(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[Sabaki:0.30.3]ST[2]RU[Chinese]SZ[19]KM[7.50]TM[5400]OT[25/600 Canadian]GN[EGF Pro Qualification round 3, Oscar Vazquez (B) vs. Tanguy le Calve (W)]PW[Tanguy le Calve]PB[Oscar Vazquez]DT[2017-06-16]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/];B[dd];W[pp];B[pc];W[cp];B[qf]C[WIEN2017 [-]: HelloWIEN2017 [-]: You can see here the results so far: http://www.eurogofed.org/proqualification/index_2017.htmlWIEN2017 [-]: 4 players already qualified for the 4th round without having to play the 3rd oneWIEN2017 [-]: Csaba, Cornel, Rob and Podpera];W[fc];B[cf];W[kd]C[WIEN2017 [-]: 4 players are already out: Pop, Timur, Kraemer, ZhuravoskyiWIEN2017 [-]: the rest are playing now and the winners will qualify to play the 4th round];B[eq];W[iq]C[kmr [1d]: why Fionin not playing?He would have chances, also i think he would be one of youngest.kmr [1d]: J3, Shusaku fav hasami, nice ^^.Geser [-]: Fionin passing school exams...Schachus12 [2k]: Vazquez improved real quickly after going to chinahaku123 [2d?]: It's more Dosaku than ShusakuSchachus12 [2k]: knocking out Kraemer is already great result, lets see what more he can do];B[do];W[co];B[dn];W[cn];B[dm];W[cl]C[Chohun [?]: Tanguy!!!!!!];B[nq]C[kmr [1d]: Dosaku invented it, Shusaku used it more frequently.Gor [3d]: wow,i thought Rob van Zeijst is inactive yet he is doing greatWIEN2017 [-]: Tanguy seemed very sad after his last game against Podperasnowman [-]: rob for proSakeus [4k]: yes, well 0,5 loss who wouldn't be];W[oq];B[np];W[qn];B[kq];W[io];B[on];W[nr];B[mr];W[or];B[ko];W[dq];B[dr];W[cr];B[dp]C[anton007 [-]: f3];W[cq]C[anton007 [-]: hmmsadasa: no chance to see a game by Rob van Zeijst?sadasa: any Kifu?];B[mc]C[WIEN2017 [-]: nope, sorry];W[fq];B[er];W[fo];B[fp];W[gp];B[ep]C[sum [3d]: n17 better g3 ];W[dc];B[cc];W[cb]C[veer [1d]: when is the 4th round ?Chohun [?]: in one month in czechiaveer [1d]: so these players (Cornel, Mero, etc)came to Wien just to play one game ?Chohun [?]: there wien tournament starting tomorowsum [3d]: who is Oscar Vazquez?Chohun [?]: spanish young playerPikadonk [?]: and current european champion under 16sum [3d]: okChohun [?]: he was 3rd at the eygc the yearArsenLapin [1d]: veer: as far as I understand, a player can only be eliminated from the tournament after two losses];B[bb]C[veer [1d]: tyChohun [?]: sorry 1stPikadonk [?]: ArsentLapin, after round 4 all eliminations are direct, even for those who won their first 2 games];W[eb];B[ca];W[db];B[cd]C[WIEN2017 [-]: veer, the system goes like this: this qualification phase has 3 rounds and it's double knockout. which means that after round 2 the 4 players who lost both games are out. after round 3 (this one) 4 more players will be outfelipem [6k]: sum: oscar vázques is DaCat ];W[fl];B[cm];W[bm];B[ck]C[Chohun [?]: nice tesujiChohun [?]: I think spain will have a 6dan player soonMatrok [6k?]: Does it really work?Chohun [?]: D9 looks to greedy for white B8 is more reasonable answerChohun [?]: D8 sorrysum [3d]: d8 e8 b8 e9 sum [3d]: d8 e8 e9 b8 d9 b6 b5 a7 ];W[bl]C[ArsenLapin [1d]: guess again :-)Chohun [?]: cutting at B8 will be played at the last moment for blackbert [?]: will not];B[ek];W[dk]C[Chohun [?]: no cuttMaLa [?]: I would have actually argued about starting at B8, if white woud have played DMaLa [?]: *d8bert [?]: actually i dont see what b gained by playing c9Chohun [?]: black is building strenght closer to F8Matrok [6k?]: He went out and isolated the white weak groupChohun [?]: some time tesji are nice to see but are losing globaly];B[el];W[dj];B[fm]C[Chohun [?]: Tanguy like to take point leaving weaks group that he knows he can save];W[il]C[ghaele [3d?]: w already ahead in pointsChohun [?]: Yes black has to gain point when invading close to H17goldo [1d?]: maybe r7Chohun [?]: R7 is nice but H17 will invade white territory and probably finish senteChohun [?]: then play R7 after];B[id];W[le]C[Chohun [?]: waou a third group appear];B[ed];W[fd];B[if];W[ff];B[dh];W[fh];B[hj];W[ih];B[hh];W[he];B[ie];W[hg];B[ig];W[jh];B[gg];W[hf];B[gh];W[fg];B[kf];W[gj];B[hm]C[Geser [-]: wow, Leela gives w only 40% ];W[im]C[veer [1d]: can you explain please how you learnt that ?];B[hk]C[Naur [6d]: leela winrates in positions like this are not very reliableghaele [3d?]: yes all can always happen ^^Naur [6d]: it has quite some blind spots it seems, if the position is complex];W[jj];B[ii]C[veer [1d]: maybe soon we'll have alphgo on our smphones];W[ji]C[Geser [-]: leela estimatio ofc not 100% accurate, but it often show correct estimation when high dans argue who is ahead)))kmr [1d]: Geser what is your hardware?];B[fi]C[Geser [-]: leela GPU mode on GTX 1080 and i5-6600Geser [-]: hardware not really affect bot balance estimation, except some cases when it miss some critical points];W[ei];B[fj];W[lf];B[kg];W[lg];B[hd];W[gd];B[kh];W[mi]C[kmr [1d]: according to GCP hardware is crucial in Leela estimations, but maybe you knows better ^^Proucht [-]: i'm reading ko for local lifeBabibo [2d?]: what does leela think now ? Any chance for black to save that group ?Proucht [-]: l17 k17 k16 m17 l18 k18 l15 m16 j18 m18 j17 l19 g18 Proucht [-]: which looks ko ?];B[eh];W[hb];B[jc]C[Chohun [?]: Leela is not good for big semeai, big eyes, and ladderChohun [?]: But Leela knows good shape and good tesuji that can help in fightWIEN2017 [-]: Viktor won his gameWIEN2017 [-]: :)ilvy [2d?]: Mistilvy [2d?]: sorry ;-)SIscurge [5d]: yessChohun [?]: Viktor is living in Wien?WIEN2017 [-]: yes];W[gb]C[Chohun [?]: Tanguy play like chickenNHEN [4k]: he wants to live];B[kb]C[ilvy [2d?]: living in sente seems good enoughChohun [?]: strange shape];W[lj]C[Chohun [?]: ah ok];B[hn];W[in]C[Chohun [?]: this kikashi make white stronger];B[ll];W[ml]C[WeakNoob [5d]: if w settle the center in sente then he will go for the right border and be aheadWeakNoob [5d]: right side*Matrok [6k?]: Looks like black is slightly aheadWeakNoob [5d]: no he isn'tWeakNoob [5d]: w is way more solid than bWeakNoob [5d]: and cash is about the sameWeakNoob [5d]: so w is ahead];B[mm];W[mk];B[qi]C[WeakNoob [5d]: but this r11 was pretty big and goodSIscurge [5d]: there is some kind of cut starting with l9 no?ilvy [2d?]: so b played first right sideSIscurge [5d]: oscar is facing a strong opponent honorablyWeakNoob [5d]: b don't want to be late on points so he don't mind about his weakness WIEN2017 [-]: yes, he isSIscurge [5d]: I hope I'll get paired against him tomorrow, but he wont be in the top group right? :-DAram [2k]: Oscar is way underrated he is more like 5-6d. His gor just lags behindAram [2k]: He got his spot by beating the 5-6ds in chinaGeser [-]: and he was 3d in the begining of this year...Aram [2k]: Thats way he has the wildcard spotSIscurge [5d]: yes looks like he deserved itWeakNoob [5d]: but he play regularly serious game on kgs and is stuck at 4dChohun [?]: serious game on KGS?ilvy [2d?]: and lost in the egf-academy against two german 3D ;-)Matrok [6k?]: He also made good impression at the Paris tournamentAram [2k]: Doubt he was actually just 3d.. spains ratings system doesn't allow gor resets, and not many strong playersBeijingboy [2d]: Isn't that what happens if you play regularly here though? Your rank gets stuckSIscurge [5d]: You cant really compare internet and irlAram [2k]: Also.. internet vs life tends to be different for some. Not always comparableChohun [?]: stupid fast blitz that doesn't help to improveAram [2k]: Also, he is what, 15? WeakNoob [5d]: 14Aram [2k]: Okfujiyama [7k]: R16 white to live ?Aram [2k]: Hope he gets good gor from this and can play abroad so he gets more good games at his correct level];W[qc]C[SIscurge [5d]: but what about l9, why it doesnt work?NHEN [4k]: :-)fujiyama [7k]: so r17?Chohun [?]: white l9 black k10Chohun [?]: black fall in damezumariAKQJ10 [3d]: video?WeakNoob [5d]: l9 l10 k9 j9 j10 l8 is the tesuji];B[qd];W[pb]C[WIEN2017 [-]: nice sequenceNHEN [4k]: a ko coming ?];B[oc];W[rc];B[ob]C[WeakNoob [5d]: no w just aliveNHEN [4k]: ok];W[qa]C[Chohun [?]: ouch pretty terrytoy less for blackWeakNoob [5d]: he can close the border as s16 is sente];B[lh];W[mh]C[WeakNoob [5d]: ?Beijingboy [2d]: It was never territory to begin with, the invasion was always possibleWeakNoob [5d]: what is the exchange for ?Chohun [?]: White s16 is a bad move because when black answer it's a ko];B[kk]C[WeakNoob [5d]: yes s16 is sente for bChohun [?]: so white s16 is goteWeakNoob [5d]: to close the borderChohun [?]: no need to rush on it];W[jk]C[ghaele [3d?]: do b want to attack the whole w group?dabe005 [-]: k8_WeakNoob [5d]: ?WeakNoob [5d]: w is taking a risk there ?Chohun [?]: k8 l7Chohun [?]: no risk];B[km]C[x0000 [-]: w is okChohun [?]: where are white eyes?ghaele [3d?]: but the w dragon not have finished eyes for now =)];W[li]C[x0000 [-]: big dragons never die anyway...];B[rm]C[ghaele [3d?]: yes but can help for yose like a lot of sente mooves];W[qm]C[Schachus12 [2k]: but if the attack is just yose I think w has too many pointsSchachus12 [2k]: b wont catch up I guessx0000 [-]: can't be helped at this pointghaele [3d?]: game is almost yose now ^^];B[rn];W[ro]C[x0000 [-]: I would prefer r7 over s7 ];B[ql];W[oo];B[no]C[ghaele [3d?]: w ask for senteMatrok [6k?]: I still count black slightly ahead even if white manages to make life ];W[pi]C[Schachus12 [2k]: make life where mazrok];B[ph];W[qj];B[pj]C[veer [1d]: w ahead ?];W[oi];B[qo];W[qp]C[Matrok [6k?]: I was wondering about the center but Tanguy is taking gare of it right nowMatrok [6k?]: *careveer [1d]: w can play B12 ?WIEN2017 [-]: Oscar entered in byoyomi];B[rj];W[qh];B[ri];W[pg];B[rh]C[Aram [2k]: how many points on the right does B need? 15?];W[qg];B[rg];W[pf];B[oa];W[sb];B[rd];W[ra];B[ci]C[Aram [2k]: how much time does white have?WeakNoob [5d]: i count w is slightly ahead hereWIEN2017 [-]: sadly I can't see the clockAram [2k]: black g5 is quite big, no?];W[ho]C[Aram [2k]: and white takes it, heh];B[bk];W[dl]C[WIEN2017 [-]: black has 5 minutes left];B[pe];W[oe];B[so];W[rp]C[Nomuga [3k]: Tanguy lose this morning right?];B[oj]C[WIEN2017 [-]: yesWIEN2017 [-]: by 0.5];W[oh]C[Nomuga [3k]: So he is still in the tournament?];B[pm]C[Lilou [-]: who are you WIEN2017?];W[po]C[WIEN2017 [-]: yes, it's a double-knockout tournament];B[pn]C[WIEN2017 [-]: my account's name is thelaura on kgsAram [2k]: i count black ahead by a few now];W[nm]C[WIEN2017 [-]: white's byoyomi started];B[ol]C[WIEN2017 [-]: Benjamin vs. Andrii is over];W[nl];B[nn]C[Aram [2k]: H2 for black big?];W[qo]C[hohohoho: black seems ahead, right?];B[jr]C[WeakNoob [5d]: i think it's close but w aheadliquescens [-]: why not just k2 Aram [2k]: go go oscar!liquescens [-]: then g2 goldo [1d?]: w p16 or b o15qgo [4k]: van zeijst still in tourney?Aram [2k]: yepp, he won both his gamesqgo [4k]: tx];W[ir];B[gq];W[lr]C[veer [1d]: C1 not big ?];B[ms];W[lq]C[Surrounded [1k]: N1??WeakNoob [5d]: c1 is two points sente for b. w won't play it if there are more than 4 points move elsewhereveer [1d]: ok, gotcha, ty];B[kr]C[goldo [1d?]: this is going crazyTen [1p]: White just finished the gameliquescens [-]: why not n3 for black ?Chohun [?]: white is desperate doing yose from insideghaele [3d?]: l2 tesuji n3 too bad];W[kp];B[lp];W[jp];B[lo]C[Lilou [-]: ciao tanguy];W[od]C[liquescens [-]: n3 m4 l4 l2 k3 k1 l1 ];B[pd]C[Chohun [?]: white may regret his chicken move at g18goldo [1d?]: e15liquescens [-]: sry i misread whie cant capture n2 ];W[gr];B[fr];W[hq]C[Ten [1p]: Still waiting for a11];B[gs];W[fq];B[ld];W[ke]C[sasha97 [6d]: +];B[gq]C[WIEN2017 [-]: Tanguy seems quite unhappyghaele [3d?]: b should not do the yose-ko no?Dom [6d]: b is winning Aram [2k]: yey, go oscar!!! you can do it!ManyWorlds [2k]: yeah don't see a way for w to come back here];W[rl];B[rk];W[fq];B[me];W[lc];B[md];W[kc];B[lb];W[nf];B[gq];W[ic]C[veer [1d]: A11 nice move];B[ib];W[hc];B[jd];W[fq];B[cs];W[bs];B[gq];W[ia];B[jb];W[fq]C[Ten [1p]: Thank youCourageous [4k]: can someone explain why this ko is so important?];B[ds];W[br];B[gq]C[Lilou [-]: b h2 bigveer [1d]: w might not see A11sasha97 [6d]: veer [1d]: w might not see A11 --- YesCourageous [4k]: ahh, because A11 is biggerCourageous [4k]: than h2Courageous [4k]: right?snowman [-]: not a real pro then :)Lilou [-]: ^^ManyWorlds [2k]: ouch :)];W[hl];B[gl];W[fq]C[Surrounded [1k]: a11 b10 a9 a10 b11 c10 c12 d11 d13 is your idea?Ten [1p]: Yessasha97 [6d]: +Surrounded [1k]: but after that, b can threaten to kill b7, right?Surrounded [1k]: by taking the stones in atari];B[ee];W[gf]C[Ten [1p]: I don't know what you're talking aboutSurrounded [1k]: and then b can cut w inside his territoryx0000 [-]: c8 would die rather];B[gq]C[Surrounded [1k]: a11 b10 a9 a10 b11 c10 c12 d11 d13 e10 c13 a8 b6 e13 Uberdude [3d?]: tanguy beat oh chi min in amsterdam!];W[ns]C[Lilou [-]: but is losing now..Ten [1p]: Oh right, now that white made the h8 exchange it doesn't work anymore];B[ls]C[mayumi [3d]: doesn't a11 risk b7?JIeBuc [5d]: hello guysJIeBuc [5d]: how you doing?];W[fq]C[Ten [1p]: Though now that black played e15, we can start with g11Ten [1p]: So it's again workingveer [1d]: we were waiting for you to come, what took you so long ?veer [1d]: :-)Surrounded [1k]: true...Surrounded [1k]: enough for w to win?];B[al]C[Aram [2k]: oscar lost to tanguy in amsterdam, so taking revenge now? :)Ten [1p]: I don't think so];W[cj];B[bj];W[ej];B[di];W[bn];B[gk];W[dg];B[cg];W[eg];B[bi];W[hs];B[fs];W[ba];B[aa];W[da]C[Uberdude [3d?]: can anyone give some background on oscar, i only hear dof him a few days ago when surma mentioned him as hot young prospectUberdude [3d?]: just young kid play online, or did he study in asia?Aram [2k]: he's from madrid, young, 14 years old, smart, been getting better and betterTen [1p]: Half a year in CEGO, I hearelgcrt [11k]: G 6BreizhI [2k]: Salut salut, qqun qui a suivi les qualifs peut me dire comment ça se passe pour les Français ? Une chance qu'un d'entre eux passé ?Lilou [-]: benjamin est outAram [2k]: in Madrid there's Mikami for example, a japanese (but lived in spain for looong), a 6 dan, and several other players in the 3-4 dan rangeLilou [-]: tanguy bientotBreizhI [2k]: Ils ne sont que deux ?Uberdude [3d?]: thx, lluis oh in madrid too?BreizhI [2k]: Merci lilouAram [2k]: so i'd guess he has gotten some teaching from themLilou [-]: oui thomas ne participe asLilou [-]: pas*Aram [2k]: lluis is from barcelona i thinkelgcrt [11k]: F 6Aram [2k]: not 100% sure though.. Li Yue used to live in Madrid as well, but not now for some 3-4 years i thinkSchachus12 [2k]: he improved a lot since he came back from CEGO training and he was very strong in his age group already before that];B[nj];W[ba]C[joachim [?]: yes, lluis lives in barcelona];B[bc];W[ab]C[Aram [2k]: white claving his way back?];B[gq];W[sd];B[se];W[fq];B[pa];W[qb];B[gq]C[BreizhI [2k]: B+3?WIEN2017 [-]: Tanguy resignedWIEN2017 [-]: wowAram [2k]: yey!!! great for oscar! :)veer [1d]: it's interresting how asian guys came to the West and spread goSchachus12 [2k]: reallySchachus12 [2k]: why would he resign, wasnt it very close?JIeBuc [5d]: there are humal lever and asianjasch [1d]: w was 6 points behind Dom [6d]: congrats for OscarJIeBuc [5d]: well, now only agJIeBuc [5d]: also*jasch [1d]: i guess he saw no way to get enough pointsilvy [2d?]: great, Oscar!Dom [6d]: anyway, we will have a quarter final of Rob vs Oscar, which is really funny...kmr [1d]: so after about 3 years after signing contract with CEGO do EGF estabilished this EPS Operational Rules?Or it still doesnt exist?jasch [1d]: when will the quarters take place?kmr [1d]: month later, 13-14 July rest games will be playedjasch [1d]: okay thanks])
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Tanguy le Calve    Oscar Vazquez
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