(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]GN[Kim-Jiseok-vs-Xie-He-20120222]PW[Xie He]PB[Kim Jiseok]WR[7d]BR[7d]DT[2012-02-22]EV[13th Nongshim Cup]SO[http://gogameguru.com/]RE[W+1.50];B[pd]C[This is the 12th game of the 13th Nongshim Cup, between Kim Jiseok (7p) of Korea and Xie He (7p) of China. The Nongshim Cup is a win and continue tournament between China, Japan and Korea. You can read more about the 13th Nongshim Cup here: http://gogameguru.com/china-wins-13th-nongshim-cup/];W[dd]C[Kim Jiseok has won four games in a row at this point, defeating Tan Xiao (5p), Yamashita Keigo (9p), Piao Wenyao (9p) and Gu Li (9p). Xie He is the captain and final player for China in this event. He has to win three games in a row if China is to win the Nongshim Cup. ];B[pq]C[Just before this game Kim beat Gu Li and it was very good news for the Korean team. It was Kim Jiseok's first win against Gu Li in their five games together so far. I commented that game here: http://gogameguru.com/go-commentary-kim-jiseok-gu-li-13th-nongshim-cup/];W[dp]C[Kim Jiseok is currently ranked number 6 in Korea.];B[qk]C[Xie He is ranked number 1 in China, and he's historically performed very well in the Nongshim Cup.];W[fq];B[fc];W[cf];B[db]C[Up to here, the game is exactly the same as the last game (Kim Jiseok vs Gu Li).];W[nc]C[White changed the sequence here. In the last game, black played here after white finished a joseki in the top left.];B[oc]C[This is normally bad, but in this case, Kim might have thought that the top is not that important. ];W[nd];B[pf];W[hc]C[This is natural now.](;B[fe]C[Good jump. ];W[kc]C[Right move. ];B[cc];W[ci];B[lp]C[This move is not actually very common, but Kim seems to like it.];W[po](;B[qp]C[Black doesn't want white to settle here easily. ](;W[ol]LB[pj:A][oq:B]C[Good sense. A is good for white next, and white can also think about attaching at B later.](;B[np]C[Kim's style of move. Kim is very good at fighting, but before fighting he takes care of his weakness, so that he can fight without any worries later.];W[pj]C[Xie He's style of play is calm and solid, but he doesn't avoid fighting either. He just prefers peaceful games. ];B[pk]LB[np:A]C[This was black's plan when he played A.];W[ok];B[oj]C[Black can fight like this here because there are more of black stones in this part of the board.];W[pi];B[nj];W[oh];B[qh];W[ri];B[rn]TR[pk][qk]C[This slide is necessary to connect black's two stones. ];W[ml];B[lk];W[km];B[mk]LB[ng:A][lm:B]C[Very good move. By making black solid, this move builds power which can be released later. A and B are a kind of miai now.];W[ng];B[nm]LB[ll:C][nl:B][lm:A]C[This peep is clearer than attachment at A. If white connects at B, black would play C. ];W[qc]TR[ok][ol]C[Good timing. White two marked stones are light, so it's white's turn to bully this black group. ];B[qd]C[In general, pros never respond this way, but this time it's inevitable as this black group is in danger. ];W[ob];B[nf]LB[pb:B][pc:A]C[Black tries to find a rhythm. Answering at A or B is what white wants. ];W[mf];B[pb]C[Right sequence. ];W[pc];B[od];W[qb];B[ne](;W[ld]C[Proper answer. ];B[me];W[lf];B[le];W[ke](;B[kf]C[Right cut. ];W[lh]LB[kg:A][mg:B]C[Good jump. If white plays atari at A instead, black would cut at B. ];B[ph];W[oi];B[og];W[mh];B[nl]C[Calm and nice. Without this, black can't fight properly in the center. ];W[jp]C[Big place, and the game is still even. ];B[bo]LB[fq:A]C[This lower knight's move approach is good when there are already one more white stones around A. ];W[bp]C[Proper answer. ](;B[co]C[Right move. ];W[cp];B[ck]LB[bm:B][cm:A]C[This is the proper extension. If white plays at A, black would answer at B. ];W[dn];B[ek];W[cd];B[ni];W[nh];B[je];W[kd];B[jf]C[Black comes back here. All of black's stones are settled, so it's good timing to attack white's right side group. ];W[jh];B[ic];W[ib];B[id];W[jb];B[ei];W[jk];B[rk]LB[qi:A]C[This move looks small and unnecessary, but it's a good move. It's to remove some bad aji in this area. A is big later too.];W[fb];B[eb];W[gc];B[ed];W[bc]C[A skillful move. ](;B[gb]C[Right choice. ];W[hb];B[fa];W[lq]LB[kq:A][mq:B]C[A good tactical move. Playing a diagonal move at A isn't good enough for white, because black would just answer at 92. Now if black blocks at B, white is happy with A.];B[kq]C[As black is solid in this area, black can resist. ];W[kp](;B[kr]LB[iq:B][lr:A]C[Good move. If white plays at A, black would jump at B. White can't win a capturing race. ];W[jq]C[Right answer. ];B[jr];W[ir];B[lr]LB[mq:A]C[Black doesn't need to atari at A. ];W[mq]LB[mp:A][nq:C][mr:B]C[Black should answer at A. Then white can reduce some of black's points with B, but it doesn't matter. Black is still in the lead. ];B[mr]C[This is a kind of overplay. ](;W[mn]LB[nn:A][mp:B]C[Good move. It looks as if A and B are miai for white. ];B[lo];W[no]C[Annoying. Not easy to capture those white stones. ];B[jj];W[ij];B[ln];W[mm];B[kk]C[Kim changed his mind, and started to attack white's other group again.];W[lm];B[ik];W[jl];B[ii]LB[ji:B][hj:A]C[Now, white's center group appears to be in danger. If white saves the cutting stone with A, black would connect at B, and the white group above would die. ];W[ig];B[hf];W[if];B[hd];W[gd];B[he];W[ji]C[This is the only move for white, to make a ko.];B[hj];W[kj];B[om]C[Black has to come back here, so white can take the ko first. However, the game's still favourable for black. ];W[ij];B[nb];W[pa];B[jj]C[Both players are in a byoyomi situation now (short of time), so it's hard for them to play perfectly here.];W[rh];B[lg];W[ij];B[dg];W[cg];B[jj];W[mg];B[rg];W[ij];B[iq];W[ip];B[jj];W[rf];B[qf];W[ij];B[hq];W[jj]C[White eliminates the ko, as white lacks ko threats.];B[hp];W[ho];B[go];W[hn](;B[jn]TR[hn][jn][ho][hp][ip][jp]C[Vital point. ];W[kn];B[ko];W[io];B[jo];W[pm];B[pl];W[im];B[mp]C[Now, black can come back here.](;W[hk]LB[hr:A]C[This cut is inevitable. ];B[gr]C[Eventually, black can come back here, and black is winning, but not by a big margin.];W[gj];B[do];W[eo];B[en]C[Powerful move. Kim never gets exhausted when fighting. ];W[cm]TR[dn]C[On the other hand, Xie He is like a tenacious boxer in this game.White has to save this cutting stone. ];B[gn]LB[hm:C][jm:D][do:A][ep:B]C[Black was aiming at this move when he played A. B and C are miai because D is sente for Black. ];W[em]C[Right choice. ];B[hm]TR[hn][ho][io][ip][jp][kp][jq]C[White can't save those seven stones. ];W[dj];B[jm];W[kl];B[md];W[mc];B[dh]LB[ej:A]TR[ck][ek]C[Black decides to give up those marked stones, but playing at A would be better. ];W[ej];B[fj];W[fk];B[fi];W[ch];B[fl];W[gk];B[fn];W[fp](;B[cl]C[Losing move. This was a critical misread for black. ];W[gm];B[in];W[fm]TR[ck][ek][cl][fl][bo][co][do]C[White cut off all of this black group. ];B[bm]C[Kim might have thought this group was alive with this move. ](;W[ao]C[A great move. Black can't live inside. Kim specializes in this sort of local life and death, but somehow he seemed to miss this move. ](;B[er];W[fr];B[fs];W[cr];B[rc];W[rb];B[qi]C[Even though black could come back here, black lost too much (about 10 points) on the left side. ];W[ef];B[ff];W[ee];B[fd];W[bb];B[hl];W[gl];B[il];W[gi];B[fg];W[sc];B[rd];W[sd];B[se];W[sb];B[re];W[op];B[pn]LB[nn:B][mo:C][oo:D][oq:A]C[Black is desperate. If white plays at A, black would play B to D. ];W[oo]C[White doesn't need to go on an adventure, because white is winning. ];B[oq];W[qo];B[ro]LB[pn:A]C[Anyway, black gained some points from A, but it was too late to reverse the game. ];W[qn];B[qm];W[eg];B[gh];W[hh];B[di];W[cj];B[cb];W[df];B[fh];W[ba];B[cs];W[ds];B[dr];W[bs];B[es];W[cs];B[ha];W[ia];B[kg];W[ga];B[kh];W[lj];B[ha];W[hn];B[ho];W[ga];B[lb];W[mb];B[ha];W[hg];B[ga];W[ca];B[da];W[qj];B[rj];W[mj];B[dq];W[cq];B[gq];W[mi];B[nk];W[ki];B[on];W[kb];B[dc];W[ep];B[gs];W[nn];B[ge];W[gg];B[ie];W[jg];B[pp];W[jd]LB[cl:A]C[White won by 1.5 points. The game was so exciting and interesting with endless small battles throughout. Though the scale of the fighting wasn't big, it's still very interesting to review this game. Xie He played his own style of play in this game. His defense was great, and the game was well balanced. At the end of the game, even though he was behind, he wasn't in a hurry. He just waited for a good chance to counter attack. When black made a mistake at A, Xie didn't miss it.On the other hand, Kim managed the whole game wonderfully. He attacked and captured a lot, leading the game until almost the end. But he made one big mistake, and that cost him the game.After this game, Xie He also defeated Won Seongjin (9p) and Lee Changho (9p). China took the 13th Nongshim Cup with team captain Xie He's remarkable performance.If you have any questions about this game, please feel free to leave a comment.An Younggil 8p http://gogameguru.com/])(;B[an];W[ap];B[cj];W[di];B[bi];W[bn]C[Black can't live. ]))(;W[gl]C[If white connects here, ];B[al]LB[dm:B][an:C][cn:A]C[Black is alive with this. Black can also play at A to C, but this one is simpler. ]))(;B[el]C[This is simple and good enough.];W[dk]C[White can cut this one, but ];B[dl];W[cl];B[dm];W[cn];B[qi]C[Black is quite obviously winning.]))(;W[hr]C[White really wants to play here, but ];B[gp];W[gq];B[jm]C[This is good. ];W[kl];B[il]C[Black could cut white off. ];W[hk];B[hl];W[gk];B[gl];W[fl]C[Even if white tries to fight. ];B[fk];W[gj];B[fm];W[el];B[em];W[dl];B[gm];W[gn];B[dm];W[cl];B[cm];W[bl];B[fo]C[It doesn't work for white. ]))(;B[gr]C[This is big, but ];W[mp]C[White can save those dead stones. ];B[nq];W[mo]TR[ln][lo][lp]C[And capture black. It's so big, so black should try to save these three stones instead.]))(;W[mp]C[This atari doesn't work. ];B[lo];W[mo];B[ln]C[There's nothing white can do. ]))(;B[mq]C[This move looks common, but it's no good in this case. ];W[lr];B[kr];W[lo];B[mp];W[jr]C[This is what white wanted black to do. ];B[mr];W[jq];B[ls];W[dl]C[The result is obviously good for white. ]))(;B[bb]C[If black answers here, ];W[dc];B[cb];W[ec]C[White could cut here, and];B[fd];W[gb];B[bd];W[be];B[ac];W[fg]C[White can separate and attack black's stones. ]))(;B[cp]C[This move used to be regarded as a joseki, but not anymore. ];W[co]C[This cut is right. ];B[cq];W[bq];B[do];W[cn];B[dq];W[ep](;B[bn]C[Proper move, but ];W[br];B[cm];W[dn];B[em];W[en];B[fn];W[dm];B[dl];W[eo];B[bl]C[Up to here, the result is better for white as the corner is so big. When I was younger, I was taught that this was joseki. However, it's now thought to be too good for white, so black doesn't usually play this way these days. ])(;B[br]C[Black can live the corner, but it's too small.];W[bn];B[aq];W[ao];B[cs];W[cd]C[The result is better for white. ])))(;B[mg]C[Black can also think about this cut, but ];W[mh];B[lg];W[kf];B[lh];W[li]C[White can go here, ];B[mi];W[ni]C[And make it ko fight. ];B[nh];W[rk]C[White has some ko threats here, so it'd be an overplay for black.]))(;W[me]C[If white blocks here, ];B[mg];W[mh];B[lg];W[lh];B[nb];W[pa];B[md];W[mc];B[ld]C[White would be in big trouble. ]))(;B[ok]C[If black attaches here, ];W[nk];B[nl];W[pk];B[oj];W[om]C[Right sequence for white. ];B[pj];W[oq]C[Now, white can attach here. ](;B[or];W[pp];B[qq];W[nq]C[This result is satisfactory for white. ])(;B[op]C[This doesn't work anymore. ];W[pp];B[qq];W[np]LB[op:A]C[Black can't save the stone A. ];B[oo];W[no];B[on];W[pn];B[nn];W[mn];B[nm];W[ml])))(;W[oq]C[If white attaches here right away, ];B[op]C[Black can hane here. ];W[pp];B[qq];W[np];B[oo]C[This ladder favors black, so white can't play like this. ]))(;B[np]C[This is also possible. ];W[qq];B[qr];W[qp];B[rr];W[qm]C[But then white can settle here easily. ];B[hq]C[Black is not bad, but this is not Kim's style of play. ]))(;B[cc]C[If black just comes into the corner, ];W[fd];B[gd];W[gc];B[fb];W[fe]TR[nc][oc][nd][pf]C[Those marked exchanges are better for white. White's top area is active. ])) ]))
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Xie He    Kim Jiseok
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