(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]TM[9000]OT[1x60 byo-yomi]GN[European Go Congress Main Board 2 Round 4]PW[Chen Wang]PB[Ilja Shikshin]WR[7d]BR[7d]DT[2014-07-31]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]US[Astrid]C[Gavino [?]: ah, rolnEuroGoTV2 [-]: hi everyoneEuroGoTV1 [-]: Live TV broadcasts of this game on http://eurogotv.com/index.php?menu=Live&channel=EuroGoTV2EuroGoTV2 [-]: the round beginsEuroGoTV2 [-]: i will give u some of the games waiting for the game beginsEuroGoTV2 [-]: Kim Young Sam vs Zeno van DitzhuijzenEuroGoTV2 [-]: Csaba Mero vs Alexander DinersteinGavino [?]: who is artem playing?];B[dd];W[cp];B[pc];W[qp];B[qe]C[Fabregas: oh man,csaba vs diner];W[eq];B[cf];W[jc];B[op];W[oq];B[pp];W[pq];B[qo];W[nq]C[Fabregas: breakfast[3p] vs csaba[-]];B[rp];W[qq];B[lc];W[qm]C[Reym [-]: they took their time to start but now they play fastEuroGoTV2 [-]: yep];B[hc];W[on]C[Dupaaxe [?]: oh, no nadare ?];B[je]C[Fabregas: omgFabregas: doesn't like 7d vs 7dReym [-]: but no problem for you eurogo, you play faster than the stream ;)Mai [1k]: I hope hne rnead tnhis nount];W[dk]C[Mai [1k]: sornrnyn broken keyboard];B[qk]C[EuroGoTV2 [-]: heheFabregas: really?];W[rm]C[Mai [1k]: Its really messed up];B[ol]C[Gavino [?]: artems opponent hasnt shown up, do you know who hes playing euro?];W[qi]C[EuroGoTV2 [-]: nopeEuroGoTV2 [-]: Cornel Burzo vs Armel David WolffEuroGoTV2 [-]: Mateusz Surma vs Geert GroenenHendl [1d]: opening looks good for wFabregas: I only knows Cornel Burzo and Mateusz SurmaFabregas: other two idkReym [-]: go Armel!];B[pm]C[Toocaps [1d]: interesting shape to b.xoxo88 [1k]: nice haengma];W[pn];B[qn];W[rk]C[xoxo88 [1k]: but all in all i favor wHendl [1d]: ko?];B[rj];W[qj];B[rl];W[ql];B[sk];W[pk]C[gruenwald [1d]: quite early for koxoxo88 [1k]: no threads w cant ignorexoxo88 [1k]: so good for wxoxo88 [1k]: d4?gruenwald [1d]: i am not so sure about thatxoxo88 [1k]: why? do you see a thread thats worth the ko?xoxo88 [1k]: for b?Gavino [?]: b has no thread besides d4fekand5 [1d]: q8xoxo88 [1k]: and d4 isnt big enoughdaveminion [-]: o6 exchange first?qweras: O6 for blackxoxo88 [1k]: o6 is after winning the ko the best what can hapen for fightdaveminion [-]: o6 make the ko biggerxoxo88 [1k]: for w*einstein [6d]: B has no good earthquakes right now.... oops I mean ko threats, of course.EuroGoTV2 [-]: Benjamin Teuber vs Antoine FenechEuroGoTV2 [-]: Fredrick Blombach vs Lothar SpiegelEuroGoTV2 [-]: Blomback*xoxo88 [1k]: anyone knows whos youngsams opponent this round?Uberdude [3d]: i saw a pro game with w tenuki top like this, black played k14 not k15 therexoxo88 [1k]: hey andrewGavino [?]: youngsam is playing zenoxoxo88 [1k]: who the hack is zeno, strenght?];B[nn];W[nm]C[einstein [6d]: o7 looks better at o5 ];B[pl]C[Gavino [?]: 5d egf];W[rk];B[nl]C[einstein [6d]: because now B p5 is next];W[sl]C[xoxo88 [1k]: so fishfoodgruenwald [1d]: fast game];B[no];W[mm];B[om];W[ml];B[nk];W[mk]C[einstein [6d]: o7 o8 is slightly better, but only nominally so.];B[nj];W[mj]C[Toocaps [1d]: ugly shape for b];B[ni]C[xoxo88 [1k]: painfoulxoxo88 [1k]: ful*];W[mp];B[mi];W[mn]C[einstein [6d]: n5 is sentexoxo88 [1k]: whos playing ali?];B[fp]C[einstein [6d]: h4 nowEuroGoTV2 [-]: i dont know his name];W[fq];B[hp]C[einstein [6d]: f3 looks questionableToocaps [1d]: F5 now!];W[gp];B[go]C[einstein [6d]: except if W believes he can kill h4 ];W[gq];B[in]C[xoxo88 [1k]: not possible to kill];W[gn]C[xoxo88 [1k]: h6?einstein [6d]: g6 looks good, but is it?];B[ho];W[fn];B[fo];W[dn]C[einstein [6d]: because h5 is ok];B[hq];W[jq]C[einstein [6d]: h3 is questionableeinstein [6d]: because it does not really make eyesxoxo88 [1k]: still b has to find a way to jump nowwerdfwerd: whats a good alternative to f3 for w?einstein [6d]: k4 l4 k2 l3 looks natural but doesn't make 100% eyes.xoxo88 [1k]: h4 is common if you are strongxoxo88 [1k]: as einstein mentionedeinstein [6d]: j8 would be heavy because w k7 j7 j10 ];B[dp];W[dq];B[cq]C[xoxo88 [1k]: but j9 doesnt work simplyeinstein [6d]: How B settles this group is huge];W[ep]C[troll [2d]: asking for a tripod in cornerHitMan3 [5k]: lisy game over?troll [2d]: and w allowed it, now that the option is there, b just needs to somehow live with the heavy group outsideeinstein [6d]: b4 d5 c2 makes a living corner group ];B[il];W[mo];B[po]C[xoxo88 [1k]: j10?];W[ij]C[troll [2d]: w will be low on cash if b lives with dragon nowwerdfwerd: what if b played n5 before j8];B[fl]C[einstein [6d]: k7 j7 is a good exchange, I think, but W believes he may be able to play j7 at some stagefekand5 [1d]: e6xoxo88 [1k]: h7 looks shiny but i guess they are lib probs?troll [2d]: h7 looks bad shapewise];W[em]C[McCallaway [2d]: Hello, who are the players please?troll [2d]: b shape short on liberties, was short on liberties, now its bettertroll [2d]: w chen wang 7d, b ilja shikshin 7dMcCallaway [2d]: Thx trollxoxo88 [1k]: k10daveminion [-]: what!!! on earth happendEuroGoTV2 [-]: Artem is playing Dusantroll [2d]: meant to say, w h7 looks bad, because w shape was short on liberties (before e7)einstein [6d]: h10 looks okxoxo88 [1k]: dusan dusan dusan :Sxoxo88 [1k]: ezzHitMan3 [5k]: ilja participted in the euro pro tournament?];B[jj]C[troll [2d]: hitman3, noHitMan3 [5k]: why? he doesn't want to be a pro?einstein [6d]: k10 is the other possibility which I rejectedEuroGoTV2 [-]: Live TV broadcasts of this game on http://eurogotv.com/index.php?menu=Live&channel=EuroGoTV2];W[ik]C[troll [2d]: hitman3, official story is that his employer didnt give him enough free days to participate in all the tournaments required];B[jk];W[jl]C[troll [2d]: k4HitMan3 [5k]: ohtroll [2d]: my guess would be that ilja wants to become korean pro :)einstein [6d]: k7 l8 h8 or l8 k7 j7 that is the questionxoxo88 [1k]: too oldxoxo88 [1k]: for thatHitMan3 [5k]: to become a pro in korea its hardmanul [6k?]: my guess would be that you dont know what you're talking about %)backpack1 [4d]: WowHitMan3 [5k]: the insei in korea are strongtroll [2d]: ya, ilja doesnt have anywhere near enough strength yet to become a real korean protroll [2d]: but doesnt mean he wouldnt want to :)xoxo88 [1k]: then he would study in koreaHitMan3 [5k]: so he should become euro proqweras: L8 possibletroll [2d]: asnt ilja studied in korea for a while?xoxo88 [1k]: not idling in europeeinstein [6d]: anyway, can you change the discussion about pros etc to some other channel?HitMan3 [5k]: sorrymanul [6k?]: since when there are euro pros? o_Oxoxo88 [1k]: well if you want to become kr pro you should spend more then a "while"einstein [6d]: because it is sooooo boring to hear about this every single time.xoxo88 [1k]: it is?backpack1 [4d]: Just dont read the chateinstein [6d]: especially, because most people have no idea anywaytroll [2d]: hmm, ok, b l4, not k4xoxo88 [1k]: im not kibitzing regularly, sry didnt knewxoxo88 [1k]: Sdaveminion [-]: Manul the euro pros were already promitedHitMan3 [5k]: i wish i were in the EGCdaveminion [-]: pavol lisy and ali jabarin are the EGC prosxoxo88 [1k]: but i spoke with ali about that some hours so i know a little i think ^^Gavino [?]: this is just preparing me for the us congress. it starts when the euro one endsgoBum [?]: ohh it's roln111manul [6k?]: how come i wast invited to the event? T__Tmanul [6k?]: *wasntHendl [1d]: headache for beinstein [6d]: if l8 k7 j7 next w l7 and B h9 h10 g9 is not very interesting for B but he will not dieHitMan3 [5k]: i think ali is strongerbackpack1 [4d]: NoHitMan3 [5k]: than lisydaveminion [-]: NObackpack1 [4d]: You re wrongGavino [?]: pavol is strongerdaveminion [-]: Ten is the best of allbackpack1 [4d]: Nopexoxo88 [1k]: k guys that is now rly a stupid discussioneinstein [6d]: B k7 l8 h8 makes better shape locally but w g9 looks very dangerous and even w g10 looks good enoughbackpack1 [4d]: Ilya>Ten :)manul [6k?]: ilya == 11HitMan3 [5k]: i suggest that we will talk about rainbows and fairystroll [2d]: hmm, both k4 and l4 look "natural" but I dont actually see either giving a proper miai for k8 issuemanul [6k?]: so ilya > TenGavino [?]: i say dont judge until ten comes back from japan];B[kl];W[jm];B[im];W[ji]C[redcrazy [1d?]: ten=?Gavino [?]: ten is up to A class insei nowtroll [2d]: roln > tien > cheaterredcrazy [1d?]: oh tienHitMan3 [5k]: tien?HitMan3 [5k]: who is it?manul [6k?]: manul >> rolnd > tien > cheater ?daveminion [1d?]: antti tormanenHendl [1d]: k4 now?];B[ki];W[gk]C[timoun [5k?]: b very big in topxoxo88 [1k]: sacrifice strategy now for b?HitMan3 [5k]: Victor lin is the weakest 6d?xoxo88 [1k]: the weakest 6d ive ever seen is this aserbaidschan guydaveminion [1d?]: azerbaijan?xoxo88 [1k]: yydaveminion [1d?]: is there any go players?HitMan3 [5k]: lolxoxo88 [1k]: i think about 3, and the strongest call hisself 6d :Sdaveminion [1d?]: XDGavino [?]: theres a guy who plays wagc and etc as 6d but is more like 1dwerdfwerd: is b in trouble?HitMan3 [5k]: i wish i were 6 danmanul [6k?]: the weakest 6d is that guy... self-declared 6d who started to play yesterday... forgot his nameHitMan3 [5k]: 6 dans are amazingxoxo88 [1k]: i mean hes country champion, so he must be 6d rightHitMan3 [5k]: i want to be in EGC so badxoxo88 [1k]: i dont see a way for bGavino [?]: save money and go];B[ii]C[HitMan3 [5k]: money isn't the problem];W[jh]C[daveminion [1d?]: now g10xoxo88 [1k]: g10 looks shiny indeedzzz [2k]: e5 HitMan3 [5k]: it because i play only 8 monthsHitMan3 [5k]: my parents dont allow medaveminion [1d?]: how old are youHitMan3 [5k]: 18xoxo88 [1k]: wootdaveminion [1d?]: wow Im just 14...manul [6k?]: =.=werdfwerd: did w have to extend here? xoxo88 [1k]: i had a own flat and job with 18, whats wrong, do what you wantmanul [6k?]: i'm 5 =^_^=globax [3d]: does k4 live ?goBum [?]: tough situation for b HitMan3 [5k]: im not going to do whatever i want , i respect my parents so i do as they wishHitMan3 [5k]: (only reasonable demends)goBum [?]: how did it got to here oOxoxo88 [1k]: its not like betraying if you go to a tournement after youre grown up age wise,xoxo88 [1k]: w/ex0000 [?]: b can't capture k3 I thinkxoxo88 [1k]: not living shape after cap k3fekand5 [1d]: l7xoxo88 [1k]: mb b shouldnt have make the exchange n5, q5xoxo88 [1k]: mb better to live with dragon then saving these 11 stones and 25 pointsHendl [1d]: j12 now?EuroGoTV2 [-]: 1h48 left for b 2h21 for wGavino [?]: id rather die than have to do thattroll [2d]: k4 l7 l3 l2 k2 l4 j3 m2?daveminion [1d?]: g10 and cut white?xoxo88 [1k]: anyway, game deciding move now, so i guess ilya will read longGavino [?]: fighting is his strength tooGavino [?]: so i expect something spectacularqweras: How about J12?xoxo88 [1k]: i expect some weird trying and res thenxoxo88 [1k]: Dx0000 [?]: k4 l7 l3 k2 goBum [?]: so much reading >