(;CA[UTF-8]LT[]RR[Normal]GM[1]NW[20]C[This was a weird game for Brown Stone. There was not much counting because everything was focused in the Apex. White almost seemed like playing Mirror Go that Black foiled using tengen. The game was decided with a life and death problem in Brown Stone's area. Maybe this is evidence of the improvement of Brown Stone's reading.]AP[Sabaki:0.20.1]SZ[19]NB[19]GN[First at Tengen]DT[2016-10-24]PC[IGS: igs.joyjoy.net 6969]PB[brwnstn]BR[10k]PW[IGS User]WR[9k]KM[-5.5]TM[60]RE[B+Resign]US[Brought to you by IGS PANDANET]CP[ Copyright (c) PANDANET Inc. 2016 Permission to reproduce this game is given, provided proper credit is given. No warrantee, implied or explicit, is understood. Use of this game is an understanding and agreement of this notice.]MULTIGOGM[1];B[qd]BL[52]C[Brown Stone played Black.];W[cp]WL[60];B[pp]BL[35];W[dd]WL[57]C[Black was happy to set-up the orthodox opening. Up to White 4, Black suspects nothing of White's intentions.];B[oc]BL[29];W[eq]WL[54]C[Up to White 6, Black still felt everything was normal.];B[pj]BL[897]C[Black was happy to play the ideal extension at 7.];W[dj]WL[9]C[By White 8, Black suspected White was aiming for Mirror Go. Black did not know how to play against Mirror Go except by playing tengen. Black's next few moves aimed at tengen.];B[jd]BL[892];W[jp]WL[5];B[jj]BL[887]C[Black took tengen! If White wanted Mirror Go, Black was happy to partially foil White's plan. With -5.5 komi, Black felt this game was favourable already for Black. With early points, influence towards the Apex and tengen, Black thinks the game was in Black's favor. ];W[nq]WL[899];B[oo]BL[784](;W[no]WL[884]C[White wanted fifth line territory.];B[nn]BL[755];W[mo]WL[882];B[on]BL[751]C[Black thinks the division of fifth line territory was still playable.];W[pr]WL[874]C[Black thought White 18 was small. Even with the follow-up at R3, Black thought the real battle and deciding factor of the watch would be the Apex.];B[eo]BL[713]C[Black 19 is a standard reducing move. Black wanted to reduce Black as early as possible. Black also thought 19 worked very well with 11.];W[dn]WL[863];B[fq]BL[685](;W[ep]WL[856]C[White 22 was a good move from White.];B[fp]BL[670]C[Black felt satisfied with 19 being a hane at the head of two stones.];W[fo]WL[846]C[The cut of White 24 was natural.];B[go]BL[669];W[fn]WL[842](;B[hp]BL[636]C[Since building a wall and giving White too much territory would be bad for Black, Black aimed at settling quickly inside White's area.];W[jn]WL[833];B[hm]BL[612]C[Black 29 aimed at keeping access towards the Apex.];W[jl]WL[830];B[gk]BL[498]C[Black 31 aimed at running straight through White's area.];W[gn]WL[826];B[hn]BL[496];W[io]WL[824];B[ho]BL[486];W[qq]WL[818]C[Black still thought the South East was relatively small compared to the other parts of the board, especially the Apex. Black felt ahead and can ignore White 36. ];B[fc]BL[404];W[df]WL[806];B[db]BL[401]C[Black was happy with 39, since Black can later continue with C17 and make C16 and R4 miai.];W[fe]WL[800]C[White saw the importance of the Apex and aimed for expanding and reducing Black's potential.];B[ek]BL[237]C[Black 41 aimed at securing connection and life for the Black South group while attacking White.];W[jh]WL[789];B[ih]BL[188]C[Black had no choice but to separate White 42 from the rest of Black's stones.](;W[jg]WL[782];B[ig]BL[155];W[jf]WL[777];B[if]BL[142];W[je]WL[773];B[ie]BL[135]C[Black was fine building this wall.];W[kd]WL[770];B[ke]BL[128]C[Black thought the cut of 51 was natural.];W[ld]WL[764]C[However, White 52 caught Black off guard. With one eye, White will be a difficult target for Black's attack.](;B[id]BL[82]C[Black thought 53 was necessary. Not really after investigating the possible ways to handle the cut.];W[lf]WL[747]C[White creates one eye in the Apex. Black thought the White Apex group was about 60-70% alive and Black could only attack it for mildly.];B[oe]BL[59]C[Black 55 secured profit while limiting the possible space for White.];W[qj]WL[743]C[White 56 was surprising. Black thought White was willing to fight with the support of the almost alive White Apex group.];B[qi]BL[798]C[The South East was not interesting because of White 36, so Black defended the North East with 57.](;W[qk]WL[739]C[White decided to take territory instead.];B[pk]BL[742];W[ql]WL[736];B[pl]BL[714];W[ri]WL[898];B[qh]BL[701];W[rh]WL[897];B[qg]BL[690]C[Black was fine making a wall and giving White profit. Black thinks this strategy by White is wrong, since this gives Black more power to attack White's Apex group.];W[dk]WL[891]C[White 66 was big, but Black thinks this was wrong as White's Apex group was in danger.];B[lh]BL[670]C[Black 67 started the attack on White.];W[nd]WL[887];B[nc]BL[648]C[The peep of White 68 was not really dangerous, so Black just defended profit with 69.];W[ji]WL[882];B[ii]BL[639];W[kj]WL[876];B[kk]BL[629]C[The double hane was a beautiful way to keep White separated.];W[jk]WL[873];B[ij]BL[628]C[The exchange of White 74 for Black 75 was what Black expected.];W[li]WL[870];B[lk]BL[601];W[mi]WL[867]C[Black almost gave up on this attack after White 78 and accepted White was alive.];B[me]BL[509]C[Black 79 only aimed at reducing White's eye space.];W[md]WL[838];B[ne]BL[470];W[le]WL[836];B[mg]BL[460]C[With Black 83, the White kill became possible again. The attachment of White N9 was a concern for Black though.];W[mf]WL[815];B[ng]BL[414];W[lg]WL[808];B[mh]BL[399];W[od]WL[803];B[pd]BL[395](;W[mc]WL[785];B[kc]BL[355];W[nf]WL[773];B[of]BL[351];W[pc]WL[768]C[White 94 became very troublesome for Black.];B[pb]BL[277](;W[pe]WL[759];B[og]BL[262]C[Black played 97 almost by instinct, and too fast to say that Black thought about this move very carefully.];W[qe]WL[744];B[rd]BL[107];W[re]WL[728];B[rg]BL[89];W[rc]WL[713];B[qc]BL[85];W[sd]WL[705];B[rb]BL[72];W[sb]WL[699];B[ra]BL[896]C[White 98 to 106 were futile, as Black's North East corner was already alive.];W[nb]WL[692];B[ob]BL[893];W[lb]WL[690];B[kb]BL[892];W[lc]WL[893];B[na]BL[876];W[ma]WL[890];B[oa]BL[869]C[White still only had one eye after the exchange of White 114 and Black 115.];W[oi]WL[886]C[White 116 was a surprising peep. Black was more worried about White N9 than the cut at Q11.];B[nk]BL[829](;W[ka]WL[868];B[ib]BL[827];OS[]LB[jj:A][pr:B][eo:C][qq:D][fc:E][db:F][jh:G][ih:H][id:I][lf:J][qj:K][qk:L][kk:M]C[White resigned.White played Mirror Go in the opening by copying Black's first five moves. However, Black foiled White's plan when Black played A at tengen. With a -5.5 Komi, Black felt the symmetrical game favoured Black already. When White made what Black thought as a small move at B, Black made a big reduction with C. White made another small move at D that allowed Black to approach at E. After the slide of Black F, Black aimed at C17 to counter the value of White D. When White invaded with G, Black thought cutting White off with H was natural. Black was prepared to fight with Black H. Black made a big msitake connecting at I that allowed to make one eye with J. Black should have played at J. The cut of White I does not work because of the kosumi on the second line. White's biggest mistake, might have been taking profit with L after invading with K. Black built a powerful wall that helped Black in killing the White Apex group. The double hane of Black M was also vital to Black's big capture.Brown Stone managed to counter what seemed to be Mirror Go by playing tengen. Despite some slips, Brwnstn was able to use proper direction of play, ignore small moves, play bigger and more immediate moves, and use enough time and variations to read. Counting was not a factor of this game. Brwnstn should be more aware of the balance of territory and power even if the fight is in the Apex.])(;W[pi];B[sf]C[If White cuts at 1, Black is safe with 2. The Black South East group looks big enough to have sufficient eye-space.]))(;W[kh];B[kf];W[og];B[nh]C[Black can play 4, because the ladder favours Black.];W[pe];B[pf];W[qc];B[rd]LB[pc:A]C[White A does not seem as troublesome as Black thought during the game. Black was so worried about White 1 and 3. However, Black had nothing to worry about because of the ladder thanks to Black's East wall that White helped build.]))(;W[kh];B[kf];W[nf];B[og];W[of];B[pe];W[pf];B[pg];W[qf];B[rf];W[qe];B[re]C[Black thought White L12 was dangerous. Maybe it is, but not as dangerous as Black thought during the game.]))(;W[pi];B[qh];W[oi];B[pk];W[rj]C[Black expected the crosscut again and thought this fight would be very good for Black.]))(;B[lf];W[id];B[jc];W[ic];B[kb]C[Seems like Black 4 is the vital point here. Black had nothing to fear from the cut of White 1 because of Black 4. The kosumi of Black 4 is worth remembering then.](;W[jb];B[kc];W[ib];B[mb]C[Black is connected])(;W[kc];B[jb];W[ib];B[mb]C[Black is safe.])))(;W[ii];B[ji];W[hi];B[ig];W[kh]C[Black expected the pinwheel and a do-or-die fight in the Apex. Black's only concern here is the South group, but White 1 and 3 looks relatively weaker than Black's South group.]))(;B[gn];W[fm];B[er];W[dr];B[fr];W[cq]C[This is textbook continuation from Takemiya Masaki's Enclosre Joseki. Because of White's strong group on South, this is very good for White.]))(;W[fp];B[ep](;W[dq];B[gp]C[Black expected this ideal result. Very wishful thinking for Black.])(;W[gq];B[dq];W[fr];B[er];W[fq];B[dp];W[co];B[cq]C[According to the Takemiya Masaki's Enclosure Joseki, in a similar formation with the ladder favouring Black, White may prefer this variation. Black would be fine with this.])))(;W[qq];B[pq];W[qp];B[qn];W[rn];B[rm];W[ro];B[qm];W[pr];B[or];W[qr];B[fc]LB[lq:A]C[Black expected this variation. Black thought the invasion at A later would be promising.]))
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