(;CA[UTF-8]GM[1]FF[4]AP[glGo:1.4]ST[1]SZ[19]KM[6.5]PW[CatalinT]WR[5p]PB[Roln]BR[6d?]RE[W+3.5]TM[600]DT[2011-04-05]PC[IGS-PandaNet]CP[Copyright (c) PANDANET Inc. 2011];B[pd];W[dp];B[pq];W[dd];B[qk];W[mq];B[po];W[jq];B[nc];W[dj];B[fc];W[df];B[id];W[fp];B[qe];W[ke];B[jf];W[kf];B[jg];W[kg];B[kh];W[lh];B[li];W[mh];B[mf];W[nf];B[me];W[mg];B[ki];W[ph];B[nj];W[kc];B[jc];W[mc];B[md];W[lb];B[nb];W[pf];B[qg];W[qf];B[rf];W[re];B[rg];W[qd];B[pe];W[pc];B[ne];W[rd];B[pb];W[og];B[qc];W[rc];B[qb];W[qh];B[rh];W[qj];B[ri];W[pk];B[ok];W[pj];B[pl];W[ql];B[rk];W[ol];B[pm];W[ni];B[nk];W[rj];B[rl];W[oj]C[drojdie [ 1k ]: who is roln?icewater [ 3k+]: he is one of the strongest players in russiailikegote [ 1d?]: russian go player, Ilya Shikshin 7d amaicewater [ 3k+]: european go champion and russian go championGreenrat [ 7k ]: ilya Shikshinicewater [ 3k+]: quite a few timesicewater [ 3k+]: i think his sister is a pro];B[bo]C[icewater [ 3k+]: could be wrong about that thoughazalea [ 3d ]: "pro" - she technically never passed the insei examazalea [ 3d ]: 3p in theoryazalea [ 3d ]: special decision by the Korean Baduk associationicewater [ 3k+]: right good pointdrojdie [ 1k ]: a little bonus for european talents :)icewater [ 3k+]: the insei exam is too hard for foreignersazalea [ 3d ]: she and dinerstein both loose to amatures fairly regularlyicewater [ 3k+]: what about catalinazalea [ 3d ]: I don't knowicewater [ 3k+]: i assume he got a special decision too by the japanese go associationazalea [ 3d ]: Quite possibly];W[bp]C[drojdie [ 1k ]: no, catalin passed an examazalea [ 3d ]: The only westerner I know for sure did not become pro by special decision];B[cp]C[azalea [ 3d ]: is Michael Redmond];W[cq];B[co];W[bq];B[do];W[ep];B[cl]C[ilikegote [ 1d?]: ye but dinnerstein has about 40 % win rate in pro tournamentsazalea [ 3d ]: well, the exam is to beat a bunch of other insei in a big tournamentGreenrat [ 7k ]: I think Catalin pased pro exam but japanese pro are weaker than korean or chineseazalea [ 3d ]: and / or beat a bunch of insei in the leagues];W[ck]C[ilikegote [ 1d?]: what's not so bad at all];B[dl];W[fj]C[azalea [ 3d ]: Janice Kim I know didn't pass the pro examGabi [ 6d+]: Catalin lay strong pro players in JapanGabi [ 6d+]: playdrojdie [ 1k ]: this is a friendly game?ilikegote [ 1d?]: dinerstein have positive score against catalinNadii88 [17k+]: noazalea [ 3d ]: http://pandanet-igs.com/communities/euroteamchamps/rounds/7azalea [ 3d ]: very hostile, unfriendly game :Pandg99 [17k+]: what is happening, so many strong games?andg99 [17k+]: some event/Nadii88 [17k+]: european team championshipsP1X3L [ 9k ]: niceNadii88 [17k+]: its on every tuesdayandg99 [17k+]: oo, i seeazalea [ 3d ]: Cornel looks like he's going to loose :-(];B[cc];W[dc];B[db];W[cd];B[bb];W[bc];B[cb];W[fm]C[kidu24 [ 5d?]: where can I see Cornel's game?P1X3L [ 9k ]: right hereNadii88 [17k+]: game 41P1X3L [ 9k ]: Cpop is playing tookidu24 [ 5d?]: I can't see Cornel's game,can't see board 41shimamura [ 6d?]: load 41shimamura [ 6d?]: line command];B[em];W[fn];B[fl];W[gl];B[bk];W[bj];B[bl];W[en]C[Greenrat [ 7k ]: or find Cornel in player list and observe his game];B[dn]C[Palko [ 5d?]: Did Pop finish with breakfast?Greenrat [ 7k ]: almostPalko [ 5d?]: i don't see that game, in the games];W[je];B[ie]C[Greenrat [ 7k ]: won Pop +17,5Greenrat [ 7k ]: Romania-Russia 2-0];W[lm]C[P1X3L [ 9k ]: C Pop won?];B[mp]C[Palko [ 5d?]: I think the Shikshin's will make a tie];W[lp];B[lo];W[mj];B[kp];W[lq];B[mo]C[Greenrat [ 7k ]: click" windows" button and select rooms and there select "EuropeanTeamChamp" room];W[ko];B[jp];W[kq];B[kn];W[jo];B[jn];W[ip];B[ln];W[om];B[qm];W[mk]C[MrChance [ 3d?]: ...saxifrage [ BC ]: Cornel is in the room, from terminal it's ob 41icewater [ 3k+]: black feels quite behind];B[nq];W[nr];B[or];W[np];B[oq];W[if]C[drojdie [ 1k ]: wht a cut !drojdie [ 1k ]: whats600 [ 1k+]: black gets from bad to worse];B[hf]C[drojdie [ 1k ]: b is in deep shit];W[ig];B[jh];W[ih];B[ii]C[booobby [ 4k ]: u r in deep shits600 [ 1k+]: can still win on time :-)];W[gg]C[Palko [ 5d?]: I think B is winning, 0-5pts];B[jl];W[ge];B[gd];W[on];B[no];W[jb];B[ib];W[hi];B[hj];W[ij];B[ji];W[gi];B[ik];W[fe];B[ja];W[kb];B[he];W[jd]C[drojdie [ 1k ]: b will have to play inside 4 stones to capture the w right up stonesPalko [ 5d?]: no,Palko [ 5d?]: 2 or 3 or 4 ?Palko [ 5d?]: :)Palko [ 5d?]: or 0, if he plays t10drojdie [ 1k ]: we'll see in yose];B[ic];W[ec];B[eb];W[fd];B[gc];W[bd];B[sj];W[in];B[aj]C[s600 [ 1k+]: not anymore];W[ai]C[shimamura [ 6d?]: so Romania-Rusia 4-0];B[ak];W[bi];B[gf];W[ff];B[hg];W[hh];B[mr];W[lr];B[fg];W[gh];B[gj]C[Palko [ 5d?]: i cheer for romania];W[hk];B[jj];W[gk];B[ij];W[fi];B[im];W[hm]C[icewater [ 3k+]: that was a close one on time!];B[mm];W[ml];B[ns];W[ao];B[an];W[ap];B[bn];W[nm];B[dk];W[cj];B[nn];W[mn];B[hn];W[io];B[mm];W[si];B[sk];W[mn];B[ld];W[kd];B[mm];W[ka];B[ia];W[mn];B[lf];W[lg];B[mm];W[fk];B[el]C[drojdie [ 1k ]: i counted w ~80 pts b ~ 75 pts];W[mn];B[oe];W[of];B[mm]C[asterix [ 1d+]: a 5p should give 9 stones to a 6d];W[oo];B[op];W[mn]C[s600 [ 1k+]: what's so cool about this ko?];B[kk]C[asterix [ 1d+]: maybe more, this 6 d is not even confirmed];W[mm];B[ac];W[ad];B[ab];W[pn];B[qn]C[s600 [ 1k+]: this 6d is no5 european playersaxifrage [ BC ]: this 6d is the russian national championpilgrim [ 2d+]: this 6d is 9d tygem and 8d oro :)Nadii88 [17k+]: also he is 7dNadii88 [17k+]: just couldnt set his rank higher here i guessasterix [ 1d+]: oh, well];W[qi];B[ek]C[Francisco [ 6d ]: They can't. That's why most european players like Artem and Ilya are 6d here.];W[ej];B[mb]C[Nadii88 [17k+]: besides this is a championship game so no handicap allowedGreenrat [ 7k ]: anyway, this is a competiton game so have to be even];W[mi];B[lc];W[lj];B[km];W[hl];B[il];W[ls];B[ms];W[eo];B[ma];W[pg];B[kl];W[lk];B[tt];W[tt];B[tt]TB[aa][al][am][ba][bm][ca][cm][cn][da][dm][ea][fa][fb][ga][gb][ha][hb][hc][hd][jk][jm][mc][na][nd][np][nr][oa][ob][oc][od][os][pa][pc][pp][pr][ps][qa][qd][ql][qo][qp][qq][qr][qs][ra][rb][rc][rd][re][rm][rn][ro][rp][rq][rr][rs][sa][sb][sc][sd][se][sf][sg][sh][si][sl][sm][sn][so][sp][sq][sr][ss]TW[ae][af][ag][ah][aq][ar][as][be][bf][bg][bh][br][bs][ce][cf][cg][ch][ci][cr][cs][de][dg][dh][di][dq][dr][ds][ed][ee][ef][eg][eh][ei][eq][er][es][fg][fh][fo][fq][fr][fs][gm][gn][go][gp][gq][gr][gs][hn][ho][hp][hq][hr][hs][iq][ir][is][jp][jr][js][kp][kr][ks][ng][nh][nj][nk][nl][oh][oi][ok][pi]C[W 91.5 B 88.0])
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