(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]PW[Na Hyun]PB[Kong Jie]WR[1d]BR[9d]DT[2011-10-05]EV[16th Samsung Cup]RO[Quarter finals]SO[http://gogameguru.com/]C[Kong Jie vs Na Hyun – 16th Samsung Cup]RE[W+1.50];B[pd]C[This game is from the quarter finals of the 16th Samsung Cup in 2011. ];W[dd]C[Kong Jie is regarded as one of the best three in the world, along with Lee Sedol and Gu Li.];B[pq]C[On the other hand, Na Hyun is young and not yet well known.];W[dp]C[Kong Jie's style of play is just like a textbook on Go. Thick and solid, very good at counting and endgame. However, he sometimes makes mistakes when he's in time trouble.];B[qk]C[Na Hyun became a pro last year, but he already beat Sakai Hideyuki 8p and Peng Liyao 5p before this game.];W[nc];B[pf];W[pb];B[fq];W[cn];B[qc];W[kc];B[dr];W[cq];B[iq]C[Nothing special so far in this opening.](;W[jp]C[This shoulder hit is pretty common today. ];B[jq];W[kp];B[ho];W[jn]LB[gp:A]C[W aims at A later. ];B[cf];W[fc]LB[fd:A]C[W normally answers at A in this situation, but Na prefers to play more safely as Kong Jie prefers to play solid moves. ](;B[dj]C[Make it simple. ];W[po]C[Last big move. ];B[oo]C[This attachment is rare to see, but it looks good in this situation. ];W[on];B[op](;W[pm];B[nn]C[The game is still even as there were no questionable moves so far.];W[nm];B[mn];W[mm];B[ln];W[kl]C[Kong is very good at this sort of 'normal' game, so most Go fans would have expected Kong to win. ];B[jm]C[The first fight has just begun. ];W[km];B[kn];W[in];B[jl];W[jk];B[il]C[Right move, though it doesn't look pretty. ];W[hn];B[lm]C[W appears to be in trouble. ](;W[kk]C[This connection is hard to think of. ];B[ol];W[om];B[ll]C[W's groups are all split, and B takes the initiative in the game. I couldn't find W's mistake, but you know that Na Hyun is not very good at the opening. ];W[nk];B[lk];W[ji]C[W keeps his cool with this jump. ];B[hk];W[fn];B[hi]C[The flow of the game is favorable for B, but actually the game is still close. ];W[pk];B[ql];W[pl];B[qi];W[li]C[Nice jump. W is not in a hurry. ];B[lj];W[ki];B[ld];W[lc];B[mi]C[B doesn't lead the game on territory, so he tries to separate W's groups and attack. ];W[pi](;B[mh]C[Good move. B is in good mood. ];W[qh];B[qj];W[oh];B[qn];W[ng];B[nj];W[ne]C[The game is still playable for both. ];B[qm]C[Big move. It looks as if B takes the lead of the game, but it's close because W is thicker and has more potential in the center. ];W[rf]C[W starts to attack.];B[qb];W[pc];B[re]C[Good tesuji. ];W[qe];B[qd];W[rd]C[B can't live inside, so B has to go out. ];B[od]C[This is a good way to move out.](;W[rh]C[Right answer.];B[nd];W[mc];B[md];W[lf];B[ke]C[After B comes out here, the game becomes more complicated. ];W[kf];B[je];W[gj];B[hj];W[ig]C[W plays carefully because this W group is not yet strong enough to attack B's top right severely. ];B[ic];W[jb];B[nf]C[Good tesuji. ];W[mg];B[gg]C[W is short of territory, but thick. The game is still even. ];W[gh]C[Good counter attack! W can fight rather freely as W's stones around here are stronger than B's. ];B[hh];W[hg];B[gf];W[fh];B[fj]C[Good move. ];W[he];B[rc];W[se];B[me]C[This group is alive. ];W[eg];B[dh];W[pn];B[qo];W[mp];B[np];W[df]TR[gf][gg]C[The game is still close, but it seems to be favorable for W, as W captures B's two marked stones. ];B[ce];W[cd];B[dg];W[ef];B[cm]C[Good move. ];W[dm];B[cl];W[cr];B[lr]LB[cr:22]C[It's miai with W 122. ];W[bn]C[Right answer. ];B[ie]TR[ic]C[To save B's stone on the top. ];W[hd];B[jc];W[mq];B[ip];W[io](;B[go]C[Mistake. ];W[gn];B[gi]LB[gn:32][go:31]C[This move becomes necessary after B exchanges 131 for 132. ];W[or]C[Big move. ](;B[mr]C[Proper move, but B loses some points in this area. ](;W[nq];B[oq];W[pr];B[qr]LB[qq:B][nr:A]C[Right answer. If B cuts at A, W'd live with B. ];W[nr]C[As W gets some points here, W starts to lead the game. ];B[ib];W[ja];B[gc];W[fd];B[bd];W[bc];B[be]C[Both players are very good at endgame and counting. Kong Jie is well known for that, but I'm not sure whether or not Kong knew that Na is also very good in those areas.];W[dl];B[ck];W[lh]LB[ak:A]C[It could've been the losing move. W should play at A. W was worrying about some aji in the center, but there wasn't any serious problem. ];B[la]C[Good endgame move. ];W[ma];B[mb];W[lb];B[na];W[nb];B[bm]C[Very big. The game is reversed, and B is slightly ahead now. ];W[cb];B[eq]C[The game's really close. ];W[rr]C[Good endgame move. ];B[rq];W[qs];B[qq];W[kq];B[kr];W[sk];B[sl];W[dq];B[ia];W[ma];B[er];W[fo];B[fp];W[oa];B[an];W[ao];B[am];W[bp](;B[gd]C[Losing move. ];W[ge];B[hc]LB[hf:A]C[This move seems to be right because W has to answer here to prevent B's A. However...];W[cg]C[Perfect timing. There was a tiny hole for B, but Na doesn't miss the chance. ];B[bg];W[ei]C[A wonderful endgame move.];B[ej]C[Only answer for B. ];W[di];B[ci]C[W gets two points for free, and the game's reversed at the same time. ];W[hf]C[Now, W takes the lead again, and there're not many places left on the board. ];B[ka];W[kb];B[fb];W[eb];B[gb];W[eh];B[ch];W[cs]C[Last big endgame. ];B[fl];W[gl];B[gk];W[hl];B[ik];W[sj]LB[fl:97]C[B197 and this are miai. ];B[rk];W[ri];B[em];W[el];B[fm];W[en];B[qf];W[of];B[oe];W[og];B[oj];W[pj];B[ns];W[ok]C[W is winning by a little, but it's too late for B to reverse the game again. ];B[sr];W[rs];B[pp];W[fa];B[ga];W[ea];B[pe];W[re];B[ih];W[jh];B[de];W[ee];B[qg];W[rg];B[rj];W[si];B[oc];W[ob];B[jf];W[jg];B[ml];W[nl];B[ac];W[ab];B[ad];W[ds];B[es];W[ep];B[mf];W[pg];B[gm];W[hm];B[fk];W[sc];B[sb];W[qa];B[ra];W[os];B[ms];W[pa];B[sd];W[mo];B[no];W[ps];B[sc];W[ss];B[sq];W[jo];B[sn];W[kj];B[mj];W[id];B[jd]LB[eh:B][lh:A]C[W won by 1.5 points. It was an amazing game for Na Hyun. He even reversed the game in the endgame against Kong Jie, whose endgame and counting are regarded as the best in the world. There wasn't any big fight, but there were small local fights, and the game stayed even for a long time. W made a crucial mistake at 150 (A), and the game was reversed, but B just missed an exchange at A, and W didn't miss his second chance.Na Hyun is only 16 years old and became a pro last year, but as you can see, he managed the whole game very well.On the other hand, it's a pity for Kong Jie. He seemed to be nervous as he faced a young unknown player. His play was normal, but unusually, it's hard to find his brilliant moves in this game.You might be able to feel the tension between B and W from their endgame moves, and I hope you enjoyed watching them. Thanks, Commented by An Younggil 8p ])(;B[eh]C[B should play here first. ];W[fg];B[fb];W[eb];B[gb]C[B'd win the game by a small margin. ]))(;W[pp]C[If W plays here, ](;B[qq]LB[nq:A][oq:B]C[B can answer here. A and B are miai, so B is safe. ])(;B[qp]C[If B answers here, ];W[oq]C[Game'd be over.])))(;B[pr]C[B can't answer here because];W[pp];B[qp];W[oq]TR[mh][mi][lj][nj][lk][ll][lm][kn][ln][mn][nn][oo][np][op]C[W can cut B's center off. ]))(;B[or]C[B should play here first. ];W[mr];B[go];W[gn];B[gi]C[This'd be the right sequence. ]))(;W[nd]C[If W connects here, ];B[qf];W[se];B[rh];W[rg];B[qg];W[ph];B[ri]C[W'd be in trouble. ]))(;B[qh]C[If B answers here, ];W[mh]C[W'd hane here, ];B[ni];W[nh];B[oi];W[qm]C[There's no trouble to live inside. ];B[qp]C[If B keeps playing here, ];W[ph];B[oh];W[pj];B[pg];W[qj];B[rj];W[ri];B[rh];W[rk];B[si];W[ne]C[W can even play here. ]))(;W[ll]C[If W blocks here, ];B[ml]C[I couldn't find any good follow ups for W. ]))(;W[nn]C[This is also possible, but];B[pn];W[pm];B[qn];W[qm];B[ro];W[rn];B[qo]C[B's corner territory is big. ]))(;B[bd]C[If B slides here, ];W[cg]C[W'd attach here. ]))(;W[po]C[This is also possible. ];B[np];W[qq];B[qr];W[qp];B[rr];W[qm];B[nn];W[om];B[on];W[pn];B[pl];W[rk];B[rj];W[rl];B[qj];W[pm];B[cf];W[be]C[Another common opening. ]))
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Na Hyun    Kong Jie
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