(;CA[UTF-8]EV[Special Event]PW[Kobayashi Koichi]WR[9 dan]PB[Yuki Satoshi]BR[9 dan]KM[5.5]DT[1997-08-22]PC[Japan]RE[B+7.5]US[Jan.van.der.Steen@cwi.nl];B[qd]C[ imp NR : hi all:) jansteen 3d*: Hi all, this is my birthday celebration game :) jansteen 3d*: one minute pls... imp NR : congratulations jan! :) imp NR : he has his mouth full with cakes presumably:) jansteen 3d*: 40+ bhuang :) jansteen 3d*: Thanks guys, pls sing now... :)];W[dp]C[ jansteen 3d*: we wish you many poka's... jansteen 3d*: :)];B[cn]C[ jansteen 3d*: This game is a special event, Japanese like that suzhou 2k*: b good:) jansteen 3d*: So the players are sitting on the stage, 400 people watching them jansteen 3d*: Very uncomfortable it seems, but pro's are used to it jansteen 3d*: During the game it's analysed and players even can hear the comments imp NR : must be painfull to blunder then:) jansteen 3d*: But they are usually 100percent concentrated anyway so no problem jansteen 3d*: Yes, imp, sometimes painful :) jansteen 3d*: But collegue pro commentators are very political :) jansteen 3d*: Next game might be other way around... :)];W[fq]C[ imp NR : they can be sitting there another day:)];B[dc];W[de]C[ jansteen 3d*: right :)];B[cg];W[dg];B[dh];W[eg];B[cf];W[ce]C[ jansteen 3d*: Use translate pls monet2 jansteen 3d*: malf, c10 seems overlapping with c6, other options? jansteen 3d*: No, direction was ok imp NR : f16? jansteen 3d*: What's white's threat here imp NR : oh, d10 then? jansteen 3d*: Yes, c9 worse than c10 :) jansteen 3d*: d10 is unusual shape imp, sometimes d11 is shape imp NR : yes right dniles 13k : What abou the simple C11? imp NR : c11 something? jansteen 3d*: c11 would locally be best, but game is better :) jansteen 3d*: c11 is farest away from c6 malf jansteen 3d*: c10 is loose imp NR : e12 jansteen 3d*: But, what's white's threat, when black tenuki on left? dniles 13k : E12 seems to hvae fighting spirit. jansteen 3d*: yes, imp! jansteen 3d*: good dniles imp NR : which is not w treat btw:) jansteen 3d*: e12 anticipates white's d10];B[eh]C[ jansteen 3d*: Now cut at d14 is serious];W[ed];B[ec];W[gd];B[gb];W[hc];B[hb];W[ic]C[ jansteen 3d*: I like next move imp NR : he, would expect f17 instead of e17 jansteen 3d*: It's vital point for power dniles 13k : J18 here feels too slow. jansteen 3d*: imp, black was alreay planning next move imp NR : f12 jansteen 3d*: Yes, good feeling imp];B[fh]C[ jansteen 3d*: suddenly all white stones unhappy imp NR : slow but powerfull jansteen 3d*: Imagine when white is allowed nidan-bane at this point jansteen 3d*: Yes malf, but we do :) dniles 13k : what is nidan-bane, it didn't translate? jansteen 3d*: Now, what's black's price to pay? iota NR : translate nidan by itself jansteen 3d*: nidan-bane is hane, hane, hane enh 5k*: q4 jansteen 3d*: We learned from previous pro games there is always a price jansteen 3d*: How to let black pay for this point? imp NR : nice: all w stones seem to shrink away:) Grandad 6k*: e6? jansteen 3d*: e6 is defensive Grandad iota NR : q4 jansteen 3d*: d7 is interesting, but panicy enh 5k*: c8 jansteen 3d*: Think: black usually would defend top instead of f12 enh 5k*: d8];W[bc]C[ jansteen 3d*: yes!];B[be];W[bd];B[bf];W[fc];B[fb];W[cb];B[ib];W[jc];B[db];W[da];B[dd];W[ee];B[gc];W[cd];B[fd];W[ge]C[ jansteen 3d*: I was afraid of that question :) imp NR : what a strange order of moves... jansteen 3d*: To explain the corner I have to show many moves jansteen 3d*: So I tried to skip it :) jansteen 3d*: Is that ok? jansteen 3d*: Homework? :) imp NR : well, it's your party:) jansteen 3d*: thanks imp, good sport :) jansteen 3d*: Anyway, black's capture in sente with f16 allows another tenuki];B[nc]C[ jansteen 3d*: So now white has risk to fall behind in territory imp NR : to me, b is leading much jansteen 3d*: Consequently he invades left side, suggestions pls :) jansteen 3d*: Yes, levner, good];W[cl]C[ jansteen 3d*: Next black move is for you to guess, a beer for correct answer imp NR : how many guesses? jansteen 3d*: has to do with status of top black group imp NR : :) jansteen 3d*: imp: 3 each jansteen 3d*: I forget about b4 enh 5k*: . d7? jansteen 3d*: didn't see correct move yet jansteen 3d*: Remembe rthe hin tmalf imp NR : c9 jansteen 3d*: Sorry: remember the hint malf enh 5k*: d9 jansteen 3d*: Hint: is white m17 sente? iota NR : definitely jansteen 3d*: right imp NR : b19 jansteen 3d*: Hint: is white n17 sente? imp NR : b18 jansteen 3d*: Think more towards the center imp iota NR : e19 assures life, but there's probably a more elegant way imp NR : that was third:) jansteen 3d*: Yes malf :) iota NR : l18, yeah jansteen 3d*: 10 seconds... jansteen 3d*: 5... iota NR : j15 jansteen 3d*: yes! enh 5k*: e7];B[ie]C[ jansteen 3d*: There goes a beer! :) jansteen 3d*: Black's philosphy: white n17 sente on my top group... imp NR : congrat. iota; those beers are not easy to earn:) jansteen 3d*: so I want to defend it... jansteen 3d*: So let's destroy white's shape before doing so.... jansteen 3d*: Kind of: Kikashi before living];W[lc];B[ea]C[ jansteen 3d*: Black j15 was very much admired and appreciated by audience and commentator jansteen 3d*: Of course there is a price :) jansteen 3d*: White sente and able to play again on left side iota NR : It's gratifying to know I might eventually be good at this game :) (20k* now)];W[ci];B[ch]C[ imp NR : you can be sure to progress iota:) jansteen 3d*: When we meet someday I owe you a beer iota :)];W[if]C[ iota NR : ok :) jansteen 3d*: White takes care of h16 cutting point jansteen 3d*: Black to attack left side stones, how to proceed? jansteen 3d*: (no beer, standard procedure...) iota NR : hee hee imp NR : e7? jansteen 3d*: Consider strength of c6, is it strong? imp NR : sorry, d7 jansteen 3d*: e7 is correct idea: strengthen c6 jansteen 3d*: d7 same idea: strengthen c6 and thus weaken white's group on left side imp NR : hmm, c4? jansteen 3d*: e6 normal move, but missing suji move jansteen 3d*: yes, c4 is suji here];B[cp]C[ jansteen 3d*: idea: keep white busy in the corner while gaining strength to attack left more seriously];W[cq]C[ jansteen 3d*: Next? imp NR : d5 jansteen 3d*: yes];B[do]C[ jansteen 3d*: Black b3 would be the move for settling, this move is for attacking imp NR : hi:) jansteen 3d*: Hi shouzhuo, nice to see you again :)];W[bp]C[ jansteen 3d*: Next? jansteen 3d*: Won and lost :) jansteen 3d*: I played 3-2, games were ok I think jansteen 3d*: e4 is one suggestion, others? imp NR : b5 jansteen 3d*: yes, b5];B[bo]C[ jansteen 3d*: Look at white's c8 and c11, they almost died jansteen 3d*: right shouzhuo, b5 is a 100 percent no-no imp NR : better to drop dead than to play c5, honestly jansteen 3d*: sorry, c5 jansteen 3d*: right imp :)];W[co];B[hf];W[he];B[cp];W[el];B[bq];W[co];B[gf]C[ jansteen 3d*: perfect ko threat];W[ff];B[cp];W[ep];B[ap]C[ jansteen 3d*: So black gained from weakness of c8 and c11 by capturing stone in the corner imp NR : seems nobody interested in empty corner:)];W[hh]C[ jansteen 3d*: Yes, shouzhuo :) jansteen 3d*: A very nice point, mutual power point, comparable with e12 earlier jansteen 3d*: Suddenly black weak, agree];B[bi];W[bj];B[cj];W[dj];B[di];W[ej]C[ jansteen 3d*: Pro's *always* go for shape jansteen 3d*: Their years of experience assured them shape can be trusted jansteen 3d*: Good shouzhuo :)];B[bk];W[ck];B[aj]C[ jansteen 3d*: Ok, fight comes to a rest jansteen 3d*: Very interesting so far imp NR : finally, the empty corner:) jansteen 3d*: Next white move? jansteen 3d*: Yes imp, any favorite point? :) bada 3d : near q4 or f6 or r14? :-) jansteen 3d*: Why p4 shouzhuo? imp NR : r5 jansteen 3d*: ok colombe 2d*: hi all; i'm late jansteen 3d*: Hi colombe :) imp NR : hi:) bada 3d : let's see it, jansteen :-) jansteen 3d*: Black choose fast move colombe 2d*: hi hi, cui cui all];W[pp]C[ jansteen 3d*: White I mean, sorry bada 3d : well, nothing unusual it seems iota NR : interesting how only 3 stones in right diagonal half of board imp NR : r6 now? jansteen 3d*: Next black move very fascinating jansteen 3d*: A kikashi colombe 2d*: g4 ???? jansteen 3d*: Very close colombe! bada 3d : f9?];B[fo]C[ colombe 2d*: f9 close to g4 ? jansteen 3d*: This makes white feel uncomfortable bada 3d : f5 is good (after the fact) ;-) colombe 2d*: not really a kikashi bada 3d : f9 was too early jansteen 3d*: g3 a threat now, but also (later) g10 colombe 2d*: i have the saying for you from a pro : jansteen 3d*: pls colombe... colombe 2d*: the difference from a kikashi and a bad move is a paper thin colombe 2d*: :) imp NR : :) jansteen 3d*: Maitre Lim ? colombe 2d*: no, no, a jap. pro jansteen 3d*: Very interesting :)];W[iq]C[ jansteen 3d*: This move protects g3];B[qn]C[ jansteen 3d*: r6 natural];W[np]C[ bada 3d : now r6 makes sense since w is low];B[qk]C[ jansteen 3d*: Black plays solid because of white's center power imp NR : now, r5 or not? bada 3d : something in UR corner for sure jansteen 3d*: r5 doesn't gain much bada 3d : r15? imp NR : r14 jansteen 3d*: r5, q6 exchange makes black strong, and corner still thin bada 3d : r14 invites b r12 which is ideal imp NR : then r17... jansteen 3d*: anna: one of them lost on time, let me check... bada 3d : perhaps something on the 4th line (q14 or something) imp NR : b (NaiWei) lost on time jansteen 3d*: Black lost on time YI 2k*: e5 yaowin 3k*: q10? jansteen 3d*: White to invade right side jansteen 3d*: Which point will you chose? bada 3d : let's go, jansteen :-) imp NR : its between r11 and r14 for me:) yaowin 3k*: p15? jansteen 3d*: r11 is not good yaowin 3k*: r11, B has s4 jansteen 3d*: sorry :) colombe 2d*: g8 imp NR : still prefer r14:) jansteen 3d*: yes, imp, good point!];W[qf]C[ jansteen 3d*: Always look for moves which create two follow-up moves bada 3d : why is r14 good since b can play r12? jansteen 3d*: What are the folow-up moves of this move, imp? colombe 2d*: r17 and r11 imp NR : r11 and r17 jansteen 3d*: yes, good :)];B[qh]C[ imp NR : well, b looses corner, but outside interesting then bada 3d : i don't like w r14 - it doesn't fit moyo flow jansteen 3d*: Of course, since players are professional, they confuse us by exchanging kikashi first...];W[pk]C[ colombe 2d*: difficult for white to build moyo here];B[pl];W[qj];B[ql]C[ colombe 2d*: d10 weak];W[pd];B[pc];W[qc]C[ imp NR : do this before the b outside is strong... interesting];B[pe];W[od];B[qe];W[oc];B[pb]C[ bada 3d : i don't like b's response to w q9];W[ob];B[qb];W[oe];B[of];W[rc];B[rb];W[pf];B[rd];W[re];B[sc];W[ph]C[ imp NR : and now b does not choose standard answer (q16) to r17:) jansteen 3d*: end of white's sabaki... jansteen 3d*: agree, white seems too good here bada 3d : doesn't look like first rate game by either player jansteen 3d*: bada, are you kidding? :) bada 3d : well, from my perspective that's my impression bada 3d : clearly there are some first rate pro games and some average etc. YI 2k*: b p14 is bad bada 3d : this ranks as average or below in my opinion jansteen 3d*: bada: a small anekdote imp NR : seems that w gets a good result by first kikashi iota NR : I could beat either player, if I could play 2 moves every turn imp NR : whatever b does iota NR : :) jansteen 3d*: Once my wife asked Miyamoto Naoki: .... jansteen 3d*: "We can not see difference between 10 and 20 kyu..." jansteen 3d*: "What difference do you see between 5kyu and 5dan?" bada 3d : seems b must prevent w from makeing too much in center jansteen 3d*: Miyamoto answered: "none" :) suzhou 2k*: no difer:) jansteen 3d*: So, when we try to seperate good pro games from bad go games, that feels funny :) bada 3d : cute story - but not very interesting in my opinion yaowin 3k*: I am glad to hear that bada 3d : no i think separating good pro games from bad ones is not too hard suzhou 2k*: if I said so, you guys would think it's bullshi.., but since it's from Miyamoto, pelple like to quote it:) bada 3d : in korea (on baduk cable), it gets done all the time imp NR : shall we go on? bada 3d : i agree with shouzhuo - i have high respect for most though yaowin 3k*: q11? imp NR : let's see if b can do something back:) bada 3d : those trying to be too cute, i don't especially like... bada 3d : anyhow, time to get back to game :-) bada 3d : p14 stone is too heavy not to sacrifice somehow? suzhou 2k*: p11? jansteen 3d*: Well, in my opinion there is a huge gap between these 9p's and us];B[nf]C[ jansteen 3d*: Well, in my opinion there is a huge gap between these 9p's and us bada 3d : g10 now perhaps as indirect way of shrinking w? jansteen 3d*: Although we watch the same position we see different things jansteen 3d*: The flow we can understand, but the action behind the scene is very tough];W[me];B[pi]C[ suzhou 2k*: agree bada 3d : no one argues with that statement, jansteen bada 3d : we were discussing a different point jansteen 3d*: Maybe I missed the point, bada, sorry :)];W[og];B[ng];W[nh]C[ bada 3d : no need :-)];B[mh];W[ni]C[ suzhou 2k*: even if I have the talent and training, I don't wanna be a pro go player:) jansteen 3d*: next? bada 3d : so b is trying to salvage p14 stone... colombe 2d*: s14 yaowin 3k*: q10? jansteen 3d*: cool, colombe :)];B[rf];W[pg]C[ bada 3d : nice move, s14 colombe 2d*: why i still 2d* ? :) imp NR : :) suzhou 2k*: 'cause u didn't pay tweet bada 3d : but b has heavy center group colombe 2d*: ha ha suzhou 2k*: n11];B[ig];W[jf];B[jg];W[hg];B[gg]C[ jansteen 3d*: This strategy used by black here is high level: suzhou 2k*: Wei2 Wei1 Jiu4 Zhao4 jansteen 3d*: Black is looking very busy with p14 stone, while actually he's peeking at e10 group];W[kg]C[ suzhou 2k*: hmm, nice];B[kf];W[je];B[mj];W[rg];B[ke];W[jd];B[kh];W[lg];B[lh]C[ jansteen 3d*: Now white tough choice, next?];W[jh];B[mg]C[ bada 3d : why was it tough choice? colombe 2d*: r11 jansteen 3d*: next? colombe 2d*: no bada 3d : k11? jansteen 3d*: yes, colombe, very good yaowin 3k*: yeah, j12];W[qi]C[ jansteen 3d*: white almost dying on right side colombe 2d*: fmc, give me a dan, pls :)];B[lf]C[ yaowin 3k*: now does not seem W too good];W[kg];B[pj];W[ri];B[nj];W[ok];B[oj]C[ jansteen 3d*: Black is playing really well here];W[nl];B[nn];W[ll];B[ln];W[nm];B[on]C[ jansteen 3d*: Yes, shouzhuo, agree, very unusual];W[jl];B[jj];W[hl];B[hj]C[ suzhou 2k*: run:)];W[ih];B[lk];W[lm];B[kn];W[gj];B[gi];W[hi];B[gk];W[ij];B[fj];W[ik]C[ jansteen 3d*: White is working... :)];B[oh];W[sf];B[mi];W[rp]C[ iota NR : b better be careful to live... oh, there :) jansteen 3d*: ok, endgame started, score? imp NR : count me out; too difficult:) colombe 2d*: close jansteen 3d*: Who's better then? colombe 2d*: bl colombe 2d*: i prefer bl suzhou 2k*: b better I think jansteen 3d*: ok, let's see quickly the finish];B[fm];W[lp];B[ro];W[qo];B[kk];W[gm];B[po];W[qp];B[fn];W[gl];B[fl];W[jm];B[rk];W[rh];B[rm];W[so];B[sn];W[rn];B[se];W[rf]C[ colombe 2d*: s12 necessary ?];B[ro];W[ji];B[ki]C[ colombe 2d*: ok, ko];W[rn];B[mo];W[mp];B[ro];W[oi];B[oh];W[rn];B[cr];W[sl];B[ro];W[oi];B[ni];W[rn];B[kl];W[km];B[ro];W[om];B[pm];W[rn];B[nk];W[sm];B[ol];W[dq];B[hq];W[hr];B[ip];W[jq];B[dr];W[er];B[hp];W[gq]C[ jansteen 3d*: clever sequence by black];B[la];W[mb];B[oa];W[nb];B[ca];W[br];B[bs];W[ba];B[cc];W[da];B[gr];W[gs];B[ca];W[ar];B[aq];W[da];B[ne];W[nd];B[ca];W[ds];B[as];W[da];B[ld];W[jb];B[ja];W[kb];B[ca];W[bb];B[ka]C[ imp NR : agree];W[md];B[sk];W[hk]C[ imp NR : shaky game today:) jansteen 3d*: haev to undo... :) jansteen 3d*: one move though imp NR : did you drop a stone from fright? :) jansteen 3d*: When I undo, IGS says: That command is currently disabled. imp NR : sounds not good...:) jansteen 3d*: I entered black 251 but was not received by IGS jansteen 3d*: So this black move is actually white's replay jansteen 3d*: yes! jansteen 3d*: quick, quick...!! jansteen 3d*: malf won :)];B[gj];W[kd]C[ jansteen 3d*: :) jansteen 3d*: Too many reboots ;)];B[hn];W[jk];B[kj];W[in];B[jn];W[im];B[fp];W[es];B[eo];W[eq];B[op];W[oq];B[oo];W[le];B[kp];W[kq];B[jp];W[cs];B[br];W[ae];B[af];W[ad];B[io];W[lo];B[ko];W[df];B[gn];W[gp];B[go];W[si];B[sd]C[ jansteen 3d*: Finished :) shah 5k*: who won? jansteen 3d*: Anyone has a count? jansteen 3d*: close enough jansteen 3d*: B+7.5 jansteen 3d*: the fight after p14 decided I think jansteen 3d*: Yes, but it's a lightning game not played under the best conditions jansteen 3d*: In front of a life audience (400+) with life commentary :) jansteen 3d*: I can not judge mbaxter imp NR : my board still has a ko at d19 shah 5k*: thx jan jansteen 3d*: mine too imp :) Let me check the game record jansteen 3d*: White resigned that ko imp jansteen 3d*: Thanks :) imp NR : thx:) jansteen 3d*: highlight of the game was upper-left, and upper-right fighting zli 8k*: too many thx jansteen 3d*: next time Gosei again jansteen 3d*: Kobayashi Koichi (9p,W) vs Yuki Satoshi (9p,B) jansteen 3d*: This was special event, no tournament])
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Kobayashi Koichi    Yuki Satoshi
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