(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]PW[Ben Mantle 5 Dan]PB[Jeffrey Fung 6 Dan];B[dp];W[pd];B[dd];W[pq];B[qo];W[qm]C[This common low pincer that we learn even as beginners, is my current favourite in this situation. It stresses territory and is difficult to ignore.];B[oo];W[np];B[pl];W[qp];B[ro]C[Normally black plays R8, and White plays S5, Black R6, and then White Tenuki. This way here is Joseki, but uncommon.];W[ql];B[pk];W[pm];B[om];W[qk];B[pj];W[qi];B[lq]C[A bit of an over play. Here, protecting the cut or closing the corner at S 4 are both terrible for White, therefore the cut must be the only move, in my opinion.];W[on];B[pn]C[A slight overplay.];W[nn];B[no];W[mo];B[mn];W[nm];B[mp];W[lo];B[mm];W[ol]C[This move is not good, it should be at O 8. The reason is that Black doesn't have time after White O 8 to keep pushing at N 8. More importantly, both players can see that Q6 and R5 stones are about to be sacrificed in a trade, so P 8 is bad.];B[nl];W[om];B[op];W[nq];B[oq];W[or];B[nr];W[po];B[mq];W[pp];B[kn]C[Black has a a lot of thickness and power over the bottom side, but white has nearly 30 points, black's Q9 area is destroyed, White has Sente, and M5 stones have life left, so the result favours white by far.];W[cn];B[cp]C[This move would be more expected at F4, though surely there are other options. Black played C4 because he feels behind, and wants to play farther from thickness. The problem is that the bottom is too wide, and as long as black can't make 30 points there, White has no complaints I think.];W[eq]C[Seems normal i nthis situation.];B[gq];W[gp]C[From my point of view, hard to say if this plan is good or not. I planned to lightly destroy th potential in the area. It may have been more obvious to live with C2, as Black has expected. The living sequences after White C2 ends with a Sente play at B2, and after Black blocks at B4, white can extend long the left.];B[ep]C[In my opinion, G4 was incorrectly time. The reason is that if black had responded at H3, I would play E4. If I had played E4 directly instead of G4, Black would play D 6 and again I would play G4. The difference is that i would have reduced the number of choices for black, which would prevent the possibility of G4 having been a mistake.];W[fq];B[hq];W[fp];B[dr];W[dq]C[These exchanges are unnecessary, don't need them now. They remove some possibilities such as White B2, which could become possible in the future if, for example, Black ignored a White move at B5.];B[cq];W[er];B[cr];W[io];B[jp];W[ip];B[iq];W[jq];B[jo];W[jr];B[ir];W[ml]C[Probably a mistake. Although the Ponnuki is nice, it would be irrelevant to the current situation. I played this and somehow didn't anticipate losing Sente from White's counter-Atari ... Not thinking straight.];B[ll];W[gr];B[kq];W[nk]C[The lower left looks really bad now, but it's easy to survive there. I can't just let black Capture the stone here, as the difference between one Ponnuki or the other would be too great here.];B[en]C[A strong but expected move - The pain for white, after having made mistake or two.];W[im];B[dl];W[kl]C[The Capture at O9 also gave me some AJi to work with here, such as this Tesuji. There's one proble with it though...];B[lk];W[lm];B[ln];W[km];B[jm];W[jl];B[jn];W[in];B[kr]C[After this move, the Tesuji might hav been bad, because White has gained a cut at H4, although it doesn't work directly. Being subject to a pee such as G6 is painful. However, black won't play it right now, as he would rather save the Aji. If white were to Tenuki now though,, Black could force with G6 and then Cut at J8. I found H9 and all other indirect connections to be flawed, so don't be surprised by the next move :) Jeff was...];W[il]C[Now, it is actually "Thickness"!];B[nd]C[Black chose the high approach in order to reduce White's central potential.];W[kd]C[Of course White should pincer, as white is VERY strong in the center.];B[nf];W[pf];B[pc];W[qc];B[oc];W[qb];B[kf];W[hc];B[qd]C[Not sure when black played this probing move, but it was around this time I think.];W[qe];W[hc]C[It's well within my knowledge that the corect shape to take is to instead play at J 16. Had I been more focused on the game, I might have had the foresight to see that J16 - G 17 - J14 is a fine result for me, and Black is under attack.];B[kc]C[Excellent! (In my opinion)];W[jc];B[lc];W[je]C[This move seems suspect. Black's peep is very nice, and torments white for the whole game.];B[id];W[ic];B[fc];W[ck];B[bm];W[cf];B[bd];W[fb];B[eb];W[fd];B[ec];W[dh]C[I played this thoughtlessly, thinking C11 was not good for black, but I was wrong... I regretted this move the most, although the coming result was globally okay for me I think. I thought about playing instead at D9 - maybe better...];B[ci];W[di];B[cj];W[dj];B[bk];W[el];B[em];W[cl];B[dk];W[cm];B[bl];W[ek];B[dm]C[Luckily, white has a lot of center potential and is still okay for territory. The game is still hard for black.I'm pretty sure my next moves are bad. I was truly distressed over where to develop the center... So I played randomly. ];W[ig];B[fl];W[fk];B[gk];W[gl];B[fm];W[gm];B[ef];W[fg];B[eg];W[fh];B[ff];W[ch]C[This move is too small! I made the mistake of thinking that after a foring move at B12, B6 would be Sente for some endgame points. (After B6, Black will later have to take off all the white stones via liberty fighting, therefore white will get many moves on the 1st line of the right edge of the board.)];B[fi]C[Power! I missed it! Actually, as a CGa '5 Dan' I think I should not miss this! It strikes multiple shapes at once.];W[ei];B[hg];W[hh];B[hf];W[if];B[he];W[gg]C[This ugly but good move was my rescue, Black missed it.];B[fe];W[jd];B[ih];W[jh];B[ii];W[gi];B[oh]C[Here, White can probably be merciless and just cut this all off. Jeff reminded me of this after the game, but I was confident so I played to avoid complications. All three for my white groups in the center more or less rely on the connection at the place of the two black stones at J11, and it's possible that Black could try to split off the top or All the white at the bottom, so I played the next move to clear all the Aji, and keep enough of a lead to win once the game is simplified. Black just finished cutting me at J 12, so I am at least expanding my territory :)];W[ji];B[qh];W[pi];B[ph];W[oi];B[ni];W[nj];B[ri];W[rj];B[mi];W[bh];B[bj];W[pr]C[Really big! Some interesting stuff can happen if Black takes this stone and white ignores.];B[rd];W[rf];B[oe];W[pe];B[pb];W[rc];B[qa];W[ra];B[pa];W[sd];B[kj];W[ld];B[md];W[gb];B[jj];W[ij];B[ik];W[hj];B[jk];W[hk];B[rh];W[kb];B[lb];W[jb]C[I won't bother finishign the endgame, as I'm unsure of the exact order anyhow. I will at least list who got each big endgame move:Black: T10, M19 (I played a fakesuji at O 18...), M15, M12, G17White: B6 etc., B15 + A16, E19, F5...Black resigned])
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Ben Mantle 5 Dan    Jeffrey Fung 6 Dan
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