(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]GN[ ]PW[Qiu Jun]PB[Park Junghwan]WR[8d]BR[9d]DT[2011-08-14]EV[24th Fujitsu Cup]RO[Final]PC[Japan]SO[http://gogameguru.com/]C[Park Junghwan vs Qiu Jun – 24th Fujitsu Cup]RE[B+Resign]FG[259:]PM[2];B[qd]C[This game is from the final of the 24th Fujitsu Cup.Park Junghwan (9p) beat Iyama Yuta (9p) in the semi final, and Qiu Jun (8p) beat Jiang Weijie (5p) to reach this final.];W[dc]C[This is the first time Park has played in the final of a world championship, and for Qiu, it's the second time. In 2009, He was in the final of the Samsung Cup, but was beaten by Kong Jie. ];B[pp]C[Park Junghwan is regarded as a future Lee Sedol, and he's the most promising player in Korea right now.];W[dp]C[On the other hand, Qiu Jun is well known as a very hard thinker and worker. He seems to be getting stronger as time goes on. ];B[ce];W[dh];B[gd]C[There're lots of options and this is one of them.];W[de];B[dd]LB[kc:A][cd:B]C[B can also play at A, then W'd play at B.Park likes to play certain variations as he's still young. ];W[ed];B[cd];W[cc];B[bc];W[bb];B[ec]C[Good sequence.This variation is very rare to see, but I heard that pros recently researched this one intensively. ](;W[eb](;B[fc];W[ef]LB[ee:A]C[Now, W plays here, but not at A. Qiu seems to have researched this before this game. ];B[cf];W[ge]CR[ed][de][ef]C[This attachment helps W's marked stones. ];B[hd](;W[bg]TR[ef][bg][dh]C[It looks a bit aggressive, but still fine. ];B[bd]LB[ab:A]C[Because of the reason I showed in the previous diagram, B doesn't play at A. ];W[fb];B[ab];W[gb];B[ic];W[cb]LB[ab:B][gb:A]C[It's not certain, but Park would think this result is better than where black blocks at A instead of B. ];B[ch]C[Good tesuji. ];W[ci]LB[df:B][cg:A]C[If W plays at A, B'd B. ];B[eg]C[Good sequence, but it's not easy to explain about the meaning of this one. Top pros play this sort of move using their go sense. ];W[dg];B[cg]LB[eg:A]C[B doesn't care about the stone at A.];W[di];B[bi]LB[ee:B][df:A]C[Now was a good time to exchange A and B for Black. ];W[bj];B[bh];W[od]C[W doesn't need to play on the left side anymore];B[mc];W[qc];B[rc]LB[pc:A]C[The other joseki, where black plays A, isn't popular anymore. ];W[pc];B[qg];W[md];B[lc]LB[df:A]C[Around here, before this exchange, B should cut at A to ask W how to answer. ];W[rb];B[df]C[A bit too late.Park is very strong, but this is his weak point. He sometimes plays slack moves, and his opening is not as good as the other parts of his go. ];W[fg]LB[ee:A]TR[ec][fc][ic][lc][mc][gd][hd]C[W doesn't connect at A as B's top group is already settled. There's not much value in keeping two strong groups separated.];B[ee]C[However, as you'll see, Park is very strong at the endgame. ];W[eh]C[Up to here, the opening seems to be a bit favorable for W. ];B[rd];W[nc];B[ne];W[nd];B[fq]C[Big place. ](;W[er]C[This move is Qiu's style. He's good at reading, and playing an uncertain shaped game.W's left side is uncertain. ];B[jq];W[qn];B[ro]LB[qg:B][jq:A]C[B did the same shape. In this case, it's reasonable as there're B's stones on both sides. ];W[qi]C[Nice move. Qiu's playing is very confident especially in battles. ];B[ql]C[As W extends too far, this invasion is must. ](;W[oh]C[This is an overplay. ];B[pi]C[Counter attack. ];W[ph];B[qh];W[qj]LB[pj:A]C[Ladder at A doesn't work, so this is the only move. ];B[oi]LB[ph:D][qi:C][oj:A][pj:B]C[Right direction. Either A or B isn't good in this case. As B wants to attack W's group C, this push is right.];W[pk];B[nh](;W[og]C[Only move. Nowadays, pros don't seem to care about shape compared to in the old days. ];B[ng];W[of];B[nk]LB[ni:A]C[This move prevents the cut at A in sente. ];W[pl];B[oe]C[Good idea to come in. The game becomes complicated, and it's a good news for B, as the game was better for W. ];W[nf];B[me];W[mf];B[le];W[lf];B[nb]C[Brilliant move! ](;W[ld]C[Right answer for W. ];B[ke];W[kd];B[pe](;W[jb]C[This was a serious mistake. ];B[kc];W[jc];B[jd]C[This is a good sacrifice strategy, and B takes the lead in the game at this stage. ];W[je];B[id];W[kb];B[qm]C[B started to attack W's right side group, and the game's obviously better for B now. ];W[pm];B[rn];W[nl];B[mk];W[lh];B[kk]LB[jb:A][lh:B][kk:C]C[If W had played at B instead of A, it'd have been W's turn now without B99 (C) on the board. ];W[ml];B[ll];W[mn];B[kn];W[lj];B[lk];W[mp];B[on]C[Vital point. ];W[op]C[Attach when you are in danger! ];B[pq];W[ji]C[Qiu Jun must have a big liver. :)W is desperate. W's not good enough W just lives on the bottom, so W ignores it and plays here.It's very much Qiu's style. His playing is even better when he's in trouble or in danger. ];B[nn];W[nj]LB[ol:A]C[This is to defend against B's move at A indirectly.];B[oj];W[lm];B[km];W[lo];B[no];W[mo];B[kp];W[lq];B[kr]C[However, the game's almost over in this stage.W can't live without fighting a ko. ];W[oq];B[pn];W[ok];B[mj];W[pr];B[qr];W[lr];B[jj];W[ii];B[ki];W[kh];B[ig]C[Probing move, and it looks like a good place to play, but...];W[rh];B[rg];W[hi]LB[jh:A][ij:B]C[A wonderful move! W is safe from both A and B. It's hard to imagine!];B[hk]C[B is still good enough, so plays gently now. ];W[hq]LB[or:A]C[W even comes here. W's right move should be A, but W is playing all out now. ];B[hp];W[gq];B[gp];W[fr];B[nr]C[B's outside is strong enough, and Park must have thought that this placement was the finishing blow. ];W[or](;B[mr]C[This move seems to be good better, but ](;W[js]C[What a fantastic move! ](;B[gr]C[Good timing to cut. ](;W[rr]C[Anyway, W's big group can live without a ko fight now. ];B[qq];W[qs](;B[rq]C[Right answer. ];W[ks];B[hr];W[si]LB[mr:A]C[Eventually, B loses lots of points here, even though B captured W's marked stones. The game becomes very close again. However, B is still thicker and has more potential for the endgame, ]MA[gq][hq](;B[bp]C[Good move. In this case, corner is much more important than the side. This side is almost not worth playing in this game for either player because there isn't much potential there.](;W[co];B[bo];W[cm];B[pd];W[oc];B[cq]C[B takes the corner, and the game's still close. As the game's very close, Park has the adventage in the endgame as his endgame is regarded as one of the best, and furthermore Qiu was already in time trouble long time ago. ];W[hm]C[W is aiming at B's weakness in the centre.];B[iq]LB[dq:A]C[Good move, B can cut at A next and this capture makes the game clearer. Sometimes, this sort of move is easy and right. ];W[dq];B[cr]C[B's corner is completely alive. ];W[im]LB[ik:A][ko:B]C[Very severe. W has to play like this as he's still behind a bit. W is aiming at A and B.];B[ik];W[ko];B[jo];W[jn];B[jm];W[in];B[gl];W[io];B[fn]LB[fn:B][jo:C][jp:A]C[Good judgement. If B connects at A. W'd go at 175 (B). The stone C isn't that important for B anymore. ];W[jp];B[el]LB[jn:B][ko:A]C[W can't expect any territory on the left side, and W's cut through at A&B didn't succeed. ];W[dl];B[ek];W[fo];B[gn](;W[mb]C[This is a really big endgame. ];B[kf]C[B is playing safely and crefully. ];W[li];B[bn];W[dk];B[gh];W[gi];B[gg];W[gf];B[ej];W[jg];B[jf];W[hg];B[kg]LB[gg:A]C[Good move, now B can save two stones at A. ];W[mi];B[ni];W[pj]LB[lg:B][pj:A]C[This move prevents B's cut at B. ];B[hh];W[ih];B[hf];W[fh];B[hg];W[fj];B[kj];W[jh];B[cn];W[dn];B[eo];W[ep];B[en];W[do];B[dj];W[cj];B[bl]C[W's big group doesn't have two eyes yet. Even though W could've lived inside, B'd still be winning on points. ];W[fk];B[em];W[dm];B[fp];W[bm];B[am];W[he];B[if]LB[jb:A][js:B]C[W resigned here. This game was so exciting, because it started with a brand new variation in the top left corner, and there was a big fight from right side. The opening was slightly better for W, but W made a big mistake at A, and the game became better for B.After the fantastic move at B, the game became almost even again, but Park played perfectly afterwards, and there weren't anymore chances for W.Both sides have only small territory at the end, and finally B captured W's huge group, but it gave observers a lot of excitment and thrills until the very end of the game. This is Park Junghwan's first international title, and for Qiu Jun, he'll challenge again next time. Thank you. Commented by An Younggil 8p](;)(;W[gk]C[Why W can't live.];B[hj];W[hl];B[jl]LB[kk:A][eo:B]C[W can't make two eyes, while B's groups both have two eyes. ]))(;W[bn]C[If W doesn't play at 182, ];B[ob]C[This is good, and ];W[mb];B[qb];W[lb];B[pb]C[B can save four stones with capturing the corner one]))(;W[cq]C[W can't play like this. The corner is too small with this. ];B[cn]C[Now, B can play here. ]))(;B[cn]C[If B approachs here normally, ];W[co];B[dn];W[bo]LB[hi:A]C[W'd be happy with the corner territory. W's group from left side to the centre isn't that weak. ]))(;B[ls]C[B can try to connect under with this, but ];W[ks];B[ms];W[is]C[W has an excellent move! ];B[hr];W[rq]C[B'd be in deep trouble. ]))(;W[hr]C[If W answers here, ];B[ks];W[ls];B[rk];W[kq];B[jr];W[jp];B[ip];W[jo];B[ko];W[iq];B[is]LB[gr:B][ir:A]C[Now, W can't atari at A because of B's B. ]))(;B[ks]C[If B plays here, ];W[ls];B[rk];W[kq]C[W can atari, and ];B[jr];W[jp]C[Cut here. ];B[ip];W[jo]LB[ko:A][iq:B]C[A and B are miai. It'd be a big catastrophy for B. ]))(;W[ls]C[If W descends here, ];B[rk]C[W only has one eye on the bottom. ](;W[kq]C[If W tries here, ];B[jr];W[jp];B[ip];W[jo];B[ko]TR[jo][jp]C[There's no way for W to escape. ])(;W[js]C[Now, it's too late to try this.];B[ir]C[It doesn't work very well for W. ])))(;B[ls]C[If B plays here, ];W[ms];B[mr];W[ks];B[js]LB[mb:A]C[The game would finish early. It's ko, and B has so many ko threats on the upper side around A. ]))(;W[lh]LB[kd:A][lh:B]C[W has to jump here. W's group A is weak, but centre was much more urgent for W. B is a key point for attack and defense.]))(;W[ob]C[If W answers here, ];B[pd]C[This is a good combiation, and ];W[mb];B[lh]C[B'd get the initiative in the game with this move.]))(;W[pf]C[Better shape, but ];B[pg];W[og];B[of]C[It doesn't really matter. ]))(;W[oi];B[og];W[ol]C[W should be good enough with this. ]))(;W[dn]C[This is normal, but ];B[jp]LB[bk:A]C[A is annoying for W, ]))(;W[ch]C[This is conceivable, but then...];B[ab]C[This is a good tesuji, and];W[bd];B[ad];W[ac];B[df];W[ee];B[bc];W[be];B[bf];W[ac];B[eg];W[ae];B[gf]LB[bg:B][dg:C][ch:A]C[B can capture W's four stones like this. However, if W's A is at B, W can cut at C. ]MA[ed][de][ee][ef]))(;B[ee]C[This is also rather common. ];W[fc];B[df]C[Both are ok. ]))(;W[ee]C[This is normal. ];B[bd];W[eb];B[fc];W[fb];B[gb];W[ab];B[dg]C[Good move. ];W[eg];B[cg];W[ch];B[bh];W[bi];B[eh];W[fg];B[bf];W[ah];B[bg];W[cj]C[This is common, but Qiu wouldn't like this. ]))
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Qiu Jun    Park Junghwan
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