(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[WebGoBoard:0.10.11]ST[2]RU[japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.5]HA[0]TM[360]OT[5x40 byo-yomi]RE[B+R]DT[2019-01-25]CP[online-go.com]PB[tonylcdemma]BR[14k]PW[Konkrete]WR[15k]PC[OGS: https://online-go.com/game/review/369954];B[oe];W[cp];B[de];W[qo];B[pk];W[pd];B[od];W[pe];B[pf];W[qf](;B[pg];W[qg](;B[nc];W[pc];B[md]CP[I was aware that, starting from move 8, there was a joseki pattern that ended like this. I'm not sure if this is correct, or if perhaps there was an alternative. I just thought that there would be some sort of supporting connection to D15 (albeit a weak one).](;W[dd];B[cg](;W[fc](;B[hc](;W[ee]CP[I thought this was a strange move for white because of the awkward looking shape they had made, but later in the game I found that it made for a tricky invasion. (I now know this is called a "big bulge")](;B[ge];W[df](;B[dg];W[ce];B[cj]CP[Run away to make a base];W[pq];B[ep]CP[Decided to disregard Q3 and begin some sort of dispute over the bottom/bottom-left-corner and claim the middle.];W[eq];B[dp];W[dq];B[co];W[cq];B[fq](;W[fr](;B[hq];W[gq];B[fp];W[gp];B[hp];W[go];B[ho];W[gn];B[fn](;W[fo];B[do];W[en](;B[fm];W[eo](;B[dl];W[dm];B[cm];W[cn];B[bn](;W[dn];B[bo];W[dk](;B[ck](;W[ek];B[el];W[fl];B[gl];W[fk];B[gm];W[hn];B[in];W[hm];B[im];W[hl]CP[So far at this point I was concerned with not letting him escape, while also creating walls and territory space (the wall from H3 to J7 and the left side of the board)];B[gk];W[fi](;B[fh]CP[Wanted to block a possible bridge and maintain some sort of shape/territory on the left that could connect to the top and also give me some potential territory in the center];W[gi];B[fj];W[ej](;B[hi];W[gj]CP[Had an idea that I could do some sort of empty-triangle snapback magic with this sort of response.];B[hk];W[il];B[jl];W[ik];B[hj](;W[gh](;B[fg](;W[hh];B[ih];W[hf];B[hg];W[gg];B[ig];W[gf];B[ff];W[he];B[gd];W[jd];B[ie]CP[Again, trying to prevent connection. At this point I began to feel that maybe things were getting absurd at this point, perhaps too "concentrated", too much "hugging".];W[if];B[je];W[jf];B[ke];W[jh];B[ji];W[kg](;B[lg];W[ki];B[jj];W[kj](;B[kk](;W[jk](;B[ij]CP[A moment of panic as I realise the near-atari triangle at the top of the shape](;W[jg];B[em]CP[Okay - have it.];W[ii](;B[cl];W[gr]CP[Something I didn't want and probably wouldn't have happened if I wasn't careful about that triangle.];B[lk];W[mi];B[lh];W[kh];B[li];W[lj];B[mk];W[mj];B[nh]CP[I REALLY wanted to capture that massive shape in the middle with only one real eye, and was now thinking of ways to make a move at F11 to prevent the formation of two eyes.](;W[oj];B[pj];W[oi];B[ph];W[pi];B[qi]CP[Oh no you're not!];W[mh](;B[mg](;W[ng];B[nf];W[lf];B[mf]CP[Trying to save territory spaces.];W[le];B[kd](;W[ei]CP[Dang it!](;B[nq]CP[Gotta go somewhere else now... I understood that there was a need to really enclose that huge space, and this was my best attempt.](;W[op];B[np];W[no](;B[mn];W[mo];B[lo](;W[mp];B[mq];W[lp];B[lq]CP[Preventing some sort of trickery on my triangle by extending...];W[kp](;B[ko];W[kq];B[kr]CP[Claiming the bottom and middle-ish area](;W[jo](;B[jn];W[jp];B[jr];W[io]CP[Hmmm... maybe I'll get capture this group sometime down the line if I can prevent white P5];B[km]CP[Preventing attack on L5 and M5 while also protecting L-N9];W[nk];B[nl]CP[Wanted to protect my space and connect to the side];W[ol];B[ok]CP[A way to protect against a potentially destructive capture of a stone and also hopefully separate his P10-Q11 triangle.](;W[ml](;B[nm];W[om];B[pl];W[pm];B[qm]CP[Preventing capture and making a base](;W[nn];B[nj]CP[It came in handy!];W[mm];B[nk];W[ln];B[kn];W[ni](;B[ll](;W[rn];B[rm];W[bf]CP[Okay - now I have to prevent an invasion and ensure that he doesn't make some good shape there. As is it seems like I'll never get in that corner!];B[bg];W[pn];B[pr]CP[Okay, if he starts to make shape there then I'll start claiming this space here.](;W[qr];B[or](;W[iq]CP[Uh oh. Now I really have to capture this big group on the left or connect somehow.];B[hr];W[ir](;B[qp]CP[Run away and try to capture his J5-O6 group to prevent his capture of my four stones.];W[rp];B[oq];W[pp](;B[bq]CP[Trying to give him a choice: cut off the connection or prevent my entry.];W[bp];B[br];W[aq];B[cr];W[dr];B[ar];W[ap]CP[Surely he won't be able to win this race.];B[gs](;W[ao];B[fs];W[er];B[ds]CP[Got him now!];W[bm]CP[Oh...];B[es]CP[Okay, fine - just have to try to connect underneath now.];W[an];B[is];W[ip];B[hs]CP[Whew. Thankfully it turned out that white M2 would not be an issue; sometimes I find myself in a somewhat similar situation where that move would be really troublesome.];W[aj];B[bl]CP[Okay, maybe I can seal him in and capture.];W[al];B[bi];W[ai];B[ah];W[ak]CP[This shape to me seems unusual and not very threatening, perhaps I can definitely capture it.](;B[dh]CP[Creating potential for connection and also closing off space.](;W[ob];B[nb];W[gb];B[hb];W[fd]CP[Hmmm... doesn't look like invading's going to be any easier. Might as well try to connect first.];B[fe];W[rh];B[ri];W[kf](;B[jc];W[ld];B[lc];W[id];B[kc];W[hd];B[gc];W[ic];B[ib]CP[Success!];W[fb];B[db]CP[Now it's time to try and invade. I believe I made this move out of time-pressure and also because I thought it could force him to lose space.];W[cc];B[cb];W[bb];B[bd](;W[bc];B[be]CP[If I can just cause him to create two separate shapes and prevent my stones from being captured, I might just have a chance.];W[ae];B[cf]CP[I had my eyes on creating this atari to avoid capture of my B15-16, and also was considering that this would make it easier for me to put his other stones in atari and force him to connect and create two separate shapes (though I wasn't sure about how it would play out).];W[ad];B[af];W[ac];B[ef];W[de]CP[Just what I was looking for, I may really have a chance.];B[dc];W[cd];B[bf]CP[Really hoping he doesn't screw up my triangle.](;W[eb]CP[Dang it];B[ea]CP[Maybe I can capture the T shape?];W[ca];B[ga](;W[ec]CP[Gah!];B[fa];W[da];B[ha]CP[At least I took away a good deal of space!];W[oc]CP[Okay, we're finally getting to that wall we created really early in the game. Interesting that it took so long, maybe it was because it was really strong and would have been hard to attack.];B[qe]CP[My goal is to separate.](;W[qd];B[re];W[se];B[rd];W[rc];B[rf];W[sd];B[rg];W[sf];B[qh](;W[sg];B[qb];W[qc];B[rb];W[sb](;B[sh];W[ra];B[sc](;W[qa];B[sa];W[pb];B[pa]CP[Worked out very well! Usually I would be very hesitant to invade against a wall like that.];W[oh];B[og];W[nh];B[me]CP[I got the sense here that this is "end game"; both of us just trying to make the final touches to secure points.];W[sn];B[sm];W[ps];B[ns]CP[This probably wasn't the best response, but I was weary of playing P1 because of white's potential M2. In hindsight this may have not been an issue at all.];W[qs];B[os];W[bj]CP[Hmm..];B[bk];W[am];B[ci];W[jq]CP[Strange...];B[ls];W[mn];B[qn]CP[I was hoping for him to make some sort of empty triangle shape so I could really invade; at first I thought I had him but with my stone in atari (and a good response to my T4) I realized maybe not.](;W[lm];B[oo])(;W[eh]))(;W[sd];B[qa];W[pa]))(;B[oa];W[pa];B[ra];W[na];B[qa]))(;W[qb]))(;W[re]CP[Definitely the better move and something I'd be afraid of; I don't know how I'd respond.];B[qd];W[qc];B[rd];W[rc]))(;W[fa]))(;W[ba]))(;W[be];B[bc];W[ab]))(;B[hd]))(;W[fe]))(;B[fe]))(;TR[ip]W[is]))(;B[ar])(;B[ap]))(;B[is]))(;W[hr]))(;W[or]))(;W[qh]))(;B[or]))(;W[nj];B[qn];W[po];B[lm];W[qh]))(;B[nj]))(;W[nj]))(;B[jr]))(;W[jr]))(;B[kq]))(;W[lp]))(;B[mo]))(;W[jp]))(;B[no]CP[This was one possibility I considered, but I was pressed on time and figured that I wanted to avoid white O3.];W[nq];B[lq];W[lo]))(;W[di]))(;W[nl]))(;B[ok])(;B[km]))(;W[nk]))(;B[gr]))(;W[gr];B[em];W[lk]))(;B[em]))(;W[em];B[cl];W[hr];B[jk];W[mj]))(;B[jk]))(;B[ki]))(;W[em];B[cl];W[ih]))(;B[ji]))(;W[em];B[cl];W[gh]))(;B[ei];W[gj];B[dj];W[fj];B[hk]))(;B[gj]))(;W[el]))(;B[cl]))(;W[bo]))(;B[cm];W[dm];B[bn]))(;B[dm]))(;W[hr])(;W[bo];B[cn];W[en]))(;B[gq]))(;W[fp];B[gq];W[do];B[eo];W[dn];B[cn];W[cm]))(;B[be](;W[ce];B[bd])(;W[bd];B[ce];W[cd];B[cj])))(;B[cd]))(;W[cd]))(;B[cd];W[cc];B[bc]))(;W[cd];B[ed];W[ec])(;W[ed];B[cd];W[cc]))(;W[ph]))(;B[ph]))(;B[qg]))
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