(;CA[UTF-8]FF[4]BR[17k]C[MortimerMcMire: ay]CP[online-go.com]DT[2017-12-30]GM[1]KM[6.5]PB[MortimerMcMire]PC[OGS: http://online-go.com/game/11091925]PW[sekt]RE[B+R]RU[japanese]SZ[19]WR[18k];B[pd]C[MortimerMcMire: ayAnalysis by GoReviewPartnerBot: Leela/0.11.0Komi: 6.5Intervals: moves 25-141 (black only)];C[sekt: ayy]W[dp];B[pq];W[dd];B[qo];W[nc];B[lc];W[pc];B[od];W[oc];B[qc];W[md];B[ic];W[qb];B[rc];W[rb];B[ld];W[sc];B[sd];W[sb];B[re];W[qd];B[rd];TB[ib][jb][jc][jd][kc][kd][pp][pr][qp][qq][qr][qs][ro][rp][rq][rr][rs][se][sp][sq][sr][ss]TW[nd][ob][od][pa][pb][pd][pe][qa][ra][sa]W[qe](;B[rf]BWR[60.71%]C[Move 25Black to play, in the game, black played s14Leela black/white win probability for this position: 60.71%/39.29%]CBM[r14]WWR[39.29%];TB[ib][jb][jc][jd][kc][kd][pp][pr][qp][qq][qr][qs][ro][rp][rq][rr][rs][se][sf][sp][sq][sr][ss]TW[ob][pa][pb][qa][ra][sa]W[pf](;B[nd]BWR[59.26%]C[Move 27Black to play, in the game, black played o16Leela black/white win probability for this position: 59.26%/40.74%]CBM[q13]WWR[40.74%];TB[ib][jc][jd][kc][kd][pp][pr][qp][qq][qr][qs][ro][rp][rq][rr][rs][se][sf][sp][sq][sr][ss]TW[nd][ob][od][oe][pa][pb][pd][pe][qa][ra][sa]W[mc](;B[me]BWR[48.37%]C[Move 29Black to play, in the game, black played n15Leela black/white win probability for this position: 48.37%/51.63%]CBM[r14]WWR[51.63%];TB[ib][jc][jd][kc][kd][le][pp][pr][qp][qq][qr][qs][ro][rp][rq][rr][rs][se][sf][sp][sq][sr][ss]TW[nd][ob][od][oe][pa][pb][pd][pe][qa][ra][sa]W[ne](;B[nf]BWR[41.43%]C[Move 31Black to play, in the game, black played o14Leela black/white win probability for this position: 41.43%/58.57%]CBM[r12]WWR[58.57%];TB[ib][jc][jd][kc][kd][le][mf][pp][pr][qp][qq][qr][qs][ro][rp][rq][rr][rs][se][sf][sp][sq][sr][ss]TW[nd][ob][od][pa][pb][pd][pe][qa][ra][sa]W[oe](;B[qf]BWR[40.18%]C[Move 33Black to play, in the game, black played r14Leela black/white win probability for this position: 40.18%/59.82%]CBM[q13]WWR[59.82%];TB[ib][jc][jd][kc][kd][le][mf][pp][pr][qp][qq][qr][qs][ro][rp][rq][rr][rs][se][sf][sp][sq][sr][ss]TW[nd][ob][od][pa][pb][pd][qa][ra][sa]W[pe](;B[mf]BWR[40.87%]C[Move 35Black to play, in the game, black played n14Leela black/white win probability for this position: 40.87%/59.13%]CBM[q13]WWR[59.13%];TB[ib][jc][jd][kc][kd][ke][le][lf][pp][pr][qp][qq][qr][qs][ro][rp][rq][rr][rs][se][sf][sp][sq][sr][ss]TW[nd][ob][od][pa][pb][pd][qa][ra][sa]W[ph](;B[qh]BWR[36.65%]C[Move 37Black to play, in the game, black played r12Leela black/white win probability for this position: 36.65%/63.35%]CBM[r11]WWR[63.35%];TB[ib][jc][jd][kc][kd][ke][le][lf][pp][pr][qp][qq][qr][qs][ro][rp][rq][rr][rs][se][so][sp][sq][sr][ss]TW[nd][ob][od][pa][pb][pd][qa][ra][sa]W[qg](;B[rg]BWR[40.71%]C[Move 39Black to play, in the game, black played s13Leela black/white win probability for this position: 40.71%/59.29%]CBM[s13]WWR[59.29%];TB[ib][jc][jd][kc][kd][ke][le][lf][pp][pr][qp][qq][qr][qs][rh][ro][rp][rq][rr][rs][se][sf][sg][sh][so][sp][sq][sr][ss]TW[nd][ob][od][pa][pb][pd][qa][ra][sa]W[pg](;B[qi]BWR[45.14%]C[Move 41Black to play, in the game, black played r11Leela black/white win probability for this position: 45.14%/54.86%]CBM[r11]WWR[54.86%];TB[ib][jc][jd][kc][kd][ke][le][lf][po][pp][pr][qn][qp][qq][qr][qs][rh][ri][rj][rk][rm][rn][ro][rp][rq][rr][rs][se][sf][sg][sh][si][sj][sk][sl][sm][sn][so][sp][sq][sr][ss]TW[nd][ob][od][pa][pb][pd][qa][ra][sa]W[sf](;B[sh]BWR[64.66%]C[Move 43Black to play, in the game, black played t12Leela black/white win probability for this position: 64.66%/35.34%]CBM[q11]WWR[35.34%];TB[ib][jc][jd][kc][kd][ke][le][lf][po][pp][pr][qn][qp][qq][qr][qs][rh][ri][rj][rk][rl][rm][rn][ro][rp][rq][rr][rs][se][sf][sg][si][sj][sk][sl][sm][sn][so][sp][sq][sr][ss]TW[nd][ob][od][pa][pb][pd][qa][ra][sa]W[ri](;B[rj]BWR[54.98%]C[Move 45Black to play, in the game, black played s10Leela black/white win probability for this position: 54.98%/45.02%]CBM[r10]WWR[45.02%];TB[ib][jc][jd][kc][kd][ke][le][lf][pp][pr][qp][qq][qr][qs][rh][ri][ro][rp][rq][rr][rs][se][sf][sg][si][sj][so][sp][sq][sr][ss]TW[nd][ob][od][pa][pb][pd][qa][ra][sa]W[qj](;B[si]BWR[62.07%]C[Move 47Black to play, in the game, black played t11Leela black/white win probability for this position: 62.07%/37.93%]CBM[q10]WWR[37.93%];TB[ib][jc][jd][kc][kd][ke][le][lf][pp][pr][qp][qq][qr][qs][rh][ri][ro][rp][rq][rr][rs][se][sf][sg][sj][so][sp][sq][sr][ss]TW[nd][ob][od][pa][pb][pd][qa][ra][sa]W[pi](;B[rh]BWR[32.87%]C[Move 49Black to play, in the game, black played s12Leela black/white win probability for this position: 32.87%/67.13%]CBM[s12]WWR[67.13%];TB[ib][jc][jd][kc][kd][ke][le][lf][pp][pr][qp][qq][qr][qs][ri][rp][rq][rr][rs][se][sf][sg][sq][sr][ss]TW[nd][ob][od][pa][pb][pd][pj][qa][ra][sa]W[ql](;B[pk]BWR[44.59%]C[Move 51Black to play, in the game, black played q9Leela black/white win probability for this position: 44.59%/55.41%]CBM[q10]WWR[55.41%];TB[ib][jc][jd][kc][kd][ke][le][lf][pp][pr][qp][qq][qr][qs][ri][rp][rq][rr][rs][se][sf][sg][sq][sr][ss]TW[nd][ob][od][pa][pb][pd][qa][ra][sa]W[qk](;B[fq]BWR[37.85%]C[Move 53Black to play, in the game, black played f3Leela black/white win probability for this position: 37.85%/62.15%]CBM[q10]WWR[62.15%];TB[ib][jc][jd][kc][kd][ke][le][lf][ri][se][sf][sg]TW[nd][ob][od][pa][pb][pd][qa][ra][sa]W[ro](;B[rn]BWR[46.38%]C[Move 55Black to play, in the game, black played s6Leela black/white win probability for this position: 46.38%/53.62%]CBM[c6]WWR[53.62%];TB[ib][jc][jd][kc][kd][ke][le][lf][ri][se][sf][sg]TW[nd][ob][od][pa][pb][pd][qa][ra][sa]W[rp](;B[qn]BWR[46.36%]C[Move 57Black to play, in the game, black played r6Leela black/white win probability for this position: 46.36%/53.64%]CBM[r6]WWR[53.64%];TB[ib][jc][jd][kc][kd][ke][le][lf][po][ri][se][sf][sg]TW[nd][ob][od][pa][pb][pd][qa][ra][rq][sa]W[qq](;B[qp]BWR[47.49%]C[Move 59Black to play, in the game, black played r4Leela black/white win probability for this position: 47.49%/52.51%]CBM[q2]WWR[52.51%];TB[ib][jc][jd][kc][kd][ke][le][lf][po][pp][ri][se][sf][sg]TW[nd][ob][od][pa][pb][pd][qa][ra][rq][rr][rs][sa][sq][sr][ss]W[qr](;B[sq]BWR[46.01%]C[Move 61Black to play, in the game, black played t3Leela black/white win probability for this position: 46.01%/53.99%]CBM[q2]WWR[53.99%];TB[ib][jc][jd][kc][kd][ke][le][lf][po][pp][ri][se][sf][sg]TW[nd][ob][od][pa][pb][pd][qa][ra][rr][rs][sa][sq][sr][ss]W[rq](;B[rs]BWR[34.74%]C[Move 63Black to play, in the game, black played s1Leela black/white win probability for this position: 34.74%/65.26%]CBM[q2]WWR[65.26%];TB[ib][jc][jd][kc][kd][ke][le][lf][po][pp][ri][se][sf][sg]TW[nd][ob][od][pa][pb][pd][qa][ra][rr][rs][sa][sq][sr][ss]W[qs](;B[sr]BWR[30.45%]C[Move 65Black to play, in the game, black played t2Leela black/white win probability for this position: 30.45%/69.55%]CBM[q2]WWR[69.55%];TB[ib][jc][jd][kc][kd][ke][le][lf][po][pp][ri][se][sf][sg][ss]TW[nd][ob][od][pa][pb][pd][qa][ra][sa]W[rr](;B[pr]BWR[42.87%]C[Move 67Black to play, in the game, black played q2Leela black/white win probability for this position: 42.87%/57.13%]CBM[q2]WWR[57.13%];TB[ib][jc][jd][kc][kd][ke][le][lf][op][oq][po][pp][ri][se][sf][sg]TW[nd][ob][od][pa][pb][pd][qa][ra][rs][sa]W[ss](;B[pb]BWR[44.57%]C[Move 69Black to play, in the game, black played q18Leela black/white win probability for this position: 44.57%/55.43%]CBM[c6]WWR[55.43%];TB[ib][jc][jd][kc][kd][ke][le][lf][op][oq][po][pp][ri][se][sf][sg]TW[nd][oa][od][pa][pb][pd][qa][ra][rs][sa]W[ob](;B[sn]BWR[41.84%]C[Move 71Black to play, in the game, black played t6Leela black/white win probability for this position: 41.84%/58.16%]CBM[q10]WWR[58.16%];TB[ib][jc][jd][kc][kd][ke][le][lf][op][oq][po][pp][ri][se][sf][sg]TW[nd][oa][od][pa][pb][pd][qa][ra][rs][sa]W[so](;B[ps]BWR[52.12%]C[Move 73Black to play, in the game, black played q1Leela black/white win probability for this position: 52.12%/47.88%]CBM[q10]WWR[47.88%];TB[ib][jc][jd][kc][kd][ke][le][lf][qq][qr][qs][ri][ro][rp][rq][rr][rs][se][sf][sg][so][sp][ss]TW[nd][oa][od][pa][pb][pd][qa][ra][sa]W[pp](;B[oo]BWR[50.31%]C[Move 75Black to play, in the game, black played p5Leela black/white win probability for this position: 50.31%/49.69%]CBM[s1]WWR[49.69%];TB[ib][jc][jd][kc][kd][ke][le][lf][qq][qr][qs][ri][ro][rp][rq][rr][rs][se][sf][sg][so][sp][ss]TW[nd][oa][od][pa][pb][pd][qa][ra][sa]W[op](;B[nr]BWR[55.21%]C[Move 77Black to play, in the game, black played o2Leela black/white win probability for this position: 55.21%/44.79%]CBM[s1]WWR[44.79%];TB[ib][jc][jd][kc][kd][ke][le][lf][ns][os][qq][qr][qs][ri][ro][rp][rq][rr][rs][se][sf][sg][so][sp][ss]TW[nd][oa][od][pa][pb][pd][qa][ra][sa]W[os](;B[or]BWR[63.61%]C[Move 79Black to play, in the game, black played p2Leela black/white win probability for this position: 63.61%/36.39%]CBM[s1]WWR[36.39%];TB[ib][jc][jd][kc][kd][ke][le][lf][ns][os][qq][qr][qs][ri][ro][rp][rq][rr][rs][se][sf][sg][so][sp][ss]TW[nd][oa][od][pa][pb][pd][qa][ra][sa]W[ns](;B[ms]BWR[67.42%]C[Move 81Black to play, in the game, black played n1Leela black/white win probability for this position: 67.42%/32.58%]CBM[s1]WWR[32.58%];TB[ib][jc][jd][kc][kd][ke][le][lf][ns][os][qq][qr][qs][ri][ro][rp][rq][rr][rs][se][sf][sg][so][sp][ss]TW[nd][oa][od][pa][pb][pd][qa][ra][sa]W[mr](;B[lr]BWR[63.05%]C[Move 83Black to play, in the game, black played m2Leela black/white win probability for this position: 63.05%/36.95%]CBM[s1]WWR[36.95%];TB[hs][ib][is][jc][jd][js][kc][kd][ke][ks][le][lf][ls][ns][os][qq][qr][qs][ri][ro][rp][rq][rr][rs][se][sf][sg][so][sp][ss]TW[nd][oa][od][pa][pb][pd][qa][ra][sa]W[mq](;B[lq]BWR[67.65%]C[Move 85Black to play, in the game, black played m3Leela black/white win probability for this position: 67.65%/32.35%]CBM[m3]WWR[32.35%];TB[gq][hr][hs][ib][ir][is][jc][jd][jr][js][kc][kd][ke][kq][kr][ks][le][lf][ls][ns][os][qq][qr][qs][ri][ro][rp][rq][rr][rs][se][sf][sg][so][sp][ss]TW[nd][oa][od][pa][pb][pd][qa][ra][sa]W[nq](;B[mo]BWR[76.03%]C[Move 87Black to play, in the game, black played n5Leela black/white win probability for this position: 76.03%/23.97%]CBM[s1]WWR[23.97%];TB[gq][hq][hr][hs][ib][iq][ir][is][jc][jd][jq][jr][js][kc][kd][ke][kq][kr][ks][le][lf][ls][qq][qr][qs][ri][ro][rp][rq][rr][rs][se][sf][sg][so][sp][ss]TW[nd][oa][od][pa][pb][pd][qa][ra][sa]W[ns](;B[ls]BWR[77.69%]C[Move 89Black to play, in the game, black played m1Leela black/white win probability for this position: 77.69%/22.31%]CBM[s1]WWR[22.31%];TB[gq][hq][hr][hs][ib][iq][ir][is][jc][jd][jq][jr][js][kc][kd][ke][kq][kr][ks][le][lf][ri][se][sf][sg]TW[nd][nr][oa][od][or][os][pa][pb][pd][pq][pr][ps][qa][ra][rs][sa][sp][sq][sr]W[oq](;B[dm]BWR[25.12%]C[Move 91Black to play, in the game, black played d7Leela black/white win probability for this position: 25.12%/74.88%]CBM[q10]WWR[74.88%];TB[gq][hq][hr][hs][ib][iq][ir][is][jc][jd][jq][jr][js][kc][kd][kq][kr][ks][le][ri][se][sf][sg]TW[nd][nr][oa][od][or][os][pa][pb][pd][pq][pr][ps][qa][ra][rs][sa][sp][sq][sr]W[mh](;B[pj]BWR[26.44%]C[Move 93Black to play, in the game, black played q10Leela black/white win probability for this position: 26.44%/73.56%]CBM[c14]WWR[73.56%];TB[gq][hq][hr][hs][ib][iq][ir][is][jc][jd][jq][jr][js][kc][kd][kq][kr][ks][le][ri][se][sf][sg]TW[nd][nr][oa][od][or][os][pa][pb][pd][pq][pr][ps][qa][ra][rs][sa][sp][sq][sr]W[no](;B[on]BWR[31.89%]C[Move 95Black to play, in the game, black played p6Leela black/white win probability for this position: 31.89%/68.11%]CBM[o6]WWR[68.11%];TB[gq][hq][hr][hs][ib][iq][ir][is][jc][jd][jq][jr][js][kc][kd][kq][kr][ks][le][ri][se][sf][sg]TW[nd][nr][oa][od][or][os][pa][pb][pd][pq][pr][ps][qa][ra][rs][sa][sp][sq][sr]W[nn](;B[om]BWR[26.36%]C[Move 97Black to play, in the game, black played p7Leela black/white win probability for this position: 26.36%/73.64%]CBM[q8]WWR[73.64%];TB[gq][hq][hr][hs][ib][iq][ir][is][jc][jd][jq][jr][js][kc][kd][kq][kr][ks][le][pm][qj][qk][ql][qm][ri][rk][rl][rm][se][sf][sg][sj][sk][sl][sm]TW[nd][nr][oa][od][or][os][pa][pb][pd][pq][pr][ps][qa][ra][rs][sa][sp][sq][sr]W[nm](;B[cf]BWR[27.31%]C[Move 99Black to play, in the game, black played c14Leela black/white win probability for this position: 27.31%/72.69%]CBM[o8]WWR[72.69%];TB[gq][hq][hr][hs][ib][iq][ir][is][jc][jd][jq][jr][js][kc][kd][kq][kr][ks][le][ri][se][sf][sg]TW[nd][nr][oa][od][or][os][pa][pb][pd][pq][pr][ps][qa][ra][rs][sa][sp][sq][sr]W[ol](;B[pl]BWR[31.09%]C[Move 101Black to play, in the game, black played q8Leela black/white win probability for this position: 31.09%/68.91%]CBM[q8]WWR[68.91%];TB[gq][hq][hr][hs][ib][iq][ir][is][jc][jd][jq][jr][js][kc][kd][kq][kr][ks][le][pm][qj][qk][ql][qm][ri][rk][rl][rm][se][sf][sg][sj][sk][sl][sm]TW[nd][nr][oa][od][or][os][pa][pb][pd][pq][pr][ps][qa][ra][rs][sa][sp][sq][sr]W[pn](;B[pm]BWR[45.2%]C[Move 103Black to play, in the game, black played q7Leela black/white win probability for this position: 45.2%/54.8%]CBM[q5]WWR[54.8%];TB[gq][hq][hr][hs][ib][iq][ir][is][jc][jd][jq][jr][js][kc][kd][kq][kr][ks][le][qj][qk][ql][qm][ri][rk][rl][rm][se][sf][sg][sj][sk][sl][sm]TW[nd][nr][oa][od][or][os][pa][pb][pd][pq][pr][ps][qa][ra][rs][sa][sp][sq][sr]W[po](;B[qm]BWR[43.28%]C[Move 105Black to play, in the game, black played r7Leela black/white win probability for this position: 43.28%/56.72%]CBM[r7]WWR[56.72%];TB[gq][hq][hr][hs][ib][iq][ir][is][jc][jd][jq][jr][js][kc][kd][kq][kr][ks][le][qj][qk][ql][ri][rk][rl][rm][se][sf][sg][sj][sk][sl][sm]TW[nd][nk][nl][nr][oa][od][or][os][pa][pb][pd][pq][pr][ps][qa][ra][rs][sa][sp][sq][sr]W[ok](;B[oj]BWR[53.71%]C[Move 107Black to play, in the game, black played p10Leela black/white win probability for this position: 53.71%/46.29%]CBM[p10]WWR[46.29%];TB[gq][hq][hr][hs][ib][iq][ir][is][jc][jd][jq][jr][js][kc][kd][kq][kr][ks][le][qj][qk][ql][ri][rk][rl][rm][se][sf][sg][sj][sk][sl][sm]TW[mj][nd][nk][nl][nr][oa][od][or][os][pa][pb][pd][pq][pr][ps][qa][ra][rs][sa][sp][sq][sr]W[nj](;B[oi]BWR[64.49%]C[Move 109Black to play, in the game, black played p11Leela black/white win probability for this position: 64.49%/35.51%]CBM[f17]WWR[35.51%];TB[gq][hq][hr][hs][ib][iq][ir][is][jc][jd][jq][jr][js][kc][kd][kq][kr][ks][le][qj][qk][ql][ri][rk][rl][rm][se][sf][sg][sj][sk][sl][sm]TW[mi][mj][nd][nk][nl][nr][oa][od][or][os][pa][pb][pd][pq][pr][ps][qa][ra][rs][sa][sp][sq][sr]W[ni](;B[oh]BWR[59.58%]C[Move 111Black to play, in the game, black played p12Leela black/white win probability for this position: 59.58%/40.42%]CBM[f17]WWR[40.42%];TB[gq][hq][hr][hs][ib][iq][ir][is][jc][jd][jq][jr][js][kc][kd][kq][kr][ks][le][qj][qk][ql][ri][rk][rl][rm][se][sf][sg][sj][sk][sl][sm]TW[mi][mj][nd][nk][nl][nr][oa][od][or][os][pa][pb][pd][pq][pr][ps][qa][ra][rs][sa][sp][sq][sr]W[nh](;B[og]BWR[63.31%]C[Move 113Black to play, in the game, black played p13Leela black/white win probability for this position: 63.31%/36.69%]CBM[f17]WWR[36.69%];TB[gq][hq][hr][hs][ib][iq][ir][is][jc][jd][jq][jr][js][kc][kd][kq][kr][ks][le][qj][qk][ql][ri][rk][rl][rm][se][sf][sg][sj][sk][sl][sm]TW[mi][mj][nd][nk][nl][nr][oa][od][or][os][pa][pb][pd][pq][pr][ps][qa][ra][rs][sa][sp][sq][sr]W[ng](;B[of]BWR[69.35%]C[Move 115Black to play, in the game, black played p14Leela black/white win probability for this position: 69.35%/30.65%]CBM[f17]WWR[30.65%];TB[ib][jc][jd][kc][kd][ks][le][qj][qk][ql][ri][rk][rl][rm][se][sf][sg][sj][sk][sl][sm]TW[mi][mj][mk][nd][nk][nl][nr][oa][od][or][os][pa][pb][pd][pq][pr][ps][qa][ra][rs][sa][sp][sq][sr]W[lp](;B[mp]BWR[64.5%]C[Move 117Black to play, in the game, black played n4Leela black/white win probability for this position: 64.5%/35.5%]CBM[l4]WWR[35.5%];TB[ib][jc][jd][kc][kd][le][mq][mr][ns][oq][os][pn][po][pp][qj][qk][ql][ri][rk][rl][rm][se][sf][sg][sj][sk][sl][sm]TW[mi][mj][mk][nd][nk][nl][oa][od][pa][pb][pd][qa][ra][rs][sa]W[kp](;B[np]BWR[92.12%]C[Move 119Black to play, in the game, black played o4Leela black/white win probability for this position: 92.12%/7.88%]CBM[o4]WWR[7.88%];TB[ib][jc][jd][kc][kd][le][mq][mr][nq][ns][op][oq][os][pn][po][pp][qj][qk][ql][ri][rk][rl][rm][se][sf][sg][sj][sk][sl][sm]TW[lk][mi][mj][mk][ml][nd][nk][nl][oa][od][pa][pb][pd][qa][ra][rs][sa]W[kn](;B[nl]BWR[93.94%]C[MortimerMcMire: was that a plan or was it a mistake?Move 121Black to play, in the game, black played o8Leela black/white win probability for this position: 93.94%/6.06%]CBM[e5]WWR[6.06%];C[MortimerMcMire: i'm just curious]TB[ib][jc][jd][kc][kd][le][mq][mr][nq][ns][op][oq][os][pn][po][pp][qj][qk][ql][ri][rk][rl][rm][se][sf][sg][sj][sk][sl][sm]TW[mi][nd][oa][od][pa][pb][pd][qa][ra][rs][sa]W[nk](;B[ml]BWR[92.92%]C[Move 123Black to play, in the game, black played n8Leela black/white win probability for this position: 92.92%/7.08%]CBM[n8]WWR[7.08%];TB[ib][jc][jd][kc][kd][le][mq][mr][no][nq][ns][op][oq][os][pn][po][pp][qj][qk][ql][ri][rk][rl][rm][se][sf][sg][sj][sk][sl][sm]TW[mi][nd][oa][od][pa][pb][pd][qa][ra][rs][sa]W[ll](;B[mm]BWR[92.72%]C[Move 125Black to play, in the game, black played n7Leela black/white win probability for this position: 92.72%/7.28%]CBM[m7]WWR[7.28%];TB[kc][mq][mr][nm][no][nq][ns][op][oq][os][pn][po][pp][qj][qk][ql][ri][rk][rl][rm][se][sf][sg][sj][sk][sl][sm]TW[ec][mi][nd][oa][od][pa][pb][pd][qa][ra][rs][sa]W[hc](;B[hd]BWR[92.89%]C[Move 127Black to play, in the game, black played h16Leela black/white win probability for this position: 92.89%/7.11%]CBM[f17]WWR[7.11%];TB[id][jc][jd][kc][kd][le][mq][mr][nm][no][nq][ns][op][oq][os][pn][po][pp][qj][qk][ql][ri][rk][rl][rm][se][sf][sg][sj][sk][sl][sm]TW[mi][nd][oa][od][pa][pb][pd][qa][ra][rs][sa]W[gc](;B[cc]BWR[92.52%]C[Move 129Black to play, in the game, black played c17Leela black/white win probability for this position: 92.52%/7.48%]CBM[g16]WWR[7.48%];TB[id][jc][jd][kc][kd][le][mq][mr][nm][no][nq][ns][op][oq][os][pn][po][pp][qj][qk][ql][ri][rk][rl][rm][se][sf][sg][sj][sk][sl][sm]TW[mi][nd][oa][od][pa][pb][pd][qa][ra][rs][sa]W[cd](;B[dc]BWR[93.46%]C[Move 131Black to play, in the game, black played d17Leela black/white win probability for this position: 93.46%/6.54%]CBM[d17]WWR[6.54%];TB[id][jc][jd][kc][kd][le][mq][mr][nm][no][nq][ns][op][oq][os][pn][po][pp][qj][qk][ql][ri][rk][rl][rm][se][sf][sg][sj][sk][sl][sm]TW[mi][nd][oa][od][pa][pb][pd][qa][ra][rs][sa]W[bd](;B[bc]BWR[93.86%]C[Move 133Black to play, in the game, black played b17Leela black/white win probability for this position: 93.86%/6.14%]CBM[f17]WWR[6.14%];TB[id][jc][jd][kc][kd][le][mq][mr][nm][no][nq][ns][op][oq][os][pn][po][pp][qj][qk][ql][ri][rk][rl][rm][se][sf][sg][sj][sk][sl][sm]TW[mi][nd][oa][od][pa][pb][pd][qa][ra][rs][sa]W[ec](;B[eb]BWR[93.52%]C[Move 135Black to play, in the game, black played e18Leela black/white win probability for this position: 93.52%/6.48%]CBM[e18]WWR[6.48%];TB[ba][bb][ca][cb][db][id][jc][jd][kc][kd][le][mq][mr][nm][no][nq][ns][op][oq][os][pn][po][pp][qj][qk][ql][ri][rk][rl][rm][se][sf][sg][sj][sk][sl][sm]TW[fc][mi][nd][oa][od][pa][pb][pd][qa][ra][rs][sa]W[fb](;B[da]BWR[94.93%]C[Move 137Black to play, in the game, black played d19Leela black/white win probability for this position: 94.93%/5.07%]CBM[e16]WWR[5.07%];TB[ba][bb][ca][cb][db][id][jc][jd][kc][kd][le][mq][mr][nm][no][nq][ns][op][oq][os][pn][po][pp][qj][qk][ql][ri][rk][rl][rm][se][sf][sg][sj][sk][sl][sm]TW[fc][mi][nd][oa][od][pa][pb][pd][qa][ra][rs][sa]W[fd](;B[ee]BWR[92.23%]C[Move 139Black to play, in the game, black played e15Leela black/white win probability for this position: 92.23%/7.77%]CBM[e15]WWR[7.77%];TB[ba][bb][ca][cb][db][id][jc][jd][kc][kd][le][mq][mr][nm][no][nq][ns][op][oq][os][pn][po][pp][qj][qk][ql][ri][rk][rl][rm][se][sf][sg][sj][sk][sl][sm]TW[fc][mi][nd][oa][od][pa][pb][pd][qa][ra][rs][sa]W[ed](;B[cj]BWR[91.89%]C[sekt: your answer.....sekt: isMortimerMcMire: it was a plan all along!!!MortimerMcMire: aw :(MortimerMcMire: you were trashing me for a whileMove 141Black to play, in the game, black played c10Leela black/white win probability for this position: 91.89%/8.11%]CBM[s1]WWR[8.11%])(;B[rs]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 91.89%/8.11%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 81.94%/18.06Value network win probalbility for this move: 99.9%/0.1Policy network value for this move: 82.7%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 10060];W[ac];B[ab];W[ba];B[ad];W[be];B[ca];W[ss];B[bf])(;B[lk]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 93.01%/6.99%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 84.42%/15.58Value network win probalbility for this move: 99.94%/0.06Policy network value for this move: 3.0%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 3883];W[kk];B[kj];W[jk];B[jj];W[ij])(;B[eo]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 93.43%/6.57%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 85.37%/14.63Value network win probalbility for this move: 99.92%/0.08Policy network value for this move: 4.6%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 3031];W[ac];B[ab];W[ba];B[ad];W[be])(;B[gf]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 92.81%/7.19%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 83.99%/16.01Value network win probalbility for this move: 99.92%/0.08Policy network value for this move: 1.3%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 304];W[ac];B[ab]))(;B[ee]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 92.23%/7.77%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 82.64%/17.36Value network win probalbility for this move: 99.92%/0.08Policy network value for this move: 77.6%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 15821];W[ed];B[rs];W[fp];B[gp];W[fo];B[eq];W[dq];B[go];W[gn];B[hn];W[hm])(;B[rs]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 91.47%/8.53%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 80.94%/19.06Value network win probalbility for this move: 99.9%/0.1Policy network value for this move: 20.6%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 2046];W[fp];B[gp];W[fo];B[eq];W[dq];B[go]))(;B[ed]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 94.93%/5.07%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 88.59%/11.41Value network win probalbility for this move: 99.98%/0.02Policy network value for this move: 99.8%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 4677];W[fc];B[ee];W[db];B[cb];W[ea];B[be];W[fp];B[gp];W[fo];B[dq];W[cq]))(;B[eb]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 93.52%/6.48%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 85.36%/14.64Value network win probalbility for this move: 99.97%/0.03Policy network value for this move: 62.8%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 11352];W[ed];B[fb];W[gd];B[he];W[ib];B[jc];W[ch];B[rs];W[eo])(;B[ed]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 93.31%/6.69%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 84.9%/15.1Value network win probalbility for this move: 99.94%/0.06Policy network value for this move: 36.4%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 4986];W[eb];B[de];W[id];B[ie];W[jd];B[je];W[he];B[jc];W[gd]))(;B[fc]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 93.86%/6.14%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 86.08%/13.92Value network win probalbility for this move: 99.96%/0.04Policy network value for this move: 13.8%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 3712];W[gd];B[fd];W[fb];B[eb];W[fe];B[gb];W[hb];B[fa];W[ha])(;B[ec]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 93.54%/6.46%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 85.35%/14.65Value network win probalbility for this move: 99.95%/0.05Policy network value for this move: 38.4%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 6516];W[ed];B[gd];W[fc];B[fd];W[eb];B[db];W[fb];B[bc];W[ab];B[bb])(;B[ed]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 93.28%/6.72%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 84.81%/15.19Value network win probalbility for this move: 99.93%/0.07Policy network value for this move: 42.5%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 5421];W[ec];B[ee];W[eb];B[bc];W[bf];B[bg];W[be];B[db])(;B[rs]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 93.08%/6.92%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 84.35%/15.65Value network win probalbility for this move: 99.93%/0.07Policy network value for this move: 3.4%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 336];W[ed];B[sp];W[rr]))(;B[dc]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 93.46%/6.54%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 85.09%/14.91Value network win probalbility for this move: 99.97%/0.03Policy network value for this move: 97.0%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 5484];W[ed];B[ec];W[gd];B[bd];W[be];B[bc];W[ce];B[bf];W[af];B[bh])(;B[bd]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 86.86%/13.14%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 69.99%/30.01Value network win probalbility for this move: 99.98%/0.02Policy network value for this move: 2.4%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 23]))(;B[gd]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 92.52%/7.48%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 82.9%/17.1Value network win probalbility for this move: 99.96%/0.04Policy network value for this move: 42.6%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 10504];W[fc];B[rs];W[fp];B[gp];W[fo];B[dq];W[cq];B[eq];W[cp];B[go];W[gn])(;B[rs]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 92.28%/7.72%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 82.36%/17.64Value network win probalbility for this move: 99.94%/0.06Policy network value for this move: 37.8%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 6411];W[id];B[ie];W[jd];B[je];W[jc];B[lk];W[ss];B[gd])(;B[ib]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 90.86%/9.14%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 79.1%/20.9Value network win probalbility for this move: 99.95%/0.05Policy network value for this move: 6.1%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 401];W[gd];B[he];W[lk])(;B[id]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 89.73%/10.27%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 76.5%/23.5Value network win probalbility for this move: 99.96%/0.04Policy network value for this move: 8.3%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 366];W[cd];B[fd])(;B[lk]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 92.48%/7.52%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 82.79%/17.21Value network win probalbility for this move: 99.97%/0.03Policy network value for this move: 1.8%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 314];W[id];B[ie];W[jd];B[je]))(;B[fc]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 92.89%/7.11%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 83.67%/16.33Value network win probalbility for this move: 99.97%/0.03Policy network value for this move: 25.9%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 6878];W[df];B[dg];W[ef];B[ce];W[cd];B[hd];W[ec];B[fd];W[de])(;B[hd]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 92.38%/7.62%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 82.52%/17.48Value network win probalbility for this move: 99.96%/0.04Policy network value for this move: 31.2%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 4441];W[gc];B[gd];W[fc];B[rs];W[fp];B[gp];W[fo];B[eq];W[dq];B[go])(;B[rs]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 92.3%/7.7%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 82.36%/17.64Value network win probalbility for this move: 99.93%/0.07Policy network value for this move: 24.9%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 3238];W[id];B[jc];W[hd];B[jf];W[ss];B[rl])(;B[lk]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 93.29%/6.71%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 84.59%/15.41Value network win probalbility for this move: 99.97%/0.03Policy network value for this move: 3.5%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 2501];W[id];B[jc];W[hd];B[rs];W[kk])(;B[hb]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 91.82%/8.18%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 81.22%/18.78Value network win probalbility for this move: 99.96%/0.04Policy network value for this move: 9.7%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 886];W[gc];B[gb];W[fc];B[fb];W[eb])(;B[id]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 92.02%/7.98%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 81.66%/18.34Value network win probalbility for this move: 99.98%/0.02Policy network value for this move: 2.1%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 232];W[hd];B[he])(;B[eo]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 92.03%/7.97%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 81.68%/18.32Value network win probalbility for this move: 99.97%/0.03Policy network value for this move: 1.2%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 100];W[do]))(;B[lm]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 92.72%/7.28%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 83.23%/16.77Value network win probalbility for this move: 99.96%/0.04Policy network value for this move: 33.1%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 10085];W[km];B[lk];W[kl];B[mk];W[kk];B[kj];W[jj];B[ji])(;B[mk]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 92.55%/7.45%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 82.87%/17.13Value network win probalbility for this move: 99.94%/0.06Policy network value for this move: 19.6%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 4470];W[lk];B[lm];W[mj];B[mm];W[km];B[rs];W[fc];B[bd])(;B[rs]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 91.29%/8.71%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 79.97%/20.03Value network win probalbility for this move: 99.93%/0.07Policy network value for this move: 25.6%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 2052];W[fp];B[gp];W[fo];B[dq];W[cq];B[eq];W[cp])(;B[mm]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 91.5%/8.5%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 80.41%/19.59Value network win probalbility for this move: 99.96%/0.04Policy network value for this move: 16.1%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 1428];W[lk];B[rs];W[fp];B[gp];W[fo];B[go])(;B[lk]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 92.77%/7.23%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 83.36%/16.64Value network win probalbility for this move: 99.95%/0.05Policy network value for this move: 4.5%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 1306];W[mk];B[mm];W[lm];B[mn];W[kk];B[lj];W[ki];B[kj])(;B[eo]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 93.71%/6.29%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 85.53%/14.47Value network win probalbility for this move: 99.95%/0.05Policy network value for this move: 0.6%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 370];W[mm];B[rs];W[mk]))(;B[ml]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 92.92%/7.08%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 83.62%/16.38Value network win probalbility for this move: 99.97%/0.03Policy network value for this move: 70.7%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 13774];W[ll];B[lm];W[mk];B[mm];W[km];B[kl];W[lk];B[jl];W[jj];B[hl];W[fp])(;B[rs]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 92.6%/7.4%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 82.93%/17.07Value network win probalbility for this move: 99.93%/0.07Policy network value for this move: 27.2%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 3772];W[fc];B[bd];W[cc];B[ci];W[ss];B[ml]))(;B[eo]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 93.94%/6.06%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 85.94%/14.06Value network win probalbility for this move: 99.96%/0.04Policy network value for this move: 6.6%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 6343];W[do];B[en];W[dr];B[bo];W[bp])(;B[lm]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 93.56%/6.44%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 85.03%/14.97Value network win probalbility for this move: 99.98%/0.02Policy network value for this move: 19.8%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 6072];W[fp];B[gp];W[fo];B[eq];W[dq];B[go];W[gn])(;B[rs]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 92.18%/7.82%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 81.83%/18.17Value network win probalbility for this move: 99.96%/0.04Policy network value for this move: 64.4%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 5418];W[fp];B[gp];W[fo];B[eq];W[dq];B[go];W[gn];B[hn];W[hm])(;B[cq]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 94.71%/5.29%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 87.7%/12.3Value network win probalbility for this move: 99.98%/0.02Policy network value for this move: 0.6%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 1791];W[dq];B[cp];W[do];B[co];W[fo];B[dn];W[cr])(;B[mm]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 94.27%/5.73%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 86.68%/13.32Value network win probalbility for this move: 99.97%/0.03Policy network value for this move: 1.0%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 848];W[eo];B[fo])(;B[fc]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 93.24%/6.76%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 84.28%/15.72Value network win probalbility for this move: 99.97%/0.03Policy network value for this move: 2.9%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 481];W[fd];B[ed];W[ee];B[ec])(;B[ll]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 93.89%/6.11%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 85.8%/14.2Value network win probalbility for this move: 99.97%/0.03Policy network value for this move: 0.5%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 114];W[lm]))(;B[np]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 92.12%/7.88%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 81.89%/18.11Value network win probalbility for this move: 99.98%/0.02Policy network value for this move: 99.7%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 4099];W[fp];B[gp];W[fo];B[eq];W[dq];B[cn];W[co];B[bo];W[bp]))(;B[kp]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 64.5%/35.5%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 50.93%/49.07Value network win probalbility for this move: 74.86%/25.14Policy network value for this move: 85.4%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 17619];W[fp];B[gp];W[eq];B[fo];W[ep];B[gq];W[bo];B[fc];W[fd];B[ed];W[ee];B[ec];W[gd])(;B[mp]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 55.51%/44.49%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 46.49%/53.51Value network win probalbility for this move: 62.39%/37.61Policy network value for this move: 10.3%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 161];W[os];B[rs]))(;B[fc]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 69.35%/30.65%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 50.72%/49.28Value network win probalbility for this move: 83.46%/16.54Policy network value for this move: 14.8%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 11651];W[fd];B[ed];W[ee];B[ec];W[df];B[ce];W[de];B[dg];W[cd];B[bd])(;B[of]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 55.66%/44.34%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 45.33%/54.67Value network win probalbility for this move: 63.48%/36.52Policy network value for this move: 72.3%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 663];W[fc];B[bd];W[cc];B[bc])(;B[nk]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 69.08%/30.92%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 48.7%/51.3Value network win probalbility for this move: 84.51%/15.49Policy network value for this move: 2.2%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 640];W[nl];B[mk];W[of];B[os])(;B[fd]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 69.65%/30.35%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 59.64%/40.36Value network win probalbility for this move: 77.22%/22.78Policy network value for this move: 0.5%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 104];W[os]))(;B[fc]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 63.31%/36.69%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 48.36%/51.64Value network win probalbility for this move: 74.56%/25.44Policy network value for this move: 21.1%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 5610];W[fd];B[ed];W[ee];B[ec];W[de];B[dc];W[dh];B[bd])(;B[og]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 51.6%/48.4%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 45.37%/54.63Value network win probalbility for this move: 56.28%/43.72Policy network value for this move: 58.4%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 416];W[fc];B[bd])(;B[eo]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 57.28%/42.72%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 41.62%/58.38Value network win probalbility for this move: 69.06%/30.94Policy network value for this move: 4.5%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 60]))(;B[fc]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 59.58%/40.42%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 46.92%/53.08Value network win probalbility for this move: 69.04%/30.96Policy network value for this move: 16.1%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 16081];W[fd];B[ed];W[ee];B[ec];W[de];B[dc];W[gd];B[gc];W[dg];B[bd];W[cg];B[bg])(;B[eo]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 58.03%/41.97%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 49.78%/50.22Value network win probalbility for this move: 64.2%/35.8Policy network value for this move: 3.9%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 1018];W[dr];B[er])(;B[oh]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 46.74%/53.26%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 43.75%/56.25Value network win probalbility for this move: 48.97%/51.03Policy network value for this move: 69.2%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 802];W[hq];B[fo];W[en])(;B[cq]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 59.27%/40.73%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 44.25%/55.75Value network win probalbility for this move: 70.49%/29.51Policy network value for this move: 1.0%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 503];W[dq];B[cp];W[co])(;B[cc]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 59.8%/40.2%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 51.44%/48.56Value network win probalbility for this move: 66.04%/33.96Policy network value for this move: 0.4%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 68];W[cd])(;B[nl]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 51.22%/48.78%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 38.14%/61.86Value network win probalbility for this move: 60.99%/39.01Policy network value for this move: 3.5%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 60];W[nk];B[ml]))(;B[fc]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 64.49%/35.51%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 47.61%/52.39Value network win probalbility for this move: 77.0%/23.0Policy network value for this move: 29.3%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 14506];W[fd];B[gd];W[ec];B[fe];W[ed];B[fb];W[ge];B[ef];W[ce];B[bf];W[eb];B[hd];W[be];B[eo];W[cn])(;B[eo]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 63.53%/36.47%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 46.01%/53.99Value network win probalbility for this move: 76.53%/23.47Policy network value for this move: 8.7%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 1378];W[do];B[en];W[eq])(;B[ni]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 59.73%/40.27%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 47.86%/52.14Value network win probalbility for this move: 68.54%/31.46Policy network value for this move: 23.7%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 743];W[mj];B[mi];W[li];B[lj])(;B[nl]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 58.53%/41.47%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 43.22%/56.78Value network win probalbility for this move: 69.89%/30.11Policy network value for this move: 11.2%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 411];W[nk];B[ml];W[ni])(;B[cq]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 63.11%/36.89%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 44.93%/55.07Value network win probalbility for this move: 76.59%/23.41Policy network value for this move: 2.3%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 202];W[dq];B[dr])(;B[mp]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 57.57%/42.43%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 43.95%/56.05Value network win probalbility for this move: 67.68%/32.32Policy network value for this move: 1.8%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 93];W[np];B[os];W[ns])(;B[oi]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 43.06%/56.94%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 52.3%/47.7Value network win probalbility for this move: 36.2%/63.8Policy network value for this move: 9.6%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 65];W[ni]))(;B[oj]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 53.71%/46.29%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 45.69%/54.31Value network win probalbility for this move: 59.62%/40.38Policy network value for this move: 91.2%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 3434];W[gc];B[cc];W[cd];B[dc];W[ed];B[ec];W[fc];B[bd];W[be];B[bc];W[ce])(;B[rl]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 25.73%/74.27%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 41.12%/58.88Value network win probalbility for this move: 14.39%/85.61Policy network value for this move: 3.3%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 17]))(;B[qm]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 43.28%/56.72%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 43.35%/56.65Value network win probalbility for this move: 43.23%/56.77Policy network value for this move: 94.5%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 3634];W[fc];B[bd];W[cc];B[ci];W[fp];B[gp])(;B[nl]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 41.7%/58.3%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 40.17%/59.83Value network win probalbility for this move: 42.82%/57.18Policy network value for this move: 2.9%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 332];W[qm];B[rm];W[rl]))(;B[po]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 45.2%/54.8%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 49.26%/50.74Value network win probalbility for this move: 42.25%/57.75Policy network value for this move: 36.5%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 17507];W[fc];B[eo];W[eq];B[fr];W[do];B[en];W[er];B[cn])(;B[pm]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 42.11%/57.89%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 42.04%/57.96Value network win probalbility for this move: 42.15%/57.85Policy network value for this move: 50.1%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 2395];W[fc];B[bd];W[cc];B[dh];W[cn])(;B[nl]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 31.5%/68.5%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 36.8%/63.2Value network win probalbility for this move: 27.65%/72.35Policy network value for this move: 7.9%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 89];W[po];B[pm]))(;B[pl]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 31.09%/68.91%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 41.29%/58.71Value network win probalbility for this move: 23.74%/76.26Policy network value for this move: 97.3%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 2947];W[gc];B[cc];W[cd];B[dc];W[ed];B[ec];W[fd];B[bd];W[be]))(;B[nl]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 27.31%/72.69%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 39.41%/60.59Value network win probalbility for this move: 18.64%/81.36Policy network value for this move: 51.4%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 14808];W[ml];B[nk];W[fp];B[gp];W[fo];B[eq];W[dq];B[co];W[do];B[bp];W[bq];B[cq])(;B[mp]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 27.06%/72.94%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 41.14%/58.86Value network win probalbility for this move: 16.98%/83.02Policy network value for this move: 12.3%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 2439];W[fp];B[gp];W[fo];B[eq];W[dq];B[dr];W[cr])(;B[eo]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 26.94%/73.06%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 40.06%/59.94Value network win probalbility for this move: 17.54%/82.46Policy network value for this move: 8.6%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 1471];W[do];B[dn];W[dr];B[er])(;B[ol]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 26.4%/73.6%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 41.75%/58.25Value network win probalbility for this move: 15.41%/84.59Policy network value for this move: 8.0%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 852];W[fp];B[gp];W[fo];B[eq])(;B[nk]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 25.48%/74.52%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 41.33%/58.67Value network win probalbility for this move: 14.12%/85.88Policy network value for this move: 8.2%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 542];W[hq];B[os])(;B[ko]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 28.08%/71.92%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 42.13%/57.87Value network win probalbility for this move: 18.02%/81.98Policy network value for this move: 0.8%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 532];W[fp];B[gp])(;B[nj]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 26.55%/73.45%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 39.82%/60.18Value network win probalbility for this move: 17.04%/82.96Policy network value for this move: 1.9%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 205];W[nk])(;B[pl]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 22.08%/77.92%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 38.45%/61.55Value network win probalbility for this move: 10.36%/89.64Policy network value for this move: 0.7%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 106];W[ol])(;B[dr]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 24.98%/75.02%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 39.91%/60.09Value network win probalbility for this move: 14.29%/85.71Policy network value for this move: 0.7%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 75];W[fp]))(;B[pl]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 26.36%/73.64%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 38.93%/61.07Value network win probalbility for this move: 17.42%/82.58Policy network value for this move: 9.7%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 8157];W[fp];B[gp];W[fo];B[dq];W[cq];B[eq];W[co];B[cr];W[bq];B[cn])(;B[nm]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 25.36%/74.64%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 38.2%/61.8Value network win probalbility for this move: 16.23%/83.77Policy network value for this move: 73.6%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 9885];W[mn];B[cf];W[fc];B[bd];W[cc];B[di];W[bc])(;B[ol]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 26.46%/73.54%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 40.23%/59.77Value network win probalbility for this move: 16.66%/83.34Policy network value for this move: 2.4%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 1738];W[fp];B[gp];W[fo];B[eq];W[dq];B[dr])(;B[om]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 25.31%/74.69%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 35.2%/64.8Value network win probalbility for this move: 18.29%/81.71Policy network value for this move: 6.1%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 783];W[fp];B[gp];W[fo];B[go])(;B[mp]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 22.36%/77.64%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 30.83%/69.17Value network win probalbility for this move: 16.33%/83.67Policy network value for this move: 6.7%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 382];W[pl];B[os];W[ns]))(;B[nn]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 31.89%/68.11%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 38.35%/61.65Value network win probalbility for this move: 27.33%/72.67Policy network value for this move: 81.8%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 13452];W[lp];B[mp];W[kq];B[kp];W[lo];B[ko];W[ln];B[kn];W[lm];B[km])(;B[pl]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 32.01%/67.99%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 41.12%/58.88Value network win probalbility for this move: 25.57%/74.43Policy network value for this move: 10.4%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 1983];W[pm];B[qm];W[fp];B[gp])(;B[on]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 29.11%/70.89%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 41.69%/58.31Value network win probalbility for this move: 20.23%/79.77Policy network value for this move: 4.5%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 172];W[nn];B[nm])(;B[mp]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 27.28%/72.72%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 44.25%/55.75Value network win probalbility for this move: 15.29%/84.71Policy network value for this move: 1.3%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 88];W[np]))(;B[cf]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 26.44%/73.56%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 39.01%/60.99Value network win probalbility for this move: 17.62%/82.38Policy network value for this move: 12.8%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 4418];W[fc];B[cc];W[cd];B[dc];W[bc];B[bb];W[bd])(;B[cq]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 26.21%/73.79%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 37.66%/62.34Value network win probalbility for this move: 18.17%/81.83Policy network value for this move: 11.6%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 4940];W[lp];B[mp];W[kp];B[jr];W[iq];B[ir];W[hq];B[hr])(;B[eo]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 25.61%/74.39%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 34.68%/65.32Value network win probalbility for this move: 19.24%/80.76Policy network value for this move: 50.7%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 8201];W[lp];B[kp];W[lo];B[mp];W[mn];B[nn];W[ln];B[os])(;B[fc]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 25.73%/74.27%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 37.47%/62.53Value network win probalbility for this move: 17.5%/82.5Policy network value for this move: 8.4%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 1167];W[cf];B[eo];W[lp];B[kp];W[lo])(;B[pj]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 23.73%/76.27%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 39.09%/60.91Value network win probalbility for this move: 12.95%/87.05Policy network value for this move: 3.9%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 298];W[pl];B[ol])(;B[dr]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 24.62%/75.38%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 32.91%/67.09Value network win probalbility for this move: 18.8%/81.2Policy network value for this move: 3.9%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 283];W[fp];B[gp])(;B[nk]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 25.84%/74.16%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 42.05%/57.95Value network win probalbility for this move: 14.47%/85.53Policy network value for this move: 0.3%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 116];W[pj])(;B[dq]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 25.18%/74.82%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 33.08%/66.92Value network win probalbility for this move: 19.65%/80.35Policy network value for this move: 1.1%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 102];W[cq])(;B[ko]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 20.91%/79.09%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 39.84%/60.16Value network win probalbility for this move: 7.63%/92.37Policy network value for this move: 0.3%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 90];W[os])(;B[cp]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 26.6%/73.4%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 45.65%/54.35Value network win probalbility for this move: 13.24%/86.76Policy network value for this move: 0.5%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 83];W[co])(;B[rs]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 21.85%/78.15%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 43.19%/56.81Value network win probalbility for this move: 6.88%/93.12Policy network value for this move: 2.2%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 67];W[os];B[or]))(;B[pj]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 25.12%/74.88%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 35.61%/64.39Value network win probalbility for this move: 17.82%/82.18Policy network value for this move: 20.7%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 15238];W[lp];B[mp];W[kq];B[kp];W[lo];B[kr];W[jq];B[jr];W[iq];B[ir];W[hq];B[hr])(;B[cn]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 22.85%/77.15%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 35.88%/64.12Value network win probalbility for this move: 13.77%/86.23Policy network value for this move: 46.9%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 2885];W[fp];B[gp];W[fo];B[dq];W[eq];B[er];W[ep];B[cq])(;B[lp]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 18.93%/81.07%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 30.62%/69.38Value network win probalbility for this move: 10.79%/89.21Policy network value for this move: 9.7%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 243];W[os];B[rs])(;B[fc]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 22.77%/77.23%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 34.46%/65.54Value network win probalbility for this move: 14.63%/85.37Policy network value for this move: 3.4%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 193];W[cf];B[os])(;B[po]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 18.99%/81.01%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 38.73%/61.27Value network win probalbility for this move: 5.24%/94.76Policy network value for this move: 0.4%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 118];W[os])(;B[cf]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 17.59%/82.41%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 30.36%/69.64Value network win probalbility for this move: 8.7%/91.3Policy network value for this move: 3.8%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 75];W[os])(;B[mp]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 13.08%/86.92%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 22.35%/77.65Value network win probalbility for this move: 6.62%/93.38Policy network value for this move: 5.4%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 66];W[os]))(;B[rs]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 77.69%/22.31%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 62.03%/37.97Value network win probalbility for this move: 88.52%/11.48Policy network value for this move: 75.4%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 4532];W[lp];B[sp];W[kq];B[kr];W[jq];B[jr];W[iq];B[ir])(;B[os]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 51.51%/48.49%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 47.51%/52.49Value network win probalbility for this move: 54.28%/45.72Policy network value for this move: 14.6%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 42];W[oq]))(;B[rs]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 76.03%/23.97%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 60.1%/39.9Value network win probalbility for this move: 86.97%/13.03Policy network value for this move: 78.6%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 18476];W[gc];B[sp];W[cn];B[fo];W[eq];B[fr];W[er])(;B[mp]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 74.8%/25.2%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 56.89%/43.11Value network win probalbility for this move: 87.1%/12.9Policy network value for this move: 13.1%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 1078];W[no];B[np];W[po];B[on]))(;B[lq]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 67.65%/32.35%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 55.26%/44.74Value network win probalbility for this move: 76.1%/23.9Policy network value for this move: 36.7%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 8337];W[no];B[rs];W[gc];B[sp];W[cn];B[cf];W[cd];B[ci];W[ch])(;B[rs]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 67.27%/32.73%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 55.76%/44.24Value network win probalbility for this move: 75.13%/24.87Policy network value for this move: 54.1%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 9580];W[gc];B[sp];W[ke];B[le];W[cn];B[pj];W[rk])(;B[np]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 63.63%/36.37%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 52.06%/47.94Value network win probalbility for this move: 71.52%/28.48Policy network value for this move: 7.7%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 304];W[lq];B[rs];W[gc]))(;B[rs]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 63.05%/36.95%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 54.77%/45.23Value network win probalbility for this move: 68.66%/31.34Policy network value for this move: 67.7%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 16225];W[cn];B[sp];W[gc];B[cf];W[cd];B[ci];W[ck];B[fo];W[ls])(;B[lr]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 62.17%/37.83%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 52.85%/47.15Value network win probalbility for this move: 68.49%/31.51Policy network value for this move: 10.7%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 1589];W[cn];B[rs];W[gc];B[sp];W[ke];B[le])(;B[mq]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 62.35%/37.65%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 53.21%/46.79Value network win probalbility for this move: 68.53%/31.47Policy network value for this move: 12.3%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 1533];W[cn];B[rs];W[gc];B[sp];W[lq])(;B[np]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 61.2%/38.8%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 50.41%/49.59Value network win probalbility for this move: 68.51%/31.49Policy network value for this move: 8.0%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 510];W[cn];B[rs];W[fc]))(;B[rs]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 67.42%/32.58%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 54.61%/45.39Value network win probalbility for this move: 76.1%/23.9Policy network value for this move: 92.5%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 3580];W[cn];B[sp];W[hq];B[dq];W[cq];B[cr];W[eq])(;B[np]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 28.46%/71.54%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 28.46%/71.54Value network win probalbility for this move: 0.0%/100.0Policy network value for this move: 3.8%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 7]))(;B[rs]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 63.61%/36.39%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 55.17%/44.83Value network win probalbility for this move: 69.28%/30.72Policy network value for this move: 15.6%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 5486];W[cn];B[sp];W[gc];B[cf];W[cd])(;B[nq]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 51.74%/48.26%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 48.2%/51.8Value network win probalbility for this move: 54.13%/45.87Policy network value for this move: 55.2%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 500];W[cn];B[oq])(;B[np]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 52.92%/47.08%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 44.43%/55.57Value network win probalbility for this move: 58.62%/41.38Policy network value for this move: 10.4%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 81];W[oq])(;B[or]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 42.04%/57.96%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 52.3%/47.7Value network win probalbility for this move: 35.15%/64.85Policy network value for this move: 16.2%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 65];W[no]))(;B[rs]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 55.21%/44.79%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 53.24%/46.76Value network win probalbility for this move: 56.54%/43.46Policy network value for this move: 95.9%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 3968];W[cn];B[sp];W[iq];B[kq];W[eq];B[er])(;B[np]C[black/white win probability for this variation: -0.36%/100.36%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: -0.36%/100.36Value network win probalbility for this move: 0.0%/100.0Policy network value for this move: 2.8%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 3]))(;B[rs]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 50.31%/49.69%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 48.82%/51.18Value network win probalbility for this move: 51.3%/48.7Policy network value for this move: 87.4%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 18014];W[cn];B[sp];W[iq];B[dr];W[cq];B[ep];W[dq];B[cr];W[eq];B[fp])(;B[op]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 49.83%/50.17%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 44.65%/55.35Value network win probalbility for this move: 53.26%/46.74Policy network value for this move: 11.7%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 1828];W[cn];B[rs];W[gc];B[sp];W[po];B[pn]))(;B[pj]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 52.12%/47.88%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 48.45%/51.55Value network win probalbility for this move: 54.54%/45.46Policy network value for this move: 6.3%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 12903];W[ol];B[nj];W[oj];B[ok];W[nk];B[oi];W[pl];B[oj];W[mk];B[mj])(;B[cn]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 51.73%/48.27%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 50.32%/49.68Value network win probalbility for this move: 52.65%/47.35Policy network value for this move: 10.1%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 3432];W[dn];B[dm];W[en];B[co];W[cp];B[gp];W[eq];B[er];W[dr])(;B[rs]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 38.75%/61.25%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 46.65%/53.35Value network win probalbility for this move: 33.55%/66.45Policy network value for this move: 74.3%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 858];W[gc];B[ps];W[ss];B[cn])(;B[cf]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 51.57%/48.43%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 43.92%/56.08Value network win probalbility for this move: 56.6%/43.4Policy network value for this move: 1.4%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 466];W[fc];B[rs]))(;B[pj]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 41.84%/58.16%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 47.87%/52.13Value network win probalbility for this move: 37.9%/62.1Policy network value for this move: 8.8%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 5907];W[pl];B[nk];W[nl];B[mk];W[ml];B[ll];W[lm];B[lk];W[km])(;B[cn]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 41.53%/58.47%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 47.05%/52.95Value network win probalbility for this move: 37.92%/62.08Policy network value for this move: 60.9%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 9798];W[dn];B[dm];W[en];B[cp];W[cq];B[co];W[eq];B[fp];W[do];B[bq];W[br])(;B[cf]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 41.49%/58.51%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 48.58%/51.42Value network win probalbility for this move: 36.86%/63.14Policy network value for this move: 10.0%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 2503];W[fc];B[cn];W[dn];B[dm];W[en];B[cp];W[co];B[bo];W[bp])(;B[fc]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 38.91%/61.09%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 46.0%/54.0Value network win probalbility for this move: 34.28%/65.72Policy network value for this move: 11.2%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 521];W[cf];B[cn];W[dn])(;B[om]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 41.91%/58.09%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 49.72%/50.28Value network win probalbility for this move: 36.81%/63.19Policy network value for this move: 0.7%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 396];W[cn];B[en])(;B[kp]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 41.13%/58.87%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 57.07%/42.93Value network win probalbility for this move: 30.72%/69.28Policy network value for this move: 1.0%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 135];W[lq]))(;B[cn]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 44.57%/55.43%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 48.05%/51.95Value network win probalbility for this move: 42.32%/57.68Policy network value for this move: 70.9%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 21707];W[dn];B[dm];W[en];B[cp];W[cq];B[co];W[dr];B[em];W[fn];B[do];W[ep];B[eo];W[fo])(;B[cf]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 43.09%/56.91%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 48.01%/51.99Value network win probalbility for this move: 39.9%/60.1Policy network value for this move: 11.0%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 1136];W[fc];B[cn];W[eo];B[cq];W[op])(;B[pj]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 43.17%/56.83%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 45.46%/54.54Value network win probalbility for this move: 41.69%/58.31Policy network value for this move: 7.1%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 839];W[pl];B[nk];W[nl];B[ml];W[nm];B[mk];W[mm])(;B[fc]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 42.47%/57.53%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 49.7%/50.3Value network win probalbility for this move: 37.78%/62.22Policy network value for this move: 7.6%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 511];W[cf];B[cn];W[dn])(;B[dn]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 43.72%/56.28%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 50.29%/49.71Value network win probalbility for this move: 39.46%/60.54Policy network value for this move: 1.5%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 165];W[fp]))(;B[pr]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 42.87%/57.13%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 46.09%/53.91Value network win probalbility for this move: 40.79%/59.21Policy network value for this move: 64.6%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 18063];W[ss];B[cn];W[fp];B[gp];W[fo];B[eq];W[dq];B[go];W[dn];B[dm];W[co];B[en];W[do];B[gn];W[fn])(;B[or]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 32.39%/67.61%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 45.73%/54.27Value network win probalbility for this move: 23.76%/76.24Policy network value for this move: 17.1%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 231];W[cn];B[cl]))(;B[pr]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 30.45%/69.55%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 39.5%/60.5Value network win probalbility for this move: 24.65%/75.35Policy network value for this move: 41.6%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 16531];W[sr];B[cn];W[fp];B[gp];W[fo];B[dq];W[eq];B[er];W[ep];B[gr];W[cq];B[dr];W[go];B[hp];W[ck];B[dl];W[dk])(;B[or]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 27.98%/72.02%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 38.37%/61.63Value network win probalbility for this move: 21.31%/78.69Policy network value for this move: 20.7%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 1148];W[nq];B[nr];W[mq];B[mr])(;B[nq]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 29.47%/70.53%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 42.54%/57.46Value network win probalbility for this move: 21.08%/78.92Policy network value for this move: 2.9%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 600];W[cn];B[cq])(;B[cn]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 27.11%/72.89%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 43.48%/56.52Value network win probalbility for this move: 16.6%/83.4Policy network value for this move: 7.3%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 298];W[fp];B[gp])(;B[sr]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 16.81%/83.19%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 33.2%/66.8Value network win probalbility for this move: 6.28%/93.72Policy network value for this move: 17.2%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 191];W[oq];B[cn])(;B[fc]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 26.17%/73.83%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 39.95%/60.05Value network win probalbility for this move: 17.32%/82.68Policy network value for this move: 0.9%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 122];W[ec])(;B[cf]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 28.31%/71.69%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 45.4%/54.6Value network win probalbility for this move: 17.34%/82.66Policy network value for this move: 1.0%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 112];W[ce])(;B[pj]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 25.88%/74.12%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 35.52%/64.48Value network win probalbility for this move: 19.69%/80.31Policy network value for this move: 3.2%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 95];W[pl])(;B[so]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 22.41%/77.59%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 35.61%/64.39Value network win probalbility for this move: 13.93%/86.07Policy network value for this move: 3.4%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 89];W[sp]))(;B[pr]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 34.74%/65.26%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 42.76%/57.24Value network win probalbility for this move: 29.63%/70.37Policy network value for this move: 86.5%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 3751];W[sr];B[pj];W[pl];B[nk];W[nl];B[ml];W[nm];B[mk];W[op];B[oo])(;B[sr]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 26.54%/73.46%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 50.92%/49.08Value network win probalbility for this move: 11.0%/89.0Policy network value for this move: 5.8%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 51];W[rr]))(;B[pr]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 46.01%/53.99%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 46.0%/54.0Value network win probalbility for this move: 46.01%/53.99Policy network value for this move: 95.4%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 4924];W[rr];B[pj];W[pl];B[nk];W[nl];B[ml];W[nm];B[mk];W[op];B[pp];W[oo]))(;B[pr]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 47.49%/52.51%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 45.41%/54.59Value network win probalbility for this move: 48.81%/51.19Policy network value for this move: 78.0%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 21395];W[qr];B[cn];W[fp];B[gp];W[fo];B[eq];W[dq];B[go];W[dn];B[dm];W[co];B[en];W[do];B[gn];W[lp];B[on])(;B[qr]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 47.18%/52.82%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 42.91%/57.09Value network win probalbility for this move: 49.86%/50.14Policy network value for this move: 20.3%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 1092];W[rr];B[qp];W[rq];B[pr];W[qs]))(;B[qn]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 46.36%/53.64%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 45.72%/54.28Value network win probalbility for this move: 46.75%/53.25Policy network value for this move: 45.6%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 12822];W[qq];B[pr];W[qr];B[cn];W[fp];B[gp];W[fo];B[cq];W[eq];B[cp];W[gq];B[cf];W[fc];B[bd])(;B[pn]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 45.04%/54.96%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 45.74%/54.26Value network win probalbility for this move: 44.61%/55.39Policy network value for this move: 41.0%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 3427];W[cn];B[jp];W[gc];B[cf];W[df])(;B[qp]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 44.3%/55.7%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 47.46%/52.54Value network win probalbility for this move: 42.33%/57.67Policy network value for this move: 6.6%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 368];W[rq];B[qm])(;B[qm]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 42.74%/57.26%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 44.65%/55.35Value network win probalbility for this move: 41.56%/58.44Policy network value for this move: 6.7%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 250];W[qp];B[po]))(;B[cn]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 46.38%/53.62%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 47.55%/52.45Value network win probalbility for this move: 45.66%/54.34Policy network value for this move: 9.5%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 12642];W[fp];B[gp];W[fo];B[dq];W[cq];B[eq];W[bp];B[go];W[fn];B[gn];W[fm];B[gm])(;B[rp]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 39.98%/60.02%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 47.4%/52.6Value network win probalbility for this move: 35.38%/64.62Policy network value for this move: 40.9%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 923];W[cn];B[cf];W[fc];B[bd])(;B[qp]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 40.91%/59.09%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 43.76%/56.24Value network win probalbility for this move: 39.14%/60.86Policy network value for this move: 15.3%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 456];W[cn];B[jp])(;B[rn]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 39.64%/60.36%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 45.4%/54.6Value network win probalbility for this move: 36.08%/63.92Policy network value for this move: 20.8%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 433];W[qn];B[pn];W[qm])(;B[qn]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 41.45%/58.55%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 40.28%/59.72Value network win probalbility for this move: 42.17%/57.83Policy network value for this move: 12.9%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 386];W[rn];B[rp];W[rm]))(;B[pj]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 37.85%/62.15%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 44.36%/55.64Value network win probalbility for this move: 33.85%/66.15Policy network value for this move: 73.8%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 15709];W[pn];B[qn];W[pl];B[nk];W[ol];B[ni];W[mm];B[mq];W[lq])(;B[cf]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 37.79%/62.21%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 44.99%/55.01Value network win probalbility for this move: 33.36%/66.64Policy network value for this move: 9.8%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 2180];W[fc];B[bd];W[cc];B[ci];W[fq];B[bp])(;B[fq]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 37.56%/62.44%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 43.89%/56.11Value network win probalbility for this move: 33.67%/66.33Policy network value for this move: 3.4%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 623];W[cn];B[en])(;B[fc]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 34.21%/65.79%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 41.05%/58.95Value network win probalbility for this move: 30.0%/70.0Policy network value for this move: 10.4%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 362];W[cf];B[fq];W[fp])(;B[rk]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 31.26%/68.74%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 48.26%/51.74Value network win probalbility for this move: 20.8%/79.2Policy network value for this move: 1.2%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 89];W[rl]))(;B[pj]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 44.59%/55.41%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 46.95%/53.05Value network win probalbility for this move: 43.15%/56.85Policy network value for this move: 7.5%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 6264];W[qk];B[oj];W[ol];B[mj];W[ml];B[kk];W[oo];B[np];W[qn];B[rn];W[pn];B[pm])(;B[cf]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 41.08%/58.92%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 49.8%/50.2Value network win probalbility for this move: 35.76%/64.24Policy network value for this move: 14.5%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 6305];W[fc];B[cc];W[cd];B[dc];W[ec];B[bd];W[be];B[bc];W[ce];B[bf];W[ae];B[df];W[ee];B[ef])(;B[qk]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 39.68%/60.32%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 46.18%/53.82Value network win probalbility for this move: 35.71%/64.29Policy network value for this move: 53.4%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 4350];W[pk];B[pj];W[oj];B[cf];W[fc];B[bd];W[cc];B[bc];W[bb];B[ab])(;B[fc]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 39.06%/60.94%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 44.29%/55.71Value network win probalbility for this move: 35.86%/64.14Policy network value for this move: 17.7%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 982];W[cf];B[fq];W[cn];B[dr])(;B[fq]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 40.77%/59.23%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 45.72%/54.28Value network win probalbility for this move: 37.75%/62.25Policy network value for this move: 4.6%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 876];W[cn];B[jp];W[gc]))(;B[rh]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 32.87%/67.13%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 43.55%/56.45Value network win probalbility for this move: 26.38%/73.62Policy network value for this move: 98.2%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 3455];W[gc];B[fq];W[cn];B[jp];W[qk];B[cf])(;B[qk]C[black/white win probability for this variation: -0.39%/100.39%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: -0.39%/100.39Value network win probalbility for this move: 0.0%/100.0Policy network value for this move: 1.7%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 4]))(;B[pj]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 62.07%/37.93%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 49.47%/50.53Value network win probalbility for this move: 69.68%/30.32Policy network value for this move: 39.7%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 14215];W[qk];B[pi];W[rk];B[sj];W[sk];B[si];W[qn];B[pn];W[ro];B[rn];W[qm];B[rp];W[po];B[qp];W[rm];B[sm])(;B[pi]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 58.57%/41.43%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 52.7%/47.3Value network win probalbility for this move: 62.12%/37.88Policy network value for this move: 43.5%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 1566];W[rk];B[sj];W[sk];B[si];W[qn];B[po];W[pn];B[on])(;B[qk]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 48.41%/51.59%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 40.04%/59.96Value network win probalbility for this move: 53.46%/46.54Policy network value for this move: 12.7%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 127];W[pj];B[rk];W[pk])(;B[rk]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 56.74%/43.26%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 51.1%/48.9Value network win probalbility for this move: 60.15%/39.85Policy network value for this move: 3.6%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 86];W[pi];B[rh]))(;B[qj]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 54.98%/45.02%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 46.82%/53.18Value network win probalbility for this move: 59.87%/40.13Policy network value for this move: 26.4%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 16559];W[fq];B[cf];W[fc];B[bd];W[cc];B[ci];W[oq];B[op];W[nq];B[np])(;B[rj]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 51.39%/48.61%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 45.05%/54.95Value network win probalbility for this move: 55.19%/44.81Policy network value for this move: 66.7%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 2743];W[jq];B[cf];W[fc];B[cn];W[dn])(;B[pi]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 51.47%/48.53%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 42.08%/57.92Value network win probalbility for this move: 57.1%/42.9Policy network value for this move: 4.2%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 329];W[rj];B[pk]))(;B[pi]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 64.66%/35.34%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 47.97%/52.03Value network win probalbility for this move: 74.6%/25.4Policy network value for this move: 68.1%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 3185];W[jp];B[cf];W[fc])(;B[fc]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 64.12%/35.88%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 47.27%/52.73Value network win probalbility for this move: 74.15%/25.85Policy network value for this move: 5.0%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 338];W[cf];B[fq]))(;B[qi]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 45.14%/54.86%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 43.9%/56.1Value network win probalbility for this move: 45.87%/54.13Policy network value for this move: 99.0%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 3629];W[jq];B[cn];W[fp];B[bp];W[bq]))(;B[rg]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 40.71%/59.29%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 42.25%/57.75Value network win probalbility for this move: 39.8%/60.2Policy network value for this move: 99.8%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 3587];W[qi];B[pg];W[og];B[pi];W[qg];B[rh];W[qj];B[pj];W[pk];B[nj];W[ok]))(;B[qi]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 36.65%/63.35%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 41.99%/58.01Value network win probalbility for this move: 33.53%/66.47Policy network value for this move: 86.3%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 4080];W[jq];B[pi];W[mq];B[cf])(;B[rh]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 36.63%/63.37%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 37.41%/62.59Value network win probalbility for this move: 36.18%/63.82Policy network value for this move: 7.2%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 338];W[qg]))(;B[pg]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 40.87%/59.13%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 43.6%/56.4Value network win probalbility for this move: 39.29%/60.71Policy network value for this move: 30.7%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 13361];W[jq];B[og];W[mq];B[cf];W[fc];B[bd];W[bc])(;B[qh]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 40.27%/59.73%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 44.07%/55.93Value network win probalbility for this move: 38.08%/61.92Policy network value for this move: 31.6%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 4996];W[kq];B[cf];W[fc];B[bd])(;B[qi]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 38.86%/61.14%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 44.22%/55.78Value network win probalbility for this move: 35.76%/64.24Policy network value for this move: 33.6%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 2222];W[gc];B[fq];W[cn];B[jp];W[fp])(;B[ph]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 39.55%/60.45%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 41.26%/58.74Value network win probalbility for this move: 38.57%/61.43Policy network value for this move: 1.3%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 162];W[pg])(;B[fc]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 38.82%/61.18%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 46.41%/53.59Value network win probalbility for this move: 34.43%/65.57Policy network value for this move: 1.4%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 129];W[cf]))(;B[pg]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 40.18%/59.82%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 43.84%/56.16Value network win probalbility for this move: 38.06%/61.94Policy network value for this move: 31.3%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 5872];W[kq];B[og];W[nq];B[pl])(;B[qh]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 40.03%/59.97%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 44.47%/55.53Value network win probalbility for this move: 37.45%/62.55Policy network value for this move: 45.3%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 6801];W[gc];B[fq];W[cn];B[jp];W[le];B[mf];W[ke];B[jd])(;B[qf]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 40.6%/59.4%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 43.46%/56.54Value network win probalbility for this move: 38.95%/61.05Policy network value for this move: 10.3%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 2678];W[pe];B[qh];W[jq];B[cn];W[fp];B[fn])(;B[qi]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 39.04%/60.96%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 42.63%/57.37Value network win probalbility for this move: 36.95%/63.05Policy network value for this move: 3.6%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 248];W[jq];B[kq])(;B[qg]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 37.8%/62.2%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 41.08%/58.92Value network win probalbility for this move: 35.9%/64.1Policy network value for this move: 2.7%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 114];W[pg])(;B[fc]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 37.74%/62.26%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 34.86%/65.14Value network win probalbility for this move: 39.41%/60.59Policy network value for this move: 1.8%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 74];W[ec]))(;B[qh]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 41.43%/58.57%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 46.05%/53.95Value network win probalbility for this move: 38.77%/61.23Policy network value for this move: 13.8%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 7857];W[gc];B[mf];W[kq];B[oe];W[nf];B[ng])(;B[pg]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 40.88%/59.12%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 44.41%/55.59Value network win probalbility for this move: 38.84%/61.16Policy network value for this move: 14.1%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 4019];W[og];B[ph];W[jq];B[qf];W[pe];B[mf];W[nf])(;B[nf]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 39.44%/60.56%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 43.2%/56.8Value network win probalbility for this move: 37.27%/62.73Policy network value for this move: 8.5%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 600];W[oe];B[qh];W[gc];B[oh])(;B[mf]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 37.95%/62.05%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 43.23%/56.77Value network win probalbility for this move: 34.91%/65.09Policy network value for this move: 15.3%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 588];W[ph];B[qi];W[pi])(;B[qi]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 40.98%/59.02%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 44.53%/55.47Value network win probalbility for this move: 38.94%/61.06Policy network value for this move: 1.5%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 571];W[jq];B[fc])(;B[oe]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 30.63%/69.37%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 39.7%/60.3Value network win probalbility for this move: 25.4%/74.6Policy network value for this move: 32.3%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 409];W[nf];B[qf];W[pe];B[pg];W[of];B[fc])(;B[qf]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 38.05%/61.95%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 40.32%/59.68Value network win probalbility for this move: 36.73%/63.27Policy network value for this move: 9.5%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 373];W[pe];B[pg];W[le];B[mf];W[ke];B[jd])(;B[fc]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 38.74%/61.26%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 44.58%/55.42Value network win probalbility for this move: 35.38%/64.62Policy network value for this move: 2.4%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 112];W[cf])(;B[qg]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 40.89%/59.11%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 45.56%/54.44Value network win probalbility for this move: 38.21%/61.79Policy network value for this move: 0.6%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 81];W[nf]))(;B[qf]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 48.37%/51.63%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 46.64%/53.36Value network win probalbility for this move: 49.35%/50.65Policy network value for this move: 4.6%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 17678];W[pe];B[pg];W[ne];B[fc];W[cf];B[fq];W[cn];B[dr];W[gq];B[gp];W[hq];B[fp];W[cq];B[hp];W[iq])(;B[of]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 44.7%/55.3%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 48.17%/51.83Value network win probalbility for this move: 42.72%/57.28Policy network value for this move: 21.8%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 1253];W[pg];B[qh];W[ph];B[qi];W[pi])(;B[nf]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 42.71%/57.29%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 42.7%/57.3Value network win probalbility for this move: 42.72%/57.28Policy network value for this move: 28.8%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 822];W[qg];B[rg];W[qh];B[rh])(;B[me]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 40.03%/59.97%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 44.56%/55.44Value network win probalbility for this move: 37.43%/62.57Policy network value for this move: 31.5%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 629];W[ne];B[qh];W[nf])(;B[pg]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 43.5%/56.5%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 43.45%/56.55Value network win probalbility for this move: 43.53%/56.47Policy network value for this move: 9.6%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 326];W[ne];B[oe]))(;B[pg]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 59.26%/40.74%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 49.73%/50.27Value network win probalbility for this move: 64.67%/35.33Policy network value for this move: 81.8%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 18625];W[og];B[ph];W[jq];B[cn];W[fp];B[bp];W[cm];B[dm];W[cl];B[dl];W[ck])(;B[qh]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 54.91%/45.09%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 51.08%/48.92Value network win probalbility for this move: 57.09%/42.91Policy network value for this move: 12.2%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 374];W[gc])(;B[qf]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 50.95%/49.05%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 45.45%/54.55Value network win probalbility for this move: 54.08%/45.92Policy network value for this move: 3.0%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 66];W[pe];B[pg]))(;B[qf]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 60.71%/39.29%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 48.79%/51.21Value network win probalbility for this move: 67.42%/32.58Policy network value for this move: 93.9%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 3048];W[pe];B[rg];W[oe];B[fc];W[cf];B[fq];W[cn];B[jp];W[io])(;B[rf]C[black/white win probability for this variation: 47.76%/52.24%Monte Carlo win probalbility for this move: 44.46%/55.54Value network win probalbility for this move: 49.61%/50.39Policy network value for this move: 6.0%Number of playouts used to estimate this variation: 27]))
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