(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Chinese]SZ[19]KM[7.50]TM[14100]OT[5x60 byo-yomi]GN[Gu-Li-vs-Lee-Sedol-20140727]PW[Lee Sedol]PB[Gu Li]WR[9d]BR[9d]DT[2014-07-27]EV[MLily Gu vs Lee Jubango]RO[Game 6]PC[Liuan, Anhui, China]SO[http://gogameguru.com/]C[This is game 6 of the MLily Gu vs Lee Jubango.Lee Sedol won first two games, but Gu Li won the next two games to tie the series at 2-2. Then Lee won game 5, taking a 3-2 lead.There was a two month break between games 5 and 6, because of the 2014 FIFA World Cup. Chinese people like football as much as Go, so the sponsor decided not to schedule a game in June.Because Gu lost a 'won' game in game 5, he must have been under great pressure from the Chinese media and fans.We saw earlier that Lee didn't play very well in game 4, which was played in Lee's home town in Korea. The weight of expectations from the Korean media and fans put Lee under significant pressure, because they all expected Lee to win the game for sure. Game 4 wasn't typical of Lee's style and he lost the game relatively easily.This game was more important for Gu, because winning it would tie the series at 3-3. However, it would have been hard for Gu to focus only on the game because of the external pressure. I think that could have made him nervous and distracted.Anyway, let's have a look at game 6 of the MLily Gu vs Lee Jubango.]RE[W+Resign];B[pd]C[Gu plays Black.];W[dp];B[qp];W[dc](;B[oq]LB[dc:4][pd:1][dp:2][qp:3][oq:5]C[Gu chose a simple corner enclosure at Black 5. This opening is still very popular these days.](;W[qf]LB[qf:6][qj:A]C[Approaching at White 6, instead of splitting at A, has become more popular in recent years.Black should respond locally now, and we can feel that approaching at White 6 is more active than splitting at A.](;B[pi]LB[nc:A][qh:C][pi:7][qi:B]C[Gu chose this high pincer at Black 7. Playing at A, B or C instead is also good.](;W[nd]LB[nc:B][qc:A][nd:8]C[Approaching at White 8 is one of several popular options in this shape. White could also play at A or B instead.];B[pf];W[qc](;B[pc]LB[pc:11][qc:10][qe:A][pf:9]C[Blocking at Black 11 is more complicated than blocking at A. It seems like Gu might have researched this shape thoroughly during the long break in the Jubango. ](;W[pg]LB[qd:A][pg:12]C[The hane at White 12 is more active than pushing at A.](;B[pe]LB[pe:13][pi:A]C[Connecting at Black 13 might look a bit strange, but it's the most common continuation when Black plays a high pincer at A.](;W[ph]LB[og:A][ph:14]C[White's head butt at White 14 wasn't bad, but extending to A would have been easier for White than the actual game. ];B[qi](;W[ng]LB[rc:B][re:A][ng:16][qi:15]C[Lee jumped out to White 16 without exchanging A for B.];B[re](;W[ni]LB[re:17][ni:18]C[White 18 was a pivot point for both sides, even though it doesn't make any territory.];B[rg](;W[ce]LB[ce:20][rf:B][qg:A][rg:19]C[Black was happy to connect under with Black 19, which makes miai of A and B. However, we're still in the early stages of the game.Enclosing the top left corner at White 20 was questionable.](;B[jd]LB[jd:21]C[Black split White's position at the top with Black 21. He would have felt satisfied with the game so far.];W[hc];B[ne](;W[nk]LB[hc:22][ne:23][nk:24]C[Jumping at White 24 was gentle and flexible, but it was a bit too soft.];B[mh](;W[nh]LB[mh:25][nh:26]C[Answering at White 26 was unavoidable.Black's peep at Black 25 was well timed, and this exchange promised to be useful for Black later in the game.];B[me](;W[fq]LB[me:27][fq:28]C[As we've come to expect, Gu took early lead in the game up to Black 27. Black has more territory than White and doesn't have any weak groups.White calmly enclosed his other corner. Lee is always behind in the opening when he plays against Gu, so he didn't seem to worry about it much in this game.];B[kp];W[pk](;B[jb]LB[jb:31][pk:30][kp:29]C[Jumping down at Black 31 was a very big move to secure the territory at the top.Since Black had already played at the bottom, with Black 29, completing his territory at the top became big.];W[dj](;B[cn]LB[dj:32][cn:33][fq:A]C[Approaching at Black 33 was an uncommon strategy, but Gu seems to like this sort of approach move, even when White already has a pincer like White 32 nearby.Gu also approached like this in game 2 of the Jubango.This sort of approach is generally bad, because White can attack Black's stone right away. White A and White 32 will help White to attack this stone more severely.](;W[bp]LB[bp:34]C[White 34 was a calm response. Lee didn't want to help Black to find a rhythm and move his group out, so he chose this quiet move.](;B[bj]LB[bj:35]C[Black's slide to Black 35 was reminiscent of a handicap game. This kind of strategy is often used by White in handicap games, but it's rarely seen in even games.Gu might have wanted to play lightly, because he was inside White's sphere of influence. Since the opening was already good for him, he was able to take his foot off the gas a little at this point.](;W[jp]LB[jp:36]C[White's attachment at White 36 was a brilliant move.](;B[jq]LB[jq:37]C[Answering at Black 37 was necessary.];W[cj](;B[bk]LB[cj:38][bk:39]C[Lee wanted to make sure that the ladder favored him before playing here. Falling back to Black 39 was the right move now, because the ladder favors White.];W[bi];B[dl];W[iq](;B[ir]LB[bi:40][dl:41][iq:42][kq:A][ir:43]C[The double hane at Black 43 was an overplay. Black should have calmly connected at A instead.](;W[ip]LB[ip:44]C[Connecting at White 44 was the right move. Actually, there weren't any other good options for White.](;B[hr]LB[hr:45]C[Extending to Black 45 showed fighting spirit, but it wasn't a good followup.];W[kq];B[jr];W[lq];B[lp];W[mp](;B[mo]LB[mo:51][lp:49][mp:50][kq:46][lq:48][ir:A][jr:47]C[The hane at Black 51 was the only move, but this variation wasn't as good as the simpler alternative to Black A.];W[np];B[mq];W[nq];B[mr](;W[no]LB[no:56][np:52][mq:53][nq:54][mr:55]C[Pushing up at White 56 was the right direction of play.];B[ln];W[mn];B[lo](;W[lm]LB[lm:60][ln:57][mn:58][lo:59]TR[bj][bk][dl][cn]C[The double hane at White 60 was a very good move. White was indirectly preparing to attack Black's stones on the left side.];B[lr](;W[el]LB[el:62][kn:A][hr:D][ir:C][lr:61][nr:B]C[Defending with at Black 61 was unavoidable, because moving out at A creates bad shape and allows White to block at B in sente later.Attaching to weak stones, like White did with White 62, is generally regarded as a thank you move. However, Lee's moves were practical and efficient in this game.White's center influence isn't strong enough to attack this Black group severely, so Lee just wanted to gain some profit by harassing this group.The game became slightly better for White at this point, because of Black's overplays at Black C and Black D.];B[em](;W[cl]LB[cl:64][el:A][em:63]C[Attaching at White 64 was a nice followup after White A.](;B[ep]LB[ep:65]C[Do you know what the meaning of Black 65 is? Let's have a look.];W[eq];B[ek];W[fl];B[dk];W[ck];B[fk](;W[fi]LB[fi:72][ck:70][dk:69][ek:67][fk:71][bl:B][fl:68][cm:A][ep:C][eq:66]TR[bj][bk]C[Black doesn't need to exchange A for B now, which means there's still a little bit of potential in his marked stones. This was the purpose of the attachment at Black 65 (C).];B[do];W[cp](;B[mm]LB[he:A][mm:75][do:73][cp:74]C[Black took sente up to White 74, and cut at Black 75 to attack White's right side group.However, reducing White's top left area was more urgent at this point, so cutting at Black 75 was a little too early. It would have been better if he'd played around A first.];W[nn];B[ml];W[om];B[km];W[ll](;B[mk]LB[mk:81][ll:80][ml:77][km:79][mm:A][om:78][nn:76]C[The atari and extension of Black 79 and Black 81 were nice haengma.However, cutting at A wasn't well timed, and it was hard for Black to profit from this fight.];W[kl];B[lj](;W[qn]LB[lj:83][kl:82][qn:84]C[Reinforcing White's right side group with White 84 was necessary.];B[ol](;W[ok]LB[ok:86][ol:85][qn:A]C[Connecting at White 86 was the right move, and 84 (White A) was very helpful in maintaining White's connection.];B[pl](;W[ql]LB[pl:87][ql:88]C[Falling back to White 88 was correct.];B[nl];W[rk](;B[qj]LB[qj:91][qk:A][rk:90][nl:89]C[Defending at White 90 was the best way to prevent from the cutting at A.Peeping at Black 91 was sente and necessary, even though it creates an empty triangle.];W[qk];B[pm];W[pn];B[ro];W[rn](;B[jk]LB[jk:97][qk:92][pm:93][pn:94][rn:96][ro:95]TR[qp][oq]C[Pressing at Black 97 was a nice move. Black's too busy to take care of his lower right corner.](;W[il]LB[il:98][mm:A]TR[ro][qp][oq]C[Black's lower right corner wasn't easy to capture, so White didn't touch it either. Black and White will come back to the lower right corner in the endgame.By the way, jumping to White 98 was a very nice haengma and the game was better for White now. White managed his weak group on the right side very smoothly, and Black didn't gain any profit from cutting at A.](;B[ik]LB[gj:A][ik:99]C[Pushing at Black 99 was inflexible and questionable. Black should have played at A instead.];W[hk](;B[jl]LB[hk:100][jl:1]C[Black couldn't find any good moves, so he pushed at Black 101.](;W[gk]LB[gk:2][fm:B][jm:A]C[Head butting at White 102 was the proper move.If Black continues with A, White can block at B and Black's lower left group with be trapped.];B[fm](;W[kn]LB[gl:A][fm:3][kn:4]TR[kl][ll][lm]C[Saving White's three stones with this atari was a bit too early. White should have just answered at A.];B[kr];W[jm](;B[hm]LB[hm:7][jm:6][kn:A][kr:5]C[Jumping at Black 7 was a very sharp move, and it punished White's mistakes (White A and White 106).](;W[gl]LB[gl:8][im:A]C[Connecting at White 108 was similar to connecting at A, but this way was more flexible. That's because now White can choose the right time to connect at A later.](;B[gm]LB[gm:9][hn:A]C[This solid connection at Black 109 was questionable. It looks as if Gu misread something here.Black should have played at A. Even though Black can't reverse the game with A, it would still have been better for him than the actual game.];W[im];B[hl](;W[hj]LB[gj:A][hj:12][kk:B][hl:11][im:10][gp:C]C[White 112 was a brilliant move.This move prevents the ladder starting with A, and makes miai of B and C next.Actually, this move kind of move isn't that hard for these top players to find, but it seems like Gu didn't expect it or perhaps didn't consider it seriously enough. He spent quite a long time on his next move, but the game had already become very difficult for him.](;B[gi]LB[gi:13]C[The attachment at Black 113 was a well timed probe. Gu spent a lot of his time at this stage, and was eventually able to minimize the damage with this probe.However, he still couldn't find a special move to completely avoid the crisis.](;W[fj]LB[fj:14][kk:A][in:B]C[White 114 was the correct response for White.A and B are still miai for White and there's no special move for Black.];B[in];W[kk];B[ii];W[kj];B[ij](;W[ki]LB[lh:B][ii:17][ki:20][gj:A][ij:19][kj:18][kk:16][in:15]C[The hane at Black 115 was inevitable. Otherwise, Black's left side group will be in danger.White 120 was the right move, and A and B were still miai for White next.];B[gj];W[lh];B[fc](;W[ic]LB[fc:23][ic:24][lh:22][gj:21]C[Peeping at White 124 was typical of Lee Sedol's style of play. Lee doesn't normally retreat or avoid fighting unless the circumstances are very bad for him.However, in this case, Lee should have appraised the situation more calmly, like Lee Changho. Back when Lee Changho was invincible, he was very good at wrapping up this sort of 'won' game, because of his great positional judgment and technique. Many of his opponents gave up on their games quite easily, even if they were only slightly behind.That was because Lee Changho's endgame seemed practically perfect at the time and his counting was incredibly accurate. He rarely gave his opponents chances to catch up once he was winning.Actually, endgame is also one of the strongest aspects of Lee Sedol's game, but his endgame style is completely different to Lee Changho's. Sedol's endgame moves are tricky and difficult to answer correctly, and they often cause his opponents to make mistakes.In this game, Lee Changho's endgame style would have been more suitable, because White was already leading by a comfortable margin.](;B[dd]LB[dd:25]C[Attaching at Black 125 was a good way to resist. Since Black was already behind, he needed to make the game more complicated and messy so that he'd have more chances to catch up.];W[cd];B[db];W[cc];B[ec];W[jc];B[kc];W[kd];B[lc](;W[fe]LB[db:27][cc:28][ec:29][jc:30][kc:31][lc:33][cd:26][dd:A][kd:32][fe:34]C[Black 127 and Black 129 were nice followups after A (Black 125) and Gu started to catch up.However, capping at White 134 was nice, and the game was still good for White.];B[cb];W[bb];B[gd];W[ge];B[hd];W[id];B[he];W[je];B[hf](;W[gg]LB[bb:36][cb:35][gd:37][hd:39][id:40][ge:38][he:41][je:42][hf:43][gg:44][gh:A]C[White 138 and White 140 formed a nice sequence. However, jumping at White 144 was a mistake. If White had played atari at A first, the game would have still been easy for White to win.];B[gh](;W[hg]LB[hg:46][gh:45]C[The game had already become complicated after Black played at Black 145. White extended at White 146 to manage the situation, but it was worse for White than it looked.];B[ig];W[if];B[jg](;W[kf]LB[if:48][kf:50][ig:47][jg:49]TR[cb][db][ec][fc][dd][gd][hd][he][hf]C[White shouldn't omit White 150, because he can't win a capturing race at the top.It looks as if Black's marked stones are in danger, but Gu soon found a very good move to make the game even more complicated.];B[fg];W[gf](;B[de]LB[de:53][gf:52][fg:51]C[Pushing at Black 153 was excellent, and it was very hard for White to manage the situation now.The game was hopeless for Black just around 10 moves ago, but now the odds had become 50/50 again.Here we see Gu Li's power and his ability to catch up when losing. When I was watching the game, I expected that Lee would be panicking at this moment, because he could have wrapped up the game in a simple and safe manner.However, Lee still kept his cool and soldiered on.](;W[ef]LB[ef:54]C[Moving out diagonally at White 154 was right, and the game was approaching its crucial moment.];B[df];W[eg](;B[ba]LB[ba:57][df:55][eg:56]C[The hane underneath at Black 157 was a big mistake. Gu spent a long time here, but he missed a very good chance to reverse the game.](;W[ab]LB[ba:A][ab:58]C[Extending at White 158 was the correct response, and the exchange of Black A for White 158 became bad for Black.](;B[gb]LB[ba:A][ab:B][gb:59]C[The kosumi at Black 159 was the right followup, but it was already very hard for Black to catch up, because of the exchange of Black A for White B.];W[hb];B[ga](;W[cf]LB[ga:61][hb:60][cf:62]C[Reinforcing at White 162 was the right move.It looks as if Lee was sure that he was winning when he played this move.];B[dg];W[eh];B[kg];W[lf](;B[dh]LB[lf:66][dg:63][kg:65][dh:67][eh:64]C[Pushing at Black 167 was a tricky move to answer correctly.I thought Black 167 was a mistake at first, but actually, it was already very hard for Black to find another chance.](;W[ed]LB[ed:68]C[Cutting at White 168 was the best response, and there's nothing Black can do now.](;B[lg]LB[lg:69]C[Black pushed at Black 169, but it was already too late.];W[mg](;B[mf]LB[mf:71][mg:70]C[Black's cut at Black 171 was a tricky move to answer correctly.To state the conclusion first, this move didn't work. However, there were no special moves for Black to catch up anymore.];W[ee]LB[gc:A][ih:B]C[Connecting at White 172 was the right move, and the game was practically over here.A and B are miai for White next.](;B[le]LB[ee:72][le:73]C[a];W[gc];B[fd];W[ih](;B[kh]LB[gc:74][fd:75][ih:76][kh:77]C[Gu wanted to find a good place to resign.](;W[jh]LB[ba:J][ic:G][de:I][gg:H][jh:78][lh:F][gk:C][gm:E][mm:B][kn:D][ir:A]C[Black resigned here.Lee Sedol won the game 6 of the MLily Gu vs Lee Jubango and the score was now 4-2 in Lee's favor.This game was very important for Gu, as an opportunity to even the score, but he lost the game and the series will become more difficult for him from this point forward.Gu was already under a great deal of pressure, because most of media and observers are rooting for him in China. Because of that, I think Gu couldn't concentrate fully, and he wasn't in the best form. He got a very good chance to catch on the left side, but he stumbled.On the other hand, this win would have been a big relief for Lee. He was also in bad form, and had lost four consecutive official games to Gu before this game. However, he managed to win this game, and the remaining games will be less stressful for him now.Also, it was a very meaningful victory for Lee. He missed an easy way to finish the game and gave Gu some very good chances, but Gu didn't find a way to reverse the game. Many observers who were watching the game live, including me, would have expected Lee to panic when the game was about to be reversed, but he maintained his cool and answered accurately against Gu's tricky probing moves. It was very impressive, and missing a very good chance has likely damaged Gu psychologically.Gu started the game with another nice opening, but the hane underneath at A was an overplay, and he lost the points that he'd gained in the early opening.The cut at B came a bit too early, and the result up to C was better for White. Cutting at D was questionable, and it gave Black a chance to catch up. However, E was a mistake, and White took a solid lead up to F.White G was too much, and jumping at H was a mistake, so Black seized a very nice chance to reverse the game.Black's push at I was excellent, and the game was nearly reversed. However, the hane at J was a big mistake and it became the losing move.This game was so complicated, and there are still more complicated variations, under the surface, which we haven't in discussed.I hope you can feel the depth of these great players' profound reading with this commentary. This commentary shows only a small part of their strategies and plans, but I hope it gives you a taste of their genius and that you'll still feel satisfied.If you have any questions or opinions, please feel free to leave a comment.Thanks,Commented by Younggil An 8p http://gogameguru.com/];B[li];W[jf];B[lh];W[mj];B[hh];W[ji];B[lk];W[qm];B[jn];W[mi]LB[jf:80][hh:83][lh:81][ji:84][li:79][mi:88][mj:82][lk:85][qm:86][jn:87]C[If Black keeps playing, White can capture Black's center group up to White 88, so Gu resigned at move of 178.])(;W[li];B[hh]LB[hh:2][ih:A][li:1]C[White shouldn't answer at White 1, because Black can cut at Black 2 to capture White A.]))(;B[jh];W[hh];B[ji];W[hi]LB[ea:F][eb:D][fb:E][ie:B][ke:C][jf:A][hh:2][jh:1][hi:4][ji:3]TR[ig][jg][kg][lg]C[Connecting at Black 1 and Black 3 doesn't work. White can connect at White 4 and the game is over.If black plays A to C, White will cut at D to F to capture Black's top group.])(;B[jf];W[ie];B[ke];W[eb];B[fb];W[ea]LB[ea:6][eb:4][fb:5][ie:2][ke:3][jf:1]C[If Black captures White's two stones with Black 1 and Black 3, cutting at White 4 is a nice move to finish the game.]))(;B[hi];W[gc];B[fd];W[ie](;B[le];W[eb];B[fb];W[ea]LB[ea:8][eb:6][fb:7][gc:2][fd:3][ie:4][le:5][hi:1]C[If Black takes the center stones with Black 1, White can fill Black's liberties with White 2 and White 4 to win the capturing race.])(;B[fb];W[ea];B[ha];W[ia];B[ib];W[kb];B[ja];W[ka];B[ia];W[eb]LB[ea:6][ha:7][ia:8][ja:11][ka:12][eb:13][fb:5][ib:9][kb:10][gc:2][fd:3][ie:4][hi:1]C[There's no way to save this Black group anymore. Even if Black connects at Black 5, White can still capture up to White 13.]))(;B[gc];W[ih];B[jh];W[hh];B[hi];W[ji]LB[gc:1][hh:4][ih:2][jh:3][hi:5][ji:6]C[If Black looks after his weakness at Black 1, White can wedge at White 2.It's quite clear that Black 1 and White 2 are miai for White.]))(;B[ee];W[ej];B[hi];W[fd];B[hh];W[ff];B[fh];W[ei];B[gc];W[kb];B[lb];W[ie];B[ci];W[ch];B[bl];W[cm];B[bm];W[di];B[ea];W[pq]LB[ea:19][kb:10][lb:11][gc:9][fd:4][ee:1][ie:12][ff:6][ch:14][fh:7][hh:5][ci:13][di:18][ei:8][hi:3][ej:2][bl:15][bm:17][cm:16][pq:20]C[Black can still squeeze, we saw in the previous variation. However, it's not good enough for Black to win the game.]))(;B[ee];W[ej];B[hi];W[fd];B[gc];W[kb];B[lb];W[ie](;B[fh];W[ff];B[hh];W[ei];B[ci];W[ch];B[bl];W[cm];B[bm];W[di];B[ea];W[pq]LB[ea:19][kb:6][lb:7][gc:5][fd:4][ee:1][ie:8][ff:10][ch:14][fh:9][hh:11][ci:13][di:18][ei:12][hi:3][ej:2][bl:15][bm:17][cm:16][pq:20]TR[bj][bk]C[Black can squeeze White's stones after cutting at Black 13, and he can save the two stones on the left side in sente up to White 16. However, Black still has to spend one more move at Black 19, and White can take sente.White 20 is a big sente endgame move, and the game is still good for White. It's not easy for Black to catch up, because there aren't many places left in the endgame.])(;B[lg];W[mg];B[mf];W[le]LB[kb:6][lb:7][gc:5][fd:4][ee:1][ie:8][le:12][mf:11][lg:9][mg:10][hi:3][ej:2]C[Even if Black cuts White's top group with Black 9 and Black 11, White can make two eyes to live on the inside at White 12.])))(;W[ch];B[lg];W[mg];B[hi];W[mf];B[fd];W[di];B[ha];W[pq];B[qq];W[pr];B[qr];W[bn]LB[ha:8][fd:6][mf:5][lg:2][mg:3][ch:1][di:7][hi:4][bn:13][pq:9][qq:10][pr:11][qr:12]C[Responding at White 1 is also possible. The game up to White 13 is still better for White.This is more or less the same as the previous variation.])(;W[ci];B[lg];W[mg];B[hi]LB[mf:B][lg:2][mg:3][ci:1][hi:4][ej:A]TR[dd][de][df][dg][dh]C[Answering at White 1 is wrong. Black can play at Black 2 and Black 4, and A and B are miai next. As you can see, Black's marked stones has one more liberty now.];W[mf];B[ej];W[ei];B[di](;W[ed];B[ee];W[fd];B[hh]LB[ed:9][fd:11][ee:10][mf:5][hh:12][di:8][ei:7][ej:6]C[If White connects at White 5, Black can push through and cut with Black 6 and Black 8.If White cuts at White 9, Black can win the capturing race up to Black 12.])(;W[fd];B[gc];W[ed];B[fh];W[cg];B[ff]LB[gc:10][ed:11][fd:9][ff:14][mf:5][cg:13][fh:12][di:8][ei:7][ej:6]C[Even if White plays at White 9 first, Black can still fill White's liberties from the outside and capture Black's stones up to Black 14.])))(;B[lg];W[mg];B[hi];W[mf];B[dh];W[ch];B[fd];W[di];B[ha];W[pq];B[qq];W[pr];B[qr];W[bn]LB[ha:9][fd:7][mf:4][lg:1][mg:2][ch:6][dh:5][di:8][hi:3][bn:14][pq:10][qq:11][pr:12][qr:13]C[This variation would be one of the best options for Black, but White can still maintain his lead up to White 14.Gu didn't play like this, because he knew that it wasn't good enough for Black.]))(;W[kb];B[cf]LB[ha:A][kb:1][cf:2]C[Cutting at White 1 is a nice tesuji to prevent Black from connecting under at A, but it's careless.Black can come back at Black 2, and the game will still be complicated.]))(;B[cf];W[bf];B[bg];W[af];B[ch];W[fh](;B[ci];W[ed]LB[ba:A][ab:B][gb:C][ed:8][af:4][bf:2][cf:1][bg:3][ch:5][fh:6][ai:D][ci:7]C[If Black still plays Black 1 to Black 5, White won't connect at 7, and will cut at White 6 instead.You can see that the exchange of Black A for White B is very bad for Black. If not for that exchange, Black could start a ko by attaching at B instead - as we saw earlier.C and D are miai for White next, and the game is still good for White.])(;B[fd];W[ci];B[gb];W[hb];B[ga];W[kb];B[ea];W[lb]LB[ea:13][ga:11][ha:A][gb:9][hb:10][kb:12][lb:14][fd:7][af:4][bf:2][cf:1][bg:3][ch:5][fh:6][ci:8]C[If Black connects at Black 7, White can also connect at White 8. Even though Black can live on the inside up to Black 13, his loss at the top is quite big after White plays White 12 and White 14.If Black answers at 14, White can capture the top group, because White 12 prevents Black from connecting under at A.])(;B[kg];W[lf];B[lg];W[mg];B[mf];W[ih]LB[af:4][bf:2][cf:1][lf:8][mf:11][bg:3][kg:7][lg:9][mg:10][ch:5][fh:6][ih:12][hi:A]C[Cutting with Black 7 to Black 11 doesn't work anymore, because White can wedge at White 12.That's why Black needs to have a stone at A first, to make it work.])))(;W[bc];B[cf]LB[bc:1][cf:2]C[If White just connects at White 1, Black will be happy to block at Black 2, and it's even better than the variations we looked at earlier. However, Lee found a better response in the game.]))(;B[cf](;W[bf];B[bg];W[af];B[ch](;W[ci];B[gb];W[hb];B[kg];W[kb];B[lb];W[lf];B[lg](;W[mf];B[mg];W[nf];B[mi];W[nj];B[mj]LB[gb:7][hb:8][kb:10][lb:11][af:4][bf:2][cf:1][lf:12][mf:14][nf:16][bg:3][kg:9][lg:13][mg:15][ch:5][ci:6][mi:17][mj:19][nj:18]TR[mk][ml][nl][ol][pl][mm][pm]C[Black should have blocked at Black 1. Pushing at Black 9 is a very important move during in this sequence and there will be a big trade up to Black 19.As you can see, Black's top left group is completely captured. However, White's center group is also captured, and that's even bigger, because Black has also saved his marked stones in the process.];W[gp];B[hi];W[fh];B[ej];W[ei];B[ag];W[bd];B[dh];W[di];B[bl];W[cm];B[bn];W[bm];B[am];W[aj];B[al];W[ed];B[jo]LB[bd:26][ed:36][ag:25][dh:27][fh:22][di:28][ei:24][hi:21][aj:34][ej:23][al:35][bl:29][am:33][bm:32][cm:30][bn:31][jo:37][gp:20]TR[ro][qp][oq]C[Black 29 is a nice sente endgame move for Black, and we can expect the continuation up to Black 37.During this sequence, White 22 and White 36 were necessary responses. The game is very close now, but Black is ahead by a small margin.However, if there's a special move for White to attack the lower right corner more efficiently than we saw before, White can reverse the game again. It seems very difficult to capture those stones in the corner though.Therefore, we can say the game is quite even at this stage.])(;W[mg];B[eh];W[ej];B[hi];W[fh];B[ie];W[jf];B[gc];W[mf];B[dg];W[bh];B[ag];W[ad];B[ba];W[ab];B[ee];W[ff];B[ga](;W[ia];B[ea]LB[ba:27][ea:33][ga:31][ia:32][ab:28][gb:7][hb:8][kb:10][lb:11][gc:21][ad:26][ee:29][ie:19][af:4][bf:2][cf:1][ff:30][jf:20][lf:12][mf:22][ag:25][bg:3][dg:23][kg:9][lg:13][mg:14][bh:24][ch:5][eh:15][fh:18][ci:6][hi:17][ej:16]TR[ig][jg]C[If White cuts at White 14 (instead of playing at White 22), Black can hane at Black 15 to defend the four stones in the center in sente.Black 19 and Black 21 are good continuation, and connecting at White 22 is necessary.Black 23 is another good move to save Black's left side stones and, eventually, Black can save all of his stones up to Black 33.This result is very good for Black, and the game has been reversed.])(;W[ca];B[ea];W[fb];B[ha];W[ia];B[ja]LB[ba:27][ca:32][ea:33][ga:31][ha:35][ia:36][ja:37][ab:28][fb:34][gb:7][hb:8][ib:A][kb:10][lb:11][gc:21][ad:26][ee:29][ie:19][af:4][bf:2][cf:1][ff:30][jf:20][lf:12][mf:22][ag:25][bg:3][dg:23][kg:9][lg:13][mg:14][bh:24][ch:5][eh:15][fh:18][ci:6][hi:17][ej:16]C[If White tries to capture the Black group with White 32 and White 34, Black can connect under with Black 35 and Black 37.Because of his shortage of liberties, White can't connect at A.])))(;W[fh];B[ci];W[ed];B[ab](;W[ac];B[ad];W[aa];B[be];W[bc];B[ag]LB[aa:12][ab:9][db:B][ac:10][bc:14][dc:A][ad:11][ed:8][be:13][af:4][bf:2][cf:1][ag:15][bg:3][ch:5][fh:6][ci:7]C[Attaching at Black 9 is a nice tesuji, and White can't avoid a ko.If White ataris at White 10, Black can jump attach at Black 11 and capture White's two stones up to Black 15.It's still a ko between the groups A and B, but it's a picnic ko for Black.])(;W[ba];B[ad];W[bd];B[ag];W[be];B[bc];W[ac];B[ej](;W[di];B[ei];W[eh];B[hi];W[dh];B[bc]LB[ba:10][ab:9][ac:16][bc:15][ad:11][bd:12][ed:8][be:14][af:4][bf:2][cf:1][ag:13][bg:3][ch:5][dh:22][eh:20][fh:6][ci:7][di:18][ei:19][hi:21][ej:17]C[If White descends at White 10, jumping at Black 11 is another nice tesuji.There will be a big ko up to Black 15, and Black has a nice ko threat at Black 17. Black 17 and Black 19 also eliminate White's potential ko threat in the center.After Black 23, White doesn't have any ko threats that are big enough.(Black 23 at Black 15)])(;W[ae];B[eh];W[ff];B[ei]LB[ba:10][ab:9][ac:16][bc:15][ad:11][bd:12][ed:8][ae:18][be:14][af:4][bf:2][cf:1][ff:20][ag:13][bg:3][ch:5][eh:19][fh:6][ci:7][ei:21][ej:17]C[If White doesn't answer Black 17, Black can squeeze White's three stones with Black 19 and Black 21. White's center group is in big trouble.]))))(;W[ca];B[ea](;W[ac];B[ch];W[ci];B[fh];W[eh];B[be];W[bd];B[ae];W[ad];B[bg]LB[ca:2][ea:3][ac:4][ad:12][bd:10][ed:A][ae:11][be:9][ee:B][cf:1][bg:13][ch:5][eh:8][fh:7][ci:6]C[If White lives in the corner with White 2 and White 4, Black can exchange Black 5 and Black 7 in sente. After that, Black can make an eye on the left side up to Black 13, and the game will be reversed.Black doesn't need to worry about being cut at A, because he can atari at B.])(;W[bf];B[bg];W[af];B[ch];W[ci];B[gb];W[hb];B[kg];W[lf];B[lg];W[mg];B[eh];W[ej];B[hi];W[fh];B[mf]LB[ca:2][ea:3][gb:9][hb:10][af:6][bf:4][cf:1][lf:12][mf:19][bg:5][kg:11][lg:13][mg:14][ch:7][eh:15][fh:18][ci:8][hi:17][ej:16]TR[hc][ic][jc][id][kd][je][if][kf]C[The hane at White 2 doesn't help in this fight. Pushing at Black 11 and Black 13 is still good, and there's no special move for White to manage this situation.If White cuts at White 14, Black can cut White's top group off with Black 19, after exchanging Black 15 to White 18.There's no way for White's top group to live on the inside, and the capturing race favors Black too.]))))(;W[fd](;B[gc];W[df];B[ef];W[ed];B[ee];W[eg]LB[gc:2][ed:5][fd:1][ee:6][df:3][ef:4][eg:7]TR[fe][ge][gf][gg][hg]C[White can also think about playing at White 1. If Black just answers at Black 2, White can save his marked stones with the hane at White 3. Even if Black resists with Black 4, White can still capture them up to White 7.])(;B[cf];W[gc];B[be];W[bd];B[ad];W[bc];B[bg];W[ed];B[df];W[ba];B[ch];W[bn];B[cm];W[bm];B[ci];W[bl];B[nr]LB[ba:11][bc:7][gc:3][ad:6][bd:5][ed:9][fd:1][be:4][cf:2][df:10][bg:8][ch:12][ci:16][bl:17][bm:15][cm:14][bn:13][nr:18]C[However, Black will hane at Black 2 instead. Black can destroy White's left side territory in sente up to White 17, and Black can come back to defend the lower right corner at Black 18.This variation is very successful for Black, and the game becomes even again.]))(;W[df];B[ef](;W[fd];B[dg](;W[gc];B[cf]LB[gc:5][fd:3][cf:6][df:1][ef:2][dg:4]C[The hane at White 1 is also conceivable, but it doesn't work well. Black's atari at Black 4 is nice, and White 5 and Black 6 are miai for Black.])(;W[cf];B[gc]LB[gc:6][fd:3][cf:5][df:1][ef:2][dg:4]TR[fe][ge][gf][gg][hg]C[If White connects at White 5, Black can connect at Black 6 to capture White's six stones in the center.]))(;W[ee];B[ed];W[eg];B[cf];W[dg];B[be](;W[bc];B[bf];W[ca];B[eb];W[bg];B[ab](;W[ac];B[da];W[cg];B[ad];W[aa];B[ba]LB[aa:19][ba:20][ca:11][da:16][ab:14][eb:12][gb:A][ac:15][bc:9][ad:18][ed:4][be:8][ee:3][bf:10][cf:6][df:1][ef:2][bg:13][cg:17][dg:7][eg:5]C[If White plays at White 3 and White 5, Black can counter with Black 6 and Black 8. Even if White resists with White 9, Black can create a ko, and it's a very good result for Black.Even if White can win the ko in the corner, Black can still save his group with A later, and that's troublesome for White.])(;W[ad];B[bd];W[ac];B[da];W[cg];B[ba]LB[ba:20][ca:11][da:18][ab:14][eb:12][ac:17][bc:9][ad:15][bd:16][ed:4][be:8][ee:3][bf:10][cf:6][df:1][ef:2][bg:13][cg:19][dg:7][eg:5][hh:A]C[The kosumi at White 15 seems to be a nice move for avoiding the ko, but Black can still make a ko with Black 16.The result up to Black 20 is very successful for Black, and Black has two local ko threats, starting with A.]))(;W[bf];B[bc];W[cg];B[bd];W[cf];B[ba]LB[ba:13][bc:10][bd:12][ed:4][be:8][ee:3][bf:9][cf:6][df:1][ef:2][cg:11][dg:7][eg:5]C[If White cuts at White 9, Black can simply squeeze and live in the corner up to Black 13. The game will be reversed, because White's loss in the corner is too big and White didn't get any compensation.]))(;W[ed];B[ee];W[eg];B[fd];W[fh];B[hh]LB[ed:3][fd:6][ee:4][df:1][ef:2][eg:5][fh:7][hh:8]TR[fe][ge][gf][gg][hg]C[Cutting at White 3 first looks nice, but it doesn't work either. Black can capture White's five stones in snapback with Black 8.])))(;B[ee];W[fd];B[gc];W[ed]LB[gc:3][ed:4][fd:2][ee:1]TR[fe][ge][gf][gg][hg]C[If Black attaches at Black 1, White will manage to save his five stones with White 2 and White 4.])(;B[ef];W[fd]LB[gc:B][fd:2][de:A][ef:1]C[If Black plays the kosumi at Black 1, White can still pinch at White 2.A and B are miai for White next.]))(;W[gf];B[mg];W[mi];B[ie];W[jf];B[kf];W[fb];B[eb];W[gb];B[ib]LB[eb:8][fb:7][gb:9][ib:10][ie:4][gf:1][jf:5][kf:6][mg:2][mi:3]C[If White connects at White 1, to remove bad aji, Black can attack White's group with Black 4 and Black 6.White's top group will be captured up to Black 10.]))(;W[fg];B[kf];W[jf];B[jg](;W[kg];B[ke];W[ig];B[jh];W[hg];B[if];W[fb];B[eb];W[gb];B[ib]LB[eb:12][fb:11][gb:13][ib:14][ke:6][if:10][jf:3][kf:2][fg:1][hg:9][ig:7][jg:4][kg:5][jh:8]C[If White retreats at White 1, Black can attack White's group with Black 2 and Black 4.White doesn't have enough liberties to win the capturing race and Black will capture White's group up to Black 14.])(;W[ig];B[jh];W[hg];B[if](;W[fb];B[eb];W[gb];B[ib]LB[eb:10][fb:9][gb:11][ib:12][if:8][jf:3][kf:2][fg:1][hg:7][ig:5][jg:4][jh:6]C[Playing the hane at White 5 first is better for White, but Black can still win the capturing race by one liberty up to Black 12.])(;W[ib];B[gb];W[kb];B[lb];W[ja];B[mg];W[mi];B[ha];W[hb];B[gc];W[ke];B[ie];W[md];B[nb]LB[ha:16][ja:13][gb:10][hb:17][ib:9][kb:11][lb:12][nb:22][gc:18][md:21][ie:20][ke:19][if:8][jf:3][kf:2][fg:1][hg:7][ig:5][jg:4][mg:14][jh:6][mi:15]C[White can also think about blocking at White 9, but the kosumi at Black 10 is the vital point for both players. The continuation is quite difficult to follow.Jumping at Black 22 is nice, because it saves Black's three stones at the top, and White's whole group is in danger.Therefore, Lee couldn't play at White 1 in the game.]))))(;W[gh];B[hi];W[gg](;B[ig];W[lf]LB[lf:5][gg:3][ig:4][gh:1][hi:2]TR[hc][ic][jc][id][kd][je]C[White should have exchanged White 1 for Black 2 first. White can easily connect his weak group with White 5, and the game is still good enough for White. Black's winning by a small margin on the board, but it's not enough to pay the komi.])(;B[kf];W[jf];B[jg];W[ig];B[jh];W[ih];B[if];W[kg];B[ji];W[lf]LB[ib:A][if:10][jf:5][kf:4][lf:13][gg:3][ig:7][jg:6][kg:11][gh:1][ih:9][jh:8][kh:B][hi:2][ji:12]C[If Black attacks White's top group with Black 4, White can fight back with White 7 and White 11.White will be happy to save his group up to White 13, and A and B are miai for White next.];B[kh];W[lg];B[li];W[kb];B[lb];W[gp];B[jo];W[pq];B[qq];W[pr];B[qr];W[bn]LB[kb:17][lb:18][lg:15][kh:14][li:16][bn:25][jo:20][gp:19][pq:21][qq:22][pr:23][qr:24]TR[cb][db][ec][fc][dd][gd][hd][he][hf]SQ[ki][kj][kk][il][kl][ll][im][jm][lm][kn]C[If Black cuts in the center with Black 14 and Black 16, White can capture Black's top group in sente with the exchange of White 17 and Black 18. Black can capture White's center stones and revive his right side group, but the overall trade is good for White. White's still leading by a significant margin up to White 25.])))(;W[je];B[fe]LB[fe:2][je:1]C[The atari at White 1 is wrong. Black can easily jump out at Black 2, and it's hard for White to attack this group. In addition, it's difficult for White to keep his left side territory now.]))(;B[jc];W[fd](;B[gd];W[ed];B[gc];W[ge];B[he];W[gh];B[hi];W[gf]LB[gc:5][jc:1][ed:4][fd:2][gd:3][ge:6][he:7][gf:10][gh:8][hi:9]C[If Black just answers at Black 1, White can still attach at White 2 to simplify the game up to White 10.That's why Gu didn't answer, and resisted in the actual game.])(;B[ed];W[ec];B[gd];W[fe];B[gc];W[ge];B[he];W[hd];B[hb];W[hf];B[ie];W[eb];B[gb];W[gh];B[hi];W[pq];B[qq];W[pr];B[qr];W[bn]LB[eb:14][gb:15][hb:11][ec:4][gc:7][jc:1][ed:3][fd:2][gd:5][hd:10][fe:6][ge:8][he:9][ie:13][hf:12][gh:16][hi:17][bn:22][pq:18][qq:19][pr:20][qr:21]C[The hane at Black 3 is even worse for Black.White can secure his left side territory in sente up to Black 17. White is far ahead in this variation.])))(;W[fd];B[gd];W[ed];B[gc];W[ge];B[he];W[gh];B[hi];W[gf]LB[gc:4][ed:3][fd:1][gd:2][ge:5][he:6][gf:9][gh:7][hi:8]C[The easiest approach for White is to play White 1 to White 9.White's slightly ahead because Black can't pay for komi, and there aren't many places left for Black to catch up.]))(;W[gj];B[ki];W[li];B[jj];W[kh];B[ji];W[jo];B[jn];W[ko];B[km];W[jm];B[mi]LB[kh:5][ji:6][ki:2][li:3][mi:12][gj:1][jj:4][jm:11][km:10][jn:8][jo:7][ko:9][gp:A]TR[hj][gk][hk][el][fl][gl]C[Saving the marked stones with White 1 is greedy. Black 2 and Black 4 are good moves which fill White's liberties, and Black can reverse the game up to Black 12.White can still save his center group by playing at A, but his loss in the center is already substantial.]))(;W[hi];B[ji];W[gp];B[ei](;W[ej];B[fj];W[fh];B[gh]LB[fh:7][gh:8][ei:4][hi:1][ji:2][ej:5][fj:6][gp:3]TR[hj][gk][hk][el][fl][gl]C[Pushing at White 1 looks like a strong move, but it's an overplay. Black can reinforce his weakness in the center, and he can counter with Black 4 to Black 8.White's center stones are heavy and isolated.])(;W[fh];B[ej]LB[fh:5][ei:4][gi:A][hi:1][ji:2][ej:6][gp:3]TR[bj][bk]C[If White extends at White 5, Black can connect at Black 6, and the game will become complicated. Black can move A out later, and he can also try to connect the two stones on the left side.Above all, White's left side territory will probably be damaged or destroyed, so it's a very risky way for White to play.])))(;B[in];W[kk];B[ii];W[kj](;B[ji](;W[mj];B[mi];W[nj](;B[li];W[lk]LB[ii:3][ji:5][li:9][mi:7][kj:4][mj:6][nj:8][kk:2][lk:10][in:1]TR[mk][ml][nl][ol][pl][mm][pm]C[The hane at Black 1 doesn't work well.White 6 is a nice tesuji, and Black can't save his seven stones on the right up to White 10.])(;B[lk];W[ki];B[li];W[kh];B[mg];W[jg]LB[jg:14][mg:13][kh:12][ii:3][ji:5][ki:10][li:11][mi:7][kj:4][mj:6][nj:8][kk:2][lk:9][in:1]TR[mk][ml][nl][ol][pl][mm][pm]C[If Black tries to save the marked stones with Black 9, White can move out to White 14, and Black's center stones are in deep trouble.]))(;W[ki];B[kh](;W[li];B[mi];W[lh];B[mg];W[kg];B[ig]LB[ig:13][kg:12][mg:11][kh:7][lh:10][ii:3][ji:5][ki:6][li:8][mi:9][hj:B][kj:4][mj:A][kk:2][in:1]C[It looks like Gu misread this. He might have thought that White would move out with White 6 and White 8, and this fight is playable for Black up to Black 13.However, as we've seen, White can pinch at A instead of playing White 6. Once Gu found that move (probably after White 112 at B), it was already a bit too late.])(;W[mj];B[li];W[lk];B[jj]LB[kh:7][ii:3][ji:5][ki:6][li:9][jj:11][kj:4][mj:8][kk:2][lk:10][in:1]C[White can't pinch at White 8 anymore after playing White 6. That's because White filled his own liberties with White 6 and now he'll lose the capturing race up to Black 11.])))(;B[ij];W[ki];B[gi];W[lh]LB[lh:8][gi:7][ii:3][ki:6][fj:A][gj:B][ij:5][kj:4][kk:2][in:1]C[Black can consider connecting at Black 5.The result will be a trade up to White 8, and this is quite similar to the actual game. However, the actual game is slightly better for Black than this variation, because stones were also exchanged at A and B.]))(;B[ii];W[gp];B[in];W[jn]LB[ii:1][ji:A][kk:B][in:3][jn:4][gp:2]C[If Black just answers at Black 1, A or B, White can connect his center stones with White 2. That Black group from the left side becomes in danger up to White 4.]))(;W[hi];B[in];W[jo];B[gp];W[kk];B[kj];W[jj];B[ij];W[ji];B[jn]LB[hi:1][ji:9][ij:8][jj:7][kj:6][kk:5][in:2][jn:10][jo:3][gp:4]C[Jumping at White 1 makes good shape, but it doesn't work well in this situation.Black 2 and Black 4 are a nice combination, and White's center stones are all captured up to Black 10.]))(;B[hn](;W[im];B[hl](;W[in];B[gp];W[go];B[fp];W[ho];B[fn];W[gq];B[hq];W[hp];B[jo];W[dm];B[fo]LB[hl:3][cm:B][dm:14][im:2][fn:9][hn:1][in:4][fo:15][go:6][ho:8][io:A][jo:13][fp:7][gp:5][hp:12][gq:10][hq:11]C[Black should have played at Black 1. If White tries to resist at White 2 and White 4, Black can counter-attack with Black 5.As you can see, White will lose the capturing race up to Black 15. Therefore, White 2 and White 4 are overplays.])(;W[hj];B[ii](;W[gm];B[gn];W[fn];B[fo];W[en](;B[dm];W[go];B[ho];W[gp]LB[ii:5][hj:4][hl:3][dm:11][gm:6][im:2][en:10][fn:8][gn:7][hn:1][fo:9][go:12][ho:13][gp:14]C[White can also think about cutting with White 6 through to White 10.If Black connects at 11, which is a mistake, cutting at White 12 is an excellent move and this Black group will be captured.])(;B[gp];W[dm];B[eo]LB[ii:5][hj:4][hl:3][dm:12][gm:6][im:2][en:10][fn:8][gn:7][hn:1][eo:13][fo:9][gp:11]TR[il][kl][ll][jm][lm][kn][ip][jp][iq]SQ[dk][ek][fk][dl][em][fm]C[Reinforcing at Black 11 is the right move, and the result up to Black 13 is quite successful for Black.The trade between White's center stones and Black's left side stones is better for Black.]))(;W[go](;B[ho];W[gp];B[jo];W[gm];B[gn];W[fn](;B[fo];W[en];B[dm];W[io]LB[ii:5][hj:4][hl:3][dm:15][gm:10][im:2][en:14][fn:12][gn:11][hn:1][fo:13][go:6][ho:7][io:16][jo:9][gp:8]C[The knight's move at White 6 is also conceivable. If Black just pushes at Black 7, White can cut with White 10 and White 12.The game will be over up to White 16.])(;B[hp];W[fo]LB[ii:5][hj:4][hl:3][gm:10][im:2][fn:12][gn:11][hn:1][fo:14][go:6][ho:7][jo:9][gp:8][hp:13]TR[dk][ek][fk][dl][em][fm][cn][do][ep]C[Black 13 can reduce the loss, but it's still not a fair trade. White's easily winning after capturing the marked stones.]))(;B[in];W[gm];B[gn];W[fn];B[fo];W[en];B[dm];W[jn]LB[ii:5][hj:4][hl:3][dm:13][gm:8][im:2][en:12][fn:10][gn:9][hn:1][in:7][jn:14][fo:11][go:6]C[Turning at Black 7 doesn't work for Black either. White can still cut with White 8 and White 10, and the result up to White 14 is similar to the previous variation.])(;B[gp];W[gq];B[ho](;W[in];B[fp];W[hq];B[dm]LB[ii:5][hj:4][hl:3][dm:13][im:2][hn:1][in:10][go:6][ho:9][fp:11][gp:7][gq:8][hq:12]C[Attaching at Black 7 is a nice tesuji to manage this situation. Black's happy to live comfortably up to Black 13.])(;W[fp];B[jo];W[gm];B[gn];W[fn];B[fo];W[en];B[eo];W[dm];B[he]LB[he:19][ii:5][hj:4][hl:3][dm:18][gm:12][im:2][en:16][fn:14][gn:13][hn:1][eo:17][fo:15][go:6][ho:9][jo:11][fp:10][gp:7][gq:8]TR[il][kl][ll][jm][lm][kn]SQ[dk][ek][fk][dl][em][fm]C[If White ataris at White 10, the hane at Black 11 is the right response.White can still capture Black's six stones up to White 18, but he's already lost seven stones in the center. Furthermore, Black has sente to play at Black 19, the result is satisfactory for Black.]))))(;W[gp];B[in];W[jo];B[jn]LB[hl:3][im:2][hn:1][in:5][jn:7][jo:6][gp:4]C[Connecting calmly at White 4 is also possible. However, Black can capture White's three cutting stones with Black 5 and Black 7.])(;W[gm];B[gn];W[fn];B[gj]LB[ii:B][gj:7][hj:A][hl:3][gm:4][im:2][fn:6][gn:5][hn:1]TR[gk][hk][el][fl][gl]C[If White forgets to exchange A for B, Black can capture white's six stones in a ladder with Black 7.]))(;W[ho];B[go];W[gp];B[jo]LB[hn:1][go:3][ho:2][jo:5][gp:4]TR[kl][ll][jm][lm][kn]C[If White attaches at White 2, Black can cut White's center stones off with Black 3 and Black 5.])(;W[gm];B[gn];W[fn];B[fo];W[en];B[dm];W[im];B[gp]LB[hj:B][hl:A][dm:7][gm:2][im:8][en:6][fn:4][gn:3][hn:1][fo:5][gp:9]C[If White cuts immediately, with White 4, Black won't cut at A, but will reinforce his weakness at Black 9. White needs to connect at A, and this result is successful for Black.If Black cuts at A, White will play B, as we'll see in the actual game.])(;W[gp];B[jo];W[im];B[hl];W[hj];B[ii];W[in];B[io];W[ho];B[go];W[hp];B[ko];W[gm];B[gn];W[fo];B[fn];W[dm];B[en];W[cm];B[jn];W[he]LB[he:22][ii:7][hj:6][hl:5][cm:20][dm:18][gm:14][im:4][en:19][fn:17][gn:15][hn:1][in:8][jn:21][fo:16][go:11][ho:10][io:9][jo:3][ko:13][gp:2][hp:12]C[White 2 to White 10 is the correct sequence, and White can squeeze Black up to White 20 in sente. This is the best option for White, against Black's extension at Black 1, and the game is still better for White up to White 22.])))(;W[im];B[hl](;W[gl];B[hn]LB[gl:3][hl:2][im:1][hn:4][jo:A][gp:B]C[If White connects at White 1, Black will cut and extend with Black 2 and Black 4. Black 4 makes miai of A and B for Black.Actually, this variation is still good for White - you'll see similar variations two moves later in the actual game. However, this would be slightly better for Black than the actual game.])(;W[gp];B[gl];W[hi];B[ji];W[ie]LB[ie:7][hi:5][ji:6][gl:4][hl:2][im:1][mm:A][gp:3]C[White can also simplify the game with White 3 and White 5. The game is still good for White, because Black didn't gain anything after cutting at A.])))(;B[im];W[gm](;B[gl];W[hl];B[hm];W[gn]LB[gl:3][hl:4][gm:2][hm:5][im:1][gn:6]C[Cutting at Black 1 is also conceivable, but then White can resist with the hane at White 2.If Black continues with Black 3 and Black 5, he'll find himself in deep trouble after White 6.])(;B[gn];W[hm];B[hl];W[gl];B[hn];W[in];B[il];W[hi];B[io];W[jo];B[jn];W[fn](;B[in];W[fo]LB[hi:10][gl:6][hl:5][il:9][gm:2][hm:4][im:1][fn:14][gn:3][hn:7][in:8][jn:13][fo:15][io:11][jo:12]C[The hane at Black 3 is a better option for Black, but a big ko will be created up to White 12.The trade up to White 15 isn't fair for Black. White has a significant lead now.])(;B[fo];W[in];B[ho];W[en];B[dm];W[gp]LB[hi:10][gl:6][hl:5][il:9][dm:18][gm:2][hm:4][im:1][en:17][fn:14][gn:3][hn:7][in:8][jn:13][fo:15][ho:16][io:11][jo:12][gp:19]TR[ro][qp][oq]C[Black needs to answer at Black 15, but the ko is still a big burden for Black.White has a ko threat factory in the lower right corner, because he can threaten to capture Black's marked stones. Black is still in big trouble.]))))(;W[gl];B[dm];W[kn];B[kr];W[jm]LB[gl:1][dm:2][jm:5][kn:3][kr:4]C[White should have just connected at White 1. It's not very hard for Black to save this group on the left, but White can also attack Black's center group up to White 5.There's no good move for Black to counter attack, because White 1 can make his center stones stronger.]))(;W[hl];B[jm];W[fm];B[gj];W[hj];B[gi]LB[gi:6][gj:4][hj:5][hl:1][fm:3][jm:2]TR[kl][ll][lm]C[If White connects at White 1, Black will capture White's three stones in the center with Black 2.Even if White tries to attack Black's group severely, with White 3, Black can still move out up to Black 6. It's not easy to capture the whole Black group.])(;W[kn];B[kr];W[jm];B[hl];W[im];B[hj];W[gk];B[gj];W[gl];B[gm];W[hm];B[fm];W[hl];B[fj]LB[fj:13][gj:8][hj:6][gk:7][gl:9][hl:4][fm:12][gm:10][hm:11][im:5][jm:3][kn:1][kr:2]TR[kl][ll][lm]C[Saving the three stones with White 1 and White 3 is what Black wants at this point. Black can squeeze White's center stones from Black 4 to Black 12 in sente.Black will be very happy with the result through to Black 13.]))(;B[hj];W[gj];B[gk];W[hl];B[gl];W[ij];B[hi];W[ii];B[hh];W[kk];B[jj];W[kj];B[ji];W[ki]LB[hh:9][hi:7][ii:8][ji:13][ki:14][gj:2][hj:1][ij:6][jj:11][kj:12][gk:3][kk:10][gl:5][hl:4]TR[lj][mk][ml][nl][ol][pl][mm][pm]C[The hane at Black 1 doesn't work well. White can break through into the center after exchanging White 6 and White 8.Black can't stop White after White 14 and Black's marked stones are practically captured.]))(;B[jl];W[kn];B[kr];W[jm]LB[jl:1][jm:4][kn:2][kr:3]C[Pushing at Black 1 is careless. Black needs to remember that cutting at White 2 is always sente.])(;B[gj];W[ik];B[ij];W[jj];B[ii]LB[jh:B][ii:5][ji:A][gj:1][ij:3][jj:4][ik:2]C[Moving out with the kosumi at Black 1 is gentle and flexible. If White pushes through and cuts with White 2 and White 4, Black can simply extend at Black 5.If White pushes at A next Black can hane at B, so it won't be hard for Black to manage his center area.]))(;W[or];B[pr];W[pq];B[qq]LB[pq:3][qq:4][or:1][pr:2]C[If White hanes at White 1, to attack the corner, Black can live up to Black 4.])(;W[qr];B[or];W[pp];B[qq];W[pq];B[rr];W[pr];B[rs]LB[pp:3][pq:5][qq:4][or:2][pr:7][qr:1][rr:6][rs:8]C[Invading at White 1 is also possible. Black 2 and Black 4 are flexible moves, and Black can still live in the corner up to Black 8. This could be a good sente endgame sequence for White later, but it's too early to settle the position now because there are other possibilities too.])(;W[nr];B[or];W[qr];B[qq]LB[qq:4][nr:1][or:2][qr:3]C[White can't kill this group with White 1 and White 3.])(;W[pq];B[qq];W[pr];B[qr]LB[pq:1][qq:2][pr:3][qr:4]C[Attaching at White 1 doesn't work either. Black can live in the corner up to Black 4.]))(;B[or];W[jj]LB[jj:2][or:1]C[Looking after the corner stones with Black 1 is slack. White will be happy to take the initiative in the center.]))(;B[jk];W[rh];B[qh];W[qg];B[rf];W[ri]LB[rf:5][qg:4][qh:3][rh:2][ri:6][qj:A][rj:B][jk:1][qk:C]TR[pi][qi]C[If Black doesn't exchange A for B, White can attach at White 2 and capture Black's marked stones up to White 6.If Black peeps at A now, White will connect at B instead of C.]))(;W[nl];B[nm](;W[pm];B[ql];W[qk];B[on](;W[oo];B[rm]LB[qk:5][rk:A][nl:1][ql:4][nm:2][pm:3][rm:8][on:6][rn:B][oo:7]C[Cutting at White 1 is an overplay.Black 6 and Black 8 are a nice combination, and A and B are miai for Black next.];W[rl];B[qm];W[pn];B[rk]LB[rk:12][rl:9][qm:10][pn:11]C[The atari at White 9 doesn't work. White is in deep trouble up to Black 12.])(;W[rl];B[oo]LB[qk:5][nl:1][ql:4][rl:7][nm:2][pm:3][on:6][oo:8]TR[mn][nn][no][mp][np][nq]C[Playing atari at White 7 is the proper move now, but Black's very happy to capture White's six stones.These marked stones are very important, so White can't easily sacrifice them.]))(;W[ql];B[on];W[pm];B[oo]LB[nl:1][ql:3][nm:2][pm:5][on:4][oo:6]TR[mn][nn][no][mp][np][nq]C[If White ataris at White 3, Black can capture White's six stones up to Black 6.White's marked stones are big and important, so sacrificing them isn't a good idea.])))(;W[pl];B[oj];W[nj];B[ok]LB[nj:3][oj:2][ok:4][pl:1]TR[qf][ng][pg][nh][ph][ni]C[Responding at White 1 is wrong. Black can still cut white's marked stones with Black 2 and Black 4.]))(;W[jm];B[ol];W[pl];B[oj];W[nj];B[ok]LB[nj:5][oj:4][ok:6][ol:2][pl:3][jm:1]C[If White didn't take care of his right side group, Black can cut White in two up to Black 6.]))(;B[lk];W[kl];B[jl];W[kk]LB[kk:4][lk:1][jl:3][kl:2]C[Black shouldn't atari at Black 1 and Black 3, because this ladder doesn't work for Black.]))(;B[nn];W[mm];B[on];W[fm]LB[fm:4][mm:2][kn:A][nn:1][on:3][po:B]TR[no][mp][np][nq]C[If Black cuts White's four stones off with Black 1 and Black 3, White will resume his attack on Black's left side group with White 4.The atari at A is always sente for White, and there's bad aji at B later. This variation is good for White.])(;B[he]LB[he:1][mm:A]TR[dk][ek][fk][dl][em][cn][do][ep]C[Capping at Black 1 was more urgent.It's not easy to attack Black's left side group severely, and this would be better for Black than the actual game.If White answers Black 1, Black can still come back and cut at A later.]))(;W[dm];B[cm];W[dn];B[do];W[en];B[fn];W[fm];B[eo];W[em];B[gm]LB[cm:2][dm:1][em:9][fm:7][gm:10][dn:3][en:5][fn:6][do:4][eo:8][ep:A]C[Cutting at White 1 doesn't work anymore because of Black's attachment at A. Black 4 and Black 6 are nice continuation, and White's cutting stones are captured in a ladder up to Black 10.]))(;B[ci];W[ch];B[ek];W[fl];B[ck];W[dk];B[dm];W[di];B[bl];W[ie]LB[ie:10][ch:2][ci:1][di:8][ck:5][dk:6][ek:3][bl:9][fl:4][dm:7]C[Probing with the cut at Black 1 is a nice idea, but White can simplify the game up to Black 9.Pressing at White 10 is a very good continuation, and the game is better for White. It's getting more difficult for Black to invade in White's top left area.])(;B[fl];W[ek];B[fm]LB[ek:2][fl:1][fm:3]TR[bj][bk]C[The atari and connection, at Black 1 and Black 3, is also possible.If Gu thought the game still favored Black, he probably would have played like this. However, he didn't choose this variation, because the game wasn't good for him anymore.])(;B[ek];W[fl];B[dk];W[ck];B[cm];W[bl];B[fk]LB[ck:4][dk:3][ek:1][fk:7][bl:6][fl:2][cm:5][ep:A][eq:B]C[If Black doesn't exchange A for B, he needs to exchange Black 5 for White 6 (to protect the cuttin point) instead. However, Gu didn't want to make that exchange, so he chose to exchange A in the actual game.]))(;W[fl];B[dk];W[ej];B[fm];W[gm];B[fo]LB[ej:3][dk:2][fl:1][fm:4][gm:5][fo:6]C[Extending at White 1 is normal, but it's not good enough in this situation.It's easy for Black to settle his group up to Black 6, and White doesn't gain any points from the attack.]))(;W[kn];B[kr];W[mm];B[fl]LB[fl:4][mm:3][kn:1][kr:2]C[Reinforcing White's weaknesses with White 1 and White 3 is slack in this situation.Black's happy to take care of his weak group with Black 4.])(;W[fk];B[fl];W[gl];B[fm];W[gk];B[he]LB[he:6][fk:1][gk:5][fl:2][gl:3][fm:4]C[Knight's move is normally a nice style of attacking, but not in this game. Black can take sente to cap at Black 6. It's hard to attack Black's left side group, and the game is comfortable for Black.]))(;W[nr];B[lr](;W[qr];B[qm]LB[qm:4][lr:2][nr:1][qr:3]C[Blocking at White 1 still isn't very good, because it's hard to attack Black's group after Black 4.])(;W[qn];B[or]LB[qn:3][lr:2][nr:1][or:4]C[If White attacks with White 3, Black can easily live in the corner with Black 4.])))(;W[nr];B[lr];W[no];B[fl]LB[fl:4][qm:A][no:3][lr:2][nr:1][or:B]TR[qp][oq]C[Blocking first at White 1 is wrong. Black will be happy to reinforce his left side group with Black 4.Black's two stones in the lower right corner are still fine, because A and B are miai for him next.]))(;B[mq];W[lo]LB[lo:2][mq:1]TR[kp][lp]C[Cutting at Black 1 doesn't work. because White can atari at White 2 and capture Black's two stones in a ladder.]))(;B[kq];W[hr];B[kn]LB[kn:3][kq:1][hr:2][ir:A]C[Black had another chance to simply the game by connecting at Black 1. The exchange of A for White 2 isn't that bad.However, it's embarrassing to retreat like this after playing the hane at A, and Gu might have felt ashamed, even though this is better than the actual game.]))(;W[hq];B[jo];W[ip];B[kq]LB[jo:2][ip:3][hq:1][kq:4]C[Extending at White 1 is too passive. As you can see, Black forces White to make bad shape with an empty triangle.]))(;B[ip];W[jo];B[hq];W[ir];B[hr];W[jr];B[kq];W[kr]LB[jo:2][hp:C][ip:1][hq:3][kq:7][lq:B][hr:5][ir:4][jr:6][kr:8][lr:A]C[Fighting with Black 1 and Black 3 doesn't work well. Black's in trouble after White pushes at White 8.If Black blocks at A next, White can cut at B, and it's difficult for Black to manage the situation. White still has the cut at C up his sleeve too.])(;B[kq];W[ip];B[kn]LB[kn:3][ip:2][kq:1]C[Black should have connected at Black 1. In that case, Black would still be able to maintain his lead up to Black 3.]))(;B[bi];W[bk];B[ck];W[cl]LB[bi:1][bk:2][ck:3][cl:4][jp:A]C[Extending to Black 1 doesn't work well anymore, because the ladder starting with White 4 favors White (White A was a ladder breaker).]))(;B[cl];W[kq]LB[cl:1][kq:2]C[If Black takes care of his left side group with Black 1, White will be happy to hane at White 2.Getting two moves in a row in this kind of situation is very big and valuable.]))(;W[cj];B[bi](;W[bk];B[ck];W[bl];B[dk];W[ek];B[cm];W[ao];B[cp](;W[cq];B[co];W[br];B[ej];W[ei];B[fj];W[di];B[fi];W[eg];B[fh];W[df];B[fo]LB[df:21][eg:19][fh:20][bi:2][di:17][ei:15][fi:18][cj:1][ej:14][fj:16][bk:3][ck:4][dk:6][ek:7][bl:5][cl:A][cm:8][ao:9][co:12][fo:22][cp:10][cq:11][br:13]C[If White plays White 1 and White 3, Black will cut at Black 4. Wedging at Black 10 is a nice tesuji, and Black can sacrifice his two stones on the left side up to White 21. Connecting at A is sente for Black, so his influence is quite powerful.After the trade up to Black 22, the game still favors Black.White's left side territory, including two corners, is worth around 50 points, but Black's top right area and lower right corner are also worth 50 points combined. Black has more potential in the center, so Black's still ahead.])(;W[co];B[am];W[bm];B[bn];W[an];B[bo];W[al];B[do]LB[bi:2][cj:1][bk:3][ck:4][dk:6][ek:7][al:17][bl:5][am:12][bm:13][cm:8][an:15][bn:14][ao:9][bo:16][co:11][do:18][cp:10]C[The atari at White 11 is an overplay. Black 12 and Black 14 are a nice combination, and White's in trouble up to Black 18.]))(;W[cl];B[bk];W[bl];B[ck];W[dk];B[dl];W[dm];B[el];W[cm];B[cg]LB[cg:12][bi:2][cj:1][bk:4][ck:6][dk:7][bl:5][cl:3][dl:8][el:10][cm:11][dm:9]C[If White jumps at White 3, Black can easily settle his group on the left side up to Black 12.This variation is a success for Black.]))(;W[ck];B[bk];W[bl];B[cl];W[cm];B[dl];W[bn];B[dm];W[bm];B[ch]LB[ch:10][bk:2][ck:1][bl:3][cl:4][dl:6][bm:9][cm:5][dm:8][bn:7]C[If White plays diagonally at White 1, Black will try to settle down on the left side up to Black 10. It's not easy for White to attack the stones afterwards.]))(;B[cl];W[ck];B[el];W[fk];B[gm];W[ip]LB[ck:2][fk:4][cl:1][el:3][gm:5][ip:6]C[The one space extension at Black 1 is the most common continuation, but White will kick with White 2, and the result up to White 6 is satisfactory for White. Black's four stones on the left side are still floating.]))(;W[co];B[dn];W[dl];B[fo];W[hq]LB[dl:3][dn:2][co:1][fo:4][fq:A][hq:5]C[Kicking at White 1 is the textbook response when already has a stone at White A.I couldn't find any special moves for Black after White 5, but somehow Lee didn't play like this. He might have found a nice continuation for Black, so he avoided this variation.]))(;B[hq];W[co];B[nm]LB[oj:A][nm:3][co:2][hq:1]TR[ng][pg][nh][ph][ni][nk][pk]C[Extending at Black 1 is also big and Black 3 is a good followup, which applies pressure to White's right side group.It's hard for White to invade at the bottom, because he still has a weakness at A.])(;B[bo];W[bp];B[co];W[cp];B[cl];W[ck];B[dl];W[fj]LB[fj:8][ck:6][cl:5][dl:7][bo:1][co:3][bp:2][cp:4]TR[dp][fq]C[The low knight's approach at Black 1 is the most common technique for dealing with a star point knight's enclosure.White will attack the group with White 6 and White 8, but it's still playable for both.]))(;B[oj];W[nj];B[ok];W[ol];B[nl];W[rh](;B[qh];W[qg];B[ri];W[rf]LB[rf:10][qg:8][qh:7][rh:6][oi:A][ri:9][nj:2][oj:1][ok:3][nl:5][ol:4]C[Cutting with Black 1 to Black 5 doesn't work well. Attaching at the waist of the knight's move with White 6 is a nice tesuji. Black is in trouble up to White 10. If Black connects at 10, instead of Black 9, White can atari at A to capture Black's cutting stones in a ladder.])(;B[ri];W[rf]LB[rf:8][rh:6][ri:7][nj:2][oj:1][ok:3][nl:5][ol:4]C[If Black blocks at Black 7, White can push through at White 8 and it's similar to the previous variation.])))(;W[jq];B[cn](;W[fp];B[ck];W[co];B[bo];W[bp];B[ch]LB[ch:8][ck:4][cn:2][bo:6][co:5][bp:7][fp:3][jq:1]C[Extending at White 1 is also possible. Black might try to a group on the left side up to Black 8, and it's another game.])(;W[co];B[dn];W[fp];B[cj];W[cl];B[dl];W[bn];B[bm];W[bo]LB[jb:B][cj:6][bl:A][cl:7][dl:8][bm:10][bn:9][cn:2][dn:4][bo:11][co:3][fp:5][jq:1][mq:C]C[Kicking at White 3 is also conceivable and the moves up to White 11 show another way of playing. Black should defend at A next and B and C are the next big points for White.This style of play is more concerned with territory and has been becoming more popular recently. The trend in top pros' styles has been towards a more practical and territorial game in recent years.]))(;W[jb];B[fq];W[cn];B[jp]LB[jb:1][cn:3][jp:4][fq:2]C[Sliding at White 1 is very big locally, but it's a bit slack.Black's happy to develop the bottom with Black 2 and Black 4, and this is more valuable than White 1.In terms of the wider view of the game, playing at the bottom is more important and urgent in this opening.]))(;W[mg];B[me];W[lh];B[fq]LB[me:2][mg:1][lh:3][fq:4]C[Resisting at White 1 isn't a good idea, because White 3 is necessary and then Black can take sente.]))(;W[me];B[nf];W[mf];B[mg];W[lg];B[mh](;W[nh];B[lh];W[kg];B[kh];W[jg];B[jh];W[ig];B[mj]LB[me:1][mf:3][nf:2][ig:13][jg:11][kg:9][lg:5][mg:4][jh:12][kh:10][lh:8][mh:6][nh:7][mj:14]TR[ng][pg][ph][ni]C[The hane at White 1 is what Black wants. White's five stones are in trouble up to Black 14.])(;W[kf];B[lh];W[kh];B[ki];W[jh];B[ji];W[ih];B[lj]LB[jd:A][me:1][kf:7][mf:3][nf:2][lg:5][mg:4][ih:13][jh:11][kh:9][lh:8][mh:6][ji:12][ki:10][lj:14]C[If White reinforces his weakness at White 7, Black can keep pushing with Black 8. The result up to Black 14 is better for Black, because Black A isn't captured yet.]))(;W[ke](;B[kd];W[me];B[nf](;W[ld](;B[je];W[kf]LB[kd:2][ld:5][je:6][ke:1][me:3][kf:7][nf:4]C[The shoulder hit at White 1 is a good idea. If Black answers at Black 2, White can come back to White 3 and fight.The variation up to White 7 is playable for both.])(;B[mf];W[lf];B[mg];W[je]LB[kd:2][ld:5][je:9][ke:1][me:3][lf:7][mf:6][nf:4][mg:8]C[Trading with White 1 to White 9 is also playable for both.]))(;W[mf];B[mc]LB[mc:6][kd:2][ke:1][me:3][mf:5][nf:4][mg:A]C[Blocking at White 5 looks natural, but it isn't a proper move in this case. That's because Black can connect his stones with Black 6 and there will still be a cutting point in White's position at A.]))(;B[me];W[kd]LB[kd:3][ke:1][me:2]C[If Black extends to Black 2, the trade of White 3 is also playable.])))(;B[id];W[gc];B[ld];W[nb];B[ob];W[me]LB[nb:4][ob:5][gc:2][id:1][ld:3][me:6]C[Splitting at Black 1 is also conceivable, but then White can fight back with White 4 and White 6.This variation isn't as good for Black as the actual game.]))(;W[nb];B[ob];W[id]LB[nb:1][ob:2][id:3]TR[nd][ng][ni]C[Developing the top with White 1 and White 3 would be the normal strategy in this kind of situation.]))(;W[rf];B[rc]LB[qc:A][rc:2][rf:1][rh:B]C[Blocking at White 1 is a thank you move. Black's happy to secure the corner territory with Black 2, and there's still a vital point left at B.]))(;W[re];B[rc];W[ng];B[ni]LB[nb:A][ob:B][rc:2][re:1][ng:3][ni:4]C[The kosumi at White 1 is more common, but it seems as if Lee didn't want Black to jump to Black 4 and develop the right side.White can continue at A or B, and it's another game.]))(;W[og];B[qg];W[qh];B[rg];W[qi];B[rf];W[pj];B[de]LB[ob:B][pb:A][rb:C][de:8][rf:6][og:1][qg:2][rg:4][qh:3][qi:5][pj:7]C[Extending at White 1 would have been slightly better for White than the actual game.Black will take sente after White 7, and approach the top left at around Black 8. It's another game.In the top right corner, there's still some bad aji. White can play A to C later in the corner.]))(;B[of];W[qd](;B[qe];W[re];B[pe];W[rg];B[og];W[jd]LB[jd:8][qd:2][pe:5][qe:3][re:4][of:1][og:7][rg:6]C[Extending at Black 1 isn't good enough in this situation. White will be happy to take sente and play at the top with White 8.])(;B[qg];W[qe];B[pe];W[qh]LB[qd:2][pe:5][qe:4][of:1][qg:3][qh:6][pi:A][qi:B]C[Cutting at Black 3 doesn't work well in this situation.If Black A is placed at B instead, then Black can choose this variation, because White 6 won't be very powerful in that case.]))(;B[qe];W[of];B[pe];W[og]LB[pe:3][qe:1][of:2][og:4][rg:C][pi:A][qi:B]C[Blocking at Black 1 isn't good in this situation.If Black A was placed at B, Black can connect under with sliding at C, but it's not possible for Black to do so now.]))(;W[qd];B[qe];W[re];B[pe];W[rg];B[qg];W[rf];B[jd]LB[jd:8][nd:A][qd:1][pe:4][qe:2][re:3][rf:7][qg:6][rg:5]C[Moving the corner stone out with White 1 is also conceivable.However, Black can develop more rapidly at the top, up to Black 8, and White A is lonely.]))(;B[qe];W[pc];B[fq];W[cn];B[jp]LB[pc:2][qe:1][qg:A][cn:4][jp:5][fq:3]TR[qf]C[Black can also develop the lower side with Black 3 and Black 5, and it's another game.However, White will be able to move the marked stone out with A later, and Gu didn't seem to like that prospect.]))(;W[nc];B[pf];W[pg];B[of];W[qd](;B[qc];W[qe];B[pc];W[og];B[md];W[qh]LB[nc:1][pc:8][qc:6][md:10][qd:5][qe:7][of:4][pf:2][og:9][pg:3][qh:11]C[Approaching at White 1 is also possible. The variation up to White 11 is playable for both.The continuation after this variation is quite complicated.])(;B[qe];W[re];B[pe];W[rg];B[qc];W[rd];B[og];W[jd];B[ph];W[pc];B[qg];W[oc];B[rf];W[rc];B[fq];W[cn];B[jp]LB[nc:1][oc:17][pc:15][qc:10][rc:19][jd:13][qd:5][rd:11][pe:8][qe:6][re:7][of:4][pf:2][rf:18][og:12][pg:3][qg:16][rg:9][ph:14][cn:21][jp:22][fq:20]C[Wedging at Black 6 is an old fashioned joseki.The result up to White 19 is slightly better for White locally, but the overall game is still well balanced up to Black 22.]))(;W[qc];B[qd];W[pc];B[od];W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[qe];W[nc];B[fq];W[cn];B[jp]LB[nc:9][pc:3][qc:1][rc:7][od:4][qd:2][rd:5][qe:8][re:6][cn:11][jp:12][fq:10]C[Jumping in at 3-3, with White 1, is the most common joseki, but the opening up to Black 12 looks active and lively for Black.]))(;B[nc];W[rd];B[qh];W[qc];B[qe];W[re];B[pf];W[pg];B[qg];W[rf];B[og];W[ci];B[pj];W[fq]LB[dc:A][nc:1][qc:4][dd:B][rd:2][qe:5][re:6][pf:7][rf:10][og:11][pg:8][qg:9][qh:3][ci:12][pj:13][fq:14]C[The joseki up to Black 11 is also very popular.However, it's less popular when White's stone is placed at White A instead of B. That's because White can establish a more efficient Chinese style formation on the left side (with White 12) in this opening.])(;B[qi];W[nd];B[pf];W[qc];B[pc];W[pg](;B[qe];W[of];B[pe];W[rg];B[og];W[ph];B[nf];W[re];B[rd];W[pi];B[oe];W[rp];B[qq];W[qk]LB[dc:A][pc:5][qc:4][dd:B][nd:2][rd:15][oe:17][pe:9][qe:7][re:14][nf:13][of:8][pf:3][og:11][pg:6][rg:10][ph:12][pi:16][qi:1][qk:20][rp:18][qq:19]C[This opening was quite popular around 2008-2009.Gu and Lee played the moves up to White 20 in game 2 of the 13th LG Cup final, in 2009. White A was placed at B, but the other moves and sequence are the same. In that game, Gu played White, and he won.])(;B[of];W[qd](;B[qg];W[qe];B[pe];W[rg];B[qh];W[jd]LB[pc:5][qc:4][jd:14][nd:2][qd:8][pe:11][qe:10][of:7][pf:3][pg:6][qg:9][rg:12][qh:13][qi:1]C[Extending at Black 7 is also possible. Cutting at Black 9 is the right continuation and the result up to White 14 is even.])(;B[qe];W[re];B[pe];W[rg];B[og];W[ph]LB[pc:5][qc:4][nd:2][qd:8][pe:11][qe:9][re:10][of:7][pf:3][og:13][pg:6][rg:12][ph:14][qi:1]C[Wedging at Black 9 is wrong when Black has played the low pincer at Black 1. As you can see, Black can't seal White in up to White 14 and Black's stones have been split in two.]))))(;W[qj];B[de]LB[de:2][qg:A][qj:1][ql:B]C[Splitting the right side with White 1 is also possible, and this leads to another game.However, splitting at White 1 is becoming less popular. That's because Black can choose between playing A or B later, depending on how things develop on the other side of the board. Black will approach around Black 2 for now, and come back to the right side later, after seeing how things develop in the top right.]))(;B[fq];W[cn];B[lq];W[pm];B[pj];W[pp];B[pq];W[oq];B[po];W[op];B[qq];W[oo];B[pn];W[on];B[om]LB[pj:5][om:15][pm:4][cn:2][on:14][pn:13][oo:12][po:9][op:10][pp:6][fq:1][lq:3][oq:8][pq:7][qq:11]C[We saw the pattern up to Black 15 in game 4. At that time, Gu started the game with the micro Chinese opening of Black 1 and Black 3, but he chose to play differently in this game.]))
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Lee Sedol    Gu Li
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