(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Chinese]SZ[19]KM[7.50]GN[Xie-Yimin-vs-Li-He-20130428]PW[Li He]PB[Xie Yimin]WR[5p]BR[6p]DT[2013-04-28]EV[2nd Huading Cup]RO[Round 3]PC[Taizhou, Zhejiang, China]SO[http://gogameguru.com/]AN[An Younggil 8p]C[This game was played between Xie Yimin 6p and Li He 5p, in the final round of the 2nd Huading Cup.Xie Yimin 6p was the captain of Team Japan. Xie was born in 1989 in Taiwan, but became a pro in 2004, in Japan. She's undisputedly the best female professional in Japan, holding all three major titles and the record for most female professional titles, with 15 to her name.Li He 5p was also the captain of Team China. Li was born in 1992, and became a pro in 2005. She won the Female Xinren Wang (Rookies' Cup) three times, the 2nd Huang Longshi Cup (Female Mingren) in 2011, and the 3rd Qionglong Cup in 2012.Team China beat Team Korea and Team Taiwan in the earlier rounds, and Team Japan beat Team Taiwan, but lost to Team Korea before the final round.You can read more about the 2nd Huading Cup here: http://gogameguru.com/2nd-huading-cup-down-to-wire/Let's have a look at the captains' match from the final round of the 2nd Huading Cup!]RE[B+Resign];B[qd]C[Xie Yimin plays black. ];W[dp];B[pq];W[dc];B[de]LB[oc:A]C[Enclosing at A is more common, but Xie approached first. It's a matter of personal taste.];W[oc]C[This approach is common when black approaches in the top left corner. ];B[pe]C[There are many possible options for black here, but Xie chose a calm move.];W[cg];B[cc];W[gc]C[This move was played a lot by Cho U in the past, and became quite popular in 2011 and 2012. However, recently, it's not seen that often, somehow.](;B[dd]C[This is a good move for black.](;W[db]C[This is the proper move for white. ](;B[fd]LB[be:B][cf:A][dj:C]C[This jump is more common than other possible moves like A to C.](;W[gd]C[Li He might have researched pushing up here and the related variations before the game.](;B[ge]LB[gd:A]C[Black should keep playing over here because white pushed up at A.];W[he](;B[hf]C[Xie double hanes here, with fighting spirit. ](;W[fe]C[This cut is what Li's been aiming at.];B[gf];W[ff];B[ec];W[eb];B[fg];W[ef]C[This empty triangle isn't pretty, but it's more powerful than it looks.There's a saying, "Don't hesitate to play an empty triangle when you need to, to become a strong player."];B[df];W[eg];B[dg];W[eh];B[dh];W[ei]LB[fe:A]C[It's a single path from A up to here.](;B[ie]TR[ge][gf][hf]C[Black puts the marked stones in motion with this atari.];W[di];B[ch];W[ci](;B[bi]C[This move was questionable.];W[bj];B[bh];W[hd];B[jf];W[ig];B[if];W[kc]C[The game became even again after white came back to play here.];B[ck]C[This is a good move, to make this white group heavier.];W[cj];B[cn](;W[el]C[This was a nice jump. ];B[en];W[fq]LB[el:A][en:B]C[White has more room, and her group feels more comfortable, after exchanging A for B. ];B[bp];W[oe];B[of];W[ne]TR[ge][ie][gf][hf][if][jf]C[This attachment and extension aim at black's center stones indirectly.](;B[pc]LB[pf:A]C[This attachment indirectly prevents white from cutting at A.](;W[nf](;B[ii]C[This jump is the proper move, and the game's still well balanced. ];W[og];B[pf];W[ob];B[qh]LB[ob:A]C[This knight's move and A were miai.];W[cl]C[This move is small, but worthwhile, because it makes white's stones stronger and safer.];B[cq];W[iq]C[Li He might have thought the game was still playable for white after these exchanges.];B[qo]C[Black eventually got a chance to enclose the corner, after playing more than 60 moves.];W[cb];B[bc];W[jh]LB[cl:A]C[Li starts to attack black's center group. White's been planning to play here since A.];B[gi]C[It's a nice jump. ](;W[ji];B[ij];W[jj];B[ik];W[kl]C[This is the right way to attack black's group.];B[im];W[fn]LB[en:A]C[White wants to disconnect black's center group from A, and it's a good idea.];B[fo];W[gn];B[eo];W[hl];B[il];W[dq]C[This is sente, and the game becomes favorable for white. ](;B[cr];W[bn]LB[dq:A]C[This is a good combination with A.](;B[bo]C[This answer is inevitable. ];W[bm];B[do](;W[hh]C[The timing of this peep is questionable. ];B[gh];W[hg];B[gg](;W[in]LB[hi:A]C[This attachment aims at A, but it's a bit late now.](;B[jg];W[ih];B[fj]TR[hg][ig][hh][ih][jh][ji][jj]C[Xie saw through Li's plan, and reinforced here. Black's alright because white's marked stones have become heavy.];W[jn]LB[hg:B][hh:A]C[Black's center group appears to be sealed in but, actually, the exchanges at A and B helped black.];B[mg]C[This is a nice peep. Usually, a raw peep against a cutting point like this is considered to be a bad move, because it just helps white to connect. However, when peeping lets you follow up with a powerful sequence of moves, like in this game, it's ok to peep like this.];W[ng];B[kk];W[jk];B[km]LB[mg:A][kk:B]C[This attachment is good in combination with A and B. ](;W[ll]C[This extension was inevitable, and the game became more complicated.];B[dk]LB[fj:A]C[Black's been aiming at this move since defending with A.](;W[ek];B[dl];W[ej]C[White has to connect like this, and black got some points here.];B[jm]C[White's outside stones aren't strong enough to attack black's center group.];W[dm]TR[ck][dk][dl]C[White can't capture the marked stones, but exchanging these moves makes white's stones more solid.];B[cm];W[bl];B[em];W[gk];B[hi](;W[hn]C[This move was necessary. ];B[lm]C[The game's slightly favorable for black, but it's not desperate for white yet.];W[dr];B[br];W[ml];B[kh]C[This is a probe. ](;W[lj]C[This move looks slow, but it's inevitable.];B[mm]C[In general, pushing from behind is bad, but it works perfectly in this case. ];W[ol];B[nm];W[pk]C[White needs to answer here to connect. ];B[kp]TR[lm][mm][nm]C[This is a good approach, and the bottom area is going to become black's territory. As you can see, the marked stones help to build that area a lot.](;W[kq]C[This attachment is risky, but there's no other good option for white.](;B[gp]C[This move was very sharp. ];W[hq]LB[gq:A]C[This move is a better way of connecting than A is, but white's still not completely connected.];B[gq];W[gr];B[fr]C[It's a good time to ask white how she'll answer the cut.];W[fs]LB[hr:A]C[White couldn't afford to lose any extra points, by answering at A, so she ataried here.];B[gl]C[This looks like a time saving move. Xie must've been in byo-yomi at this stage and needed more time to read carefully at the bottom.];W[bk];B[dn];W[fl];B[jp]C[Xie decided to take a risk. She must have been confident about the battle that would follow this move.];W[jq]LB[kq:A]C[White must connect here to win. White can't win the game by giving up the stone at A. ];B[hp]LB[kq:A]C[It's not easy to play like this, especially when you're ahead, but Xie might have thought that the overplay at A had to be punished.];W[ip];B[hr];W[er];B[io]C[Black eventually cut white's big group off.];W[jo];B[ho];W[lo];B[lp];W[mo]C[White has to come out and fight, but it's not very hopeful for white.];B[lq];W[lr](;B[mr]C[Blocking here was a small mistake.];W[mq]C[This cut is good, and white can start to counter-attack. ](;B[mp]C[This is the right move, but the game's already become complicated.];W[np];B[nq];W[ko];B[mq];W[on]TR[ip][hq][iq][jq][kq][lr]C[Neither player has time to take care of the marked stones at the bottom, because the battle in the center is far more important and urgent for both.];B[om];W[pm];B[pn];W[oo]LB[on:A]C[White needs to answer here to save the cutting stone at A.];B[qm];W[pl];B[nl];W[nk];B[nj]C[This was a good tesuji. ];W[mj];B[oj];W[ok];B[nh]LB[nj:A]C[This hane was a good follow up , and black's center group is quite flexible now.];W[qp]C[White has to do something here in the corner. ];B[pp];W[po];B[qn];W[qq];B[qr]C[This hane was necessary.](;W[rr];B[pr];W[ro];B[rn];W[rp]C[The game's getting more exciting now.];B[rk]C[This was the only move for black.](;W[rl]C[This was the correct move for white. ];B[ql];W[qk];B[sl];W[rj];B[rm](;W[sj]C[This descent was a very good tesuji.](;B[qj]C[This cut was the right move, and the situation still isn't easy for white. ];W[pj];B[qi];W[sk]C[White makes a ko.];B[pi];W[rl];B[op]C[This was a good ko threat.](;W[no];B[rk];W[mk];B[ir]C[This is a really big move, and it's sente too.];W[rl];B[oh]C[This reinforcement is safe and solid. Xie seems to have been confident that she was winning at this stage.](;W[ep]LB[rk:A]C[White must save this group, and also win the ko at A, to win the game.];B[rk];W[fp];B[go];W[rl];B[kd]C[This ko threat is annoying for white.](;W[jd]C[White has to answer the attachment anyway.];B[rk];W[lh];B[mh];W[rl];B[jc]C[There're so many ko threats around here, and it makes white feel desperate.];W[id](;B[lc]C[This atari was a good followup.](;W[ke]LB[rk:A]C[White ataried here, but it was getting harder to win the ko at A.];B[kb];W[le];B[je]LB[oo:A]C[Xie's playing has been perfect since white connected at A, and Li couldn't find any opportunities to catch up.];W[mb]C[This is the vital point. ];B[rk];W[hb]C[White tries to remove black's possible ko threats at top, but];B[ri];W[rl];B[od];W[nd];B[rk];W[lg];B[lf];W[kf]LB[rl:A]C[This atari was inevitable. If white retakes the ko at A now, black's connection at this point would be a ko threat.];B[kg];W[mf];B[li];W[rl];B[fb]C[This is black's last ko threat, and it's a finishing blow.](;W[ms]C[White was looking for a place to resign at this point.](;B[fc]LB[ms:A]C[Black didn't answer A, and the game's over white.];W[nr];B[oq](;W[kr]C[Li He tried her best until the end of the game, especially because this was a team match.];B[js];W[qs];B[ls]LB[hh:B][jh:A][sj:F][jm:C][jp:D][mq:E]TR[ip][hq][iq][jq][kq][kr][lr]C[White resigned here.White's marked stones are captured.Xie Yimin 6p defeated Li He 5p by resignation, in the captains’ match. It was a very exciting game, especially the second half of the game.The opening was playable for both, but white took the lead by attacking black, starting with A.White's exchange at B was too much, and the game was reversed after black broke through with C.D was Xie Yimin's strong move, full of fighting spirit, and she played beautifully after that. Li He showed us some very good tesuji with E and F, but she couldn't reverse the game because of Xie's perfect responses.In the final round of the 2nd Huading Cup, Team Japan beat Team China 2-1. This result was somewhat unexpected, because Japanese teams generally haven’t defeated Chinese teams in recent years.Team Japan came third in the end, based on the tournament's countback rules, but I hope this will be a turning point for Team Japan and that they'll be able to catch up and compete with China and Korea more intensely again.I hope you'll enjoy this interesting game more with the commentary, and please feel free to leave a comment if you have any questions.Thanks,Commented by An Younggil 8phttp://gogameguru.com/])(;W[js]C[Locally, this jump is the best move, but];B[jr];W[kr];B[ks];W[ls];B[or];W[hs];B[ns];W[is];B[rk]C[The game's already decided.]))(;B[kr]C[If black answers here, ];W[fc];B[rk];W[oq]C[White can get another ko threat here.]))(;W[fc]C[If white answers here, ];B[rk]C[There's nothing left for white.];W[mi]C[This cut is the only ko threat, but ];B[lf];W[rl];B[ld]C[Black also gets some more ko threats afterwards, so it doesn't work for white.]))(;W[kb]C[If white descends here, ];B[ld];W[lb];B[rk]LB[mb:A]C[White's top territory has already been reduced, and black can still get some ko threats from A.]))(;B[rk]C[If black takes this ko back, ];W[ke]C[White can atari here, and the game might become a bit more complicated. ];B[lg];W[rl]))(;W[sm]C[If white doesn't answer,];B[jc];W[lc];B[hb];W[gb];B[jb]C[This is sente against white's top left group.];W[bb];B[ab];W[fc];B[ed];W[ga];B[ld]C[Black's still winning with this variation. As you can see, both white's top and bottom positions went bad.])(;W[jc]LB[lc:B][ld:A]C[Locally speaking, this answer is best, but black can still get some more ko threats with A or B.]))(;W[sm]C[If white eliminates the ko,];B[ep]TR[dp][dq][fq][dr][er][gr][fs]C[Black can capture this group. Black's winning by about 15 points on the board.]))(;W[sm]C[If white doesn't answer, ];B[no];W[sn];B[nn]C[White's big group from the left side would die. ]))(;B[sk]C[Black shouldn't answer here. If black connects here, ];W[sn]C[This hane is very good. ](;B[so](;W[qi]C[White can come back here now.];B[sq];W[sr];B[rs]C[Black has to play here to make it seki, and];W[ks]C[This is sente for white. ];B[op];W[no];B[or];W[lf];B[gm];W[fm];B[hm];W[gj];B[fi];W[fk];B[hk]LB[sj:A]TR[ro][qp][rp][hq][iq][jq][kq][qq][lr][rr][sr]C[Black can still make a seki on the left side, but the game's already been reversed. White's saved all the marked stones by playing at A.];W[ke]C[And white can take sente to play a bit move like this.])(;W[sq]C[If white plays here, ];B[qj]TR[ql][qm][rm][pn][qn][rn][qo]C[Black can cut here, and white can't capture the marked stones now.]))(;B[qj]C[If black cuts here, ];W[pj];B[qi];W[so]TR[ql][qm][rm][pn][qn][rn][qo]C[White can capture the marked stones with this tesuji.])))(;W[qi]C[If white plays here, ];B[sq]C[Black can capture the corner, and ];W[lf];B[gm];W[fm];B[hm];W[gj];B[fi];W[fk];B[hk]LB[al:A]C[Black can make an eye here, and white has one eye at A, so it'd be a seki.Black's leading on territory, so black would still be winning. ]))(;W[rj]C[If white attaches here, ];B[qk];W[qj];B[pj]LB[ql:A]C[Black can cut like this, and white can't fight. Black A is sente, so black has more liberties than you might think.];W[rh];B[mk];W[lk];B[ql];W[mk];B[mi]C[White is short of liberties. ]))(;W[pr]C[Some readers might think about white's cut here. This move looks like a tesuji, but it doesn't work properly in this case.](;B[or](;W[ps](;B[rp]C[Black can just play here now.];W[oq];B[rq](;W[ms];B[op]C[Black's fine.])(;W[op];B[qs]C[This doesn't work for white either.]))(;B[os]C[If black ataris here, she'll fall into white's trap.];W[oq];B[qs];W[pr];B[ps];W[op];B[pr];W[ms];B[nr];W[rr];B[rs];W[ro];B[rn];W[rp];B[sq];W[sr];B[so];W[rq];B[kr];W[ql];B[rl];W[sm];B[sn];W[sp]C[White would be very happy if she could get this sort of result.]))(;W[oq];B[ps];W[op];B[pr];W[ms];B[nr];W[rr];B[ro]C[Black's fine if this happens.]))(;B[rp]C[Black has to be careful not to be tricked by white. If black plays here,];W[oq];B[rq];W[nr]C[It's a disaster for black.])))(;B[kr]C[If black captures this stone,];W[mp];B[ls];W[ko];B[lr];W[on]C[White can cap here, and black's center group is in a fair bit of trouble.]))(;B[kr]C[Black should cut here. ](;W[jr]C[If white answers here, ];B[mr];W[ks];B[nq]C[Black can get a good shape, and white's in deep trouble.];W[on]C[Even if white encloses black like this,];B[om];W[pm];B[pn]LB[ko:A]C[It's very different to the actual game because there's no white stone at A now, so black can still cut there later.])(;W[ir]C[If white answers here, ];B[mr]C[Black can capture here. ];W[mq]C[If white cuts here, which is a tesuji, ];B[ls];W[on];B[om];W[pm];B[pn];W[mp];B[oo];W[ko];B[lr];W[nn];B[qm];W[pl];B[nl];W[nk];B[nj]C[Black can play the same way as in the actual game, but there's no bad aji in the corner now.])))(;B[lq];W[jq]C[This is what white wants.];B[lp];W[qb]C[The game's still better for black, but it's quite close.]))(;W[hp]C[White would be safe with this move, but];B[jq]C[It's an easy way for white to lose the game.]))(;W[lo]C[White really wants to play here. ](;B[mm]C[If black pushes from behind, which is what white wants,];W[nl];B[nm];W[ol]LB[lj:B][lo:A]C[White's alright. A is far better placed than at B in this case, but see the variation.])(;B[jl]C[However, this cut is good for black.];W[kj](;B[lk]C[If black tries to move the cutting stones out,];W[lj];B[mk];W[nk];B[mj];W[mi];B[nj];W[oj]C[It's a ladder. ])(;B[lj]C[This is the right move for black, and ];W[lk];B[ki];W[kk];B[mj]TR[hg][ig][hh][ih][jh][ji][jj][kj][jk][kk][lk][kl][ll][ml]C[White will be unhappy with this lumpy shape.];W[nk];B[oi];W[nn]C[White can try to connect, ];B[mn];W[mo];B[no]C[But black can cut, and white's in danger.]))))(;W[nq]LB[hn:A]C[If white doesn't reinforce at A,];B[fm]C[This is a good move, and ](;W[gl]C[If white tries to connect like this,];B[hn]LB[fm:A]C[This wedge is good in combination with A. White can't connect.];W[hm];B[ho];W[go];B[gp];W[gm];B[ip];W[fp];B[ko]TR[fe][ef][ff][eg][eh][ci][di][ei][bj][cj][ej][ek][gk][bl][cl][el][gl][hl][bm][gm][hm][bn][fn][gn][in][jn][go]C[Black can capture the cutting stones, and white's left side group will die.])(;W[gm];B[fl];W[fk];B[gl]LB[hk:A][hm:B]C[White can't connect. A and B are miai.])(;W[hm];B[gl]LB[fk:B][hk:A]C[White still can't connect. A and B are miai.])))(;W[bk]C[If white answers here, ];B[dl]C[Black can push through, and white's in trouble.](;W[ek]C[If white plays here,];B[ej]C[Black can just block here.];W[dm];B[dj]LB[cm:A][em:B]C[Black can still cut at A and B, so white can't connect.])(;W[dm]C[If white blocks here, ];B[ek]LB[cm:A][em:B]C[Black can just connect. A and B are still miai for black.])))(;W[jm]C[If white cuts here,];B[jl];W[ll];B[lk]C[Pushing from behind like this is very good.](;W[li];B[mk]LB[mi:B][lm:A]C[This extension is good, and A and B are miai for black.];W[ml];B[nl];W[ln];B[mi]LB[mg:A]TR[ng]C[White's in trouble. Now you can see the full value black's peep at A.](;W[mh]C[If white wedges here, to escape, ];B[lh];W[kh];B[lg];W[nh];B[lj];W[ki];B[kg]C[White's dead. ])(;W[lh]C[Even if white tries to escape like this,];B[mh];W[lg];B[lf];W[mf];B[kg]C[White can't run away. ]))(;W[mk]C[If white hits the head of black's two stones,];B[ml];W[lm];B[mj];W[nk];B[li]TR[hg][ig][hh][ih][jh][ji][jj][jk]C[Black can play like this, and the marked stones would be captured.])))(;B[jn];W[hn];B[km]C[If black answers like this,];W[hi];B[gj];W[hj];B[hk];W[gk]C[White's cut works well now and black's center group is in danger.]))(;W[hi]C[If white tries to push through and cut right away,];B[gj];W[hj];B[hk];W[gk];B[fk]C[This atari is good, and ];W[gl];B[fl]C[White can't stop black. ](;W[fm]C[If white answers here, ];B[ek]C[This move is good, and white's in trouble. ](;W[dk];B[em]LB[dl:B][gm:A]C[A and B are miai for white.](;W[go];B[dl];W[bk];B[ej]TR[gk][gl][hl][fm][fn][gn][go]C[Black's alive, and white's marked stones are heavy. ])(;W[dl];B[gm];W[hm];B[hn]C[This would be a disaster for white. White can't play like this.]))(;W[em]C[If white connects here to fight, ];B[dk]LB[bk:A][dl:B]C[This connection is good, and A and B are miai for black next. ]))(;W[hn]C[If white plays here, ];B[ej]C[This tiger's mouth is good, and white can't separate black's stones.](;W[dk];B[fm];W[em];B[hm];W[gm];B[io]TR[gk][gl][hl][gm][fn][gn][hn]C[It's a fantastic net.])(;W[fm];B[em];W[dk];B[hm];W[gm];B[io]TR[gk][gl][hl][fm][gm][fn][gn][hn]C[It's still a net.]))))(;W[in]C[This attachment should be right. ](;B[ih]C[If black takes care of her center group, ];W[jn]C[White can extend here, and the game's favorable for white. ];B[jg]C[Black won't have any problems living in the center, but ];W[nq]C[White can take this big point, and the game's good for white. ])(;B[jn]C[If black hanes here, ];W[hn];B[km];W[hh]C[White can peep here now, and it's not easy for black to answer. ];B[gh];W[hg];B[gg];W[hi]C[White can cut black like this.])))(;B[bm]C[If black hanes here, ];W[cm];B[bo];W[dn];B[an];W[do]TR[en][eo][fo]C[White can cut the marked stones off. Black shouldn't give them away so easily.]))(;B[jn]C[If black doesn't defend the corner,];W[cp];B[br];W[cr];B[bq];W[dn]C[This is tesuji, and](;B[do]C[If black plays here,];W[co]LB[dm:A][bo:B]C[White can play here. A and B are miai and black's stones have been separated.])(;B[dm]C[If black plays here,];W[cm]C[White can cut like this.];B[do];W[bn])))(;W[gh]C[If white tries to cut black,];B[hg]C[Black can connect with this move. ];W[hh];B[ih];W[jg];B[fh]C[It's a failure for white.]))(;B[og]C[Black wants to answer here to build a big territory on the right side, but];W[ng];B[oh];W[ii]LB[og:A]TR[ge][ie][gf][hf][if][jf]C[Black's marked stones are in danger, so answering at A would be an overplay.]))(;W[pf]C[If white still cuts,];B[og];W[qf];B[qh]C[Black can resist like this.])(;W[ob]C[White's response here is gote.](;B[ii]C[If black defends the center,];W[pf]C[And white cuts...];B[pg];W[qf];B[qg];W[re]C[This move doesn't work anymore];B[qe];W[rf];B[rg];W[rd];B[rc]LB[ob:B][pc:A][qc:C]C[The exchange of A for B protects the cutting point at C.])(;B[pg]C[Black might just connect here anyway though.])))(;B[ii]C[If black takes care of his center stones, ];W[pf]C[White can cut here. ];B[pg];W[qf];B[qg]TR[pf][qf]C[It looks as if white's two stones are in trouble, but ];W[re]LB[rd:B][rg:A]C[This diagonal move is a good tesuji, and A and B are miai for white next.](;B[rd];W[rg]LB[og:A]C[Black is in deep trouble because of the weakness at A. ])(;B[rg]C[If black tries to fight in the corner, ];W[rd];B[qc];W[rc];B[rb];W[qe];B[pd];W[qb]C[This cut is another good tesuji, and ];B[pb];W[qa];B[pa];W[pc];B[ra];W[qb];B[qa];W[od];B[qb];W[ob]C[Black's corner stones get captured. ])(;B[rf]C[Black can also consider resisting like this, but];W[qe];B[rd](;W[pd]C[White should capture here, and];B[se];W[pe];B[rh];W[qc];B[rc];W[rb]C[White can take the corner like this and black's shape on the right side is thin. This is satisfactory for white.])(;W[se]C[White can't play here in this case.];B[pd];W[rg];B[rh];W[sf];B[qi]C[White's stones can still fight a very indirect ko, but this result is terrible for white.]))))(;W[fq]C[If white answers here, ];B[ek]C[This jump would become good. ];W[gi];B[ii]C[The flow of the stones is favorable for black. ]))(;B[jc]C[Black could also play here, but ];W[cb];B[bc];W[bh];B[bg];W[bi];B[bf];W[hd];B[if];W[dn]C[White can tenuki now. ];B[hb];W[gb]LB[fa:B][ga:A][ia:C]C[This white group is practically alive. Black can play A to C later, but it's no picnic ko for black.])(;B[hd]C[Black should take this stone. ];W[cb];B[bc];W[bh];B[bg];W[bi]C[This is sente, but ];B[bf]LB[hd:A]C[After black A, white's group is already closed in at the top.](;W[hc];B[ic];W[ib];B[jb];W[jc];B[id];W[hb];B[kc]C[This result is good for black.])(;W[lc]C[If white plays in the top right instead, ];B[hb]C[Black can jump here to threaten white. ];W[gb];B[hc];W[fc];B[ed];W[fa]C[White can just barely live, but black's outside is very strong and solid.];B[cn]C[The game's still good for black.])(;W[fc]C[If white ataris here, ];B[hb]LB[ed:A]C[This jump is sente. If white tenukis, black connects at A, and white will die.];W[gb];B[nd]C[Black's stones are more lively. ])))(;B[cj]C[This knight's move is good, but ];W[ie]C[This extension is even better. ]))(;W[ie]C[If white just extends here, ];B[dj]C[Black would pincer here, rather than connecting, and];W[eg];B[dh];W[dg];B[gf]TR[cg][dg][eg]C[White's three stones are heavy, and it's playable for black.]))(;B[gf]C[This extension is a bit weak. ];W[id]C[White's happy with this position.]))(;B[dh]C[If black still presses here,];W[dg];B[eg];W[ch];B[di];W[ci];B[dj];W[ck];B[fh];W[fe]C[This hane will be annoying for black to answer.];B[ef];W[ld]C[The result is favorable for white.]))(;W[hc]LB[fc:A]C[White usually plays here, which is better than playing at A.];B[dh]LB[fd:A]C[After preparing with black A, black can press white's pincer stone like this.];W[dg];B[eg](;W[ch];B[di];W[ci];B[dj];W[ck];B[fh]C[This is another pattern that was played a lot in the past.])(;W[eh]C[Many players worry that white will push and cut like this. However, since the ladder favors black, it should be fine.];B[ei];W[fh];B[fg]LB[fg:C][fh:B][di:D][ei:A]C[A-C is a good tesuji combination for managing both sides in this sort of situation. Instead of A, black could also extend directly to D, but the fighting that follows will be much more complicated.];W[di];B[ch];W[ci];B[bh];W[bg];B[bi];W[bj]C[White can't play like this, because];B[cj];W[dj];B[gh];W[fi];B[ej];W[dk];B[fj]LB[dh:A][eh:B]C[Black can capture the cutting stones in a ladder. It's usually a good idea to check whether the ladder is favorable when considering a pressing move like A. If the ladder favors white, black can't play this variation, so the fight after white B could become difficult for black. Black should consider other ways of playing in that case.])(;W[ef]C[If white cuts here,];B[fg]C[Black can just extend, and](;W[ch]C[Now if white plays on the left side,];B[di];W[ci];B[dj];W[df];B[ge];W[ck];B[hg]LB[cb:B][ed:A][be:C]C[Black can connect like this. Note that if white tries to cut and black gets a stone at A, black B will be sente, so black will have the possibility of living in the corner with B and C.])(;W[ff]C[If white pushes again,];B[df]C[Black can cut here now.];W[eh]C[If white keeps trying to complicate things like this,];B[ch]LB[df:A]C[Black can just push here now, because white's stones have fewer liberties after black cuts at A.]))))(;B[cb]C[Black shouldn't block here now, because];W[be]C[This is painful for black.];B[bd];W[ce];B[cd];W[eg];B[fe];W[hd];B[gf];W[md]C[Black only has one eye in the corner, and the result is very good for white.])(;B[cf]LB[cb:B][dg:A]C[If black really wants to settle quickly, black can play like this. It makes miai of A and B.];W[dg];B[cb];W[md]LB[jc:A]C[A is more common in terms of the top left joseki, but this knight's move creates better balance when taking the position in the top right into account too.];B[cn]C[This is another game. It's still playable for black, but it looks a bit passive.])(;B[be]C[This jump is also conceivable. ];W[cb]C[If white tries to steal black's eye shape in the corner,];B[ci]C[Pincering here is good. ];W[cm];B[dh]C[This is another game. ])(;B[dj]LB[be:B][cf:A]C[This pincer is a more active way of playing than A or B.];W[eg];B[dh];W[dg];B[fe];W[gg];B[he];W[id];B[ie];W[jd];B[fh];W[fg];B[ig];W[hh]C[It becomes a fighting game straight away.]))(;W[ec]C[If white extends here, ];B[bd]C[This move is good. Black's corner's safe and it's too pedestrian for white.]))(;B[fd]C[This is another interesting move that black can consider. It's been played in pro games and can lead to complicated variations. Because it's still relatively new, there doesn't seem to be an established joseki for this pattern yet.](;W[cb]C[White can play here and,](;B[fc]C[Black should separate white like this.];W[dd](;B[cf]LB[cd:A][ce:B]C[If black just plays at A, white can cut at B, so black plays here first.];W[dg];B[cd];W[ee];B[bb];W[eb];B[ca];W[fb];B[db];W[gd]C[This pattern has appeared in recent pro games.];B[nd]C[Black would press here next. It's another game.])(;B[dg]C[Chen Yaoye played like this against Zhou Ruiyang in game 3 of the 1st Bailing Cup final (http://gogameguru.com/zhou-ruiyang-wins-1st-bailing-cup-3-hit-combo/)];W[ce];B[cf];W[bf];B[df];W[bg]C[However, Chen lost that game and this result doesn't look good in the context of this game's opening.]))(;B[cd]C[If black just plays here,];W[eb]LB[cb:5][eb:7][cc:4][dc:1][gc:9][cd:6][fd:8][de:2][cg:3]C[White can make shape like this and it's good for white. It looks like 1-7 have been played, followed by black 8 and white 9.]))(;W[eb]LB[cb:A]C[Cho U sometimes played like this as white, but white's hane at A instead is more severe.];B[cf]C[The game might continue like this now,];W[dg];B[cb];W[jc];B[cn]C[White's position at the top is a bit flat. It's another game.])(;W[fc]C[If white just answers like this,];B[dd]LB[db:C][fc:B][hc:D][fd:A]C[Black will play here, and the exchange of A for B will be good for black. If white continues with C, white will wish that she could move B to D. Compare this result to the actual game and the variations later on.]))(;B[db]C[It's easy for black to hane here, but];W[cd]C[White has this counter-hane up her sleeve.];B[dd];W[ec];B[ce]C[Black needs to capture the single stone, and ];W[cb];B[bd];W[bb]TR[cc][bd][dd][ce][de]C[White can take the corner. Since black's marked stones are still unsettled, it's a better result for white.])(;B[cd]C[If black pulls back, ];W[db]LB[cb:A][cd:B]C[This descent is a good answer. This move is more solid than the hane at A, so extending to B isn't a good idea.];B[ef];W[cj]C[White's happy with this result.])(;B[cb]C[If black extends into the corner,];W[be]C[White can just take the vital point like this.];B[ec]C[If black plays here next,](;W[jd]C[White can just make a position at the top, and black still needs to play one more move in the top left.](;B[dd]C[If black reinforces,];W[cj]C[White can extend here too, and white's opening is faster than black's.])(;B[qk]C[If black takes a big point,];W[db]C[Now white can move this stone out.];B[eb];W[dd];B[ed];W[cd];B[da];W[bc]C[Black's group is heavy and is under attack.]))(;W[db]C[White can also move out immediately, but];B[eb];W[dd];B[ed];W[cd];B[da](;W[bc];B[hc]LB[gb:B][gd:A]C[Black can attach here to manage his group. Black aims to connect above or below (at A or B).])(;W[jc]C[If white extends now,];B[bc]LB[db:C][jc:B][jd:A]TR[dc][cd][dd]C[Black can make an eye in the corner like this. This move also threatens to capture white's marked stones. That's why it's better for white to just play around A (or B) instead of C and make black spend another move in the corner.])))(;B[ec]C[If black clamps,];W[db];B[eb];W[dd];B[ed];W[cd];B[ce];W[be];B[bf];W[bd]LB[ee:A][cf:B]C[A and B are kind of miai for white and this result is bad for black. Since white's corner is already alive, white doesn't have to rush to play B, even if black connects at A. White could play at the top instead because black's whole group is heavy.]))
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