(;CA[UTF-8]FF[4]GM[1]DT[2018-03-03]PC[OGS: http://online-go.com/game/11895956]PB[Apoplexx]PW[Glum1]BR[20k]WR[15k]CP[online-go.com]RE[W+R]SZ[19]KM[6.5]RU[japanese]C[Apoplexx: hi gg ];B[pd]C[Apoplexx: hi gg ];W[dc];B[dp];W[qp];B[oq];W[pq];B[op];W[pn];B[lo];W[jp];B[jq];W[iq];B[kq];W[ip];B[lp];W[fq];B[gp];W[gq];B[er];W[jn];B[ce];W[ed];B[cc];W[cb];B[bc];W[bb];B[ch];W[hc];B[jc];W[mc];B[je];W[me];B[mb];W[nb];B[lb];W[nc];B[hb];W[gb];B[ib];W[hd];B[ld];W[qf];B[qe];W[pf];B[pb];W[ne];B[na];W[oa];B[ma];W[pj];B[ob];W[cq];B[dq];W[cp];B[co];W[bo];B[cn];W[bn];B[cm];W[bm];B[bl];W[cr];B[dr];W[jr];B[kr];W[js];B[pr];W[qr];B[or];W[pp];B[fr];W[gr];B[eo];W[rf];B[re];W[ef];B[fh];W[cl];B[dl];W[ck];B[dk];W[cj];B[di];W[dj];B[ej];W[bi];B[bh];W[ai];B[ci];W[bk];B[hm];W[jl];B[ik];W[il];B[hl];W[hk];B[gk];W[hj];B[gi];W[jj];B[lm];W[no];B[np];W[mo];B[mp];W[mm];B[mn];W[nn];B[ln];W[ml];B[ll];W[kj];B[lg];W[mj];B[mk];W[nk];B[lk];W[lj];B[nm];W[nl];B[om];W[on];B[pm];W[qm];B[qn];W[pl];B[nh];W[hi];B[hh];W[ih];B[hg];W[ig];B[if];W[hf];B[gf];W[he];B[ie];W[gg];B[gh];W[fg];B[eg];W[ff];B[dg];W[df];B[cf];W[kf];B[lf];W[le];B[ke];W[kg];B[kh];W[jg];B[jh];W[ji];B[li];W[mh];B[mi];W[mg];B[mf];W[ng];B[jf];W[ii];B[of];W[oe];B[nd];W[nf];B[md];W[od];B[oc];W[kd]C[Apoplexx: I've lost. thank you very much Glum1: why dont play till the endApoplexx: no way to win anymore Glum1: its not over manGlum1: thats just my opinionGlum1: anyway ggApoplexx: i think so . you have this huge territory n the right Apoplexx: i dont see a way to live in there Glum1: u have 2 huge moyoApoplexx: with your last hand u made a good attack on the upper right area Apoplexx: i am pretty sure I lose this at the end Glum1: move 170?Apoplexx: yeahGlum1: u make a good approach to touch my top rightGlum1: i tot i was going to connect for sureApoplexx: yeah right . i was surprised myself . but i still had this defect on L16 in my shape up there . so you made me pay for it Glum1: at move 165 if i had played N16Glum1: looks more ggGlum1: where would u playGlum1: if move 165 i played N16Apoplexx: yeah right . I was sure you'd play there Glum1: i guess i panickedGlum1: and counted my liberties wronglyApoplexx: move 146 was my doom up there Apoplexx: this is where i should have had a stone in order shrink your territory on the right Apoplexx: after this move I was sure that I've lost Glum1: move 146?Apoplexx: yeah . your moveApoplexx: my two stones couldn't be connected anymore and where to faar in between to make eyes Glum1: yah i guess that was the winning moveGlum1: if u had shrinkedGlum1: i might had lostApoplexx: yeah I think so too . this was the key . ])
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