(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[AGA]SZ[19]KM[7.50]TM[5400]OT[5x60 byo-yomi]GN[1st AGA-TYGEMGO Pro Finals - 4A, game 2]PW[GanSheng Shi]PB[Andy Liu]WR[7d]BR[7d]DT[2012-08-02]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]US[Dennis Wheeler]C[USGO1 [-]: http://www.usgo.org/aga-professional-system]RE[W+Resign];B[qd];W[dp]C[KurataSan [1d]: Andy Liu = Benhu];B[cd]C[KurataSan [1d]: or lsai];W[pp]C[gloooomph [1k]: andy hasn't lost a single game];B[oc]C[Shana [4d?]: andy=bbwgloooomph [1k]: lsai sometimes losesgloooomph [1k]: therefore andy is not lsaiKurataSan [1d]: oh rightKurataSan [1d]: sorry];W[ed];B[ec];W[dd];B[dc];W[ce]C[mate105 [3d]: who are the players please, on phone no name displayed?];B[fc];W[bd];B[cc];W[dj];B[fq]C[Demon [3d]: GanSheng Shi(W) vs. Andy Liu(B)gloooomph [1k]: andy lui and gansheng shimate105 [3d]: thank you very muchgloooomph [1k]: you can tell whgat colour they are by assuming andy is winning];W[cn];B[dr]C[Jinni [1k]: 1 more game and bbw is a proDemon [3d]: not everyone can tell who is winning that easily though :)fortuna [3k]: what is gan's kgs nameJinni [1k]: giftedfortuna [3k]: ok thanks];W[gq]C[gloooomph [1k]: someone said gan is gifted[8d]gloooomph [1k]: but I have yet to see convincing evidenceJinni [1k]: he ispantyshot [6k]: are the games played on tygem?RobertT [-]: yah, gifted is one of hisJinni [1k]: look at his profileMef [-]: The games are played live in North Carolinaaceace [2k]: noRobertT [-]: the games are played in person. they are only broadcasted on tygem and kgspantyshot [6k]: ah okay];B[gr]C[Demon [3d]: do we have a cam for this game?RobertT [-]: no];W[fr];B[gp];W[hq];B[hr];W[eq];B[fp];W[er];B[iq]C[Lynx [1d]: g2 is supposidly the passive, weak, ladder dependent movemate105 [3d]: fast playRobertT [-]: you got it right :pJAskari [2k]: This cant be good for blackJAskari [2k]: ?RobertT [-]: its ok because d2 isnt dead yetExcalibor [6k]: this looks excellent for blackJinni [1k]: looks pro worthyfortuna [3k]: he'll get a good extensionJAskari [2k]: okLynx [1d]: I'd assume B knows fuseki and this is the better variation for himRobertT [-]: if yout hink the bottom left is whites corner, you are wrong];W[qj];B[jo]C[Jinni [1k]: if you think at all this game youre wrong];W[nq];B[qh];W[qo]C[Jinni [1k]: h3 will live for examplefortuna [3k]: whoah a lot of moves to maintain control on bottom];B[oh]C[Jinni [1k]: w taking no chancesExcalibor [6k]: how many t the pro certificate?RobertT [-]: black can get moves around c8 because a move like c3 could work after, whtie has to play something like b4 to go for the killRobertT [-]: if c3 c4, black is alive in the cornerfortuna [3k]: b will have to start swinging soonMef [-]: Two qualify excaliborExcalibor [6k]: just two, wow];W[kc];B[cl];W[cj];B[el]C[RobertT [-]: now corner life is threatened];W[en]C[GreedKills [2k]: ok so i missed the end of the last game, did andy liu win?Mef [-]: YesRobertT [-]: andy +10.5];B[cq]C[GreedKills [2k]: and in other news why does the aga web site not have this kind of info in an obvious place??? this is like the biggest thing to hit american go in a whileKoffein [-]: b4 ?RobertT [-]: have to b4 or b is just aliveMef [-]: http://www.usgo.org/aga-professional-system ?];W[cp];B[br]C[RobertT [-]: b alive in cornerGreedKills [2k]: excellent, thanksyoyoma [1d]: GreedKills ur cuteRobertT [-]: because d3 is senteKoffein [-]: it feels like black tricked white .. no he got the corner + c8 invasionKoffein [-]: now*GreedKills [2k]: no link on the home page : DGreedKills [2k]: thanks yoyomabubba [4d]: two weak black stones on the outside is white's compenationflintngun [3d]: if white played b4 doesn't black just live with more pointsKoffein [-]: flint, how?RobertT [-]: not even close to good enough];W[bl]C[RobertT [-]: whites group is baseless now and the 2 stones arnt that weakShana [4d?]: the matches arent relayed in korea 1?oskarv [1d]: b aliveRobertT [-]: horray whites compensation is 2nd line territoryKoffein [-]: ah, i see .. b4 doesn't work, black d1 is senteDemon [3d]: Why don't I see this game on tygem?flintngun [3d]: d1 becomes sente i guessflintngun [3d]: aw you beat me to it :pRobertT [-]: no koffeinglobax [3d]: r8Koffein [-]: b4 c4 c5 b3 b5 d1 robRobertT [-]: b4 c1 b3 d3 . d3 is the sente];B[qq]C[RobertT [-]: ohhRobertT [-]: you mean if b4 directlyRobertT [-]: thought you ment hereLynx [1d]: feels like B is dominating W];W[rp]C[Firebird [3k]: isn't r3 supposed to be dead? or: where does b expect to play ko?Shana [4d?]: ajiLake [4k]: demon, go to aga roomTokedo [1k]: it is a probe];B[ql]C[Demon [3d]: just a probeglobax [3d]: p10, later o2globax [3d]: ooShana [4d?]: but mwkim is gonna be in korea1 right?RobertT [-]: r3 can be used to get strength on outside or live outrightgnarf [1k]: b is like saying " you won't get any point"Firebird [3k]: what was w alternative to s4?RobertT [-]: that enclosure is taught to beginners as "your territory" but in reality it isntFirebird [3k]: q3?Fukurokuji [1k]: did andy win his game before this one?yithril [-]: they play multiple timesyithril [-]: ?Koffein [-]: if white plays q3, black has s5 Shana [4d?]: andy never lostrsun [4d]: I thought andy wanted to go to wall streetspanglish [3k]: what there has to ve an alternative];W[rh];B[rg]C[spanglish [3k]: why];W[pk];B[pl]C[Firebird [3k]: there must be an alternative, otherwise it's not a probersun [4d]: what else would you do when you live in new york and study economics];W[nk]C[Lake [4k]: andy want to be a history];B[ol]C[pytta [2k]: "historic"Lake [4k]: and he pretty much getting there];W[ni]C[Warfreak2 [4d]: andy still undefeated?RobertT [-]: yesLake [4k]: yep];B[ok]C[Firebird [3k]: oh, and RobertT: I hate what they told me when I was a beginner ;)];W[oj];B[mj]C[rsun [4d]: andy is playing 3s blitz];W[nh]C[Warfreak2 [4d]: he is power strongspanglish [3k]: bbw playing as in kgsspanglish [3k]: fastLynx [1d]: andy expects to eat his opponent alive];B[nj]C[Shana [4d?]: nasty, at least cook themrsun [4d]: yeah, delays are attributed to the controller];W[oi];B[ml]C[globax [3d]: g10svartrev [5k]: Are all the games, or at least these ones, going to have sgf's available ?JAskari [2k]: can i watch this game somewhere later?Shana [4d?]: prolly gonna be somewhere on aga sitesvartrev [5k]: I didn't see if the last game was properly transcribed on KGS, didn't it run into dificulties at the end ?rsun [4d]: sure you can open it in KGS];W[og]C[Shana [4d?]: doubt they would hide their first pro tourney gamersun [4d]: just replay the USGO gamesyithril [-]: Is he really playing this fast?globax [3d]: f10];B[ic]C[Mef [-]: This website - http://www.usgo.org/aga-professional-system has SGFs of tournament games];W[qg];B[rf];W[qi];B[lq]C[gnarf [1k]: these whites stones on the right couldn't be more efficient ^^ivank [3k]: why Andy is so strong?globax [3d]: g10 even bigger nowtwisted [-]: Eric and Andy related?ivank [3k]: he was specially trained?];W[nm]C[rsun [4d]: eric's last name is LUI, not LIU];B[nl]C[SiaBBo [5k]: Eric Lui, Andy Liu, what you think?twisted [-]: ah srryflintngun [3d]: lol this was mentioned yesterday I think...globax [3d]: is this enough to protect p2?];W[mp];B[mc]C[globax [3d]: j16?iceweasel [-]: lui is a dutch wordrsun [4d]: how about m9, g7];W[df];B[kf]C[minimalist [1k]: s17SiaBBo [5k]: what does s17 do?RobertT [-]: die a glorious deathminimalist [1k]: try reaction :)Firebird [3k]: so long as it's glorious, what speaks against it? ;)];W[nd];B[nc]C[ED002 [11k]: the death part maybe -.-];W[id];B[jd]C[globax [3d]: h17];W[hc]C[globax [3d]: :)];B[jc];W[hd];B[fd];W[hf];B[ef]C[rsun [4d]: this is too difficult for w to win];W[dg];B[bc]C[mrowmrow [8k?]: why b17?];W[bp];B[cs]C[KFBlitz [1k]: to live mrowmrow [8k?]: oh ok];W[bq]C[mrowmrow [8k?]: that makes sense :P];B[dq];W[ep];B[ar]C[Abraxas [6k]: m6 hemb [2k]: whats going on withj bottom right?sai1029 [3d]: bbw is good at taking solid pts n finish his opponent with bitter tasteSiaBBo [5k]: does white even have a good move to capture e8 and c8?Abraxas [6k]: is in suspended modeGreedKills [2k]: r3 was a probe hem GreedKills [2k]: hemb];W[qf];B[qe]C[GreedKills [2k]: dead for nowRobertT [-]: r3 allowed b to get m3 in senteGreedKills [2k]: ps hemb did you go to dartmouth/RobertT [-]: along with other endgame laterAbraxas [6k]: R3 is an "spy"Demon [3d]: c7?rsun [4d]: w can try g5, g7, but not sure if he'll gain anythingminimalist [1k]: g7Abraxas [6k]: it can be used later or discardedviu30h [5k]: rob i cant run tygem and kgs at same time you tell me when commentary starts?];W[lk];B[mk]C[Abraxas [6k]: m6 is good for white?];W[fo]C[SiaBBo [5k]: m6 doesnt really do anything or?KFBlitz [1k]: w wnats to kill e8 now];B[go];W[gn];B[fm];W[hn];B[io]C[Warfreak2 [4d]: danger dangerWarfreak2 [4d]: high voltageKFBlitz [1k]: lolSiaBBo [5k]: :bfolmez [5k]: was f7 a mistake?Warfreak2 [4d]: we'll seersun [4d]: b can trade f7 group with h14 groupSiaBBo [5k]: where black can run?GreedKills [2k]: placesLake [4k]: why run? kill!folmez [5k]: why is white thinking, isn'4 f6 obvious?!rsun [4d]: noAbraxas [6k]: 3 guys surrounded by the white elefants? you better runLake [4k]: he's reading life];W[fn]C[viu30h [5k]: if andy wins hes pro right?globax [3d]: his problem his h14globax [3d]: you can't run with 2 weak groupsLake [4k]: so direct blacck stones towars h14?globax [3d]: f10 both both escape ans attack from far];B[fk]C[GreedKills [2k]: f9 seems heavier than f10 or h8 - is that to make eye shape?globax [3d]: k13SiaBBo [5k]: f9 does look a little bit weirdAbraxas [6k]: b7 twisted [-]: f9 aims at h14 groupAbraxas [6k]: black made strenght instead of extendmrowmrow [8k?]: i thought g9 was good because he can try to go up or right];W[fi];B[hk]C[GreedKills [2k]: i feel like b is going for local eyeshapeAbraxas [6k]: b7 or b9 is cut?folmez [5k]: black will live theregnarf [1k]: noSeijiOgata [23k]: not yet alivegnarf [1k]: no cut i meanAbraxas [6k]: ok, i though so, but im not surersun [4d]: b7 or b9 is haneKoffein [-]: b9 c9 b7 d8 c7 d7 a8 b10 b6 a6 deadLynx [1d]: it seems like B is sporking W in pointstwisted [-]: yup seems fairly easy game for b nowglobax [3d]: time to m12?yithril [-]: he won by 10 the first time right?Demon [3d]: yes and beat GanSheng Shi by 10.5 last gameDemon [3d]: Andy*];W[gj];B[il]C[SiaBBo [5k]: yay, even i saw j8KFBlitz [1k]: kyu powaSiaBBo [5k]: that's it];W[hb];B[je]C[globax [3d]: m6 bigTytonidae [6k]: is j8 connected?twisted [-]: j8 fineMorla [2d]: i dont like w g10RobertT [-]: j8 is in no danger];W[be]C[folmez [5k]: was that really worth itTimk [1k]: f15 , Ж)iceweasel [-]: f15globax [3d]: m12 and m6 miai ?twisted [-]: g13?minimalist [1k]: b15seems too safetwisted [-]: its v big thoSyu [1k]: yose already?GreedKills [2k]: b15 threatens cornerAbraxas [6k]: j11 Timk [1k]: maybe n2 GreedKills [2k]: ?Timk [1k]: it's big tooglobax [3d]: or b9Timk [1k]: but with f15 B can think of atacking h16 Timk [1k]: so f15 is good... SeijiOgata [23k]: I like how f15 sets up a snapbackSeijiOgata [23k]: :pAbraxas [6k]: f15? why nor f14yithril [-]: A good 12 points in the corner for Black and he clinches itmrowmrow [8k?]: UTTEGAESHIglobax [3d]: i really like m6globax [3d]: points and safetySyu [1k]: i prefer g15 instead of f15minimalist [1k]: m4 better?pytta [2k]: o/~ I'm in love with tengen o/~RobertT [-]: o2yithril [-]: o2?hemb [2k]: why not m5 instead of m6?globax [3d]: maybe m4 bettertwisted [-]: g15 looks strange shapeDemon [3d]: g13 maybe?];B[gg]C[twisted [-]: yayWarfreak2 [4d]: yeah, peep g15 after you put a white stone at h13];W[gf]C[Warfreak2 [4d]: or this way you don't need to peep];B[ff];W[hg]C[Abraxas [6k]: h12 twisted [-]: e12Warfreak2 [4d]: looks like no escape from double hane];B[gh]C[Warfreak2 [4d]: e12 would be a terrible shapeLynx [1d]: not h12? bargleskaworu [2k]: will there be any live commentary in tygem for this game?Warfreak2 [4d]: i expected h12RobertT [-]: most likely kaworuRobertT [-]: if there is, it will start in 30 minrsun [4d]: kim 9p is brushing his teethkaworu [2k]: thanks ];W[ii]C[Abraxas [6k]: f12 ];B[hj]C[RobertT [-]: abraxas, keep your eye on the prize];W[hi];B[ge]C[rsun [4d]: k13plamen [1d]: k13 j14 Abraxas [6k]: i though b can lose g12 stones Warfreak2 [4d]: k13 is a bad shape];W[jg]C[Warfreak2 [4d]: not j14, but can push at h12CBlue [?]: has andy played against any professional player within the last year?];B[gi]C[RobertT [-]: no he cant warfreakCBlue [?]: i'd like to know how he fares against the real thing];W[fj]C[Warfreak2 [4d]: still, i don't know why b g15];B[fg]C[Warfreak2 [4d]: is this a pantomime?plamen [1d]: m12 ?Warfreak2 [4d]: oh yes he canSeijiOgata [23k]: whats a pantomimemrowmrow [8k?]: its a type of monkeyboobgoober [3k]: m11];W[jf]C[plamen [1d]: l13 GreedKills [2k]: j15?Abraxas [6k]: is a kind of panties for actorsSeijiOgata [23k]: all lies!Abraxas [6k]: :-)RobertT [-]: b would need to fix f13 before pushingWarfreak2 [4d]: no he wouldn'tAbraxas [6k]: Robert, thats why I said f12Warfreak2 [4d]: sorryWarfreak2 [4d]: *oh no he wouldn't!RobertT [-]: congrats you pushed, block then you have to go back and fix cutrsun [4d]: how much time do the players have?Warfreak2 [4d]: no, then i can cut at h15RobertT [-]: if you keep pushing then w will just go back and kill at f13Warfreak2 [4d]: that's the pointmrowmrow [8k?]: andy liu hasn't used any time yetRobertT [-]: h15 j15Warfreak2 [4d]: yes, you get three stones, i get five on the edgeAbraxas [6k]: exactlyWarfreak2 [4d]: then j14...shyfox [6k]: do games ranked games count if your opponent leaves by move 3?Warfreak2 [4d]: it's atariGreedKills [2k]: no shyfoxGreedKills [2k]: you get 10 moveAbraxas [6k]: dependsshyfox [6k]: k thanksKFBlitz [1k]: unless its automatch];B[ib]C[KFBlitz [1k]: automatch always countstwisted [-]: yes in automatch thoRobertT [-]: ok so h12 j13Abraxas [6k]: no for Automatch];W[ea];B[da];W[ga]C[Abraxas [6k]: ask the admins in EGR];B[eb]C[Warfreak2 [4d]: then i can still have k14 j14 exchangeRobertT [-]: still doesnt change the fact you have to fix the cutWarfreak2 [4d]: and you like your shape?SeijiOgata [23k]: i think his monkey got jumped.Warfreak2 [4d]: well done, you found a way to make b play f13 which he did play in the gameWarfreak2 [4d]: don't you feel happy];W[jk]C[RobertT [-]: no I feel happy that you're acting like an idiotWarfreak2 [4d]: but actually i don't need to f13 in this case, i could push j12 and take two stones];B[jm]C[RobertT [-]: j12 doesnt do anythingglobax [3d]: n2RobertT [-]: j12 k12RobertT [-]: you wanna cut and kill yourself?Warfreak2 [4d]: i already told you what j12 does, i said it takes two stones];W[km]C[RobertT [-]: but it doesntWarfreak2 [4d]: that way you save g13 without this move at f13Warfreak2 [4d]: are you blind or just deliberately stupidrsun [4d]: uh ohAbraxas [6k]: kidsRobertT [-]: j12 does not capture any 2 stones on the boardmrowmrow [8k?]: grudge match timeJinni [1k]: those arent mutually exvlusiveRobertT [-]: in any way shape or formmate105 [3d]: who is leading in your opinion Robert?Abraxas [6k]: now White is winningtwisted [-]: open up a demo and all will be solved u2Warfreak2 [4d]: do you want to clone the game? or will you be too upset about being wronggfgfg: haha];B[nr]C[RobertT [-]: I'll clone since you cant readmrowmrow [8k?]: OOOOHHH SNAP];W[or];B[mr]C[Abraxas [6k]: black didnt play what I said, so hes in trouble now!mrowmrow [8k?]: warfreak dont duck!];W[kn]C[Abraxas [6k]: haha, leave them aloneglobax [3d]: aim at j7Abraxas [6k]: Warfy gets upset so easilymrowmrow [8k?]: lol :Pmrowmrow [8k?]: he isnt joining the clone];B[im]C[Jinni [1k]: hes seen a lot of warglobax [3d]: :)Abraxas [6k]: hes doing it offline to check if he was correct];W[fa]C[gfgfg: aha];B[ba]C[Lynx [1d]: מר מלחמת מגן על כבודו; 氏は戦争は彼の名誉を守るAbraxas [6k]: Kibitz rule: "Argue first, read carefully later"];W[rk]C[Jinni [1k]: first rule of kgs is dont challenge a 4ds reading abilityAbraxas [6k]: both are 4dJinni [1k]: its a sensitive rankAbraxas [6k]: or stronger];B[mm]C[Abraxas [6k]: i guess Robert is 5dgfgfg: i4viu30h [5k]: ah rs 5d aga so about strong 4f?viu30h [5k]: 4d lol];W[ia];B[ja];W[ka];B[ha]C[CBlue [?]: andy's games are so enjoyableJinni [1k]: hohogfgfg: h5CBlue [?]: it even seems he has a decent supply of 9d opponents on kgspalapiku [-]: i feel like a pro would capture instead of K5mate105 [3d]: if w wins they will play each other again tomorrow?CBlue [?]: isn't andy pretty much as strong as a pro?mrowmrow [8k?]: i think soJinni [1k]: yep];W[ik]C[mate105 [3d]: niceJinni [1k]: hes about to be a pro];B[gl];W[ia];B[oq];W[pq];B[ha]C[Warfreak2 [4d]: if anyone cares, robert was so stubbornly sure that his j13 move punished me that he blamed it on the g11 f10 exchange which was played in the game];W[es]C[Warfreak2 [4d]: apparently it's a horrible move and it's my faultLynx [1d]: why would W have started this ko?Abraxas [6k]: Warfy, we dont care really, take a breakRoosta [5k]: is there a video stream for this?Jayy [-]: no];B[ds];W[ia];B[ie];W[he]C[palapiku [-]: only 200 observers for such a historic game];B[ha];W[bs]C[fakeyou [1d]: go b!Abraxas [6k]: i want to see mud-fight go playersgnarf [1k]: usgo, how much time did they use until now?Fukurokuji [1k]: how many rounds left?Jinni [1k]: this is the last onefolmez [5k]: why undos?Fukurokuji [1k]: whoever wins will be pro ?palapiku [-]: no undos, just time travelJinni [1k]: yepRobertT [-]: this isnt the last onepalapiku [-]: if b wins, he will be proFukurokuji [1k]: thanksRobertT [-]: its best of 3palapiku [-]: if w wins, there's one more gamefolmez [5k]: time travel?RobertT [-]: if andy wins it will be the last oneHotToTrot [1d]: so who wont he debateAbraxas [6k]: is not Undo, scribe corection, probablyHotToTrot [1d]: won*HotToTrot [1d]: so who won the debate*Jinni [1k]: we all lostsvartrev [5k]: Depends who you askpalapiku [-]: usgo keeps doing this time travel thing, but he never actually corrects anythingpalapiku [-]: just repeats the same moves back and forwardbubba [4d]: like a ko? :)Abraxas [6k]: a ko repeats the position but changes the stonesAbraxas [6k]: so is not time travelpalapiku [-]: also.. it must be lunch break?Abraxas [6k]: lunch break after big Atari?RobertT [-]: not dinner break yetpalapiku [-]: b is actually thinking over what to play now?RobertT [-]: dinner break is still over 30 min away];B[as];W[ia]C[Warfreak2 [4d]: gotta use his 90 minutes somehow];B[bm]C[Warfreak2 [4d]: either that or he could go watch a filmLynx [1d]: woh W may trade here];W[cm];B[ha]C[Warfreak2 [4d]: trade what for whatgfgfg: and die];W[hm];B[hl];W[ia]C[palapiku [-]: b7 loses points..Lynx [1d]: =(];B[dm]C[Warfreak2 [4d]: b7 doesn't really lose points, but this one seems toWarfreak2 [4d]: b could just live on the edge, no?Warfreak2 [4d]: oh, i get itRobertT [-]: he cant live on the edge];W[ck];B[ha]C[HotToTrot [1d]: u guys should just fightHotToTrot [1d]: and get it over withHotToTrot [1d]: lolWarfreak2 [4d]: who guyspalapiku [-]: *kissWarfreak2 [4d]: is robertt still being a dolt?RobertT [-]: yah totallyHotToTrot [1d]: lolgfgfg: g16anant1111 [10k]: trolls must dieranyee [4k]: cant w kill p8?palapiku [-]: howWarfreak2 [4d]: i never tried it at a tournament, but i don't think it's normal to win a game by calling your opponent's move horrible, let alone someone else's move in their own gameAbraxas [6k]: relax boy, open the windowsgfgfg: when commentary?];W[re];B[os];W[pr]C[mrowmrow [8k?]: warfreaks 4d is super impressive since he seems to be only 8 yrs oldMicMac [2d]: i guess the purposeof this ko is (if black connect at k18,) to get some move in m14 area for white, and perhaps try to kill n10Warfreak2 [4d]: i didn't know that being right was associated with childishnessAbraxas [6k]: hes strong at go and vwery smart, but he acts this way everytimeAbraxas [6k]: Warfy, you are being childisah , thats obvious but we like you anywaymrowmrow [8k?]: is being right what you think we're talking aboutmrowmrow [8k?]: lololWarfreak2 [4d]: i don't know what robert is talking about, but i appear to have made a judgement that it's not worth readingWarfreak2 [4d]: if he comes up with a move which refutes me, do let me know, though it seems unlikelypalapiku [-]: doesn't P1 waste a threatVizsla [2d]: this game quite closeJinni [1k]: i like to take go way too seriouslyijoka [-]: we know jinniAbraxas [6k]: B needs o5 MicMac [2d]: how palapiku?Jinni [1k]: its a problemgfgfg: 9p commentary begins];B[le]C[palapiku [-]: because it is a threat micmac];W[lh]C[MicMac [2d]: yeah but where was the other?gnarf [1k]: mah, i could not download tygem on this coimputer :(((palapiku [-]: or does b not care about the ko right nowijoka [-]: are these games being reviewed on tygem?Warfreak2 [4d]: in this record, p1 is played in response to s15 for some reasonfolmez [5k]: does tygem work on mac?twisted [-]: yesWarfreak2 [4d]: so it's a threat played instead of answering a different threatWarfreak2 [4d]: i guess it's a transcription errorpalapiku [-]: and then they both forgot about the kopalapiku [-]: i don't understandWarfreak2 [4d]: probably they were playing the ko too quicklygfgfg: he reviewed everygame in 2 parts before and after dinner breakcava [9k?]: o6 seems needed];B[li]C[palapiku [-]: bbw doesn't live in gote :)];W[kg]C[Abraxas [6k]: seems white wins];B[rd]C[palapiku [-]: what the...];W[ia]C[anant1111 [10k]: majic];B[jb];W[sg];B[se];W[lf];B[ke]C[palapiku [-]: b in trouble?];W[nn]C[Tytonidae [6k]: what is the miai for p8 ?Tytonidae [6k]: p8 groupWarfreak2 [4d]: if b dies here i will donate my hat to the soup kitchen];B[lo];W[kl]C[Abraxas [6k]: ???anant1111 [10k]: magicVizsla [2d]: transcriptor is under the effect of magic substancesfolmez [5k]: wth is going on?anant1111 [10k]: magicFukurokuji [1k]: butterfly effect :)anant1111 [10k]: lolSpeechless [5k]: He's searching a mistakepalapiku [-]: they're playing a game that's like go but instead of putting stones on the board, you take them offgnarf [1k]: it's call "scratch on the goban"Warfreak2 [4d]: and sniffgnarf [1k]: never cross the line :P];B[pn]C[Abraxas [6k]: "guess the previous move"Demon [3d]: q6];W[mn]C[folmez [5k]: quick question, this is stupid but i cannot find the download button at tygembaduk.comgnarf [1k]: me neitherfolmez [5k]: did anyone else experience this?Vizsla [2d]: nopalapiku [-]: is b okay, please say b will be okhemb [2k]: did black just let himself be cut?];B[qn];W[rn]C[Lynx [1d]: b should be able to liveAbraxas [6k]: b not okLynx [1d]: give him some lidocaine!MicMac [2d]: l10 to live?hemb [2k]: I dont see a second eye...Vizsla [2d]: click on direct file download folmez];B[ln];W[lm];B[rm];W[rl]C[Vizsla [2d]: that will download an installer that downloads other files itself];B[po]C[Fukurokuji [1k]: if these moves are correct why b tried too kill himself?];W[op]C[Fukurokuji [1k]: b resing hereminimalist [1k]: b made harakiri?Demon [3d]: Andy why did you blitz this game? :(Warfreak2 [4d]: seems like itInushogun [2k]: looked like a suicideAbraxas [6k]: o5 mpepe16 [6d]: And these players will be pros...?palapiku [-]: hahaWarfreak2 [4d]: undefeated in pro exam is too legendary to be possibleUSGO1 [-]: Black resigns hereLynx [1d]: =(Warfreak2 [4d]: well done ganshengPl4typus [17k]: awwmpepe16 [6d]: Seems pretty easy exam.hemb [2k]: agh why didn't he just connectWarfreak2 [4d]: but andy cannot lose next gameranyee [4k]: as i said w had to kill p8SonYeJin [2d]: who won first game?Yukontodd [7k?]: game 3 tomorrow!gnarf [1k]: what on earth was q6 ?RobertT [-]: andy won the first onepalapiku [-]: gonna wake up early for game 3RobertT [-]: this is andys first loss of the tournamentSonYeJin [2d]: thx robertRobertT [-]: game 3 will decide the first prognarf [1k]: thx usgoJayy [-]: Poor bpalapiku [-]: did b just misread?gfgfg: noglobax [3d]: thx usgoRobertT [-]: b was behind so he overplayed to try to catch upFukurokuji [1k]: what time is the game tomorrow?osvaldo [1d]: what time is the final game tomorrow?])
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