(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]PW[Park Jeonggeun]PB[Cho Insun ]WR[4p]BR[7d]DT[2011-09-20]EV[39th Myeongin]RO[Round 1]PC[Hankuk Kiwon, Seoul, Korea]WT[Korea ]BT[Korea]SO[http://gogameguru.com/]AN[An Younggil 8p]C[Cho Insun vs Park Jeonggeun – 39th MyeonginThis game must be one of the most important ones in Cho Insun’s life so far. It was played recently in the 39th Myeongin tournament.]RE[B+Resign];B[pd]C[He'd already participated in the preliminary round of the LG Cup earlier this year (as an amateur player) and this was the second time he'd joined the professionals in a tournament.];W[dd]C[If Insun won this game, he'd get enough points to qualify as a professional according to the 'new points system' of the Korean Baduk Association. I wrote about that here: http://gogameguru.com/cho-insun-amateur-turned-professional-go-player/];B[qp]C[On the other hand, Park Jeonggeun became a pro in 2004, and he won the second place in the Chunwon (Tengen) Cup in 2005. He was beaten by Ko Geuntae 8p in the final.];W[dq]C[He made it to the final one year after becoming a pro, so it was very sensational. However, his results haven't been so good since then. ];B[co]C[Insun said "Luckily, I researched this variation a lot recently" at an interview after the game.];W[dl];B[gp]C[This variation could be pretty popular in Korea today, so that Insun researched it a lot. :D ];W[do](;B[dp]C[This continuation is popular recently too.];W[ep];B[cp];W[cq];B[bq]C[It's worth remembering this move.](;W[br](;B[dm]LB[eq:A]C[Good tesuji. This one might be better than A, so B chooses this instead of A. ];W[eo];B[cm];W[em];B[el];W[fm];B[dk]C[B's left side is good! ];W[fl];B[ek];W[kq]C[W's lower side is good too. ];B[nq]C[Calm and good. Big move first and come in later. ];W[ko]LB[ip:A]C[There's a saying in Korea, 'jumping to the center is never bad'.If W plays at A instead, that's more solid, but B can develop on the right side more easily later. ];B[cf];W[fc];B[jq]C[Brilliant idea! ];W[jr]LB[jp:A][iq:B]C[If W answers at A, B'd extend at B, and this group would not die easily.];B[ir]C[Good tesuji. When you're in your opponent's area, you should attach and touch like this! ];W[jp];B[iq];W[oq]C[Good sense. It's a kind of probing move before playing on the bottom. ];B[pq]C[Right answer.];W[op];B[or];W[np](;B[nr]C[Proper answer. ];W[lr]TR[np][op][nq][oq][pq][nr][or]C[Now, W comes back here. Those marked exchanges are benefitial for W. ];B[ip](;W[jn]C[Good shape. ];B[lp];W[kp];B[js]C[Good order of moves. ];W[kr];B[fq]C[This group is settled now. ];W[ho];B[eq];W[er];B[fr];W[es]C[W tries to get sente. ];B[fp]LB[gn:A]C[This B group isn't completely alive yet, but because of A, it's practically alive.];W[qo]C[So far, the game is favourable for B, as B lives in W's area without any damage. ];B[ro];W[pp];B[qq];W[qn];B[rn];W[qm]C[W plays thickly. Jeonggeun's style of play in thick and solid. ];B[gn]LB[qf:A]C[Insun's play in this game is lively. Enclosing at A instead of B61 is also conceivable. ];W[qf]C[Right direction. ];B[nc];W[rd];B[kc]C[A good, balanced move. The side is more important than the corner in this game as W has a good moyo on the right. ];W[hl];B[fn]C[B doesn't need to hurry as the game's still favourable. ];W[of]C[Good jump. The right side is W's hope.];B[pi]C[What a brave move! Insun's play around here looks confident! ];W[qc]C[W doesn't think it's the right time to attack B69, so comes here first. ];B[bd]C[Big. ](;W[qk]C[Looks slow, but proper. ];B[pg];W[pf];B[mi]C[When you're in your opponent's area, play lightly! ];W[ic];B[pc]LB[ob:A]C[Necessary. If B doesn't play here, W'd play at A. ];W[oi]C[W may think it's time to attack now! W is behind on territory, so has to gain some benefit from attacking here.](;B[pj]C[Right move. ];W[ni]C[This shape isn't familiar, but it's proper.];B[pk];W[nk]C[B's right side appears to be in danger, but Insun's play is still very confindent. ];B[ql];W[rl];B[pl];W[rm];B[nl];W[ml];B[nm];W[mp]C[W needs to connect here. ];B[qg];W[og];B[on];W[po];B[rf];W[re];B[rh]C[Good move. B is nearly alive. ];W[rj];B[pm];W[ok]LB[sf:A]C[This move could be a mistake. W could atari at A and make it ko. ];B[sg]C[Right move to live. ];W[ol];B[ri]C[The result so far is good enough for B. ];W[en]C[W comes back here. ];B[hm];W[di]LB[il:A]C[W goes all out. A would be common, but W can't win with normal moves. ];B[il];W[fk];B[bp];W[ar];B[hk]C[B feels good with this atari because B erases W's center influence naturally. ];W[fj](;B[cj]C[It's needed. ];W[cc];B[km]LB[ci:A]C[Too much. B would be good enough with A. ];W[mm];B[mn]C[W's influence becomes a weak group. ];W[jm];B[mk]C[Good timing. ];W[lk];B[lo]C[W is in deep trouble now.](;W[ln]C[W's best answer. ];B[lm];W[ll];B[mq]C[W's big group is suddenly dead. ];W[lq];B[kn];W[kl](;B[nn]C[Right answer and the game's practically over. ];W[ln];B[mo];W[hn];B[gm];W[gl]C[W is threatening this B group.];B[fs];W[dr];B[gr]C[When you're winning, simple and certain moves are the best. ];W[rp];B[rq];W[ci]C[W's last hope is here. ];B[ef];W[dg];B[de]C[Good response. ];W[cd];B[ce];W[bc];B[gf]C[W's outside isn't strong enough to capture this B group, though W is trying to do his best. ];W[fe];B[ff];W[gh];B[hh];W[hi];B[if]LB[hh:A]C[Nice jump. B doesn't care about A. ];W[he];B[ge];W[hd];B[hf];W[ih];B[gd];W[gc];B[ke]C[B is winning now, but you should be more careful in this stage of the game. It's because your opponent could play desperately.](;W[je]C[W is desperate. ];B[jf];W[kf];B[kg];W[lf];B[fd];W[ed];B[ee]LB[ae:B][ie:A]C[B made an eye here, and A and B are miai for another eye. ];W[kd];B[fh];W[fi];B[jh]C[B can't answer at the top as this group isn't completely safe yet.];W[lc]C[B's top group looks like it's in danger, but not really. ];B[qb];W[rb];B[qd];W[rc];B[ld];W[le];B[lb];W[md];B[mc]C[Both players are doing their best, so you might be able to feel their fighting spirit. ];W[ji];B[ki];W[lh];B[eh]C[B's group is alive with this move. ];W[bj];B[bk]C[W's last hope is disappearing. ];W[kb];B[ld];W[dj];B[ck];W[lc];B[jj];W[ii];B[ld];W[ph];B[qh];W[lc];B[oh];W[nh];B[ld];W[se];B[sf];W[lc];B[ob];W[qa];B[ld];W[qj];B[si];W[lc];B[kh];W[ig];B[jg](;W[kj];B[ld];W[cg]C[This ko threat doesn't work. Even if W plays the best moves, it's very hard for W to reverse the game. ];B[gg];W[hg];B[jb]C[Anyway, the game's completely over now. Insun must have been very excited at this moment. ];W[ph]C[I still remember the feeling the moment I was winnng the deciding game to become a pro. ];B[qi];W[eg];B[ae];W[bg];B[bf];W[ac];B[jc];W[sp];B[sq];W[jd];B[lg];W[mh];B[ad];W[ak];B[al];W[aj];B[bi];W[ah];B[af];W[ai];B[bm];W[im];B[lj];W[kk];B[ga];W[fa];B[ib]C[W resigned here. Insun shows his strength in this game. It's hard to find his overplays or underplays. He played boldly and with confidence. As you can see, he's already pretty strong, and there're many amateur players who are nearly as strong as Insun in Korea. I hope more top amateur players can beat pros and get a second chance to make their dreams come true with the new points system. Thanks An Younggil 8p])(;W[jc]C[If W doesn't answer in the center, ];B[ik]C[W's huge group would die this way.]))(;W[ee]C[If W plays here, ];B[lf]C[B would connect here. ];W[df]C[W can capture several B stones, but ];B[bj]C[W can't reverse the game with it. ]))(;B[ln]C[If B is greedy, ];W[om]C[Game over for black. ]))(;W[mq]C[If W connects here, ];B[jl];W[kl];B[ln]C[Good move. ];W[om];B[nn]LB[mj:A][pn:B]C[W would have to resign as A and B are miai for Black. ]))(;B[cc]C[If B goes here, ];W[ck]C[Good tesuji. ];B[cj];W[dj];B[cl];W[bk];B[bj];W[ej];B[dl];W[bi]C[B wouldn't be happy with this. ]))(;B[oh]C[If B responds here, ];W[nh];B[ni];W[oj];B[ng];W[mh]C[The ladder doesn't work, so B'd be in trouble. ]))(;W[ni]C[If W caps here, ];B[pg];W[pf];B[qk];W[rm];B[ok];W[mk];B[qg]C[B can easily make eye shape inside.]))(;W[io]C[You can think about this, but it would help B to live inside more easily.];B[ho];W[in];B[fq]C[Easier for B. ]))(;B[mq]C[If B extends here, ];W[pr];B[qr];W[nr];B[ps];W[mr]C[W can capture them like this. ]))(;B[eq]C[In the final of the Fujitsu Cup this year, Park Jungwhan cut here against Qiu Jun. You can see the game here: http://gogameguru.com/commentary-park-junghwan-qiu-jun-24th-fujitsu-cup/]))(;W[fq]C[This is an old fashioned move. ];B[dm];W[dn];B[cn];W[em];B[cm];W[el];B[bk]C[Another game. ]))(;B[kq]C[This is also possible, then];W[cp];B[pj]C[Another game. ]))
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Park Jeonggeun    Cho Insun
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