(;CA[UTF-8]NB[19]LT[]RR[Normal]GM[1]AB[pd][dp]C[Another two-stone handicap game, Brown Stone played Black. Brwnstn does not like handicap games, but such is the IGS system. ]AP[Sabaki:0.20.2]SZ[19]NW[21]GN[The Great Framework]DT[2016-10-27]PC[IGS: igs.joyjoy.net 6969]PB[brwnstn]BR[10k]PW[IGS User]WR[8k]KM[-5.5]HA[2]TM[60]RE[B+12.5]US[Brought to you by IGS PANDANET]CP[ Copyright (c) PANDANET Inc. 2016 Permission to reproduce this game is given, provided proper credit is given. No warrantee, implied or explicit, is understood. Use of this game is an understanding and agreement of this notice.]MULTIGOGM[1];W[dd]WL[58];B[qp]BL[46]C[Komi was -5.5, so Black went for early profit. Black wanted White to approach the South East.];W[dn]WL[51]C[White chose to approach on the smaller West (11 spaces compared to South's 12).];B[fp]BL[24]C[Since White did not want the South, Black aimed at developing it.];W[bo]WL[47]C[This was very weird. Black did not feel any need to reply.];B[kq]BL[884]C[Black developed the South while indirectly protecting komoku.];W[cq]WL[42];B[cp]BL[851];W[bp]WL[40];B[dq]BL[849];W[cr]WL[38];B[dr]BL[837]C[The sequence starting from the invasion to 7 to the descent of 12 was weird. Black was happy to take a big South and give White only a little corner.];W[dj]WL[36]LB[fn:A]C[White 13 looked alright, but it might have been too overconcentrated for White. Black thought a play at A was the focal point of the two frameworks.];B[fc]BL[696]C[Black did not want White to make a double wing formation though, so Black approached the North West first with 14.];W[eb]WL[30]C[White 15 was again a weird move.];B[jd]BL[681]C[After 16, White 15 gives no pressure to Black 14.];W[fb]WL[27];B[gc]BL[542];W[qf]WL[15]C[The jump approach of White 19 was natural as Black would aim for a double wing by playing on East.](;B[pi]BL[451]C[Black chose the high pincer at 20 instead. Blakc thinks 20 also works well with Black 2 and 6.](;W[nc]WL[4]C[The double approach was quite surprising. Black is not aware of any joseki in this formation.];B[oe]BL[384]C[Black was building a big moyo, so Black played 22 to force White to enter the corner.];W[kc]WL[898]C[But White had other plans and chose to make a base on North instead.](;B[qc]BL[317]C[Black was happy to take profit with 24, but this is rather weak play from Black.];W[le]WL[891]C[White makes shape to the Apex.];B[kd]BL[291];W[ld]WL[888];B[jc]BL[290];W[kb]WL[877];B[hf]BL[261]C[Black also makes shape to the Apex.];W[pb]WL[860]LB[qc:A][oc:B]C[White 31 was very painful. White is alive on North. This is why Black would have wanted Black A at B instead.];B[fn]BL[196]C[Finally, Black got the chance to take the focal point of Black 32. Black's moyo was looking very big.];W[qb]WL[801]C[White 33 was very slow. ];B[fl]BL[118]C[Black 34 expanded Black's framework more.];W[dl]WL[795]C[White 35 looked necessary.];B[gi]BL[107]C[White played ogeima with 36 because Black did not want White to defend the West with another stone.];W[eh]WL[791]C[White did anyway, but Black thought there was enough space to invade later. Black should have counted at this point, but a quick estimate and optimistic view, Black intended to keep the whole framework. Black considered the game over at this point (just kidding).];B[kg]BL[97]C[White 38 completed Black's moyo. If White jumps to the Apex, Black intended to kill. ];W[lg]WL[784];B[lh]BL[87]C[Black 40 might have been too passive.];W[mg]WL[779];B[mh]BL[61];W[ng]WL[777];B[kf]BL[43];W[lf]WL[750];B[pg]BL[38]C[Black tried to save the North East with 46 but it was too late. Black considered the North East captured, but expected the Apex to be bigger than White's North East capture.];W[pf]WL[748];B[of]BL[37];W[og]WL[747];B[qg]BL[34];W[rg]WL[742];B[qi]BL[25];W[rh]WL[738];B[re]BL[17]C[Black 54 was futile. Black should have forgoten about the North East and defended the East instead.];W[rf]WL[735];B[oh]BL[884];W[ri]WL[728];B[rj]BL[873];W[qj]WL[721];B[qk]BL[871];W[qe]WL[714]C[The North East was captured, but Black was still optimistic about the Apex moyo.](;B[cc]BL[825]C[Black thought this invasion would succeed. Black read lazily and only little. Black really thinks that the West was still very open, but invading haphazardly was very bad move for Black. Black also tempted White to invade the South West.];W[cd]WL[710];B[ec]BL[780];W[dc]WL[707];B[ff]BL[693]C[After 65, Blakc gave up hope invading the West, so Black reinforced with 66 first to induce White to defend.];W[ef]WL[681];B[fg]BL[690];W[eg]WL[647];B[pj]BL[677]C[After 70, Black felt very powerful in the Apex and wanted White to invade.];W[oq]WL[625](;B[po]BL[648]C[Black 72 was too slow and nice. Blakc should have kicked White 71 first.];W[qr]WL[893];B[pq]BL[640];W[pr]WL[891];B[op]BL[637];W[nq]WL[890];B[np]BL[635];W[mq]WL[888];B[lp]BL[631];W[qq]WL[879];B[rp]BL[613]C[White lived very easily in the corner. Black did not feel very good about this. Black's intention was to kill a White dragon in the Apex.];W[mp]WL[866];B[mo]BL[605];W[lo]WL[863];B[ko]BL[573];W[ln]WL[859];B[kn]BL[571];W[lm]WL[857];B[jl]BL[562]C[However, White granted Black's wish by making a group in the Apex. Black welcomed this fight.];W[lq]WL[846];B[kp]BL[561];W[om]WL[834]C[White 93 aimed at capturing the vital Black 84.](;B[nn]BL[411];W[nm]WL[829];B[qm]BL[388]C[Black 96 just ensured groups were connected.];W[lj]WL[807]C[White had a plan with 97.];B[mk]BL[299];W[lk]WL[802];B[ml]BL[297];W[km]WL[794];B[jm]BL[273];W[mj]WL[789];B[ok]BL[239];W[nj]WL[781](;B[nh]BL[782]C[Black had to defend with 106.](;W[jk]WL[769]C[White 107 was probably a last ditch effort to save the group.];B[kl]BL[725];W[ll]WL[766];B[ol]BL[724];W[mm]WL[762];B[ik]BL[629];W[jj]WL[754];B[ij]BL[620];W[ji]WL[751];B[jh]BL[542];W[ii]WL[746];B[hi]BL[541]C[Black 118 captures the White dragon. The whole Apex belonged to Black. Black thought the game was over at this point by eyeball estimate again. However,](;W[fk]WL[733];B[gk]BL[537];W[fj]WL[730];B[gl]BL[496];W[el]WL[895];B[kr]BL[470];W[lr]WL[892];B[ls]BL[464];W[ms]WL[889];B[ks]BL[456](;W[nr]WL[889]C[White 129 is neccessary.];B[em]BL[250];W[dm]WL[884];B[cs]BL[242];W[bs]WL[878];B[ds]BL[241];W[br]WL[876];B[fi]BL[237];W[ei]WL[873];B[fe]BL[173];W[en]WL[867];B[fm]BL[164];W[eo]WL[866];B[gq]BL[141]C[Black 142 just defended on further tactics against Black's South West group.];W[fo]WL[863];B[go]BL[140];W[co]WL[862];B[ee]BL[130];W[de]WL[860];B[gb]BL[121];W[jb]WL[856];B[ib]BL[110];W[ke]WL[853];B[je]BL[107];W[rq]WL[851];B[sp]BL[101];W[sq]WL[845];B[fa]BL[895];W[db]WL[842];B[pp]BL[887];W[gj]WL[829];B[hj]BL[881];W[qh]WL[822];B[ph]BL[879];W[sj]WL[821];B[sk]BL[877];W[si]WL[820];B[fh]BL[871];W[ia]WL[817];B[ha]BL[839];W[ja]WL[808];B[ep]BL[822];W[do]WL[805];B[ed]BL[815];W[ea]WL[894];B[ga]BL[799];W[]LB[qp:A][bo:B][cq:C][dj:D][fc:E][eb:F][qf:G][nc:H][pi:I][pb:J][qb:K][fn:L][fl:M][kg:N][lg:O][oq:P][pq:Q][po:R]C[Black won by 12.5 points. Black only won by 7 points on the board. A closer game than Black expected. With two stone handicap, Black was willing to take early territory with the komoku at A. Black hoped White will approach A, but White made a weird move at B. Black therefore claimed all of the South. White even helped Black by invading immediately at C. White D might have been alright, White saying it will be a battle of frameworks, but with the two-stone handicap and -5.5 Komi, Black was satisfied. Black E was met with White F, a weird defense in the corner given the prevailing position. White next surprised Black with the double approach of G and H, but Black was happy to play I and develop an even bigger moyo. After the slow moves of White and K, Black expanded the Apex moyo with L and M. Black N completed the framework in the Apex, but White O led to the capture of the North East. Black deemed the sacrifice alright since Black's frame work in the Apex was bigger than all of White's territory. When White invaded at P, Black should have kicked with Q first before playing R. Black R allowed White to live in the South East, a big loss for Black. However, White still created a group in the Apex which Black killed.Brown Stone was happy to create a big framework in the Apex and kill the invading group. Brwnstn should have been focused more on reading such as not to sacrifice groups needlessly or give opponent easy points. Brwnstn should also be more enthusiastic in exact counting rather than eyeball estimates.])(;W[];B[ns];W[nr];B[os];W[or];B[mr]C[If White played elsewhere, Black can set-up this dangerous ko for White.]))(;W[]TR[gd][ge][gf][gg][hg][he][hd][id][ie][jf][if][ig][jg][ih][hh][kh][ki][kj][kk][li][mi][ni][oi][oj][nk][nl][pl][pk][qj][rk][rl][ql][rm][sm][sl][sk][sn][rn][qn][pn][pm][on][oo][no][mn][pp][qo][ro][so][iq][ir][is][js][jr][jq][jp][jo][jn][in][io][ip][hp][hq][hr][hs][gs][fs][es][er][eq][fr][fq][gq][gp][go][ho][hn][gn][gm][hm][hl][gl][hk][hj][gr][il][im]SQ[bb][ca][cb][db][da][bc][ac][ad][bd][ae][be][ce][de][df][cf][cg][dg][dh][ch][bh][bg][ag][af][ah][bf][bi][ai][ci][di][cj][ck][bk][bj][aj][ak][bl][al][cl][cm][bm][am][an][bn][ao][ap][aq][bq][ar][as][mr][ms][nr][ns][aa][os][ps][qs][rr][rs][sr][ss][ab][ba][la][lb][lc][mc][mb][ma][na][nb][ob][oa][pa][qa][or][rb][sa][sb][sc][rc][rd][qd][sd][se][sf][sg][sh][pe][pc][oc][od][nd][md][me][ne][nf][mf][ra]C[CountingBlack (triangle) PairsE+A - 58.5 pairsWhite (square) PairsNE - 22.5SE - 6W - 27Total - 55.5 -5.5 Komi + 1 PrisonerBlack was only ahead by 10.5 points! Black was correct in estimating Black was ahead, but not this close.]))(;W[nk];B[ol];W[nl];B[kl];W[ll];B[ji]LB[nh:A]C[Black thought about this sequence after finding Black A as necessary. Black still kills White.]))(;B[ol];W[nh];B[ni];W[mi];B[oi];W[kh]TR[mk][ml]C[Black cannot just connect because of this capture. Black's palms were sweaty; there was vomit in his sweater already when Black read this sequence.]))(;B[pm];W[no];B[mn];W[nn];B[mm];W[ml];B[nm]C[If Black only defended, White will capture the vital cutting stones and destroy all of Black's territory in the Apex.]))(;B[pq];W[op];B[po];W[lp];B[kp];W[lo];B[ko];W[ln];B[jm]C[Black would welcome this fight very much. Black missed this move though.]))(;B[df];W[ef];B[dg];W[eg];B[de];W[ee];B[cd];W[ed];B[cc]C[This might work for Black. White's wall looks ineffective. Black is not worried about the little thinness of the North group.]))(;B[oc];W[nd];B[ne]LB[qf:A]C[This looks like a better variation for Black. Maybe White can still take the corner, but White A is as good as captured.]))(;W[qc];B[pc];W[qd];B[pe];W[pf];B[qe];W[re];B[rd];W[rc];B[rf];W[sd];B[of];W[og];B[pg];W[qg];B[rg];W[qh];B[ph];W[ri];B[nf]C[Black expected this joseki. Looking back, this joseki also needed the ladder. It seems that Black only forgot the capture of White in the unwanted variation and thus did not consider the ladder.]))(;B[qh];W[of];B[nd];W[ko];B[ip];W[pi];B[ph];W[oh](;B[qi];W[pj];B[qj];W[pk];B[ql];W[og]C[Black did not like this variation starting with the low pincer of Black 1 because White's wall looks effective with White's West moyo. Black thought White could play 4 as ladder breaker. Apparently, Black needs to read more ladders.])(;B[oi];W[oj];B[ni];W[nh];B[pj];W[qi];B[qj];W[ri];B[rh];W[rj];B[rk];W[qk];B[pk];W[mi];B[nj];W[ok];B[pl];W[nk];B[mj];W[lj];B[mk];W[ml];B[lk];W[kk];B[ll];W[lm];B[kl];W[jl];B[km]LB[ko:A]C[Ladder does not work even in the presence of White A. See if you can read the continuation. Read more ladders.])))
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