(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]GN[Won-Seongjin-vs-Shi-Yue-20130220]PW[Shi Yue]PB[Won Seongjin]WR[5d]BR[9d]DT[2013-02-20]EV[17th LG Cup Final]RO[Game 2]SO[http://gogameguru.com/]AN[An Younggil 8p]C[This is the second game of the 17th LG Cup final, between Won Seongjin 9p and Shi Yue 5p.Shi Yue won the first game, and the LG Cup final is a best of three match, so he only had to win this game to win the LG Cup. Won Seongjin's currently ranked #6 in Korea.He won the 16th Samsung Cup in 2011, defeating Gu Li in the final.It was very sensational at the time, because it was Won's first international final and he beat Gu Li 2-1.This was his second time in an international final, and possibly his last. He knew he'd have to join the navy to complete two years of compulsory military service after this final.On the other hand, Shi Yue is ranked #5 in China.His career in international tournaments so far hasn't been that impressive, but he defeated many strong Korean players in this LG Cup.He knocked out Lee Sedol 9p in the second round of the main tournament, and he beat Na Hyun 2p and Kang Dongyun 9p, in the quarter final and semifinal respectively. And now he was in the final.This was Shi's first time in and international final, so it was a very good opportunity for both players.Their styles of play are quite different. Won likes solid, thick games and he's good at attacking. His nickname is 'Won (one) punch' because of his skill at landing a knockout blow.He's played in many important games, compared to Shi, so many Korean Baduk fans expected him to win this time.On the other hand, Shi likes territorial games, but his game is well balanced at the same time. It's hard to find the weakness in his style, and this is his strong point. Shi plays even better when he's coming from behind, so it's difficult to win a game against him.]RE[W+Resign];B[qd]C[Won Plays black. ];W[dd]C[In the first game, Won was leading, and he had a really good chance to kill one of Shi's two big groups, but he made a crucial mistake while attacking, and lost the game. That would be quite painful for Won.Many Korean fans worried that the first game would still be on Won's mind and might affect his play in this game.];B[pq];W[dq];B[oc]C[This is a very old fashioned opening, but it's still played occasionally.];W[po];B[qo];W[qn]LB[pp:A]C[A is also possible for white, but white chose this direction.];B[qp];W[rd]C[This is a probe. White wants to see how black responds here before deciding how to continue in the lower right.];B[re];W[qe];B[pe];W[qf];B[rf];W[qg];B[rg];W[qh]C[So far, the position on the right side is exactly the same as the recent game between Lee Changho 9p vs Shin Jinseo 1p.We reviewed this opening in detail in that game. You can see more variations and learn more about this opening by looking at that game commentary:http://gogameguru.com/go-commentary-shin-jinseo-vs-lee-changho/];B[qj]LB[qc:A]C[In that game, Shin played at A, but Won played here instead. However, this move wasn't that good.](;W[pd]C[White cut here, and it's a new move. I haven't seen this move played before and, when I checked, it had only been tried once before in 2001.];B[qc];W[pc]C[While I've never seen this move before, some pros said that they'd investigated this move in pro study sessions. Their conclusion was that the result is favorable for white.](;B[pb];W[od];B[nd];W[oe](;B[qb]C[Since black needs to come back here, black isn't happy.];W[nc];B[ob](;W[mn]LB[md:E][nf:D][pn:B][rn:C][mq:A]C[This is a light way of playing. White can follow up with one of A-C later, depending on the situation. However, white should have exchanged D for E before playing this move. ](;B[ne];W[of];B[nf]C[Pushing from behind like this is characteristic of Won's thick style of play.];W[og];B[ng]C[This is powerful, and the game becomes even again.];W[nh];B[mh]C[White's right side is already limited in scope, but the top area is becoming nice for black.];W[mi];B[lh];W[ni];B[fc]C[The is a nice approach move and the game is ok for both.The opening looks good for black, but it's pretty even. White's stones are stronger and more solid than they look. ](;W[id]C[Pincering here is good in this situation. ](;B[df]C[This double approach is severe and nice. ](;W[ef]C[This attachment is best, in this game.](;B[cc]LB[fc:A][df:B]C[Won thought the stone at B was more valuable than the stone at A, so he played here.];W[dc](;B[cd]C[This is the right move.];W[de];B[ce];W[dg];B[cf];W[fe](;B[eg]C[This cut looks alright but, based on the result in the game, it was questionable.];W[cb]C[This hane is hard to come up with, but it was very big and nice.];B[bb];W[db];B[eh]LB[dg:A]C[The stone at A can't move, so it looks good for black, but ];W[jc]C[White's top area becomes very big and secure with this move.];B[dn]LB[dg:B][ci:A]C[White can play around A later, to exploit the stone at B, so it's hard for black to build the left side.];W[cl]C[This pincer is nice. ](;B[ep]C[This is a joseki. ](;W[eq](;B[fp]C[This extension was slack.];W[co]C[This is a good move, and it's not easy for black to get a good result now.];B[cn];W[do];B[en];W[bn]LB[cl:A]C[This move isn't for the endgame, but to make the stone at A light, and simplify the game.];B[bm];W[bo];B[cm];W[el]C[This jump is good, and it's hard for black to attack here. White doesn't have any other weak groups on the board, so white is flexible in this fight];B[ck];W[bl];B[bk];W[al];B[dp];W[cq];B[dl];W[dk];B[dm];W[dj]LB[fn:C][eo:A][fo:B]C[White should have pushed and cut with A to C, instead of playing here, but the end result became good for white anyway. Both players overlooked a brilliant move for black.](;B[ci]C[This move was a mistake. Black's missed a very good chance to catch up here.];W[cj];B[bj];W[di];B[bh];W[eo]C[This push and cut is annoying for black.](;B[fo]C[Black blocks here to fight, but the game's already good for white. ];W[fn](;B[gn]C[This atari is right. ];W[fm];B[ak];W[gm];B[hn];W[gq]C[Shi Yue is good at finding this sort of move. White didn't play any brilliant moves in this game, but it's also very hard to find bad moves in his games.His moves are accurate and give his opponent a hard time. ];B[hm];W[hl];B[il];W[hk];B[hq]LB[ik:A][hp:B]C[Black wants to connect in sente, so he can push at A. B would be the normal shape for black here, but it's gote.];W[gp];B[go];W[hp]C[Locally, black lost some points, but black kept sente. Black's already behind so it's more important for black to keep sente and find a place to fight now.];B[ik];W[hj];B[ij];W[hi];B[dh]C[Black needs to come back here, to save two stones, and white takes sente. ];W[ii]C[This sort of turn is thick and nice. White doesn't need to rush.];B[li];W[jj]C[This hane was a good followup. Now black doesn't have enough liberties to fight properly. ];B[kk];W[lj];B[kj];W[ki]C[Black's divided in two, and white's stones are still quite solid and safe. It's very hard to catch up in this kind of game. ];B[mm]C[This was a nice attachment, ](;W[mk]C[But white defended here.];B[ln];W[mc]TR[nd][ne][nf][ng][lh][mh][li]C[This extension was good, and the marked stones are in trouble now. ];B[je];W[lf]TR[lf][nf][ng][lh][mh][nh]C[White struck at the vital point.];B[ff];W[ee];B[gf];W[ge];B[hf]C[Black just barely connected his stones.];W[nn]C[But, white came back here. Won is good at the second half of the game, but there's no place to fight and catch up in this game.];B[lo];W[kh](;B[rn];W[rm]C[This hane was a good response. Shi's play in this game was still very accurate and cool headed. ](;B[pn];W[qm];B[pm];W[pl];B[om]C[Black wants to fight here. ];W[nm];B[ol];W[pk](;B[nl]C[This was a strong move, and the game became complicated. ];W[ml];B[lm];W[oo]TR[nl][ol][om][pm][pn]C[It looks as if black's marked stones are captured, but ];B[ql]C[This cut was brilliant!](;W[ro]C[This was the right response for the endgame. ];B[ok]C[Black can push here to get more liberties. ];W[pj];B[oj];W[pi];B[no]TR[nm][mn][nn][oo][po]C[Black was able to capture white's five stones! You might think the game's been reversed now, but](;W[iq]TR[nm][mn][nn][oo][po]C[After white played here, the game was still good for white. As a result, white was able to simplify the game by sacrificing the marked stones, and nothing's changed.];B[lk];W[mj];B[le]C[Saving these stones is big now. ];W[ie];B[kc];W[kb];B[jg];W[kd];B[ke];W[if];B[ig];W[kg];B[jf];W[lq]LB[le:A]C[This extension is also big. This point and A were miai.];B[jd];W[lc];B[mg]C[It's a sente move. ];W[gh];B[hh];W[fi];B[fh](;W[fk]LB[gi:A]TR[di][cj][dj][dk]C[White's already winning, so white defends here to make it certain.Even if white plays elsewhere, white's already alive (white A is sente), but black could reduce white's territory and capture the marked stones while attacking it, so this move is worth more than 10 points.];B[he];W[hd];B[gd];W[hb](;B[ba]C[This is sente and it's the best move for the endgame. ];W[gc];B[rh](;W[sn]LB[ri:A][rq:B]C[This is the right move for white, and A and B are miai next. ];B[rp];W[ri]LB[pd:A][eg:B][ci:D][ql:E][fp:C]C[Black resigned here. White is winning by a couple of points without komi, so Won resigned.The cut at A was a new move. But actually, cutting at A had already been studied by pros, and the result was playable for white.In the middle game, black made mistakes at B, C and D. White started to lead the game because of that.After that, Shi didn't give black any chances to catch up, and led the game smoothly to the end. Black was able to capture white's five stones with E, but it was a sacrifice strategy by Shi.By winning this game, Shi won the 17th LG Cup!This is his first international title. His style of play is quite impressive. He doesn't seem to like to show off his talent, but just plays common moves. He didn't play any overplays or underplays in this game, and he didn't seem to be nervous when the game went all the way to the end.All the players Shi defeated en route to the final were Korean, including Lee Sedol 9p. Shi has become a new natural enemy for Korean players.On the other hand, it wasn't a good game for Won. He didn't seem to overcome the psychological trauma from the first game. Won's good at complicated fighting, but Shi didn't give Won any chances to setup a favorable fight.Won's going to join the Navy to complete his military service soon (this March, 2013), and that's sad news for his fans.Fortunately, I had a chance to catch up with Won before he went, as I'm visiting Korea at the moment.Congratulations Shi Yue! Thanks, Commented by An Younggil 8p http://gogameguru.com/])(;W[ri]C[If white just blocks here, ];B[rl];W[sn];B[sl]C[This is a good endgame tesuji. ];W[sm];B[rp];W[qk];B[sp]C[It's all sente for black.]))(;B[gb]C[Black wants to fight here, but ];W[hc]C[There's nothing black can do now. ]))(;W[gi]C[For example, if white wanted to take sente, he could play here.];B[hg]LB[gg:A]C[Black needs to defend now, otherwise white can cut after playing at A. Next,];W[rh]C[This move is very big too.](;B[ei];W[em];B[am];W[fk];B[ej];W[gl]C[White can live, and white's still winning, but Shi wanted to make it certain. If you can setup a clear win by playing simple moves, it's good to do that.])(;B[fk]C[Black can't kill like this.];W[fj];B[gk];W[ei]C[White's alive in seki.])))(;W[mo]C[If white tries to save these stones,];B[mp];W[np];B[on];W[no];B[nq]TR[oi][nj][nk][op][pp]C[It's 2 liberties to 3, and];W[mq]C[If white ataris and breaks through,];B[lp];W[oq];B[nr];W[or];B[op]C[Black can capture white's stones in a snapback.]))(;W[rl]C[If white tries to capture black, ];B[ok](;W[oj];B[pj];W[qk];B[rk]C[It doesn't work for white. ])(;W[pj]C[If white extends,];B[oj]LB[pi:A][no:B]C[Black pushes again, gain liberties, and A and B are miai for black.])))(;B[oo]C[Black can capture the single stone, but ];W[nl];B[ok];W[pj]C[It's not a satisfactory result for black. ]))(;B[qm]C[This cut is normal, but ];W[pn];B[rl];W[oq]C[White can attach here now, and];B[or];W[pp];B[qq];W[nq];B[nr];W[lq]C[This is hopeless for black. ]))(;B[nm]TR[mn][nn][qn][po]C[Black wants to push here to attack white's stones, but ];W[om];B[ol];W[pm];B[nk];W[np]C[White can easily make a living shape like this. ]))(;W[nm]C[If white responds here,];B[nl]C[Black will counter-hane, and](;W[ml];B[mj]C[Black can cut here.];W[lk];B[ll]C[White can't save the cutting stone.])(;W[mj]C[If white connects now,];B[ml]C[Black will connect too and black would be happy with this. That's why white just defended immediately in the game.])))(;B[fm]C[If black ataris this side, ];W[gn];B[fl];W[hp]TR[fo][dp][ep][fp]C[Black's marked stones are in trouble. ]))(;B[fn]C[If black extends, ];W[fo];B[gn];W[ch];B[bi];W[gj]C[White can jump here to run away, and it's good enough for white. ]))(;B[am]C[Black should have played here, and ];W[dh]C[This is what white was aiming for.](;B[ei]C[If black extends here, ];W[di]LB[bg:A]C[This is good for white, because white can harass the corner with A later.];B[fk];W[fj];B[ej];W[ek];B[gj];W[fl];B[fi];W[hl]LB[bg:A]C[White can easily run away like this, and A is still troublesome for black. ])(;B[di]C[If black wedges here, ];W[ei]C[White cuts, and];B[ff]C[This atari is sente, but ];W[ee];B[ci];W[fh]C[This is still ladder, so black's cutting stones will be captured.])(;B[he]C[But black had a brilliant counter tesuji!];W[hd]C[White has to answer, and ];B[ff];W[ee];B[di]C[It's different now. ];W[ei];B[ci];W[fh];B[fg];W[gg];B[gf];W[hf];B[ge]LB[gd:A][ie:B]C[This ladder doesn't work for white anymore! A and B are miai for black.])))(;B[dp]C[Black should have blocked here. ](;W[fp];B[cq];W[gq]C[If white answers like this, ];B[cj];W[el];B[dk];W[dl];B[fo];W[go];B[fn]C[It's playable for black. ])(;W[cq]C[If white extends here, ];B[fq]C[Black can hane here to fight. ];W[fp];B[gq];W[fo];B[cp];W[bp];B[bo];W[bq];B[em]C[Black can fight like this. ];W[ci]C[And it's even now. ])(;W[fq]C[If white extends here, ];B[cj]LB[cl:A]C[Black can attack the stone at A. ];W[el];B[dk];W[dl];B[cq]C[It's still playable for black. ])))(;W[dp]C[This push is common, but];B[do];W[eq];B[fp];W[gr];B[dk]LB[cl:A][do:C][dp:B]C[Then, A is being attacked. White doesn't want to exchange B for C. ]))(;B[co]C[If black plays around here, ];W[ci]C[This extension is very good, so black shouldn't let white play here. ])(;B[ci]C[If black doesn't play in the lower left,];W[cn];B[co];W[do]C[White's aiming to connect like this.];B[dp];W[eo];B[cq];W[ep];B[cp];W[er];B[bn];W[cm]LB[cr:A][dr:B]C[Black can live with A or B next, but the overall position is slightly better for white in this case.]))(;B[db]C[Black should hane here first, and ];W[eb];B[cb];W[ec];B[eg]C[Cut here now. This was the right sequence.];W[dh];B[fg];W[he];B[dk];W[ei];B[co]C[This is better for black than the result in the game. ]))(;B[de]C[This is conceivable, but it doesn't work.](;W[ee]C[If white answers here, ];B[cd];W[ed];B[eg]C[This is very good for black, but see the variation.])(;W[cd]C[White would surely play here, and ];B[ee];W[fd]C[This attachment is good, and ];B[ed];W[ec];B[gd];W[fe];B[ff];W[ge]LB[ef:A]C[This ladder will never work for black (because of A), so black's in trouble.])))(;B[eg]C[This hane is normal, then ];W[ee](;B[cc];W[dg];B[dc];W[dh]C[White would play like this. It's another game, but Won wouldn't like to give white thickness like this.])(;B[dh]C[This is also a joseki.];W[ec]C[This attachment is good, and ];B[fd];W[ge]C[It's playable for white. ])))(;W[fd]C[This attachment is more common, but];B[gd];W[fe];B[ec];W[de];B[ge]LB[id:A]C[Black can push here, and white A becomes lonely. ];W[gf];B[hf];W[he];B[hc];W[if];B[hg];W[ig];B[ff];W[gg];B[hh]C[This battle is good for black.]))(;B[cc]C[This is a joseki, but it would be wrong in this game.];W[dc];B[cd];W[de];B[db];W[eb];B[cb];W[ec];B[cf];W[mc]C[White can extend here to fight. ];B[ld];W[lc];B[kd];W[kc]C[White can control the game, so it's good for white. ])(;B[fe]C[This jump is also conceivable, then ];W[df](;B[db]C[If black settles his group,];W[cc];B[ib];W[ig]TR[db][ib][fc][nd][fe][ne][nf][ng][lh][mh]C[It's not a satisfactory result for black. Black's stones are loosely placed.])(;B[if]C[If black caps,];W[gd];B[fd];W[mc]C[White can play here and, depending on how black continues, either live inside or break out into the center.])))(;W[cf];B[id]C[This would be too easy for black, so white shouldn't play like this.]))(;B[pn]C[If black cuts here, ];W[pm];B[on];W[om]C[White can answer like this. ];B[oo];W[rm]LB[pn:A]C[This is playable for white, so black doesn't normally cut at A. ]))(;W[pn]C[This is far more common, but ];B[nq]LB[qj:A]C[After black answers here, there's no good way for white to attack black's stone at A.](;W[oj]C[If white caps here, ];B[rh]C[Black can connect.])(;W[rh]C[If white blocks here, ];B[oj]TR[pn][qn][po]C[Black can jump out and the marked stones become heavy. ])))(;B[ne];W[of];B[nb]C[Black wants to make good shape like this, but];W[rc];B[qb];W[rh]C[Then blocking here is sente for white, and];B[rb];W[pn];B[nq];W[oj]LB[qj:A]C[This is bad for black. Black A is lonely.]))(;B[od]C[This atari is also conceivable, and];W[pb];B[qb];W[oe](;B[pa]C[Black can atari here and connect under, but];W[ob];B[nb];W[pf];B[oa];W[pe]TR[ob][pb][pc][pd][oe][pe][qe][pf][qf][qg][qh]C[The result up to here is better for white. White's shape doesn't look nice, but black has no territorial potential in the future. Black's corner is thin and small. ])(;B[ob]C[If black ataris here, ];W[pa]C[White can separate black like this. ]))(;B[qb]C[This is possible, and it's similar to the actual game. ];W[oe];B[pb];W[od];B[nc]LB[nd:A]C[This could be slightly better for black than the result in the actual game. In the game, it was like black had played this stone at A, instead extending like this.]))(;W[pn]C[This is the most common move in this situation.];B[rh];W[oq];B[or];W[pp];B[qq];W[nq];B[nr];W[lq];B[oj]C[This is an even result. White's not bad. ])(;W[qi]C[This move is also possible.];B[qc]TR[re][rf][rg]C[Black has to come back here, to protect the marked stones, and ];W[pj]LB[qj:A]C[White can suppress the stone A. ];B[pn]C[This cut is a bit annoying, but];W[qm];B[on];W[jq]C[White can take sente and occupy a big point. This is another game.]))
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Shi Yue    Won Seongjin
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