp];W[eq];B[fo];W[ep];B[gr];W[fc]C[stopping invasion on corner is the new style. Professionnels prefer to keep corner instead of having double wings (triple hoshi on the same corner)];B[kc];W[ce]LB[bd:A][cd:B][be:C]C[if white plays elsewhere, black can invade white formation with A, B or C for example];B[cm](;W[dn]C[nobi on the second line is possible if white is going to die on the corner. But not black contact play becomes good];B[cj];W[ch];B[hc];W[bm]TR[pj][pl][pn]C[this move seems slow because white should keep black group (long wall) separated without two eyes];B[sk];W[rj];B[rg];W[rh];B[ph]C[black is getting stronger so top side is becoming big. White must reduce now];W[kl];B[qg]C[sente move on white group](;W[sh];B[li];W[qc]C[white plays here to use his previous move on the first line];B[ob];W[re];B[lk];W[jl];B[jj];W[im];B[ho];W[ik];B[hi]C[white stones are efficient because they are making territory and white is only running];W[gn];B[hm];W[gk];B[in];W[gi];B[hj];W[hk];B[gj];W[fj];B[fi];W[gh];B[dh];W[di];B[ej];W[fk];B[ci];W[ei];B[cg];W[bh];B[bg];W[dg];B[eh];W[fh];B[eg];W[df];B[ef];W[ee];B[cf];W[de];B[bi]C[game can still go but this exchanges are good for black];W[be];B[bl](;W[bk];B[bn];W[ck];B[dj];W[fi];B[dl];W[cl];B[am];W[dm];B[dk];W[bm];B[ff];W[gf];B[cm];W[fe];B[bm];W[ah];B[qd];W[rd];B[qb];W[pc];B[oc];W[rc];B[pb];W[jd]LB[if:A]C[if white connects the corner group with the side group on the right, black plays at A and it is huge];B[sg];W[jc];B[jb];W[kd];B[kb];W[mj];B[lj];W[ml];B[mh])(;W[cl];B[bk];W[dm];B[ah];W[ch];B[aj];W[pb]))(;W[ke];B[rk];W[sj];B[sh]C[white is dead]))(;W[cj]C[pincer is not possible because white is not strong enough the other side];B[co];W[bm];B[bn];W[dn];B[bl];W[bo];B[am];W[bp];B[em]C[this move is painful])(;W[dm];B[cl];W[bn];B[dl];W[em];B[ch]C[black lives easially])(;W[bm];B[bl]C[black can play like this because of the ladder];W[cl];B[dm];W[bn];B[ck]))(;B[er];W[eq];B[fr];W[dr];B[cq];W[dq];B[fo];W[ep];B[hq];W[go]LB[es:A]C[A is sente, so black can't do something in the corner];B[hp])(;B[ep];W[fo];B[dq];W[eo];B[eq];W[cq];B[cp];W[do];B[cr];W[bq];B[br];W[bp];B[hq];W[go];B[hp]C[in this case black is a little bit overconcentrated]))(;W[rr];B[qr];W[qq];B[pr];W[qs];B[or];W[sq]))(;B[rg];W[rh];B[sk];W[rj]C[white is alive. If he wasn't, he should go out and it would hurt the other white group. So situation would be good for black]))(;W[gp];B[fp];W[go];B[fo];W[gn]LB[jn:B][kn:A][jo:C]C[white can play like this because if black plays elsewhere, he can push and cut]))(;B[oq];W[mp];B[mq];W[po];B[pp];W[om]C[another game where the nozoki was played. Seems good for white]))(;W[ro];B[pm];W[qo];B[po];W[ql];B[rp]C[black can play like this because his stone is near];W[pp]C[white can't cut];B[op];W[pq];B[so];W[rn];B[qq];W[pr];B[oq])(;W[pm];B[qn];W[om]C[white can't hane because black cut and the fight is difficult for white];B[on];W[nm];B[mo]C[very nice for black and difficult for white]))(;B[kq];W[qj];B[qf];W[qm];B[pn];W[ro];B[pm];W[qo];B[po];W[ql];B[pp]))
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Jiang Weijie    Park Junghwan
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