(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]PW[Gu LI]PB[Won Seongjin]WR[9d]BR[9d]DT[2011-12-07]EV[16th Samsung Cup]RO[Final]PC[Shanghai]SO[http://gogameguru.com/]AN[An Younggil (8p)]C[This is the last game from the 16th Samsung Cup final. ]RE[B+Resign];B[pd]C[Won Seongjin (9p) won the first game of this series, but Gu Li (9p) made it a tie in the game two. This third game was the decider.];W[dd]C[Gu Li is currently number 1 in the world, according to the ranking system by Dr Bae Taeil. On the other hand, Won Seongjin is number 10.];B[pq]C[Gu Li has won seven international titles so far, but this is Won’s first time in a major international final.];W[dp]C[Before this final, lots of Go fans expected Gu Li to win. It's because Gu's career is far greater than Won's so far. ];B[fq];W[dn]LB[cj:B][cn:A]C[Answering at A is normal, but Gu likes the combination with W6 and B. ](;B[dr]C[It's rare to see. ];W[qf];B[qi]C[This pincer is still very popular. ];W[nc];B[pf];W[qc];B[qe];W[pc];B[od]C[This variation is brand new. ];W[qo]LB[oc:A][po:B]C[Speedy. If W answers at A, B'd go at B. ](;B[pm]C[Good pincer. ](;W[lq]C[Good move. ];B[qp]LB[po:A]C[This move is more severe than attaching at A ];W[po];B[nq];W[mo]C[It looks as if W's groups are weak, but they are rather light. ](;B[mp]C[Right move to cut. ];W[lp];B[no];W[nn];B[mn];W[lo];B[on];W[nm];B[oo]C[B captures W's two stones, but W's outside is also good. ];W[hq];B[cq]C[It's an even result. ];W[oc]LB[lm:A]C[Big move. Playing at A instead is also possible, but slow. ];B[ln]C[B starts to fight here. Won is also good at fighting. His nickname is 'Won punch'.];W[ml]LB[kn:A]C[Right move. If W hane at A, B'd jump to 36. ](;B[km]C[Good move. ];W[kk];B[ko]C[Easier to make eye shape. ];W[jp];B[jo];W[ip](;B[pk]C[Calm and solid, but too slow. It's an obvious mistake. ];W[qg]LB[re:A]C[Good timing. It's risky for B to fight by descending at A.];B[pg];W[re];B[qh]C[B has to answer here, and the exchanges are beneficial for W. ];W[kl]C[Good reinforcement. W takes the lead in the game. As you can see, Gu Li's opening is always excellent and beautiful.];B[ho]C[Good jump. ](;W[fr]C[This is a kind of probing move.](;B[il]C[The center is much more important. ];W[ik];B[hl]LB[hk:A]C[If B hane at A, W'd cut at 53. ];W[hk];B[gl];W[gk];B[el];W[fk];B[fl]C[It's necessary to connect here. ];W[er]C[The game is still good for W. ](;B[dj]C[Good choice. Won thought this place was more valuable than the corner, and the judgement was right. ];W[bp]C[Good move to capture the corner.];B[cp];W[co];B[eq];W[dq];B[ep]C[It's beneficial to exchange here. ];W[do];B[gr]C[Sacrifice. ];W[cr];B[fs];W[ds];B[gq];W[hr]C[W's lower side is fine, but B caught up a little as W's stones are divided and B's this group becomes stronger. ];B[jk]LB[jl:A]C[Keen. W can't cut at A and fight. ];W[jj];B[jl];W[ki]C[It's necessary to answer. ];B[jr]C[Vital point. ];W[jq];B[hp];W[kr];B[ii];W[ij];B[fc]LB[cf:A]C[Approaching at A would be normal here, but Won would have felt behind and tried to play more actively.];W[cf](;B[cc]C[Won thought the top side wasn't that important, as B can reduce it later. ];W[dc];B[db];W[eb]C[Right direction for W. ];B[cb];W[ec];B[be];W[ce];B[bf](;W[bg];B[fb]C[Good move. ](;W[dh]C[Right answer and the game is still slightly easier for W. ];B[cd];W[ee];B[ea]C[However, it's successful for B, and B caught up a little bit. ](;W[fo]C[Mistake. It's a vital point locally, but too early. ];B[kp]C[Good timing! ];W[mr];B[kq];W[ir]LB[fo:A]C[B doesn't need to answer W A anymore.];B[cl]C[Big. B gains some points here. Won is relatively good at the second half of the game because his style of play is thick and solid. As you can see, there're no weakness in his shape. ];W[af]LB[qd:B][bh:A]C[Losing move. This move prevents B's attachment at A, but it wasn't that important. B should be the biggest move for W. ];B[rf]C[It's so lucky for B to get a chance to play here. ];W[rg]LB[af:B][fo:A]C[It's quite rare to see Gu Li make these sorts of easy mistakes. (A,B)];B[rd];W[sf];B[qd];W[rh];B[ri];W[sh];B[lc]C[This move becomes very good because top W's top right group is weak. ];W[bd]C[Questionable again. It helps B to reinforce on the top. ];B[bc];W[ae];B[ic]C[The game becomes easier, and at this moment, the game's reversed. ];W[mb];B[lb]C[B takes the lead in the game for the first time. ];W[nd];B[lj];W[mj];B[li];W[kj];B[sd];W[se];B[lh];W[rc];B[sc];W[oe]C[Probing move to take sente. ];B[ne];W[me];B[nf];W[sb];B[pe];W[ek]LB[fo:A]C[Good move. W was aiming at this move since A. ];B[dk];W[dm];B[dl];W[gp]C[W can capture B's six stones here, but it's not big enough to catch up. ];B[go];W[fp];B[fn];W[eo];B[io];W[js];B[rb]C[Sente endgame.];W[qb];B[sa];W[ob];B[jg]C[B is clearly leading, even though it's still close, so Won tries to make the game simple. ];W[hg];B[nr]C[Big endgame. ];W[si];B[rk];W[id];B[hc];W[ni];B[mf]C[B plays carefully because he's ahead. ];W[sk];B[sl];W[sj];B[ql];W[jh]C[W tries to get some points here, but];B[mq];W[lr];B[ig];W[ih];B[hf];W[gg];B[gf];W[ff];B[kh]C[B's responses are perfect, and B can also get some points around this area. ];W[ge];B[hh];W[ji];B[he](;W[je];B[gd];W[ld]C[W sucessfully saves the center stones, but as B is playing very carefully, it's hard to get any chances. ];B[fg];W[gh];B[fe];W[ef];B[bn]C[Last big endgame. ];W[kf];B[kd];W[kg];B[if];W[jc];B[le];W[md];B[kc];W[ke];B[jd];W[lf];B[mg];W[ns];B[os];W[ms];B[or];W[oh];B[ph];W[bk]C[Good move. ];B[bo];W[bq](;B[ci]C[Right move. The left side and the center are miai for B. ];W[cm];B[bl];W[bm];B[am];W[ej];B[di];W[ei];B[ch];W[cg];B[ie];W[la];B[ka];W[ma];B[dg];W[eh](;B[ai]C[Finishing blow. ];W[ol];B[fh];W[gi];B[oj];W[nj];B[lk];W[ll];B[oi]LB[af:B][fo:A]C[W resigned here. B’s winning by about 2.5~3.5 points.It's the first major international title for Won Seongjin. His opening wasn't good enough, but he waited for his chances. In the middle game, Gu Li made several mistakes and Won didn't miss any chances. On the other hand, Gu Li's play in this game wasn't as impressive as usual, even though his opening was superb. It looks as if he wanted to finish the game quickly, so he made easy mistakes like A and B.I hope you enjoy this game, and if you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment. Thanks. An Younggil 8p])(;B[bh]C[If B blocks here, ];W[ah];B[ai];W[aj]LB[bi:A][al:B]C[There's some bad aji like this. A and B are miai. ]))(;B[bj]C[If B attaches here, ];W[bi];B[aj];W[ci];B[cj];W[ej]C[W is happy with center territory. ]))(;W[hd]C[W can make it a ko fight, but ];B[fg]C[B can cut here first, ];W[gh];B[gd]C[and then cut here. ];W[fd];B[fe]C[White doesn't have any ko threats that are big enough.]))(;W[ek]C[If W plays here, he could keep leading the game. ];B[dl];W[dk];B[cl];W[ck]C[As W is thick and solid, it'd be really hard for B to catch up in the endgame. ]))(;W[ea]C[If W tries to disconnect, ];B[cg]C[This cut becomes available. ];W[dg];B[ch];W[bd];B[cd];W[ae];B[de];W[df]LB[ee:A];B[ee];W[fd];B[fe]C[W can't escape. ]))(;W[fd]C[This is also conceivable.];B[gd];W[gc];B[hc];W[fb];B[kd]C[B can play like this to try to erase W's top, but it should be easier for W to maintain his lead.]))(;B[db]C[This is normal now, but ];W[cc];B[ic];W[ek];B[dk];W[dl]C[W can try to cut B off like this. ];B[dm];W[cl];B[cm];W[ck];B[cj];W[bm]C[B is in trouble. ]))(;B[bo]C[If B saves the corner, ];W[dj]C[W'd go here and W's left side is good. ]))(;B[er]C[If B answers here, ];W[fp]C[W'd attach here and this is what W wants. Actually, any answer here is good for W, so B has to play somewhere else. ]))(;W[io]TR[kk][kl][ml][nm][nn]C[W shouldn't try to cut here right away, because it helps B get momentum to attack W's center group.];B[in];W[hn];B[im];W[gn];B[ik]TR[kk][kl][ml][nm][nn]C[B is happy with this result.]))(;B[lk]C[This is also possible. ];W[ll];B[kl];W[pg]C[Ladder breaker, ];B[lj];W[of];B[oi]C[B's territory is pretty big, and this should be better for B than the actual game. ]))(;B[kn]C[This extension would be a bit heavy. ];W[kl]))(;B[no]C[If B tries to cut them off with this, ];W[rp]C[Good sequence, ];B[rq];W[nn];B[oo];W[pp]LB[on:A][qq:B]C[A and B are miai for W. ]))(;W[oo]C[This sort of move can help B.];B[np]C[B will make territory on both sides while attacking. This is what B wants.]))(;B[oc]C[This is big, but a bit too early. ];W[ob];B[nb];W[mb];B[pb];W[na];B[qb]C[B can capture W's corner, but W takes sente. ]))(;B[qk]C[Also, W6 is to avoid B's Chinese Opening. If B still plays here, ];W[eq];B[fp];W[jp]LB[cn:B][dn:A]C[A is better placed than at B. ]))
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Gu LI    Won Seongjin
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