(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[NZ]SZ[19]KM[7.00]TM[1800]OT[5x30 byo-yomi]DT[2013-06-02]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/];B[pe];W[do];B[oq];W[dd];B[fc];W[cf];B[jc]C[bad shape for black because first move means you want to develop on the right side and this move means you want to develop the top right. Futhermore, move 3 means you want to develop on the bottom left side](;W[qp];B[po]C[black should pincer to enclose white];W[qo];B[pn];W[qm]C[this stone hurt black first move];B[ip]LB[jq:A]C[too far, white can invade easially];W[gp]C[white should just have played a tobi to keep the corner safe and invade later black formation](;B[cp](;W[dp];B[co];W[cn](;B[bn](;W[cm];B[bm];W[cl];B[bl];W[ck];B[hn]C[what's this move ?](;W[dq]LB[io:A]C[if white plays A, black would be on trouble];B[cq];W[kp];B[hp](;W[kn];B[gq];W[fp]LB[pq:A]C[too small , white should have protect the corner at A and attack black group];B[lo]LB[mq:B]C[useless peep, B is better (can connect black groups). peep takes black opportunity to connect];W[ko];B[hl];W[mq];B[qq]C[black can settle one of his group];W[qn];B[pq];W[qj])(;W[gq];B[kn];W[jq]C[easy for white to get an eye shape]))(;W[cq];B[bq];W[br];B[dq];W[cr];B[bp];W[eq]LB[bk:A]C[A is sente for white]))(;W[cq];B[bq];W[bm];B[dq];W[bo]C[good for white]))(;B[cq];W[dn];B[er]C[this exchange is good for black]))(;W[co];B[dp];W[eo]C[what's next move for black ?]))(;B[cq]C[black san san would be better];W[cp];B[dq];W[ep];B[fr]))(;W[qc]C[if white invade, ];B[oc]C[now black has three stones on the third line]))
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