(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]PW[Choi Jung]PB[Kim Miri]WR[1d]BR[2d]DT[2012-01-26]EV[Female Myeongin]RO[Final]SO[http://gogameguru.com/]AN[An Younggil 8p]C[This is the second game of the 13th Female Myeongin final, between Kim Miri (2p) and Choi Jung (1p). You can read more about the final here: http://gogameguru.com/choi-jung-breakthrough-female-myeongin/]RE[W+5.50]FG[259:]PM[2];B[pd]C[Kim Miri is 20 years old and she became a pro in 2008. In 2011, she joined the 9th Jeongganjang Cup as a member of the Korean team. This is her first time in the final of a major tournament.];W[dd]C[Choi Jung became a pro in 2010. She was in the final of the 5th Female Kisung (Kisei) last year, but was defeated by Rui Naiwei 9p. She's only 15 years old and this is her second time in a major final.];B[pq]C[Kim and I are from the same dojo. Our teacher is Heo Janghoi 9p. Choi's teachers are Yu Changhyuk 9p and Choi Kyubyoung 9p. Just before I came to Australia, Choi was an insei, but now she's become one of the top female players in Korea.];W[dq]C[Kim Miri is good at fighting, but she needs to become stronger in other parts of the game.];B[qo]C[Choi Jung is also good at fighting, and she's good at the endgame too.In 2011, she beat eight senior players in a row in 5th GG Auction Cup, and it was very sensational in Korea.];W[jq];B[cn]LB[jq:A]C[This approach is proper, because white has a stone at A.];W[cp]LB[do:A]C[Common answer. A is also possible.];B[dj]LB[ck:A]C[A is also common, but this move is faster.];W[ch]C[Good move.];B[en];W[gp];B[fc];W[dc];B[eh];W[cf];B[jd];W[qf]C[There are no problems up to here.];B[re]LB[jd:B][qo:A]C[This move is good when there are black stones on both sides at A and B.];W[lc]LB[pi:A]C[This invasion is a bit too early. Playing at A is normal.];B[nc];W[le];B[kf]LB[jf:A][lg:B]C[Good haengma. If black just jumped to A, white would be happy to play B.];W[lf];B[kg];W[lg];B[kh];W[pi];B[rf]C[Good move. This helps the corner as well.];W[hd]LB[mi:A]C[It looks as if it's an overplay. A would be the proper move.];B[fe];W[hf];B[de];W[ce];B[kd]LB[jc:A]C[Good move. This prevents white's attachment at A.];W[nd];B[oc](;W[hc]C[This move is questionable.];B[ld]C[Black becomes strong and safe, so white's stones in this area become weak now.];W[ei]C[White attaches here because just running away isn't good enough.](;B[di]C[Mistake. Black doesn't need to answer here.];W[fg]LB[ei:A]C[This is a good combination with A. Suddenly black is in trouble.];B[ge];W[he];B[eg];W[ef];B[gg]C[This is the only way to escape.];W[fh];B[gf];W[ej](;B[dk]C[Mistake again. Black misses a very good chance.];W[ih];B[gh];W[dh]LB[fb:A]C[White can connect under with A at anytime. ];B[fb]C[Severe, but too late. White can run away now.];W[ig];B[hi];W[ii];B[ij];W[jj](;B[ik]C[Right answer. ];W[ki];B[lh];W[ek]C[The game is still better for white now, as black is weak. ];B[dl];W[kl];B[im];W[fm];B[jn];W[hl]LB[hj:B][jk:A]C[Good timing. If black answers with A, white would cut at B. ];B[gk];W[em];B[dm];W[gi]C[It doesn't look necessary to make this exchange.];B[fi];W[fj];B[gj]LB[hh:B][fi:A][el:C]C[If white connects at A, B'd connect at B, and C is troublesome for white later. This is what black wants white to play. ];W[dg]LB[fi:A]C[Right answer. ];B[fi];W[md];B[mc];W[gi];B[db];W[cb];B[fi](;W[il]C[Too early. ];B[jk];W[jl];B[kk];W[li];B[kj];W[ji];B[gl];W[gm];B[ll];W[lm];B[mh]C[It's a good result for black and the game becomes even again.];W[gi];B[hh];W[mm]C[Calm and nice. If white doesn't play here, black can. ];B[mk];W[nj];B[nk];W[nh];B[ok];W[lj];B[lk];W[ni];B[qk];W[mg];B[ke];W[of]C[This white group's settled, and the game is quite even.];B[ko]C[Good move. ](;W[bj]C[White starts to attack this black group. Attacking is sometimes the best way to defend.];B[bk];W[cj];B[el];W[fl];B[ep];W[do]LB[co:B][eq:A]C[Good answer. If white just answers at A, black would reinforce at B. ];B[dn];W[eo];B[fn];W[hm];B[hn]C[Good move. ](;W[fk]C[Right answer.](;B[bo]C[Unnecessary. ];W[fo];B[gn]C[Losing move. This move is thick and safe, but makes no points. ];W[jb];B[kb];W[lq]LB[iq:F][kq:B][mq:A][jr:D][kr:C][lr:E]C[So big and solid. If white extends further to A, black would attach and cut with B, (white C) and D. After that white can't defend against both E and F at the same time, so black will get one of them.];B[iq]LB[hp:D][ip:A][jp:B][kq:C]C[Sharp tesuji. If white plays A, black can cut at B. Then C and D are miai next.];W[hq];B[ip];W[ir];B[bq];W[bp];B[ap];W[ib];B[kc];W[cr];B[nq];W[ck];B[br];W[bs];B[kr];W[jp];B[hp];W[hr];B[go];W[fp];B[lp];W[kq];B[mq]C[Good move for black, but it's a bit too late. ];W[io]C[Correct sequence.];B[in];W[kn];B[jo];W[om];B[lr];W[ho];B[qg];W[pg];B[qh];W[qi];B[pl];W[bm];B[ci];W[bi];B[ph];W[oh];B[oj];W[ri];B[qe];W[pf];B[rh];W[sh];B[rg];W[oi];B[ca]C[Good move, but it's already too late to catch up.];W[ba];B[ne];W[nf];B[me];W[rk];B[rl];W[sk]C[The game's practically over now.];B[ea];W[da];B[qj];W[rj];B[ca];W[bb];B[bn];W[cl];B[gb];W[si];B[nn];W[nm];B[hb];W[ic];B[pm];W[on];B[sl];W[pj];B[pk];W[op];B[pp];W[mo];B[mp];W[pn];B[qn];W[lo];B[kp];W[jr];B[no];W[oo];B[mn];W[ln];B[np];W[oq];B[or];W[ec];B[ee];W[eb];B[fa];W[da];B[mr];W[fi];B[am];W[al];B[cm];W[bl];B[ha];W[sg];B[js];W[is];B[ks];W[sf];B[se];W[mf];B[od];W[cq];B[ao];W[hk];B[hj];W[ka];B[la];W[ja];B[an];W[cs]C[White won by 5.5 points.Choi Jung won the Female Myeongin, and this is her first title. She showed her fighting spirit and excellent endgame.On the other hand, Kim Miri had some good chances in this game, but she missed them.If you have any questions about the game, please feel free to leave comments.Thanks, An Younggil 8phttp://gogameguru.com/])(;B[kq]C[This area is still very big. ];W[kr];B[lq];W[jp];B[mo]C[The game's still close, but it looks black would be slightly ahead.]))(;FG[259:]PM[2];W[gn]C[If white tries to come out here...];B[fo];W[fp];B[go];W[ho];B[hp]C[It doesn't look good for white...];W[in];B[io];W[hn];B[eq];W[hq];B[dr]C[White is in deep trouble. ]))(;W[hm]C[If white connects here...];B[kq];W[kr];B[lq];W[jp];B[mo]C[Black would be happy. ]))(;W[li]LB[mh:B][il:A]C[This should be better for white. A and B are miai now.];B[mh]C[If black answers here, ];W[gi];B[hh];W[il];B[jk];W[jl];B[kk];W[lk];B[kj];W[lj];B[ji];W[jh];B[jj];W[gb]C[Black would be in trouble. ]))(;B[ji]C[If black cuts here, ];W[hj];B[ik];W[gi];B[hh];W[gj]LB[fc:B][hc:A]C[It's a capturing race between A and B, but black doesn't have enough liberties. ]))(;B[eb]C[Black should go here and attack the top first.](;W[ig]C[If white tries to escape...];B[gh];W[dh];B[ih]C[It's hard for white now.])(;W[ih]C[This move would be a bit better, but...];B[gh];W[dh];B[ig]C[White is still in trouble.])))(;B[gg]C[This should be a good move.];W[di];B[cj]C[The left side is safe.];W[hg];B[gh];W[hh];B[gi]C[The game is better for black.]))(;W[ld]C[White should connect here.];B[hh]C[If black caps here,];W[hc]C[White can still play here. It's hard for black to attack these stones, because white still has aji to connect on either side.]))ither side.]))r black to attack these stones, because white can connect on either side.]))
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Choi Jung    Kim Miri
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