(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]PW[Chen Yaoye]PB[Park Junghwan]WR[9d]BR[9d]DT[2011-08-25]EV[16th Samsung Cup]RO[Round of 32]SO[http://gogameguru.com/]AN[An Younggil 8p]C[Park Junghwan vs Chen Yaoye – 16th Samsung Cup];B[pd]C[This game is between Park Junghwan (9p) and Chen Yaoye (9p). It’s from the second match of the group stage (round of 32) in the 16th Samsung Cup. The Samsung Cup uses a 'double elimination' system in this round. It's hard to explain how it works, but there's an explanation on our website at: http://gogameguru.com/16th-samsung-cup-begins/];W[dp]C[This is their seventh game together. Chen won the first four games in a row, but Park won their last two games.];B[qp]C[Park is currently rated No. 2 in Korea, behind Lee Sedol, and Chen is rated No. 5 in China.];W[dc];B[oq]C[I played several unofficial games with Park, after I finished my military service, and I was surprised by his confidence in his reading.];W[ci]C[At that time, he was only 14 years old, but his play was already outstanding. ](;B[nc]C[Anyway, W's Chinese opening like this is quite popular these days. ];W[qj]C[Now, it's obvious that white should split the right side.];B[ql](;W[qf];B[qh];W[rh];B[gp]C[Interesting move. I've never seen this before in this opening. You'll soon see the meaning of this approach. :D ];W[dn];B[ri](;W[od]LB[qi:A][gp:B]C[W doesn't cut at A because of black's ladder breaker at B. See the variation.](;B[pc]C[Proper move.];W[oc];B[ob];W[nb]C[What a clever move! W tries to utilize some moves here before coming back to the right side. ];B[pb]C[B has to be patient. ];W[qi];B[rg];W[ph];B[qg];W[pg](;B[rf]C[Right move. ];W[rj]C[This move looks small, but Chen is confident in this battle. ];B[pi]C[There's no other option for B as W played 28. ];W[mc]C[A very creative idea! ];B[nd];W[oe]C[It's even hard to imagine for me. ];B[ne];W[of];B[mb]LB[mc:A]C[Only way up to here from W's atari at A. ];W[nf]LB[me:B][oj:A]C[W doesn't need to be in hurry. A and B are miai for W. ];B[oi]C[B should go here to keep fighting. ];W[me];B[na];W[md];B[nb];W[lg]C[Good light shape. Chen's opening in this game is extraodinary!](;B[sh]C[It looks small, but right. ];W[pk]C[As you can see, W's stones around here are more lively than B's.];B[nj];W[pl];B[nl]C[Center is more important for B than the right side now. ];W[qm];B[kd]LB[lc:A]C[Vital point to attack. A is common, but slow. ];W[ro]C[W's right side is settled now. Chen doesn't care about W's top center group as he's good at sabaki. ];B[jg]LB[kd:A]C[Good follow up from A. ];W[li];B[lk];W[qe]C[Probing move. ];B[kc]LB[pe:A][re:C][pf:B]C[B'd better answer with A-C first.];W[re];B[sf];W[sj]C[W's right side is extra safe with this. ];B[si];W[ni]C[Nice tesuji.];B[oj]C[];W[jh];B[ig]LB[ni:A][oj:B]C[The exchange of A for B was beneficial for W.];W[jk];B[pe];W[pf];B[jl];W[il];B[jj]C[A sudden attack! As Park is behind on territory, he goes all out here. ];W[mk]C[Nice counter attack. W is thick and solid, so he's confident at fighting. ](;B[ik]C[Right answer for B, though B doesn't feel that good with this. ];W[ml];B[ol];W[kk]C[Very good move. W's play around here is beautiful! ];B[nh]C[Good timing to atari. ];W[mi];B[oh];W[mh](;B[lj]C[B doesn't want to play here, but it can't be helped. ];W[mj];B[kl];W[nn]TR[nh][oh][oi][pi][nj][oj][nl][ol]C[W starts to attack B's center stones. ];B[on];W[oo];B[pn];W[po];B[qn];W[qo]TR[qm];B[rm];W[pm];B[rn](;W[rl];B[om];W[no]C[It's the only way for both. ];B[sl];W[qk];B[sk];W[sm];B[sn];W[mq]C[If W keeps fiiling B's liberties from the outside, it'd be a one step ko, but W doesn't need to start the ko fight right away.];B[ok];W[so];B[sm];W[nm];B[rk];W[hk]C[Good place to play. W's outside is strong, and this B group becomes weak. ];B[kj];W[ij];B[mp]C[W's stones are all connected and thick, so it's hard for B to catch up. ];W[lq];B[nq]C[B comes back here because there's no good move for B in the center. ];W[lp];B[rq]C[Corner is alive, but the center is problematic instead. ];W[jk];B[jn];W[io]C[W can play whatever he wants to do as W's stones are strong. ];B[lo];W[mo];B[jo];W[jp];B[hm]C[Good sense. ];W[hp];B[gn];W[gq]C[Even though B captures W's right side, B is short of territory.];B[kh];W[ii];B[ih];W[pq];B[pp];W[np]LB[op:B][nr:C][pr:A]C[Sente. If B doesn't answer, W'd go at A-C. ];B[pr];W[ji]C[Restart fighting. ];B[ki];W[kg];B[em];W[ek];B[dm];W[gl]C[It doesn't look easy for B to live without any damage. ];B[fp]C[B chooses to sacrifice the center stones, but they're big. ];W[hn];B[gm];W[im]C[That's good enough for W. W earned about 35 points in the center. ];B[fq];W[cn];B[dr];W[hq]LB[bl:A]C[Playing at A should be easier, but Chen doesn't care about that. ];B[cm];W[cq];B[cr];W[br]C[Corner is safe. ](;B[dj];W[en];B[fm];W[bm];B[bl];W[bn];B[gj];W[gk]LB[cf:D][dk:C][go:B][ho:A][gp:E]C[B resigned here. A and B are sente for W, so there's nothing B can do in the center. B needs to answer around C, but W'd be happy enough with D. Chen Yaoye's opening was excellent against Park Junghwan's challenging new move at E.Park was eliminated and Chen Yaoye went to the next round of the main tournament. You can see their gorgeous moves right from the beginning of the game, especially on the right side, and you can see how to sacrifice your stones and get a good result with a nice outside position.You can enjoy watching more of Chen Yaoye's games in the Samsung Cup this year. An Younggil 8p])(;B[bp]C[If B comes in here, ];W[bo]C[Right answer. ];B[bq];W[ar]C[Good move. ];B[cp];W[dq];B[co];W[do];B[bn];W[aq];B[ao];W[ap]C[W is alright. ]))(;W[om]C[This move doesn't work very well. ];B[nm];W[mm];B[rk];W[sk];B[pj]C[W can't survive. ]))(;B[kl]C[If B plays here, ];W[kj];B[lj];W[ki];B[mj];W[im];B[ll];W[hk];B[ij];W[hj];B[ii];W[ih];B[hi];W[hh];B[gi];W[gh]C[B's center group is in trouble. ]))(;B[mj]C[If B answers here, ];W[kk];B[kj];W[lj];B[ll];W[ij]TR[jj][kj]C[W can capture B's two stones here. ]))(;B[pk]C[This move looks nice, but ];W[si]LB[qe:B]C[This is sente because of B. ];B[qe];W[rl]C[W can live easily. ]))(;B[pf]C[Cutting is not a good idea anymore. ];W[rf];B[sh];W[sf];B[sg];W[rj];B[qe];W[of];B[pe];W[qn]LB[sj:A][sk:B]C[W can fight here properly as A and B are sente for W afterwards. ]))(;B[oc]C[If B answers here, ];W[qi]C[Now, W can cut. ];B[rg];W[ph];B[qg];W[pg];B[pf];W[rf];B[sh];W[pe];B[of]TR[pd];W[qd];B[pc];W[oe];B[nf];W[qc]C[It's very different from the previous variation. W is good. ]))(;W[qi]C[If W cuts here which is common.];B[rg];W[ph];B[qg];W[pg];B[pf];W[rf];B[sh];W[qd];B[pe];W[qc];B[pi]LB[rj:A][gp:B]C[B can cut here instead of A. B is the ladder breaker. ]))(;W[qg]LB[qe:A]C[This is also possible, but it's old fashioned style. A would be big point for black now.]))(;B[pj]C[If B plays here, ];W[nc];B[pf];W[jd]C[W can make a good position on the top. ]))
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Chen Yaoye    Park Junghwan
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