(;CA[utf-8]RU[AGA]FF[4]GM[1]ST[0]AB[dp][pd]C[Hello, this is the 3rd round of the 2018 Fall Toledo Head Strong Go Tournament. The players are Soren Jaffe 5D (W) vs. Partick Allen 3D (B).Commentary by Soren Jaffe 5D.]AP[FujiGoban Free:2.3.0]SZ[19]OT[5 x 30 seconds]EV[2018 Fall Toledo Head Strong Go Tournament]RO[Round 3]DT[2018-10-27]PB[Patrick Allen REVIEW]BR[3d]PW[Soren Jaffe REVIEW]WR[5d]KM[0.5]HA[2]TM[30]RE[W+R]MULTIGOGM[1];W[pp];B[dc];W[ce]LB[fd:A]C[White approaches D17 so black cannot make a shimari. The common move nowadays in response is (A) (See variation).](;B[nq]C[Black ignores.];W[qc]C[White ignores to take the 3-3 spot. The strong Go A.I.'s started playing the invasion early in the game, so it has become a staple in modern Go now (See variation).];B[qd];W[pc]TR[od][nc]LB[oc:A]C[(A) is the traditional move, that bots think you should play only if you're going to double hane. (See variation to see why)(▲) are the new bot moves that get black sente.](;B[nc]C[So black plays the newer 3-3 invasion move. The goal of this move is to get sente.];W[oc];B[od];W[nb];B[qn]C[Black cand ignore whites O18 and play anywhere.];W[np];B[mp];W[no]LB[oq:A][pq:B]C[See (B) for variation](;B[oq];W[pq];B[pm];W[qo];B[ro];W[pn];B[rn];W[rp];B[lq]TR[rq]LB[nm:A][pj:B]C[Black plays solidly here; his goal is to play (▲).(See variation)The tigers mouth is somewhat slow. Black could consider played (A) or (B)](;W[pj]LB[pm:A]C[White plays to split blacks right side. Blacks (A) is very weak and his upper right wall is getting attacked.];B[qh]C[Unsatisfactory for black. He has a three stone wall, so he would like to extend at least four spaces.];W[nm];B[pk];W[qi];B[nk];W[qk];B[pl];W[nj];B[mk];W[rh]LB[pm:A]C[Blacks (A) group is out, but his upper right group is now under attack.](;B[lm]LB[on:A]C[Knights move can be cut. Black should've played (A). ];W[ln];B[kn];W[lo];B[ko];W[kp](;B[jp];W[lp];B[kq]TR[jq][jo][km]C[Lots of bad cutting points for black. Plus, now he can't double threaten at the P6 atari, since his stones will be in atari if he tries to N5.];W[km];B[jm];W[kl];B[ll];W[kk];B[rq]C[Black attacks white.];W[jq]C[White attacks black bu asking him a question.];B[jo];W[iq]LB[no:A][nq:B][jq:C][jp:D][km:E][pm:F]C[So now there are 6 groups in a fight. The fighting favors white, however.](;B[pr]C[Black must play here.];W[qr];B[or];W[rr];B[sp];W[qp];B[on];W[po]TR[sr]C[See variation if black (▲).](;B[om];W[sr]TR[qm]C[White lives. Black cannot cut because of a shortage liberties with the cut at (▲).];B[mr];W[kr];B[lr];W[js];B[rl];W[so];B[sn];W[qq];B[gq]C[Black figures living simply at O1 is not enough to win the game, so he tries to counter-attack the bottom white group.];W[io]C[This move hurts black severly.];B[jn];W[ip];B[hm];W[hn];B[gm];W[fp]LB[fq:A][fn:B]C[Tesuji. White makes miai between (A) and (B).];B[fq];W[fn]C[White is out.];B[ns]C[Black must come back and live.];W[dn];B[el];W[ep];B[eq];W[cp];B[cq];W[do];B[dq]C[White reduces blacks corner while making eye shape.];W[ik]TR[im]C[Now white can attack the black group. This move directly sets up a snapback at (▲).];B[il]C[Black must protect somehow.];W[gk]C[White pokes at blacks connection again.];B[hk]C[Black tries to refute, but...];W[jl]C[White can still threaten the snapback, hence black's plan to cut white fail.];B[im];W[hj];B[hl];W[jj];B[gj]C[Black would like to cut, to find a way back into the game, but...];W[fj];B[gi];W[fl]C[He himself gets cut, and loses any semeai. Black resigns here.])(;B[sr];W[so];B[sn];W[om];B[jr];W[ir];B[ks];W[lk];B[ml];W[mj];B[rl];W[ql];B[qm];W[rk];B[sl];W[ok];B[ol];W[oj];B[nl];W[nn]C[Looks like seki. No good for black, white's outside infleunce is too great.]))(;B[sp]C[If black follows up with this clamp...];W[or]C[White hanes, and white can clearly win the semeai between the two groups.]))(;B[lp]C[Black should fight this way. The atari at P6 (▲) will treaten to caputre Q6 and threaten co cut off white's M6 stones.](;W[jp];B[on];W[mo];B[op];W[oo];B[po];W[km];B[qp])(;W[mo];B[jp];W[km];B[ll];W[jm];B[li]TR[rq]C[This fight is okay for black. Keep in mind black has the clamp at S3 (▲).])))(;B[on];W[po];B[ln]LB[on:A][po:B]C[It is difficult for white to cut black now because of the (A)-(B) exchange.](;W[lm];B[mn]C[Double peep.])(;W[mn];B[lm];W[lo];B[mo]LB[ko:A][nn:B]C[Miai for black.])))(;W[cn];B[rq];W[sp];B[qq];W[qp];B[pr]TR[lq]C[Black scoops out whites entire corner. There are cutting points, but because played (▲) none of the cuts work for white.]))(;B[pq];W[qq];B[oq];W[qp];B[pm]C[Newer variation of the double approach. Can get complicated from here.]))(;B[oc];W[ob];B[nc];W[nb];B[mc]TR[rd]LB[ph:A]C[This is the normal 3-3 invasion follow up. If white follows normally with (▲)...However, the bots will tenuki now (since white is alive in the corner), and take sente. Plus, black's wall can be greatly reduced if white plays at (A).](;W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[qf]C[Black's wall is much better than white's corner territory, especially in the early game. ])(;W[ph]TR[oe]C[Black has no good way too attack this stone. (White is looking at the peep at (▲)).])))(;B[fd];W[ch];B[qn];W[nq];B[qf]C[Black has a nice flow for the game. This is possible.]))
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Soren Jaffe REVIEW    Patrick Allen REVIEW
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