(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Chinese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]TM[9600]OT[5x60 byo-yomi]PW[Jiang Weijie]PB[Lee Sedol]WR[9d]BR[9d]DT[2012-08-19]EV[1st Bailing Cup]RO[Round 2]PC[Beijing, China]SO[http://gogameguru.com/]AN[An Younggil 8p]C[Lee Sedol vs Jiang Weijie – 1st Bailing Cup]RE[W+Resign];B[pd]C[This game was played in the 2nd round of the 1st Bailing Cup, between Lee Sedol (9p) and Jiang Weijie (9p) This is their first game together. Lee Sedol is currently ranked number two in Korea, and Jiang Weijie is ranked number four in China. Lee was ranked number one in Korea for 27 months in a row, and was regarded as the best player in the world for a few years.On the other hand, Jiang won the 16th LG Cup in early 2012 defeating Lee Changho, and he's become one of the top players in the world.];W[dd]C[Lee plays black. ];B[pq];W[dp];B[fq];W[cn];B[qk]LB[cn:B][fq:A]C[This Chinese opening after exchanging A for B is becoming more popular.];W[jp]LB[nc:A]C[White pincers at the bottom. Approaching at A is also possible, this choice depends on one's style. ](;B[dr]C[Black slides into the corner right away. ](;W[gq]TR[jp]C[White can play actively, as the stone at K4 can help white to fight here.](;B[gr]C[This hane under is right. ](;W[gp](;B[fp]C[Black pushes up. ];W[hr];B[fr];W[cq]LB[go:A]C[It's good to come back to the corner here. If white extends to A instead, black would be happy to play at 3-3.];B[go];W[iq](;B[dm]C[This shoulder hit is active and lively, but it was an overplay. ];W[fo]C[This cut is good, and white takes the control of the game. ];B[eo];W[fn];B[ep]LB[do:A][ep:B]TR[fp][fq][dr][fr][gr]C[This connection is inevitable. If black pushes at A, white would cut at B and capture the marked stones. ];W[en](;B[dn]C[Black has to play here and fight, but the position is already favorable for white. ];W[do];B[cr];W[br];B[dq];W[bp];B[ho];W[gm]TR[en][fn][fo]C[White has to move the three stones out.];B[io]LB[hp:B][ip:C][hq:A][jq:D]C[This is sente. If white doesn't answer at the bottom, black would play at A to C, then if white saves three stones, black can cut at D.];W[kq]C[It's the proper way to answer. ];B[bs]C[This is an interesting move.](;W[bn]C[And this is the right answer. Now black still has to reinforce the corner in order to live. ];B[ar];W[bq];B[jr]C[It's good timing to peep.];W[jq];B[gs]C[Black is alive, but the result isn't good for black. ];W[el]TR[dm][dn]C[It's hard for black to move the marked stones now. ];B[hm];W[kn]C[This is a key point for both players.];B[hk];W[dl]C[This move looks slow, but it's solid. ];B[kl]C[It's a nice cap. ](;W[nq]C[This is the right direction. ];B[po](;W[jm]C[White wants another fight. ];B[jl];W[il](;B[im]C[Lee never avoids fighting. ];W[ik];B[ij]LB[ij:B][gl:C][hl:A]C[This is the right sequence. If black just connects at A, white would be happy to extend at B. White would like to cut at A if possible, but he can't because then black C would capture white's stones in a ladder. ];W[jk];B[hl];W[kk]C[It's the second round of fighting in this game. ];B[ll];W[lk];B[ml];W[hj]TR[dl][el]C[White can cut and fight easily because the marked stones are solid. ];B[gj];W[hi];B[gi];W[gh];B[hh];W[ii];B[fh];W[gg];B[fg](;W[ih]C[This atari is right.];B[fk]C[Black has to come back here now. ];W[ff]C[White should keep playing here as the battle hasn't yet finished. ];B[ef];W[gf];B[mp]C[Black tries to get some profit around here. ];W[mr];B[hs];W[kr]C[This white group isn't completely alive yet, but it's not easy for black to attack this group, because black's not strong enough on the outside.];B[ee]LB[ee:B][dh:A]C[Black has to keep fighting. If black jumps at A, white would be very happy to play B. ];W[fc];B[mk]C[This turn is a very good place. ];W[oo]LB[mk:A]C[This attachment is a good tesuji. White needs to reinforce the lower group because black just played at A. ];B[li];W[ji]LB[kh:A]C[This move is questionable. It's solid, but A should be a bit better for the center. ];B[op]C[Black comes back here. ];W[np];B[no];W[on];B[nn]TR[on][oo]C[White can't move the marked stones out, but white's group is safe enough to tenuki now.];W[eg]C[It's a nice cut. White's been aiming to cut here, and black can't save all of his stones. ];B[ei];W[eh];B[fi];W[ch]TR[ee][ef]C[White's trying to capture black's marked stones naturally, while black reinforces his center group. ];B[ed]C[Black resists.];W[cf]LB[ed:A][ei:B]C[It's a nice jump. Black can't save both groups (A and B). ];B[ec]C[Lee doesn't care about that. Black comes through here anyway. ];W[jn]C[White starts to attack this black group seriously. ];B[ci];W[bh];B[fl];W[em];B[gn];W[cd]C[This move is calm and nice. ];B[ir];W[hq];B[dj]LB[ej:A]C[This is necessary. If black doesn't answer here, white would play at A and black can't live. ];W[gd]C[It's a good place, and black's top group is trapped. The game becomes good for white. ];B[or];W[nr];B[pp]LB[on:B][oq:A]C[Right move. This prevents black A while also removing possibilities for white's stones at B.];W[mo];B[nm]LB[mn:A]C[Good response. It's better than the atari at A. ];W[mn];B[id]C[This is sente because black is Lee Sedol. ](;W[fb]C[This move is right. There's no aji anymore. ];B[qd]TR[li][mk][qk][ml]C[This is Lee's next move. It's very unusual to see this without any enclosure around the top right, but black's right side is stronger than it looks.Black is still behind, but as you might know, Lee specializes in this sort of untidy game.];W[md]C[It's a proper approach. The game is still slightly better for white, but white can't relax. ];B[he];W[ge];B[mf]C[It's a nice cap. ](;W[oc]C[White tries to come further into the corner.];B[kc]C[Black counter attacks. It's not easy to fight from this side, but Lee doesn't care about the shape. ];W[le];B[mb]C[Black has to live at the top. ];W[mc];B[nb];W[ob];B[oe]C[Black played on both sides. Jiang's not in a good mood after this.];W[lf];B[ib]C[Black's top is settled, and black secured the right side as well. The game's reversed at this point.];W[mg];B[nh];W[mh];B[mi];W[of]C[It's a good tesuji. ](;B[og]C[This clamp is the right response.](;W[ng]C[Correct sequence. ](;B[pg]C[Black has to extend here. ];W[pf];B[nf]C[It's just the right time to cut now.];W[ne];B[qf];W[me];B[qb]C[What a move! Black even tries to get the corner. It looks greedy, but it works well.White can't do anything drastic on the right side, and the game's better for black, though it's still very close. ];W[jd]C[White wants to attack black's top group and make some profit.];B[jc];W[hc];B[je]C[Black's top group is quite flexible, so it's not easy for white to attack severely. ];W[kd](;B[ic]LB[ke:A]C[Black should atari at A before connecting here. ];W[na];B[lb];W[hb];B[ma]LB[ke:A]C[It's another mistake. Black should still atari at A.];W[qg]C[This cut is well timed, and it's hard for black to answer.](;B[pe]C[This atari was questionable. ];W[oh];B[nf];W[ni]C[Black's right side territory's destroyed.];B[nj];W[nc]LB[kg:A]C[This move is big and necessary. If white doesn't play here, black can play at A and attack white's whole group.];B[oi];W[ph]C[White can make it ko, and this is a success for white. ];B[nh];W[of];B[pf];W[ni];B[ce];W[be];B[nh];W[qr]C[It's a good ko threat and it seems as if white has some more ko threats around here. ];B[pr];W[ni];B[bf];W[de];B[nh];W[rp]C[This is a good move. If black answers this, white could play more ko threats here for sure. ];B[ni];W[qq]TR[on][oo]C[It's hard for black to capture the corner because of the marked stones. ];B[ro];W[rr]C[It's a good answer and white's practically alive. ];B[kg]C[Black goes all out here. Black is short of territory since white lived in the bottom right corner.];W[jf];B[kf];W[ke](;B[if]C[It's a proper move. ];W[ie];B[dh];W[dg];B[je];W[jg];B[kh];W[ie];B[cg];W[di];B[df]LB[dh:A][ej:B]C[Black has to play here right away. Otherwise, white would connect at A in sente, aiming at B. ];W[bg];B[dh];W[cg];B[je];W[lc]LB[od:A]C[White has one eye, and black doesn't have enough ko threats to play at A right now. ];B[ig];W[ie];B[ln];W[lo];B[je];W[hg](;B[qs]C[Black goes all out again. ];W[rs];B[sq];W[sp];B[sr];W[qo]C[This is a good tesuji. ](;B[qp](;W[ps]C[White's play is accurate here. ];B[os];W[qn]C[It's the right sequence, and the game will be decided here. ];B[rn];W[pn];B[so];W[rq];B[qs]C[It's a big ko fight, but black doesn't have enough ko threat. ];W[ss];B[sr];W[ps];B[rm]C[Black has to play here, because there aren't any ko threats.];W[ns]C[White starts the real ko. ];B[qs];W[er];B[es];W[ps](;B[jh];W[od];B[qs];W[in];B[fm];W[ps]LB[ic:F][qd:E][pe:G][ph:H][ek:C][hn:B][co:A][fo:D]C[Black resigned here.Black has only one ko threat at A, but white still has two, at B and C, so Lee resigned here. The opening was better for white after white cut at D. White maintained the lead, but black caught up after E, and reversed the game when the top group was settled.Black made several mistakes at F and G, and the game was reversed again. Jiang played perfectly after the ko fight at H, and eventually won the game. The game started with intense fighting, and they didn't stop fighting until the end of the game. Jiang Weijie defeated Lee Sedol and proceeded to the next round, but he was beaten by Park Junghwan (9p) and didn't go further.Enjoy this game and the commentary, and if you have any questions feel free to leave a comment. Thanks, An Younggil 8p http://gogameguru.com/])(;B[od]C[If black plays here,];W[ie];B[qs];W[kb];B[oa];W[ka];B[ja];W[pa]C[Black's top group is in deep trouble and black can't fight anymore. ]))(;W[qn]C[If white isn't careful enough, ];B[so];W[ps];B[rq]C[The game would be reversed. ]))(;B[qn]C[If black answers like this, ];W[qp];B[rn];W[os]LB[pn:A][ps:B]C[White can connect under like this. A and B are miai. ]))(;B[jh]C[This would be normal, but];W[od]C[Black's behind, and there's nowhere to reverse the game after this. ]))(;B[ie]C[Black shouldn't connect here because. ];W[kh]C[White can simply capture the two stones with this. ];B[jg];W[if]C[Black can't escape. ]))(;B[oh]C[Black should connect here to avoid the result in the game. ](;W[qe]C[If white simply plays here, ];B[rf];W[pe];B[re];W[od];B[pb];W[oa];B[ka]C[The game is still slightly better for black. ])(;W[qc]C[White can try to play like this, and];B[pc];W[pb];B[rc];W[ka]C[White can try to capture the top, but];B[pa]C[This is tesuji.](;W[qe]C[This is the right sequence for white. ];B[rf];W[pe];B[re];W[oa]C[This white move is extreme, but];B[nf];W[nc](;B[kg]C[Enclosing white like this doesn't work very well. ];W[jf]C[This attachment is good. ];B[kf];W[ke];B[if]C[Black can ty to make it ko, but ];W[ie];B[ln];W[lo];B[je];W[jg];B[kh];W[ie]C[It's very complicated, but white has the adventage with respect to the capturing race. ])(;B[ke]LB[ld:A][kg:B]C[This atari is good. If white connects at A, black would play at B. ];W[kg]C[White should play here, but ];B[ld];W[lc];B[kb];W[ja];B[jg];W[kh];B[ia];W[kd];B[if]C[Eventually, black can live. ]))(;W[oa]C[If white connects,];B[nc]TR[na][oa][ob][pb][oc]C[White can't save the marked stones. ]))))(;B[ke]C[Black should atari here first. ];W[ld];B[ic]LB[kg:A]C[This is better when black plays A later.]))(;B[oh]C[If black made a solid connection, ];W[pf]C[White can extend here and black can't stop him.]))(;W[pf]C[If white carelessly plays here, ];B[nf]LB[lg:B][ng:A]C[White can't do anything here. A and B are miai. ]))(;B[nf]C[If black plays like this,];W[ng];B[og]C[And tries to cut directly, ];W[oh]C[White double ataris here, and];B[pf];W[ni]C[Black's quite unhappy with this result.]))(;W[kd]C[This is easy, but it's not clear whether it's good enough for white.];B[nc];W[nd];B[mc];W[lc];B[od]C[It seems to be very close. ]))(;W[qf]C[If white doesn't answer at the top, ];B[fb];W[gb];B[db]C[There's bad aji.];W[cb];B[hb]C[This is a good tesuji. ];W[fa];B[ea];W[ga];B[ge]LB[fd:B][fe:A]C[This is troublesome for white. If white ataris at A, black would cut at B. ];W[he];B[fe];W[hd];B[hf]C[Black can cut here again,];W[hg];B[if]LB[ie:A][ig:B]C[A and B are miai. ];W[ie]C[If white keeps going,];B[ig];W[hh];B[je];W[jd];B[kf];W[ic];B[kh]C[White's center group is dead. ]))(;W[gk]C[White can cut and capture the center, but ];B[gf];W[fk];B[hg];W[ji]C[The result looks better for white, but ];B[kh]C[Pressing white here is good, and black has lots of potential at the top and on the right side. Black's captured stones still have a lot of liberties.]))(;B[ik]C[Black can't answer like this. ];W[hl];B[gl];W[im]TR[hm][go][ho][io]C[The game would become too simple for black to catch up. ]))(;W[mm]C[White can also play here. Then the game would become more peaceful. ]))(;W[po]C[This approach is wrong, because];B[mq]TR[kn][jp][iq][jq][kq]C[White's marked stones get weaker. ]))(;W[cm]C[If white pushes here, ];B[dl];W[cl];B[dk]C[Black would keep extending, and ];W[gs]C[If white tries to capture the corner. ];B[bq];W[aq];B[ar]C[This is a good tesuji to make it ko.];W[as];B[jr]LB[hp:B][ip:C][hq:A]C[Ko threat. If white doesn't answer, black can still play at A to C. ];W[jq];B[ar]C[White doesn't have any ko threats.];W[bq]C[And white can't connect here.];B[co];W[cp];B[bo];W[as];B[hm]C[White is in trouble. ]))(;B[do]C[This isn't a good idea for black. ];W[dn];B[co]C[The corner looks big, but ];W[bo];B[bp];W[bn]LB[bq:A]C[White can connect with A in sente, so the result is terrible for black.]))(;B[fn]C[This connection should be right. ];W[eo];B[fo];W[mq];B[np];W[nq];B[oq];W[mp];B[no]C[The game is still even. ]))(;B[hr]C[This extestion is also possible, but];W[fp];B[eq];W[ep];B[cq]LB[cr:A]C[Black should play here to prevent white A. ];W[di]C[White can play on the left side and the result is a bit favorable for white. ]))(;W[fr]C[This cut is also conceivable. ];B[er];W[fp](;B[eq]C[This connection is correct. ];W[ep];B[hq];W[gp];B[ir];W[hp]LB[io:A]C[It's necessary for white to answer here, otherwise black would play at A.];B[ch]C[Up to here, it's still playable for both. ])(;B[fs]C[This is normal, but it's not proper in this case.];W[hq];B[cq];W[di]C[The result is better for white. ])))(;B[gp]C[This hane on top isn't a good idea in this case. ];W[hq];B[fp];W[cq]LB[jp:A]C[Black can't get a good result because of white A. ]))(;W[cq]C[If white plays here...];B[hp]C[This is what black wants, so white should avoid this result. ]))(;B[lp]C[If black plays here,](;W[dq]C[White would play here. ];B[hp];W[jn];B[gm];W[jl];B[jq]C[It's also playable for both. ])(;W[eq]C[This is also possible. ];B[fp];W[jn];B[fm]C[It's another game. ])))
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Jiang Weijie    Lee Sedol
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