(;FF[4]CA[UTF-8]GM[1]DT[2020-02-29]PC[OGS: https://online-go.com/game/22094978]GN[Bot game]PB[Nick-CBR]PW[tkvaran]BR[24k]WR[18k]TM[604800]OT[5x86400 byo-yomi]RE[W+R]SZ[19]KM[6.5]RU[Japanese];B[dp](;W[pd](;B[qp](;W[dd](;B[qf](;W[nc](;B[ph](;W[qe](;B[pk](;W[dj](;B[dl](;W[cf](;B[gq](;W[oq](;B[mq](;W[pf](;B[qg](;W[ng](;B[ni](;W[fk](;B[ek]C[Nick-CBR: Not sure how I feel about that move. ](;W[ej](;B[fl](;W[gk](;B[gl](;W[hk](;B[kk](;W[hl](;B[gn](;W[qq]C[tkvaran: let's see if I can survive down here.](;B[oo](;W[mr](;B[nr](;W[nq](;B[lr](;W[or](;B[ms](;W[pp](;B[pn](;W[rp](;B[qo](;W[ro](;B[qn](;W[jh](;B[fc](;W[hc]C[tkvaran: was reading about pincers last night. let's see if I learned anything](;B[dc](;W[cc]C[tkvaran: the shape I just made along the top left is supposed to be good according to the better players at my club, but it seems to backfire on me often.](;B[db]C[Nick-CBR: Seems good. I usually don’t invade corners quite like this but figured I’d try something a little different](;W[cb](;B[ed](;W[de](;B[fb](;W[fe](;B[hb](;W[ib](;B[gb](;W[hd](;B[fd](;W[ge](;B[jb](;W[ic](;B[ia](;W[jc](;B[kb](;W[kc](;B[mb](;W[nb](;B[lc](;W[ld](;B[lb](;W[im](;B[in](;W[jm](;B[kn](;W[cl](;B[cm](;W[bl](;B[bm](;W[dk](;B[el](;W[jn](;B[io](;W[jo](;B[lp](;W[kp](;B[ko](;W[ip](;B[kq](;W[jp](;B[hm](;W[sl](;B[rl](;W[sk]C[tkvaran: this is possibly the first time I've done a monkey jump.](;B[rn](;W[sn](;B[ri](;W[cq](;B[dq](;W[cp](;B[co](;W[bo](;B[bn](;W[ao](;B[ki]C[Nick-CBR: You can ignore the undo. Thought about playing elsewhere but might as well do what I played](;W[lg](;B[ij](;W[hi](;B[il](;W[jk](;B[ik](;W[kl]C[tkvaran: that cut was an awesome move. I guess the game comes down to whether I make this group live. exciting stufftkvaran: my school just moved all employees remote until April. yours done this yet?](;B[jl]C[Nick-CBR: Thanks, I feel like I’ve been trailing all game, but I’ve been eyeing that cut and preparing for it for awhile now. The black stones played north of the cut prior to me cutting were meant to set it up and hopefully divert you into defending the upper left area. Will be fun to see if you can live here.Nick-CBR: Students and faculty do classes remote but everyone is still allowed to live on campus and staff still have to work business as usual. I anticipate this will change. Glad your school is going the extra step. What a weird week.Nick-CBR: I love how equally balanced we are. Both of our games have been great.](;W[km](;B[jj](;W[lk]C[tkvaran: this feels depressingly hopeless. not seeing a way out.](;B[lj](;W[mk](;B[mm]C[Nick-CBR: Yeah I’m guessing I would have to make a mistake here](;W[mj](;B[mi](;W[ho](;B[hn](;W[hq](;B[go](;W[gr](;B[hp](;W[fq](;B[gp](;W[ir]C[tkvaran: this game is too much! starting to believe I have a chance. what a rollercoaster.](;B[jq](;W[iq]C[Nick-CBR: This is very tricky down here](;B[jr](;W[dr](;B[er](;W[cr](;B[fr](;W[es](;B[fp](;W[fs]C[Nick-CBR: Undo if I maytkvaran: did not see undo until too late. Can we go back two moves?Nick-CBR: Idk if we cantkvaran: don't know how undo worksNick-CBR: My fault oh well played wrong right theretkvaran: do you want me to undo and then you can try to undo?Nick-CBR: I don’t think that will workNick-CBR: Well my over eagerness lost me there!](;B[eq]C[tkvaran: that was exactly what I was hoping you would do...played without thinking when I saw the moveNick-CBR: I noticed it the second I submitted ](;W[ll]C[tkvaran: I actually think I had good odds of surviving if you played at f1. that's where I thought you would play and I think I could handle it](;B[mp](;W[re](;B[rf](;W[nl](;B[nm](;W[ol]C[Nick-CBR: I think my effort is futile here](;B[ok](;W[pl]C[tkvaran: that might be the title of this matchtkvaran: there is a guy at my club who calls this hail mary time. time to try something crazy.](;B[ql]C[Nick-CBR: Haha nice](;W[oh](;B[oi](;W[og](;B[om](;W[mh](;B[ml](;W[nk](;B[lm](;W[hr](;B[nj](;W[br](;B[bp](;W[aq](;B[as](;W[gs]C[Nick-CBR: Good game sirtkvaran: that was amazing and exhausting. thanks for the game!Nick-CBR: Same to you!]))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
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tkvaran    Nick-CBR
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