(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]TM[1200]OT[3x40 byo-yomi]PW[zchen]PB[liyue]WR[7d]BR[7d]DT[2009-10-21]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[zchen [7d]: hiliyue [7d?]: have a nice game]RE[B+Resign];B[pd]BL[1188.135];W[dc]WL[1197.278];B[pq]BL[1179.586]C[taiji [2k]: yay zchen ];W[dq]WL[1193.018];B[do]BL[1174.687]C[Warfreak2 [5d]: go zchen!Warfreak2 [5d]: we love you!SAI21 [-]: םOOnmyoji [2d]: i count b´+55.5taiji [2k]: liyue too ^^];W[co]WL[1176.092]C[nogonow [1k]: liyue];B[cn]BL[1162.206];W[cp]WL[1173.471];B[de]BL[1153.637];W[po]WL[1167.718]C[Javaness [2d]: *\o/* Go Liyue *\o/*];B[cc]BL[1142.711];W[qq]WL[1163.5];B[dn]BL[1134.811]C[nogonow [1k]: go javanogonow [1k]: ^^];W[fq]WL[1143.453]C[OnTheWay [7k]: go nogonow];B[ci]BL[1123.647]C[nogonow [1k]: yes i willnogonow [1k]: haha];W[nc]WL[1131.028]C[Onmyoji [2d]: hehehheeParadize [1k]: <3 liyue];B[qk]BL[1106.723];W[qc]WL[1121.262]C[taiji [2k]: b keeping ahead nicelynogonow [1k]: in the far far far furture];B[pc]BL[1099.961];W[qd]WL[1117.055];B[pe]BL[1098.322];W[pb]WL[1112.167];B[ob]BL[1096.761];W[qb]WL[1110.999];B[oc]BL[1095.395];W[qf]WL[1109.927]C[Medice [4d]: well, slightly difficult to say if black ahead muchYaruki [8k]: eh];B[kd]BL[1064.909]C[Medice [4d]: well, i suppose he is ];W[cb]WL[1099.455];B[cd]BL[1060.143];W[gc]WL[1087.64]C[Javaness [2d]: black is a womanJulian [3d]: She, clearly?];B[bb]BL[1052.302]C[OnTheWay [7k]: at least b has huuuuge moyo];W[ic]WL[1083.106];B[jb]BL[1046.418]C[OnTheWay [7k]: *hadMedice [4d]: well, yes, i'm not used to english's genderization of he/she still, obviouslyR [1k]: people see a lot of black stones in one part of the board, and treats this as an advantage];W[lb]WL[1062.75]C[danielmofo [6k]: why k18?];B[jc]BL[1040.819]C[Javaness [2d]: M18 looks amusingDaid [3k]: stop w development];W[nb]WL[1051.686]C[Neospring [4k]: white is she b is heOnTheWay [7k]: phitinggre: trueRMidian [6k]: Why not k18?];B[id]BL[1030.27]C[taiji [2k]: w will have a weak group to deal with];W[hd]WL[1040.778];B[ie]BL[1025.829];W[pf]WL[1034.345]C[Midian [6k]: Maybe two weak groups ?!];B[ne]BL[1015.694]C[IceSpectre [6k]: b looks bettrer ];W[of]WL[1026.966];B[nd]BL[1010.778]C[OnTheWay [7k]: n15 for w better than q14?beta5 [8k]: p19?Julian [3d]: sente still huge.taiji [2k]: p19 smallbeta5 [8k]: ok];W[oa]WL[1006.433]C[Clynch [9k]: p19 aint big enoughtTheChill [2k]: p19 too small I thinkbeta5 [8k]: haR [1k]: seems w is pretty oktaiji [2k]: lolTheChill [2k]: lolMedice [4d]: white top left formation is too weak, puts w behind];B[ge]BL[1001.428]C[gDIEte [4k?]: pwn3dIceSpectre [6k]: p19 is not that small ];W[eb]WL[1000.312]C[taiji [2k]: guess soClynch [9k]: well 30 points at most?TheChill [2k]: apperantlyJulian [3d]: p19 is too small right now.Kirby [1d]: i prefer black, i guess. i hope something crazy happens, thoughJavaness [2d]: G5];B[ed]BL[980.766]C[Midian [6k]: g6 looks pretty nice^^];W[ba]WL[982.799]C[R [1k]: b19 Midian [6k]: *g5];B[ab]BL[977.095]C[OnTheWay [7k]: b getting phawned];W[ib]WL[979.353]C[taiji [2k]: ??taiji [2k]: sealing is bigJavaness [2d]: are you even watching this gamefeature [-]: 7k jugement :)Midian [6k]: :DYaruki [8k]: lolfeature [-]: i used to think the same :)Kirby [1d]: i don't know what phawned means, so i can't say much about the commentTheChill [2k]: b and w better shape up... gray is clearly winning ;PYaruki [8k]: b clearly aheadgre: wait, b got tremendous influence, wlived very small... how is b getting owed?plamen [1k]: yes and if u continue to think so it will be ahrder up in the kuysjuj: I wonder why black didn't play bP19taiji [2k]: g5juj: to me it seemed really hugeDaihokama [4k?]: f10 gawelazo [7k]: k10?taiji [2k]: right needs a move...Neospring [4k]: k10Miyabiyama [-]: p19 was too tangerous before b connectedYaruki [8k]: c3];B[ec]BL[880.909]C[Yaruki [8k]: =.=Javaness [2d]: kill him liyue!];W[ia]WL[956.273];B[ja]BL[867.32]C[TheChill [2k]: I kinda wanna se G5 nowtaiji [2k]: j19 stongOnTheWay [7k]: k20 connect under];W[fc]WL[932.694]C[Miyabiyama [-]: j 19 just improving eyespace in senteMidian [6k]: I think f17 wasnt necessaryParadize [1k]: maybe timing wasn t for Bgre: there should be a spherical version of go...];B[nf]BL[828.657]C[pali99 [5d]: f17 is creating an ajiMiyabiyama [-]: well, if it wasnt necessary according to 7d reading, w wouldnt have played it];W[qi]WL[912.45]C[Midian [6k]: Of course ;)TheChill [2k]: K8!!];B[pi]BL[818.84]C[OnTheWay [7k]: my money on wpali99 [5d]: h16 and cutTheChill [2k]: muhaha];W[qj]WL[902.748]C[R [1k]: w is very calm :)Javaness [2d]: i like black's almighty moyo potentialMedice [4d]: my sword for blacktaiji [2k]: cash vs ptential-classic funSeleroan [?]: 3d go? Like Star Trek?plamen [1k]: like matrixtaiji [2k]: q10];B[pk]BL[776.603]C[Julian [3d]: Dead stones are calm, too.];W[pj]WL[900.686]C[taiji [2k]: :(gre: hmm, 3d in some sense, but you would only play on the surface of such sphere...];B[ok]BL[773.978];W[oj]WL[899.483];B[nk]BL[772.949]C[TheChill [2k]: this is so going to end up with w trying to live in b's moyo which will determine basically who wins];W[lj]WL[895.392]C[gre: so, no corners, no sidesgawelazo [7k]: ouchJavaness [2d]: what is going on gDIEte [4k?]: conflictR [1k]: m10 was nerverousMiyabiyama [-]: w starting a wartaiji [2k]: o10??];B[mi]BL[742.388]C[Julian [3d]: What do you mean, Java?mimic [1k]: my pen for wWarfreak2 [5d]: a nuclear war];W[nj]WL[887.074];B[mj]BL[739.813];W[mk]WL[885.945]C[sinnombre [6k]: my mate for b];B[ml]BL[724.294];W[lk]WL[884.833]C[OnTheWay [7k]: s2 tesuji];B[ll]BL[723.261];W[kl]WL[883.208]C[Crow [3d]: cutJavaness [2d]: i mean i don't understand this line of play];B[kk]BL[710.672]C[Julian [3d]: This really hurts the moyo.];W[li]WL[879.516]C[Onmyoji [2d]: w winJulian [3d]: Unless B pulls some magic.plamen [1k]: mayo?taiji [2k]: w has large spherical objectsJulian [3d]: The mayo is already hurt.beta5 [8k]: n12?Kirby [1d]: black mayo is never that good, anywaygDIEte [4k?]: turning to hot saucetaiji [2k]: don't kick me D:Nachelf [8k]: Still, isn't black moyo's much better than W?gDIEte [4k?]: w has cash];B[mh]BL[640.914]C[Miyabiyama [-]: b has no other territory except the moyo];W[lh]WL[863.477];B[mg]BL[637.804]C[Julian [3d]: Bah.];W[jk]WL[847.984]C[Nachelf [8k]: Maybe, but isn't moyo future terrirotiry? All he has to do is keep his advanceMedice [4d]: l10, yes?gDIEte [4k?]: moyo is only possible territory...danielmofo [6k]: l10?Paradize [1k]: need medic danielmofo [6k]: isn't l9 dead?Neospring [4k]: yaKirby [1d]: either l10 or k8 directlyJulian [3d]: W unlikely to die now.Kirby [1d]: l10 might let w get a wall, but maybe it's bestNachelf [8k]: Exactly, so why is b line of play bad?taiji [2k]: w would sacrifice m9Neospring [4k]: l10 k10 l11 k12 kuikentje [2d]: try to estimate the points in it, Nachelf - is it really that much bigger than white's territories?taiji [2k]: destroy the potential Kirby [1d]: if l10, i would k11, and sacrifice l8R [1k]: b g5 Rae [4k]: k8Medice [4d]: noepsring, and l12];B[qn]BL[525.612]C[Nachelf [8k]: All in all, maybe notgDIEte [4k?]: sacrifice l8?Nachelf [8k]: I guess it will be player in right and bottom];W[km]WL[831.777]C[Julian [3d]: moyo so sad now.taiji [2k]: wha?!Midian [6k]: It's always hard too see who really leads in the beginninggDIEte [4k?]: doesn't sacrifice l8 hurt bottom right badly?taiji [2k]: b hosed!danielmofo [6k]: now l10 is deadOnTheWay [7k]: bottom getting bigMedice [4d]: yes, quite sad, black handled right side a little wrong, i suppose];B[qp]BL[491.231];W[qo]WL[828.677]C[Kayres [12k]: q10 wouldve made everything different];B[pp]BL[483.94];W[rp]WL[815.64];B[oo]BL[480.147]C[Nayel [6k]: o 7 possible ?];W[pn]WL[810.107];B[on]BL[474.072]C[Kirby [1d]: maybe. i guess you could scrifice k9 instead];W[rn]WL[805.404];B[rq]BL[469.393]C[Hightime [2d]: moyo is gone...Hightime [2d]: b still playing?OnTheWay [7k]: q7];W[qr]WL[775.852]C[falloutti [1k?]: hightime, google];B[sp]BL[466.482];W[ro]WL[772.232]C[Miyabiyama [-]: b getting something in lower right];B[rr]BL[462.807];W[om]WL[768.591];B[nm]BL[453.498];W[op]WL[767.154]C[taiji [2k]: little something and a cut weak group :(];B[pr]BL[441.795]C[Javaness [2d]: hmm];W[rl]WL[752.441]C[Javaness [2d]: le loup est dans le bibliopthequeHightime [2d]: la* bibliothèqueSuicide [-]: loup?Medice [4d]: was that something about library?gDIEte [4k?]: wolf?taiji [2k]: pres de la chez de ma tante?Teresa [5k?]: r7Suicide [-]: Makes sense.Nachelf [8k]: The wolf is in the library, but what sense does it have in the contexte?Suicide [-]: It's code.Hightime [2d]: le loup est dans la bergerie would be more correctgDIEte [4k?]: must be a french thing];B[qm]BL[368.777]C[Joorin [3k]: ou es le signe?jernaze [2d]: en fait ca na aucun sens, quelquesoit le contexteKirby [1d]: haha, library was the only word i could guess, tooNachelf [8k]: Yeah, very likely];W[pm]WL[742.739]C[jernaze [2d]: no, even in french there's no sensjernaze [2d]: sense*];B[mo]BL[350.483]C[Nayel [6k]: strange wat choose by blackWarfreak2 [5d]: ...Kirby [1d]: hm, i like this p4 strategyTeresa [5k?]: gote life Billaben [3k]: this feels greedyParadize [1k]: H3 ! H3 ! H3 !];W[rk]WL[720.795]C[gDIEte [4k?]: n5 feels greedy?];B[hk]BL[344.494]C[Warfreak2 [5d]: n5 sentetaiji [2k]: w contentedNachelf [8k]: s9 was biganapazapa [2d]: s9 why so urgent?Seba [14k]: H3 ~!];W[or]WL[708]C[Warfreak2 [5d]: because if not s9 then b s9 killsTeresa [5k?]: strange move p2Medice [4d]: n3?taiji [2k]: tesujiMiyabiyama [-]: n3 looks ok];B[ko]BL[318.005]C[Miyabiyama [-]: dunno where the tesuji is];W[oq]WL[703.929]C[Billaben [3k]: P2 isn't that strange.Hightime [2d]: n3 small];B[qs]BL[315.98];W[kq]WL[694.743]C[mimic [1k]: rip-off mode:on taiji [2k]: okokWarfreak2 [5d]: go zchenWarfreak2 [5d]: we believe in youJavaness [2d]: white's stones are like a slumbering layabout slumped in a hotel corridor across the boardShanadoo [?]: the exp wintaiji [2k]: now b has something to work withShanadoo [?]: ^^];B[jq]BL[302.346]C[Suicide [-]: All the points are small - it's what you do with them that counts];W[ln]WL[683.789]C[Rocker [4d]: killKirby [1d]: i dunno, i prefered black before, but i don't mind w so much nowMidian [6k]: N3 doesnt work?Julian [3d]: B pain.Suicide [-]: nope];B[lo]BL[283.765]C[Midian [6k]: ^^R [1k]: o6 ];W[nn]WL[665.59]C[Suicide [-]: o6];B[mn]BL[280.958]C[taiji [2k]: killing centre should be easy ^^Teresa [5k?]: b want sente kill centerHightime [2d]: oh];W[no]WL[659.171]C[Shanadoo [?]: lucky];B[in]BL[276.888]C[Shanadoo [?]: ^^Hightime [2d]: w will lack sencond eyeMedice [4d]: ambitioustaiji [2k]: I love it];W[il]WL[648.717]C[Julian [3d]: No way.Nayel [6k]: s9 become uselessJulian [3d]: Moyo is too big for that.Warfreak2 [5d]: kill centre = you have had too much nyquilOnTheWay [7k]: w+r in 67 moves];B[jj]BL[254.7]C[CGBSpender [-]: hahaBillaben [3k]: killling white in the center? white has awful nice shape for killing.taiji [2k]: nyquil??gDIEte [4k?]: interesting...R [1k]: b is going to killOnTheWay [7k]: j10];W[ij]WL[623.419]C[Warfreak2 [5d]: nyquil helps you to sleepHightime [2d]: at least he'll threatenapagis [2d]: liyue has nalls ^^];B[ji]BL[248.824]C[apagis [2d]: balls* ^^];W[hl]WL[615.18]C[Midian [6k]: lolWarfreak2 [5d]: desperation doesn't equate to courageOnTheWay [7k]: ?Warfreak2 [5d]: or confidenceMiyabiyama [-]: l10?Teresa [5k?]: g6Hightime [2d]: but he seems so];B[hj]BL[223.938]C[Hightime [2d]: it*Kayres [12k]: but to damage :PBillaben [3k]: this isn't bravery, this is necessity];W[hn]WL[601.906]C[taiji [2k]: gotta go for 100%];B[ho]BL[213.695];W[go]WL[600.519]C[Cato [2k?]: black isn't safe either];B[gn]BL[209.89];W[hm]WL[599.198]C[Miyabiyama [-]: L10???sousys [?]: 100% what=Teresa [5k?]: liyue in troubleRae [4k]: L10];B[fn]BL[206.475]C[Billaben [3k]: safe where?Kirby [1d]: great gameSuicide [-]: I predict that w will win, unless he loses.];W[ii]WL[596.284]C[taiji [2k]: kill all];B[jh]BL[203.936]C[Rocker [4d]: die Hightime [2d]: i predict ladder issues for wgawelazo [7k]: l10 seems so bigOnTheWay [7k]: n3 saves b?];W[io]WL[574.743]C[Seba [14k]: Kill 'em All \M/IceSpectre [6k]: just j5 and live ];B[hp]BL[200.623]C[Nachelf [8k]: why isn't l10 important?];W[ip]WL[569.552]C[Billaben [3k]: L10 saves black...Billaben [3k]: N3 also saves black.gDIEte [4k?]: ...Warfreak2 [5d]: b dieBillaben [3k]: for white, L10 isn't important, it's not an eyeraptor [1d]: j9 Teresa [5k?]: j3glsm [6k]: l10Midian [6k]: Yepp];B[iq]BL[174.273];W[hq]WL[567.416];B[gp]BL[172.113]C[Paradize [1k]: this is hard to read after rush];W[fp]WL[566.3];B[fo]BL[170.861];W[gq]WL[565.179]C[Nachelf [8k]: but it prevents black from escaping];B[go]BL[170.023]C[fikkus: b has l10 to liveSuicide [-]: k6Kirby [1d]: l10 could be important in that it keeps black separated];W[jn]WL[561.005]C[Kirby [1d]: yeah];B[jo]BL[168.754]C[Hightime [2d]: works for b];W[im]WL[560.045];B[jp]BL[167.934]C[Onmyoji [2d]: :EBillaben [3k]: one eye so far...];W[ih]WL[543.85]C[Hightime [2d]: but he has to liveBillaben [3k]: and losing aji...P1X3L [6k]: liyue gonna winraptor [1d]: j9!taiji [2k]: b must hose everythingsousys [?]: black has none so far];B[jg]BL[157.091]C[Poney [2k]: k13 would be sente];W[in]WL[539.314]C[Poney [2k]: l10 IceSpectre [6k]: why not j9 ? Midian [6k]: j6??gDIEte [4k?]: l10?taiji [2k]: (just like saying hose :D)Teresa [5k?]: l10R [1k]: j6 ???Billaben [3k]: what are you even referring to? N8? very alive...juj: bL10 is quite important now I thinkgawelazo [7k]: l10gawelazo [7k]: to connectBillaben [3k]: L10/N3 MiaiPoney [2k]: yue such a nice fighterjuj: very painful to make eyes on the bottom sideSuicide [-]: m11 isn't that horrible to losegre: l10 hurtsmafutrct [1k]: n8 not very aliveOnmyoji [2d]: b can liveOnTheWay [7k]: l10 sente for wPoney [2k]: l1à bigger than N3Onmyoji [2d]: kill allraptor [1d]: j9 Teresa [5k?]: liyue waiting for resignR [1k]: b j9 and d9 afterraptor [1d]: kill it all or b losestaiji [2k]: l10 bettermafutrct [1k]: j9 forces l10 then b is weakchw [3d?]: l10Rae [4k]: L10 is sente];B[kj]BL[68.588]C[Shanadoo [?]: ^^juj: yayRae [4k]: game overBillaben [3k]: L10 and black might just go for containing white...];W[ik]WL[532.256]C[IceSpectre [6k]: f9 ];B[fk]BL[63.061]C[Kirby [1d]: hmm];W[nl]WL[529.573]C[Poney [2k]: hard to prevent another eye nowBillaben [3k]: black would win a contained race.];B[ol]BL[60.011]C[Suicide [-]: r8?sousys [?]: m7];W[gi]WL[512.804]C[taiji [2k]: zchen madPoney [2k]: f10 simplyCato [2k?]: still a chanceMiyabiyama [-]: w has only 3 libs, o8 obviously timesujiKirby [1d]: if zchen pulls this off, it will be amazingjernaze [2d]: i bet on white];B[fj]BL[44.935]C[Billaben [3k]: I like F10Midian [6k]: YeahHightime [2d]: b has no more weaknesses on left sideBillaben [3k]: keeps a big chunk of the left side regardless, and keeps pressure onPoney [2k]: not anymoregre: h15 might be onePoney [2k]: This f10 is great with C11];W[ig]WL[488.237]C[Hightime [2d]: w is deadmafutrct [1k]: i have no idea how some of you are apparently able to read this out and shout game over.taiji [2k]: b +100IceSpectre [6k]: j14 R [1k]: h14 Kirby [1d]: are you new to kgs kibitz?TenDrink [2d]: g13juj: game over, the other side wins.OnTheWay [7k]: g13raptor [1d]: the game is over one way or another :P];B[gg]BL[3.661]C[Onmyoji [2d]: i count b+84.5];W[jf]WL[481.797]C[Suicide [-]: oh wow...Suicide [-]: w is craftyMidian [6k]: I dont think it's overtaiji [2k]: ouch];B[kf]BL[40]OB[3]C[F00 [1d]: is black pro?taiji [2k]: trickery is afootBillaben [3k]: I don't see anything too crafty... there's no eye there either.];W[if]WL[476.73]C[Hightime [2d]: b is 6d chinese amaSuicide [-]: no pros herejuj: b is cuteMysigh [20k]: ?gawelazo [7k]: l13taiji [2k]: h15juj: cute and 7dan, I don't think she's got anything to lose hereParadize [1k]: <3 liyue];B[ke]BL[40]OB[3];W[gh]WL[470.833]C[Billaben [3k]: huh?IceSpectre [6k]: f13 ];B[hi]BL[40]OB[3]C[taiji [2k]: f13RoyB [10k]: yes black player has a cute picture];W[gf]WL[466.984];B[hf]BL[40]OB[3]C[Warfreak2 [5d]: juj, zchen is a heMidian [6k]: NiceBillaben [3k]: oh I see... snapback doesn't quite workJulian [3d]: B didn't read there.];W[ff]WL[457.699];B[hg]BL[40]OB[3]C[atomicHolt [14k]: sorry for my lack of experience, why not l13?];W[hh]WL[456.275]C[juj: unless I'm totally wrong, the picture of black player is her?];B[fg]BL[40]OB[3]C[Hightime [2d]: b readmafutrct [1k]: l13 m13 l12 l11 ];W[eg]WL[450.341]C[Shanadoo [?]: makemashitagDIEte [4k?]: err...Kirby [1d]: this is crazy];B[eh]BL[40]OB[3]C[taiji [2k]: w bread ];W[ei]WL[446.375]C[Billaben [3k]: I don't see much hope left.... ;PIceSpectre [6k]: don't see a way for w to live ];B[dh]BL[40]OB[3]C[Onmyoji [2d]: resignSnC [2k]: what ar w doing?];W[fl]WL[441.037]C[Billaben [3k]: white is praying...Suicide [-]: flailingCato [2k?]: playingtsuchigumo [-]: Edge of the board loomingHightime [2d]: cookingthreeoone [4k]: w hopeless];B[el]BL[40]OB[3]C[Cato [2k?]: lol noCato [2k?]: that's the only thing he has];W[dj]WL[427.344]C[beta5 [8k]: f11?Onmyoji [2d]: b has to make a 13 kyu mistakethreeoone [4k]: yes not enough adsfsdf: g8Cato [2k?]: maybe, we'll seeR [1k]: f11 Seba [14k]: f11taiji [2k]: liberties on h9 short IceSpectre [6k]: e10 fikkus: g8?juj: wE9 is tough if bF11];B[dk]BL[40]OB[3]C[tsuchigumo [-]: So easy to fall asleep as b hereR [1k]: f11 is silly :(mafutrct [1k]: f11 f12 h15 g9 threeoone [4k]: maybe b failes somewhere];W[cj]WL[420.123]C[Suicide [-]: f11 f12 h15 e9 would have hurt];B[fi]BL[40]OB[3];W[fh]WL[417.734];B[he]BL[40]OB[3]C[daladim [1d]: aliveMedice [4d]: it's difficult to fail hereTeresa [5k?]: ?Suicide [-]: g9!Teresa [5k?]: !!!kumabear [6d]: oh...Teresa [5k?]: haha];W[ch]WL[408.548]C[Teresa [5k?]: e9!Medice [4d]: would need to be atleast 9 dan to fail hereSuicide [-]: lolthreeoone [4k]: ui];B[dg]BL[40]OB[3]C[gre: e9 ?Seba [14k]: loltaiji [2k]: ???mafutrct [1k]: both e9 and g9 fail nowMidian [6k]: overplay?];W[fm]WL[395.847]C[Yaruki [8k]: res plz =Ptaiji [2k]: maybe live on the sideSuicide [-]: yeah maf, I forgot the atari on w];B[ek]BL[40]OB[3]C[juj: lol];W[em]WL[393.221];B[ck]BL[40]OB[3]C[Kirby [1d]: g9 failed before with the f11 f12 h15 g9 sequence you gave];W[dm]WL[389.129];B[bl]BL[40]OB[3]C[Billaben [3k]: black is removing any possible tricky ajibeta5 [8k]: huh?];W[bn]WL[381.721]C[Hightime [2d]: w killed himself];B[bm]BL[40]OB[3];W[bo]WL[379.809]C[IceSpectre [6k]: b has more liberties ];B[cm]BL[40]OB[3]C[Hightime [2d]: yupzchen [7d]: thxleeho: who's playing for bliyue [7d?]: thxtaiji [2k]: what a game!Midian [6k]: Knew itNachelf [8k]: Nice gamejuj: wG9 would've been victory for white, right?Poney [2k]: crazy oOapagis [2d]: LIYUUUUUUE :)Suicide [-]: not quitejuj: before bE9Poney [2k]: Yuyu roooooooooookcsliyue [9d?]: byemafutrct [1k]: no g9 failedtaiji [2k]: :DBillaben [3k]: if white made life yes, that would have been game over too...Nachelf [8k]: g9= failtaiji [2k]: 9dansplash88c: big mistake for whtjuj: liyue <3OnTheWay [7k]: 7d ---> 9dPoney [2k]: that's some crazy kill o_OKayres [12k]: thx ---> bye Kayres [12k]: :Dleeho: someone else playing for bPoney [2k]: nopePoney [2k]: Poeple in her flat are at max 3d...OnTheWay [7k]: if i could improve from 7d to 9d by saying thx and bye in 1 min, that would be %"$/%&)&gre: maybe j6 was the mistake?OnTheWay [7k]: J9 was mistakeRocker [4d]: .Rocker [4d]: .])
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