(;GM[1]FF[4]SZ[19]AP[ai-sensei.com]CA[UTF-8]ST[2]KM[7.5]RU[aga]DT[2020-08-05]PW[tkvaran]PB[pouta]RE[B+6.50]C[Mistakes:Player Move Loss ScoreWhite 94 43.5 B + 45.1 pointsBlack 95 41.4 B + 3.7 pointsWhite 96 43.6 B + 47.3 pointsBlack 97 55.7 W + 8.4 pointsBlack 145 10.2 W + 7.1 pointsBlack 155 11.1 W + 2 pointsWhite 156 12.0 B + 10.0 pointsWhite 182 10.7 B + 5.4 pointsBlack 191 14.9 W + 8.9 pointsWhite 192 13.7 B + 4.8 pointsBlack 193 16.5 W + 11.7 pointsWhite 194 10.4 W + 1.2 pointsWhite 198 15.6 B + 5.7 pointsBlack 199 14.8 W + 9.1 pointsWhite 200 12.9 B + 3.8 pointsBlack 201 10.4 W + 6.7 pointsWhite 202 14.2 B + 7.6 pointsBlack 203 12.7 W + 5.1 pointsWhite 204 10.6 B + 5.5 pointsBlack 205 14.3 W + 8.9 pointsWhite 206 14.4 B + 5.5 points];B[pd];W[pp];B[dd];W[dp];B[qn];W[nq];B[pj];W[cf];B[fc];W[cd];B[cc];W[bc];B[cb];W[de];B[ed];W[bd];B[nc];W[dj];B[cn];W[fq];B[ck];W[cj];B[jd];W[jp];B[bp];W[cq];B[rp];W[qq];B[on];W[qf];B[qe];W[of];B[pg];W[pf];B[qg];W[dn];B[co];W[do];B[dm];W[em];B[dl];W[el];B[bq];W[dk];B[mp];W[cl];B[cm];W[bk];B[bl];W[ck];B[am];W[lo];B[mo];W[ln];B[mm];W[mq];B[mn];W[re];B[rd];W[pe];B[qd];W[od];B[oc];W[nd];B[md];W[og];B[oh];W[rg];B[rh];W[nh];B[oi];W[mh];B[mf];W[ng];B[ne];W[oe];B[mj];W[kh];B[lg];W[lh];B[jf];W[kg];B[kf];W[ih];B[jj];W[ij];B[jl];W[il];B[ji];W[ii];B[jh];W[jg];B[ig](;W[le]C[Mistake!This move is 43.5 points worse than the AI move.Black is ahead by 45.1 points.](;B[me]C[Mistake!This move is 41.4 points worse than the AI move.Black is ahead by 3.7 points.](;W[lf]C[Mistake!This move is 43.6 points worse than the AI move.Black is ahead by 47.3 points.](;B[mg]C[Mistake!This move is 55.7 points worse than the AI move.White is ahead by 8.4 points.];W[ld];B[lc];W[if];B[ie];W[hg];B[hf];W[ig];B[gf];W[gg];B[ff];W[jk];B[kk];W[ik];B[kj];W[jm];B[km];W[kl];B[lm];W[ll];B[mk];W[ml];B[nl];W[lp];B[cr];W[dr];B[eg];W[dh];B[fh];W[sh];B[ri];W[si];B[sj];W[sg];B[rj];W[nj];B[ni];W[nk];B[mi];W[nm];B[ol];W[np];B[oo];W[op];B[ei];W[ej];B[fj];W[fk](;B[gj]C[Mistake!This move is 10.2 points worse than the AI move.White is ahead by 7.1 points.];W[gk];B[ee];W[po];B[pn];W[qo];B[ro];W[rq];B[sq];W[sr](;B[sp]C[Mistake!This move is 11.1 points worse than the AI move.White is ahead by 2.0 points.](;W[rr]C[Mistake!This move is 12 points worse than the AI move.Black is ahead by 10.0 points.];B[df];W[ce];B[di];W[dg];B[ef];W[ci];B[bb];W[eh];B[fg];W[fi];B[gi];W[ei];B[gh];W[cs];B[br];W[bs];B[lk];W[jl];B[li];W[kn];B[se];W[rf];B[sd];W[nf];B[mc](;W[as]C[Mistake!This move is 10.7 points worse than the AI move.Black is ahead by 5.4 points.];B[ar];W[ds];B[cp];W[dq];B[ac];W[ad];B[ab];W[ak](;B[al]C[Mistake!This move is 14.9 points worse than the AI move.White is ahead by 8.9 points.](;W[hj]C[Mistake!This move is 13.7 points worse than the AI move.Black is ahead by 4.8 points.](;B[no]C[Mistake!This move is 16.5 points worse than the AI move.White is ahead by 11.7 points.](;W[qp]C[Mistake!This move is 10.4 points worse than the AI move.White is ahead by 1.2 points.];B[rn];W[qh];B[ph](;W[hi]C[Mistake!This move is 15.6 points worse than the AI move.Black is ahead by 5.7 points.](;B[hh]C[Mistake!This move is 14.8 points worse than the AI move.White is ahead by 9.1 points.](;W[kd]C[Mistake!This move is 12.9 points worse than the AI move.Black is ahead by 3.8 points.](;B[je]C[Mistake!This move is 10.4 points worse than the AI move.White is ahead by 6.7 points.](;W[kc]C[Mistake!This move is 14.2 points worse than the AI move.Black is ahead by 7.6 points.](;B[jc]C[Mistake!This move is 12.7 points worse than the AI move.White is ahead by 5.1 points.](;W[sf]C[Mistake!This move is 10.6 points worse than the AI move.Black is ahead by 5.5 points.](;B[]C[Mistake!This move is 14.3 points worse than the AI move.White is ahead by 8.9 points.](;W[]C[Mistake!This move is 14.4 points worse than the AI move.Black is ahead by 5.5 points.])(;W[an]C[I would play here.White is ahead by 8.9 points.];B[bm];W[ap];B[bo]))(;B[an]C[I would play here.Black is ahead by 5.5 points.];W[ki];B[pc];W[]))(;W[an]C[I would play here.White is ahead by 5.1 points.];B[bm];W[ap];B[bo]))(;B[bm]C[I would play here.Black is ahead by 7.6 points.];W[sf];B[ki];W[]))(;W[an]C[I would play here.White is ahead by 6.7 points.];B[bm];W[ap];B[bo]))(;B[kc]C[I would play here.Black is ahead by 3.8 points.];W[sf];B[ki]))(;W[an]C[I would play here.White is ahead by 9.1 points.];B[bm];W[ap];B[bo]))(;B[bm]C[I would play here.Black is ahead by 5.7 points.];W[hh];B[sf]))(;W[an]C[I would play here.White is ahead by 9.9 points.];B[bm];W[ap];B[bo]))(;W[an]C[I would play here.White is ahead by 11.7 points.];B[bm];W[ap];B[bo]))(;B[bm]C[I would play here.Black is ahead by 4.8 points.];W[no];B[nn];W[sf];B[rn]))(;W[an]C[I would play here.White is ahead by 8.9 points.];B[bm];W[ap];B[bo]))(;B[no]C[I would play here.Black is ahead by 5.9 points.];W[hj];B[bm]))(;W[ar]C[I would play here.White is ahead by 5.3 points.];B[bn];W[ak];B[al]))(;W[br]C[I would play here.White is ahead by 2.0 points.];B[ar];W[cs];B[bn];W[dg]))(;B[br]C[I would play here.Black is ahead by 9.1 points.];W[dg];B[fg];W[bb]))(;B[cp]C[I would play here.Black is ahead by 3.0 points.];W[dq];B[br];W[fg]))(;B[hg]C[I would play here.Black is ahead by 47.3 points.];W[if];B[ie];W[kd]))(;W[if]C[I would play here.Black is ahead by 3.7 points.];B[hg];W[hf];B[gg];W[gf]))(;B[if]C[I would play here.Black is ahead by 45.1 points.];W[me];B[ld];W[qh];B[ph]))(;W[if]C[I would play here.Black is ahead by 1.5 points.];B[hg];W[hf];B[gg];W[gf]))
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