(;FF[4]CA[UTF-8]GM[1]DT[2020-03-21]PC[OGS: https://online-go.com/game/22496508]GN[Euro Pro League]PB[roln90]PW[Avtikh]BR[1d]WR[?]TM[600]OT[3x20 byo-yomi]RE[B+R]SZ[19]KM[6.5]RU[Japanese];B[pd](;W[dp]C[Avtikh: 1-1 I believeAvtikh: have a nice gameroln90: good game!](;B[pp]C[Sirtankyou: oh so that wasn't their first game?](;W[dd](;B[fq](;W[cn](;B[fc]C[Palko: it was, but Ali is confident it seems :)](;W[nc]C[Ronik: So, will this turn out to be a jubango?Ronik: Or more like, best out of 3?Mrrr: he just believes :)](;B[cf](;W[df](;B[dg]C[Palko: 2 games today, tie possible ](;W[ef](;B[cd]C[Palko: https://eurogofed.org/pros/league.htmlSirtankyou: ok thsnkd](;W[cc](;B[ce](;W[dc](;B[ic]C[Mrrr: great to see them playing here, thanks to whoever has organized this!](;W[hd](;B[hc](;W[di](;B[eg](;W[fd](;B[gg]C[Sirtankyou: yeah thank you, (whoever you are). First time watching pros play live. really enjoying it. ](;W[bh](;B[ch](;W[bg]C[Mrrr: wow](;B[ci](;W[cg](;B[dj]C[kannikka: what is the problem with B11 turn?](;W[bi](;B[bj]C[Mrrr: i guess it does not rescue black stoneskannikka: ok, sure, but how does white win the semeai then?Mrrr: so D10 was more active than b11](;W[bf]C[Mrrr: black would just play as now and he would winMrrr: *whiteUberdude: a15 is key tesuji kannika. From move 28: B11 B14 B17 A15 ](;B[cq]C[Mrrr: i never saw this keima before ](;W[dq](;B[dr](;W[er]C[Mrrr: B12](;B[cr]C[Mrrr: is it popukar?Mrrr: popularUberdude: yeah, with players who like good moveskekedu67: it's common for this shapeMrrr: ok](;W[fr](;B[bo]C[Mrrr: good point Uberdude :)](;W[co](;B[gq](;W[iq](;B[bn]C[Uberdude: w g3 was better than c5](;W[gr](;B[cm](;W[dm](;B[cp](;W[eq](;B[dl](;W[cl](;B[bm](;W[em](;B[el](;W[fm](;B[nq](;W[fl](;B[oc](;W[nd](;B[pf](;W[ej](;B[dk]C[S_Alexander: I like black](;W[dh]C[gokul2411s: yup! that was coming!](;B[cj](;W[kc](;B[id](;W[gd](;B[eb]C[Uberdude: Andri: "this is stone is really small, black won't play here"Uberdude: black plays theregokul2411s: H14 next?](;W[qn](;B[qo]C[Uberdude: l15 more importantUberdude: weak group](;W[pn](;B[qk]C[Uberdude: goinf after g13 is small stone](;W[qh]C[gokul2411s: I see](;B[nn]C[gokul2411s: too many weak white groups!!](;W[re]C[lose000: those are sacrifices :)gokul2411s: haha](;B[ol](;W[qc]C[kosygin: Ilya?gokul2411s: oh the sagari wil hurt!Ronik: Sacrifice everything below 7 Stones, easy](;B[rd](;W[ob](;B[qd]C[gokul2411s: what just happened!!Uberdude: andri on point with the comments again](;W[oh](;B[pb]C[Uberdude: w r15 exchange first](;W[pc](;B[od](;W[qb](;B[ne](;W[mb](;B[pi]C[gokul2411s: B had a devious plan for the entire right side!! I get it now!](;W[ph](;B[rg](;W[qq]C[poka3K: no, white seemed to just want him to have it](;B[pq](;W[ro](;B[qp]C[Uberdude: s9 tesuji incomingpoka3K: s7?](;W[ql](;B[rk](;W[pk](;B[pl](;W[rl]C[gokul2411s: If white lives there, I will believe that white walkers exist!!](;B[pj](;W[rp](;B[rq](;W[ok](;B[nk](;W[oj](;B[rm]C[
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