(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]PW[Baoxiang Bai]PB[Cornel Burzo]WR[7d]BR[6d]EV[32nd WAGC]RO[3rd]PC[Matsue,JP]C[3rd round vs China was a tough game, comments by Kim Seung-Jun 9p and Takemiya Masaki 9p]RE[W+Resign];B[pd];W[dd];B[qp];W[dq];B[do];W[co];B[dp];W[cp];B[eq];W[cn];B[dr];W[cq](;B[jq]LB[fp:A][kq:B]C[k3 is playable but usually L3 or simply defend f4];W[op];B[fp]C[a good shape];W[pn];B[oq];W[pp];B[pq](;W[qo]C[r3 cut is common joseki ](;B[rq]C[is better for black to descend s4..see variations];W[np](;B[qf]C[black should actually defend the corner at n2see var];W[jc];B[cf];W[ce];B[df];W[fd];B[cj];W[ch](;B[bh]C[if black d12 white is happy to hane b14..see var];W[nq]C[a powerful turn];B[ro];W[rn];B[qm];W[so];B[rp];W[qn];B[nr];W[mr];B[or]LB[rr:A]C[is painful for black to protect the corner this way and later white can get a seki playing A];W[nc](;B[gf]C[Takemiya suggested b14 to protect against aji cause later black can still invade the top in 3 places..];W[be];B[hc]C[this invasion shows fighting spirit];W[ff];B[he]C[a good shape];W[fg];B[dh]C[black is happy to reinforce];W[fc];B[lc]C[the invasion is inevitable];W[id];B[kc];W[jb](;B[oc]C[black should k15 first];W[jf](;B[hh];W[nd];B[ke];W[if];B[jd];W[ic];B[gg];W[ie]TR[ie][if][jf]C[white is not so happy to connect with an empty triangle..];B[mf];W[nb](;B[kb]C[this block is the losing move, should simply surround natural at p14 and force white link under then build the right side..Takemiya said here black tries too hard and is not the case but this happens a lot in pro games too when they are playing important matches so normally should play more relaxed / dettachedsee var];W[qc];B[qd];W[pc];B[rc];W[od];B[qb];W[pb];B[pa];W[ob];B[of];W[rb](;B[pk]CR[oa][pa][qa][ra][sa][qb][rb][sb][oc][rc][sc]TR[of][pk]C[the thing is I still arrived to the marked moves but lost too much in corner for l18 neutral point block, at least 10 if not more..];W[rd];B[re];W[sc];B[fe];W[ee];B[ge];W[hd];B[lq];W[mq](;B[pm]C[pushing from behing helped white live comfortable, should try a move like o7 to attack instead];W[om];B[ol];W[nm];B[nl];W[mm];B[cr];W[cl];B[ml];W[lm];B[em];W[br];B[bs];W[ar];B[jm];W[lp];B[kp];W[lr]C[white already has more solid territory points and is hard for black to win this game now..];B[bl];W[bm];B[dl];W[ef];B[fh];W[jr](;B[ck]C[should block j2 but didn't felt like being pushed around];W[iq];B[cm];W[am];B[ip];W[kq];B[jp];W[hq];B[hp];W[fr];B[er];W[pe];B[qe];W[pf];B[pg];W[oe];B[og];W[rr];B[sr];W[qr];B[qq];W[dg];B[cg];W[eh];B[eg];W[rk];B[rl];W[dg];B[di];W[fi]C[Black resigned !])(;B[ir];W[kq];B[jp];W[is];B[hs];W[js];B[hr]))(;B[nm]C[a more active way to attack..]))(;B[ra];W[qa]C[ko but black has no proper kothreats at this moment..]))(;B[of];W[ma];B[pk]C[the game is balanced this way and black is actually succesful in the openning..]))(;B[nd];W[ig]C[like this black gives up too many points in the top]))(;B[je];W[hd];B[oc]))(;B[bf]LB[cc:A][hc:B][lc:C]))(;B[dh];W[bf];B[bg];W[be];B[bh]C[white's plan was to reinforce against c17 invasion in sente ]))(;B[ro];W[rn];B[qm];W[so];B[rp];W[qn];B[mr]C[proper play]))(;B[rp](;W[qq];B[rq];W[nq];B[qr];W[or];B[pr];W[mp];B[no];W[np]C[classic joseki];B[qg]C[and black grabs a big point next to reduce white's influence on the right side])(;W[np];B[ro](;W[qm])(;W[rn];B[qm];W[qn];B[mr];W[qf]C[possible follow up]))))(;W[qq];B[rq];W[qr];B[rr];W[qo];B[rp];W[nq];B[pr];W[or];B[qs];W[mp];B[no];W[np];B[qg]C[an old fashion joseki]))(;B[kq]C[also a fine extension for bottom side moyo])(;B[fp]C[recently this defense is played a lot by top pros ]))
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Baoxiang Bai    Cornel Burzo
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